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Fractional delay (FD) filters are an important class of digital filters and are useful in various signal processing applications. This paper discusses a design problem of FD infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters with the maxflat frequency response in frequency domain. First, a flatness condition of FD filters at an arbitrarily specified frequency point is described, and then a system of linear equations is derived from the flatness condition. Therefore, a set of filter coefficients can be easily obtained by solving this system of linear equations. For a special case in which the frequency response is required to be maxflat at omega = 0 or pi , a closed-form expression for its filter coefficients is derived by solving a linear system of Vandermonde equations. It is also shown that the existing maxflat FD finite-impulse-response (FIR) and IIR filters are special cases of the FD IIR filters proposed in this paper. Finally, some examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed filters.  相似文献   

Digital integrator design using Simpson rule and fractional delay filter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The IIR digital integrator is designed by using the Simpson integration rule and fractional delay filter. To improve the design accuracy of a conventional Simpson IIR integrator at high frequency, the sampling interval is reduced from T to 0.5T. As a result, a fractional delay filter needed to be designed in the proposed Simpson integrator. However, this problem can be solved easily by applying well-documented design techniques of the FIR and all-pass fractional delay filters. Several design examples are illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

研究了一种数字全通滤波器的设计方法.对于一个平稳的全通滤波器,其分母多项式一定具有最小相位.该方法是基于最小相位滤波器的复倒谱系数和其群迟延函数以及其系统函数之间的关系,通过一个非线性的递归方程求解分母多项式的系数.由全通滤波器的特性已知,分母系数可以完全决定全通滤波器的传递函数.仿真结果表明这种方法能够使所设计滤波器的群延迟特性在整个频率范围内以近似理想的群延迟特性存在.并结合实现提出了一种用FIR逼近IIR的方法.  相似文献   

The use of fractional delay to control the magnitudes and phases of integrators and differentiators has been addressed. Integrators and differentiators are the basic building blocks of many systems. Often applications in controls, wave-shaping, oscillators and communications require a constant 90deg phase for differentiators and -90deg phase for integrators. When the design neglects the phase, a phase equaliser is often needed to compensate for the phase error or a phase lock loop should be added. Applications to the first-order, Al-Alaoui integrator and differentiator are presented. A fractional delay is added to the integrator leading to an almost constant phase response of -90deg. Doubling the sampling rate improves the magnitude response. Combining the two actions improves both the magnitude and phase responses. The same approach is applied to the differentiator, with a fractional sample advance leading to an almost constant phase response of 90deg. The advance is, in fact, realised as the ratio of two delays. Filters approximating the fractional delay, the finite impulse response (FIR) Lagrange interpolator filters and the Thiran allpass infinite impulse response (IIR) filters are employed. Additionally, a new hybrid filter, a combination of the FIR Lagrange interpolator filter and the Thiran allpass IIR filter, is proposed. Methods to reduce the approximation error are discussed.  相似文献   

Fractional delay filter design is used to approximate the delay filter exp(-jωD) with a delay D for the full band |ω|<π using FIR filters or IIR allpass filters. The author shows that the fractional delay filter design is necessary only when sampling is critical, i.e. Nyquist sampling. It is shown that, when the sampling rate is higher than the Nyquist rate, the ideal delay filter exp(-jωD) for the baseband |ω|<π/r only needs to be approximated, where r is the ratio of sampling rate over the Nyquist rate. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the theory  相似文献   

We propose a new allpass-based structure for the IIR Mth-and 2Mth-band filters. These filters consist of M allpass filters and an interpolation filter (sum of two allpasses). Consequently, the proposed structure is very efficient in implementation. By choosing the allpass phase appropriately, the resulting phase response of the IIR Mth-band filter becomes approximately linear. An example is designed and compared with FIR Mth-band filters  相似文献   

The paper deals with the minimax design of two-channel infinite impulse response (IIR) QMF banks with arbitrary group delay, for which the IIR analysis filters and the resulting filter bank possess the frequency response optimal in the minimax (L) sense. Utilising a lattice structure for the denominators of the IIR analysis filters, a design technique is presented based on an approximation scheme and a weighted least-squares (WLS) algorithm, previously developed by one of the authors for solving the resulting design problem that is basically a nonlinear optimisation problem. During the design process, this technique finds the tap coefficients for the numerator and the reflection coefficients for the denominator of the prototype IIR analysis filter simultaneously. The stability of the designed prototype IIR analysis filter is ensured by incorporating an efficient stabilisation procedure to make all of the reflection coefficient values fall between -1 and +1. Computer simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed design technique  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel complex discrete-time filter. This is a fractionally delaying (FD) Hilbert transform filter (HTF) further called the FD HTF. The filter is based on a pair of rotated variable fractional delay (VFD) filters. It is capable of performing the Hilbertian as well as VFD filtering of the incoming discrete-time signal at the same time. Thus, one can substitute a cascade of the HTF and the VFD filters with an aggregated filter proposed here. The technique is simple to implement. The advantages lie in lower total delay introduced by the compound filter and in a modular structure. The rotated VFD filters in the pair differ only in the value of one parameter - the VFD. The proposed FD HTF can be applied to adaptive quadrature sub-sample estimation of delay.  相似文献   

This paper presents a noniterative weighted-least-squares (WLS) method for designing allpass variable fractional-delay (VFD) digital filters. After expressing each coefficient of an allpass VFD filter as a polynomial of the VFD parameter p, we develop a noniterative technique for finding the optimal polynomial coefficients, and show that the allpass VFD filter design problem can be efficiently solved without using any iterative procedure while a closed-form solution can be easily obtained through solving a matrix equation. Compared with the existing iterative WLS method that solves a series of approximately linearized WLS minimization problems, the proposed noniterative one can yield much better design results with significantly reduced computational complexity. Moreover, the new WLS method does not involve any convergence issue.  相似文献   

In this brief, a two-stage approach for the design of 1-D stable variable fractional delay infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital filters is proposed. In the first stage, a set of fixed delay stable IIR filters are designed by minimizing a quadratic objective function, which is defined by integrating error criterion with IIR filter stability constraint condition. Then, the final design is determined by fitting each of the fixed delay filter coefficients as a 1-D polynomial. Two design examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed design method  相似文献   

In this paper a numerically efficient method for designing a nearly optimal variable fractional delay (VFD) filter based on a simple and well-known window method is presented. In the proposed method a single window extracted from the optimal filter with fixed fractional delay (FD) is divided into even and odd part. Subsequently, the odd part is discarded and symmetric even part of the extracted window is used to design a family of nearly optimal filters with varying FD. In addition to window extraction, the proposed approach requires filter gain correction which is dependent on the desired FD. Optimum values of the gain correction factor as well as the extracted window can be computed beforehand, which allows us to design a nearly optimal FD filter with arbitrary FD at low numerical costs during runtime. On the basis of the proposed filter design method, the universal structure of VFD filter allowing for change of filter type and length has been proposed. In the paper, three FD filter optimality criteria are considered, which are maximal flatness, Chebyshev (minimax), and least squares.  相似文献   

Complex notch filter design using allpass filter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complex coefficient IIR notch filter design problems are investigated. The specification of a notch filter is first transformed into that of an allpass filter. An effective approach to the design of this desired allpass filter is developed. The realisation of the proposed notch filter is equivalent to the realisation of an allpass filter. Owing to the mirror-image symmetry relation between the numerator and denominator polynomials of allpass filters, the notch filter can be realised by a computationally efficient lattice structure with very low sensitivity  相似文献   

Perfect linear-phase two-channel QMF banks require the use of finite impulse response (FIR) analysis and synthesis filters. Although they are less expensive and yield superior stopband characteristics, perfect linear phase cannot be achieved with stable infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Thus, IIR designs usually incorporate a postprocessing equalizer that is optimized to reduce the phase distortion of the entire filter bank. However, the analysis and synthesis filters of such an IIR filter bank are not linear phase. In this paper, a computationally simple method to obtain IIR analysis and synthesis filters that possess negligible phase distortion is presented. The method is based on first applying the balanced reduction procedure to obtain nearly allpass IIR polyphase components and then approximating these with perfect allpass IIR polyphase components. The resulting IIR designs already have only negligible phase distortion. However, if required, further improvement may be achieved through optimization of the filter parameters. For this purpose, a suitable objective function is presented. Bounds for the magnitude and phase errors of the designs are also derived. Design examples indicate that the derived IIR filter banks are more efficient in terms of computational complexity than the FIR prototypes and perfect reconstruction FIR filter banks. Although the PR FIR filter banks when implemented with the one-multiplier lattice structure and IIR filter banks are comparable in terms of computational complexity, the former is very sensitive to coefficient quantization effects  相似文献   

A new method for designing two-channel PR FIR filterbanks with low system delay is proposed. It is based on the generalization of the structure previously proposed by Phoong et al. (1995) Such structurally PR filterbanks are parameterized by two functions (/spl beta/(z) and /spl alpha/(z)) that can be chosen as linear-phase FIR or allpass functions to construct FIR/IIR filterbanks with good frequency characteristics. The case of using identical /spl beta/(z) and /spl alpha/(z) was considered by Phoong et al. with the delay parameter M chosen as 2N-1. In this paper, the more general ease of using different nonlinear-phase FIR functions for /spl beta/(z) and /spl alpha/(z) is studied. As the linear-phase constraint is relaxed, the lengths of /spl beta/(z) and /spl alpha/(z) are no longer restricted by the delay parameters of the filterbanks. Hence, higher stopband attenuation can still be achieved at low system delay. The design of the proposed low-delay filterbanks is formulated as a complex polynomial approximation problem, which can be solved by the Remez exchange algorithm or analytic formula with very low complexity. In addition, the orders and delay parameters can be estimated from the given filter specifications using a simple empirical formula. Therefore, low-delay two-channel PR filterbanks with flexible stopband attenuation and cutoff frequencies can be designed using existing filter design algorithms. The generalization of the present approach to the design of a class of wavelet bases associated with these low-delay filterbanks and its multiplier-less implementation using the sum of powers-of-two coefficients are also studied.  相似文献   

This brief introduces a structure for complex variable fractional delay (FD) finite-length impulse response (FIR) filters. The structure is derived from a real variable FD FIR filter and is constituted by a set of fixed real linear-phase FIR filters and two multiply-accumulate chains containing variable multipliers. In this way the implementation complexity and delay may be reduced in comparison with the cascade approach which hitherto has been used for the same purpose. A design example is included to demonstrate the benefits of the new structure.  相似文献   

An algorithm for designing an infinite-impulse-response (IIR) stable filter using a finite-impulse-response (FIR) given filter, with the objective of reducing the delay and order, is described. The design is in the time domain using the least-squares-inverse algorithm, which is briefly described. In this method, the numerator of the approximated filter is part of the FIR filter itself and no calculations and minimization are needed to find the numerator coefficients (except finding the FIR roots). An error analysis between the given FIR and approximated IIR filters is provided. This error analysis enables the designer to fix a design parameter, often unnoted, keeping the energies of the approximated and original filters equal. Results and two illustrative examples are presented  相似文献   

In this paper, new design and factorization methods of two-channel perfect reconstruction (PR) filter banks (FBs) with casual-stable IIR filters are introduced. The polyphase components of the analysis filters are assumed to have an identical denominator in order to simplify the PR condition. A modified model reduction is employed to derive a nearly PR causal-stable IIR FB as the initial guess to obtain a PR IIR FB from a PR FIR FB. To obtain high quality PR FIR FBs for carrying out model reduction, cosine-rolloff FIR filters are used as the initial guess to a nonlinear optimization software for solving to the PR solution. A factorization based on the lifting scheme is proposed to convert the IIR FB so obtained to a structurally PR system. The arithmetic complexity of this FB, after factorization, can be reduced asymptotically by a factor of two. Multiplier-less IIR FB can be obtained by replacing the lifting coefficients with the canonical signal digitals (CSD) or sum of powers of two (SOPOT) coefficients.  相似文献   

In this paper, the numerical integration rules and fractional sample delays will be used to obtain the closed-form design of infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital integrators. There are two types of numerical integration rules to be investigated. One is Newton-Cotes quadrature rule, the other is Gauss-Legendre integration rule. Although the proposed IIR digital integrators will involve the implementation of fractional sample delays, this problem is easily solved by applying well-documented design techniques of the finite-impulse response Lagrange and IIR allpass fractional delay filters. Several design examples are illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method  相似文献   

It is shown that vertex implication results in parameter space apply to interval trigonometric polynomials. Subsequently, it is shown that the frequency responses of both interval FIR and IIR filters are bounded by the frequency responses of certain extreme filters. The results apply directly in the evaluation of properties of designed filters, especially because it is more realistic to bound the filter coefficients from above and below instead of determining those with infinite precision because of finite arithmetic effects. Illustrative examples are provided to show how the extreme filters might be easily derived in any specific interval FIR or IIR filter design problem  相似文献   

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