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This paper proposes a novel scheme for 3D model compression based on mesh segmentation using multiple principal plane analysis. This algorithm first performs a mesh segmentation scheme, based on fusion of the well-known k-means clustering and the proposed principal plane analysis to separate the input 3D mesh into a set of disjointed polygonal regions. The boundary indexing scheme for the whole object is created by assembling local regions. Finally, the current work proposes a triangle traversal scheme to encode the connectivity and geometry information simultaneously for every patch under the guidance of the boundary indexing scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good performance in terms of compression rate and reconstruction quality.  相似文献   

Copyright protection of digital media has become an important issue in the creation and distribution of digital content. As a solution to this problem, digital watermarking techniques have been developed for embedding specific information identifying the owner in the host data imperceptibly. Most watermarking methods developed to date mainly focused on digital media such as images, video, audio, and text. Relatively few watermarking methods have been presented for 3D graphical models. In this paper we propose a robust 3D graphical model watermarking scheme for triangle meshes. Our approach embeds watermark information by perturbing the distance between the vertices of the model to the center of the model. More importantly, to make our watermarking scheme robust against various forms of attack while preserving the visual quality of the models our approach distributes information corresponds to a bit of the watermark over the entire model, and the strength of the embedded watermark signal is adaptive with respect to the local geometry of the model. We also introduce a weighting scheme in the watermark extraction process that makes watermark detection more robust against attacks. Experiments show that this watermarking scheme is able to withstand common attacks on 3D models such as mesh simplification, addition of noise, model cropping as well as a combination of these attacks.  相似文献   

Surface feature based mesh segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesh segmentation has a variety of applications in product design, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping fields. This paper presents a novel algorithm of mesh segmentation from original scanning data points, which essentially consists of three steps. Normal based initial decomposing is first performed to recognize plane features. Then we implement further segmentation based on curvature criteria and Gauss mapping, followed by the detection of quadric surface features. The segmentation refinement is finally achieved using B-spline surface fitting technology. The experimental results on many 3D models have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed segmentation method.  相似文献   

Consistent segmentation of 3D models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a method to segment a set of models consistently. The method simultaneously segments models and creates correspondences between segments. First, a graph is constructed whose nodes represent the faces of every mesh, and whose edges connect adjacent faces within a mesh and corresponding faces in different meshes. Second, a consistent segmentation is created by clustering this graph, allowing for outlier segments that are not present in every mesh. The method is demonstrated for several classes of objects and used for two applications: symmetric segmentation and segmentation transfer.  相似文献   

CAD mesh models have been widely employed in current CAD/CAM systems, where it is quite useful to recognize the features of the CAD mesh models. The first step of feature recognition is to segment the CAD mesh model into meaningful parts. Although there are lots of mesh segmentation methods in literature, the majority of them are not suitable to CAD mesh models. In this paper, we design a mesh segmentation method based on clustering, dedicated to the CAD mesh model. Specifically, by the agglomerative clustering method, the given CAD mesh model is first clustered into the sparse and dense triangle regions. Furthermore, the sparse triangle region is separated into planar regions, cylindrical regions, and conical regions by the Gauss map of the triangular faces and Hough transformation; the dense triangle region is also segmented by the mean shift operation performed on the mean curvature field defined on the mesh faces. Lots of empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the CAD mesh segmentation method in this paper.  相似文献   

目的 信息技术的发展使得面向3维模型版权保护的问题越来越突出,提出一种新的基于网格分割的3维网格模型非盲水印算法。方法 首先使用基于形状直径函数的网格分割算法对3维网格模型进行有意义的网格分割,然后计算每个分块的鲁棒重心并以此为中心将模型由直角坐标系转换到球面坐标系,最后通过调制每个顶点范数的分布来嵌入水印,在水印检测阶段使用非盲检测的方法提取水印。结果 针对目前基于网格分块的水印算法的网格分割不一致以及对分割边界依赖性过强等问题,引入基于形状直径函数的网格分割算法并在重对齐、重采样过程中加入待检测模型与原始模型分块匹配过程以保证网格分割的一致性,并且选取分块的顶点范数的分布作为水印嵌入基元,使得算法能够有效地减弱对分割边界的依赖性。结论 实验结果表明,该算法可以有效抵抗平移、旋转、缩放、噪声、细分、简化、剪切等常见的攻击以及多种攻击的联合攻击。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper presents a new approach to 3D mesh watermarking using consistent segmentation and mesh steganalysis. The method is blind, statistical, and highly...  相似文献   

为了在工程应用中检索已有的三角网格模型,以便重用相应零件的设计信息,节省设计和加工成本,提出一种基于区域分割技术的三角网格模型相似性比较算法。依据三角网格模型的球面图像将模型分割为若干个区域;对每个分割得到的区域用一个10维向量表达其形状的几何特征和拓扑特征,一个三角网格模型的特征即可通过各分割区域所对应的10维向量组成的向量组表达;将该向量组作为三角网格模型的形状描述子,两个三角网格模型的相似性可通过相对应的形状描述子间的相似性表达。将描述子中的每个向量看成是一个带有属性的节点,通过两组节点组成的完全二分图的最优匹配进行两个形状描述子之间的相似性比较,实现两个三角网格模型之间的相似性比较。实验结果表明,该算法有效可行。  相似文献   

针对离散曲率估计对噪声敏感且特征值计算量大的特点提出了基于区域离散曲率的三维网格分水岭分割算法。寻找三维模型显著特征点;对三维模型进行预分割,确定分割带;在分割带区域上计算离散曲度极值点,利用测地距离和曲度极值点对三维模型进行分水岭分割。算法在分割前无需进行网格去噪,实验结果证明,对主体分支明显的模型具有较高的分割边缘准确度和较快的分割速度。  相似文献   

通过研究已有的网格分割和模型简化方法 ,分析三维模型的网格分割中的商空间粒度思想 ,并将商空间粒度计算引入到网格分割中 ,对网格分割过程进行描述 ,提出了基于粒度分层合成技术的网格分割方法。该算法通过分别提取模型中各三角形网格区域的几何特征构成不同的粒度区域 ,再根据粒度合成理论。将这些所形成的粒度组织起来 ,从而实现对三维网格的最终分割 ,为三角网格模型的简化提供了快速有效的方法。实验表明了该算法对于网格分割的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

The self-organizing map (SOM) has been widely used in many industrial applications. Classical clustering methods based on the SOM often fail to deliver satisfactory results, specially when clusters have arbitrary shapes. In this paper, through some preprocessing techniques for filtering out noises and outliers, we propose a new two-level SOM-based clustering algorithm using a clustering validity index based on inter-cluster and intra-cluster density. Experimental results on synthetic and real data sets demonstrate that the proposed clustering algorithm is able to cluster data better than the classical clustering algorithms based on the SOM, and find an optimal number of clusters.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new mesh optimization approach aiming to improve the mesh quality on the boundary. The existing mesh untangling and smoothing algorithms (Vachal et al. in J Comput Phys 196: 627–644, 2004; Knupp in J Numer Methods Eng 48: 1165–1185, 2002), which have been proved to work well to interior mesh optimization, are enhanced by adding constrains of surface and curve shape functions that approximate the boundary geometry from the finite element mesh. The enhanced constrained optimization guarantees that the boundary nodes to be optimized always move on the approximated boundary. A dual-grid hexahedral meshing method is used to generate sample meshes for testing the proposed mesh optimization approach. As complementary treatments to the mesh optimization, appropriate mesh topology modifications, including buffering element insertion and local mesh refinement, are performed in order to eliminate concave and distorted elements on the boundary. Finally, the optimization results of some examples are given to demonstrate the effectivity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Watermarking 3D mesh by spherical parameterization   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper, a robust 3D trianglular mesh watermarking algorithm is presented by applying spherical parameterization. First, we transform the coordinate signals of the 3D triangular mesh into spherical signals using a global spherical parameterization and an even sampling scheme. Then, spherical harmonic transformation is used to generate some data for embedding watermarks. As a result, the watermarks can be embedded in the Fourier-frequency domain of the original mesh. Experimental results show that our watermarking algorithm is robust since watermarks can be extracted without mesh alignment or re-meshing under a variety of attacks, including noise addition, crop, filtering, enhancement, rotation, translation, scale and re-sampling.  相似文献   

基于K均值聚类与区域合并的彩色图像分割算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于K均值聚类与区域合并的彩色图像分割算法。首先,对图像运用mean shift算法进行滤波,在对图像进行平滑的同时保持图像的边缘;然后,运用K均值算法对图像在颜色空间进行聚类,得到初始分割的结果;最后,给出了一种区域合并策略,对初始分割获得的区域进行合并,得到最终的分割结果。仿真结果表明,算法的分割结果和人的主观视觉感知具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

针对二维流场可视化均是基于结构化网格流场数据的情况,提出一种基于非结构化三角网格的海洋流场可视化策略:使用流线表达流场,流线可视化的主要挑战是种子点放置问题,即流线的初始点,制定了非结构化三角网格下基于特征引导的种子点放置策略,合理放置流线初始点以利于表达流场特征;设计了基于网格密度的层次聚类算法,引入网格密度属性对流线进行聚类并基于聚类质心进行流线放置,在保留了FVCOM 模式数据的多密度性前提下提高了流线可视化效果。实验表明,该方法可以有效地保留流场特征,并且借助 FVCOM 模式的边界拟合性能在海湾、河道等地区取得良好的可视化效果;在此基础上,基于 Cesium引擎开发了基于流线聚类数据的动态流场可视化应用,其是 FVCOM 模式数据首次应用于动态粒子流场的一次尝试,并且具有较好的可视化效果。  相似文献   

提出一种融合快速全局K-means与区域合并的图像分割方法。该方法利用中值滤波方法对图像去噪;运用快速全局K-means算法对图像的颜色空间进行聚类分析;结合区域合并准则,对初始分割合并得到最终的分割结果。实验表明,与同类算法比较,该方法的分割结果在图像细节方面能够很好地满足人的主观视觉。  相似文献   

合并超像素生成大面积同质区对目标检测、跟踪和识别及遥感影像处理具有现实意义。在合并过程中,要求超像素具有良好的边缘保持性,传统的超像素分割方法追求形状规则而忽略边缘的贴合度。有鉴于此,提出一种基于RGB三维直方图结合DBSCAN的图像分割方法。首先分析图像三维RGB直方图获取边缘贴合度很高的初始超像素,进而选择适当的特征值利用DBSCAN算法对超像素合并以生成较大同质区。实验证明:新方法获取超像素的边缘保持性和运算效率都优于传统方法,采用DBSCAN合并超像素时,其分割精度有明显提升,而且同质区边缘更加准确。  相似文献   

为利用无人机在高空连续拍摄的两幅航拍图像准确实现三维地形重建,提出了通过将图像进行区域分割来达到不同地形区域分别生成数字高程模型DEM数据的方法。首先利用简单线性迭代聚类SLIC超像素算法将图像分割为多个包含单一地形的超像素区域,再利用各区域的颜色信息进行相邻同类地形区域的融合,最后在所得的各区域内通过SIFT特征点提取与匹配、计算三维坐标来生成DEM数据。通过将重建地形结果与卫星地图对比表明,利用该方法能够有效实现地形重建;通过对比本文算法与传统地形重建算法的重建结果表明,利用该方法能准确呈现各地形间的边界信息。  相似文献   

A new CAD mesh segmentation method, based on curvature tensor analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a new and efficient algorithm for the decomposition of 3D arbitrary triangle meshes and particularly optimized triangulated CAD meshes. The algorithm is based on the curvature tensor field analysis and presents two distinct complementary steps: a region based segmentation, which is an improvement of that presented by Lavoue et al. [Lavoue G, Dupont F, Baskurt A. Constant curvature region decomposition of 3D-meshes by a mixed approach vertex-triangle, J WSCG 2004;12(2):245-52] and which decomposes the object into near constant curvature patches, and a boundary rectification based on curvature tensor directions, which corrects boundaries by suppressing their artefacts or discontinuities. Experiments conducted on various models including both CAD and natural objects, show satisfactory results. Resulting segmented patches, by virtue of their properties (homogeneous curvature, clean boundaries) are particularly adapted to computer graphics tasks like parametric or subdivision surface fitting in an adaptive compression objective.  相似文献   

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