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胶凝材料的过去现在和将来   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新石器的前陶器时代人们就开始使用天然材料粘土和姜石,并在9000年前开始使用最早的人造胶凝材料——石灰。公元前2500—5000年,人们就开始使用石膏——石灰类胶凝材料。公元初期,石灰——火山灰水硬性材料开始应用。现代波特兰水泥是在18世纪末19世纪初随着水硬性石灰的发展而发展起来的。现代波特兰水泥的最大特点是水化反应速度快,但也反映出较差的耐久性和环境协调性。未来的混凝土应该具有更好的耐久性,更适合于采用低价位的原料,更适合于回收利用,适合清洁生产的要求。发明于1957年的碱硅酸盐水泥及上世纪70年代末的土聚水泥的耐久性和环境协调性能满足上述要求。  相似文献   

新石器的前陶器时代人们就开始使用天然材料粘土和姜石,并在9000年前开始使用最早的人造胶凝材料——石灰。公元前2500~3000年,人们就开始使用石膏——石灰类胶凝材料。公元初期,石灰——火山灰水硬性材料开始应用。现代波特兰水泥是在18世纪末19世纪初随着水硬性石灰的发展而发展起来的。现代波特兰水泥的最大特点是水化反应速度快,但也反映出较差的耐久性和环境协调性。未来的混凝土应该具有更好的耐久性,更适合于采用低价位的原料,更适合于回收利用,适合清洁生产的要求。发明于1957年的碱硅酸盐水泥及上世纪70年代末的土聚水泥的耐久性和环境协调性能满足上述要求。  相似文献   

高性能矿渣胶凝材料的水化产物研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用能谱仪对高性能矿渣胶凝材料样品进行了微区化学成分定量分析,结果表明:高性能矿渣胶凝材料的水化产物主要为CaO/SiO2质量比接近于1的铝硅酸钙凝胶,另外还含有少量的Na2O,MgO成分。  相似文献   

为充分认识胶凝砂砾石(CSG)材料的动力学特性,更好地揭示其动态本构关系,基于经典Preisach-Mayergoyz(PM)细观滞回模型,结合CSG材料的非线性滞后特性,计入塑性残余应变和循环次数的影响,建立了 CSG材料的细观滞回模型.将改进后的模型与试验滞回曲线进行对比分析后可知,该模型不仅可以反映CSG材料在循...  相似文献   

本文研究激发剂种类及浓度对粉煤灰基铝硅酸盐胶凝材料强度性能的影响。结果表明,在纯粉煤灰中加NaOH和KOH溶液,试样强度较低,28d强度在3MPa左右。Na2SiO3溶液浓度增加试样强度增大,浓度为5M时效果最好,其中试样14d和28d强度分别为3.3MPa和9.4MPa。K2SiO3浓度增加,试样强度呈现先增后减,在K2SiO3浓度为2M时,强度达最大值,14d和28d强度分别达10.3MPa和28.8MPa。各浓度的K2SiO3溶液的效果远好于Na2SiO3溶液。两种溶液复合时,如10M NaOH∶2M K2SiO3=0.5∶1和10M KOH∶2M K2SiO3=0.5∶1两种配比起到良好的激发效果,其中后者的14d、28d强度分别达9.6MPa、18.1MPa。  相似文献   

为探求胶凝砂砾石(CSG)材料在动荷载下的力学特性,通过大型动三轴仪进行了等幅循环加载试验,分析了CSG材料的非线性滞后特性和阻尼比的演化规律.结果表明:加卸载过程中阻尼效应的差异引起了应力-应变曲线的不同步,在加载阶段,应变相位可能超前于或滞后于应力相位,两者相位差与循环次数有关;卸载阶段的应变相位始终滞后于应力相位;整个循环过程始终存在残余变形,从而使滞回环表现为下部不闭合的新月形;随着循环次数的增加,应变相位滞后于应力相位的程度和残余变形均呈大—小—大的趋势.基于新月形滞回环不闭合的特点,根据能量原理讨论了阻尼比的计算方法和演化规律,发现阻尼比的大小取决于残余变形和滞回环面积的大小,演化曲线呈U形.  相似文献   

韦贤 《砖瓦世界》1996,(15):15-15
在易受高温作用的构筑物中,总是不适宜采用成型的耐火材料。在许多情况下最好使用不需要预先煅烧的耐火混凝土。 用硅酸盐水泥制作的耐火混凝土之所以获得广泛推广,是由于它比其他耐火混凝土的成本低,且可采用普通混凝土制作工艺。 和初始强度比较,这种混凝土的一种不良  相似文献   

在近20年来中国社会的转型过程中中国建筑界的现代性的思考超出了建筑学和中国当代文化建设年身而成为全球性的问题之一。理代性是物质乌托邦的核心,而中国是物质乌托邦的全球化试验场。在这个“同代性”的时代中失去物质形式和精神诉求之间的统一和平衡作为乌托邦的主人的“人”将被都市异化。  相似文献   

中国传统建筑作为世界建筑中独立存在的体系,其术语的含义有着极其重要的研究价值.笔者通过对书籍及相关文献的阅读,梳理"材料"一词于中文语境中的含义变迁,并试图反映不同含义背后的材料观念.文章以古代中国的"材料"含义为重点,并将其折射出的中国传统材料观与同时期西方材料观进行对比,归纳总结出中国传统材料观:"材""料"是建设活动中尺度与计量单位;装饰材料具有极其重要的地位;不关注材料本身的特性.  相似文献   

象征性是纪念性建筑的一个主要特征。讨论了纪念性建筑象征性的理论基础、象征性的表现手法及其对建筑创作的作用。  相似文献   

通过分析数词"两"和"a couple of"的模糊性、语用范围以及组合性特征,来揭示数词的模糊和虚指的区别性特征。  相似文献   

蒿草丛中见坟丘,碎心痛腹热泪流. 燃尽纸灰刮四野,一度清明一度愁. 这首小诗是我在28年前清明时节,为凭吊在唐山地震中亡故的亲人所作.往事如烟,哀肠似水,清明连着清明.30年后的今天,每当我回想起我和我的家人在地震中遭遇的一切,仍感到心颤,件件往事好象就发生于昨天,历历在目……  相似文献   

Blairgowrie: The Meaning of Place   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Defining the meaning of a specific place is difficult. Blairgowrie is a peaceful and naturally protected beach haven on the Nepean Peninsula on the tip of the Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia. When a major development is perceived as threatening the quality of place, it is perhaps already too late to begin to name its characteristics or particular attributes. The evocative and poetic qualities of Blairgowrie do not reveal themselves immediately. Only over a period of time, and by visiting at various times of the day in all seasons, can one begin to fathom its moods, its soul, its many colours; and to touch its memories. Here sea and sky can meet, or divide, totally unobstructed, depending on climatic conditions, seasonal weather patterns and diurnal changes. It is still possible to get a sense of scale and wide-angle limitless vision. When a Safe Boat Harbour was proposed for Blairgowrie, residents came out in force to voice their objections or their support. A tribunal hearing was put in place. In light of the dismissal of qualitative data, of reflective experiential material, of community opinion, of values of the 'other' in planning tribunal hearings, this paper attempts to build a case for putting into words 'the meaning of place'. The Safe Boat Harbour proposal was the catalyst for this exploration of 'meaning of place', and is not itself primarily the subject of this paper. This very personal paper begins to examine the meaning of this place. Through images, perceptions, and representations; through time; history, topography; flora and fauna: it attempts to find a way of coming to terms with this extraordinary land/seascape. In the long term this project aims to produce relevant, authoritative, and defensible research that provides the context and rationale for the selection and assessment of places of outstanding heritage significance. Further, it will provide a case study in support of new planning regulations for 'place' zones (Mant, 2001) rather than the generic land use zones, which are current in Victoria.  相似文献   

Defining the meaning of a specific place is difficult. Blairgowrie is a peaceful and naturally protected beach haven on the Nepean Peninsula on the tip of the Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia. When a major development is perceived as threatening the quality of place, it is perhaps already too late to begin to name its characteristics or particular attributes. The evocative and poetic qualities of Blairgowrie do not reveal themselves immediately. Only over a period of time, and by visiting at various times of the day in all seasons, can one begin to fathom its moods, its soul, its many colours; and to touch its memories. Here sea and sky can meet, or divide, totally unobstructed, depending on climatic conditions, seasonal weather patterns and diurnal changes. It is still possible to get a sense of scale and wide-angle limitless vision. When a Safe Boat Harbour was proposed for Blairgowrie, residents came out in force to voice their objections or their support. A tribunal hearing was put in place. In light of the dismissal of qualitative data, of reflective experiential material, of community opinion, of values of the 'other' in planning tribunal hearings, this paper attempts to build a case for putting into words 'the meaning of place'. The Safe Boat Harbour proposal was the catalyst for this exploration of 'meaning of place', and is not itself primarily the subject of this paper. This very personal paper begins to examine the meaning of this place. Through images, perceptions, and representations; through time; history, topography; flora and fauna: it attempts to find a way of coming to terms with this extraordinary land/seascape. In the long term this project aims to produce relevant, authoritative, and defensible research that provides the context and rationale for the selection and assessment of places of outstanding heritage significance. Further, it will provide a case study in support of new planning regulations for 'place' zones (Mant, 2001) rather than the generic land use zones, which are current in Victoria.  相似文献   

世界万物被人们认识、识别,都可以反映出一定的意义。有的哲学家说,存在定有意义。我想补充一句,人和自然,人和社会,社会之间,时空进程上、下、左、右之间的“关系”也是有意义的。人们需要分析、解释和释义。  相似文献   

新生态铁锰氧化物的混凝及强化混凝效能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用FeSO4与KMnO4反应制备成新生态铁锰氧化物,并对松花江水进行处理。试验结果表明:新生态铁锰氧化物较新生态二氧化锰的除污效果好,但新生态铁锰氧化物的除污能力会随着放置时间的延长而逐渐下降;在不同温度和浊度的松花江水的混凝试验中,浊度低时新生态铁锰氧化物对水中有机物的去除效果较好,温度对其混凝效果影响较小;利用新生态铁锰氧化物强化硫酸铝的混凝过程,能够明显提高对低温、低浊水中有机物的去除效果,对UV254的去除率较单独投加硫酸铝时几乎提高了1倍,对TOC的强化去除作用在混凝剂投量低时更为明显。  相似文献   

与乡土社会不同,在城市中公共空间不仅为公共活动提供场所,也为人与人、人与社会的联结提供媒介,这是城市空间结构最本质的特征之一,也是现代城市中公共空间形态丰富的重要原因。由于以互联网为代表的信息和媒体技术的发展,当代城市的社会关系结构正在向与传统的熟人社会极其相似的状态回归。这导致了个体对公其交流媒介依赖度的降低、公共空间媒介功能的丧失乃至其公其性的整体衰退。  相似文献   

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