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葡萄酒的涩感一直是葡萄酒研究的热点话题,并由此演化成了涩感的研究体系.在涩感研究体系中,有关葡萄酒中的涩感物质的定性定量方法多样,但缺乏对方法适用性的探讨,使得研究者在使用方法时存在方法的误用.此外,关于涩感研究的文献多是介绍涩感的研究成果,缺乏对体系的诠释.本文在总结葡萄酒中多酚类物质的基础上,阐明了涩感物质的分析方...  相似文献   

为探究不同年份干红葡萄酒单宁的含量和结构与涩感强度之间的关系,以内蒙古产区不同年份的赤霞珠和蛇龙珠葡萄酒为材料,测定其总单宁、游离态黄烷-3-醇单体含量及缩合单宁结构组分,并对涩感强度进行评价。结果表明:新酒的总单宁含量和游离态黄烷-3-醇单体总量均高于陈酿酒,且新酒的儿茶素和表儿茶素没食子酸酯含量较高,陈酿酒的表棓儿茶素和棓酸儿茶素含量较高。在缩合单宁的结构特性中,新酒的原花青素占比较高,陈酿酒的原翠雀素占比较高,且陈酿8~9年酒样的单宁结构趋于稳定。葡萄酒中各组分与涩感强度间的主成分分析表明:总单宁、平均聚合度、单体表棓儿茶素没食子酸酯、延伸单元表儿茶素、表儿茶素没食子酸酯及没食子酰化程度对涩感影响较大,总酸、pH值、酒度、总酚、花色苷及游离态单体对涩感影响则较小。  相似文献   

葡萄酒涩感定量评价方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葡萄酒涩感主要是由单宁酸与口腔唾液蛋白作用产生的,本研究采用人体口腔模拟溶液,探究蛋白与单宁酸相互作用的适宜条件,以建立涩度定量评价体系。结果显示,在口腔模拟溶液中,蛋白与单宁酸结合的最适温度为37 ℃,作用时间为2 h,单宁酸最大吸收峰为330 nm。在此条件下,测定反应液中剩余单宁酸含量,分析质量浓度梯度蛋白(0~3 g/L)与一定量单宁酸(0~0.6 g/L)结合曲线,发现曲线的斜率与单宁酸质量浓度的相关性达到0.972,可用斜率绝对值表示葡萄酒涩度大小。应用该方法分析了不同葡萄品种或工艺酿造的葡萄酒的涩度,并与感官品评结果相比较,有一定的相关性(R=0.918),表明该定量方法可行。  相似文献   

卵清蛋白沉淀法分析干红葡萄酒的涩感质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了正确评价干红葡萄酒涩感质量,实验以贺兰山东麓产区9款单宁含量有差异的干红葡萄酒为研究对象,分析供试酒样的多酚、单宁含量,培训品评员,进行供试酒样的涩感特征的感官量化分析,同时模拟口腔唾液蛋白与葡萄酒单宁的结合反应,添加不同卵清蛋白溶液(0~8.0 g/L)絮凝单宁,分析A_(280)下降趋势。结果表明,干红葡萄酒的干涩与糙涩之间极显著正相关,并且它们与多酚、单宁含量极显著正相关,也与添加卵清蛋白引起A_(280)下降的速率a值极显著正相关;干红葡萄酒的绒涩感与苦味之间显著负相关,它们与干涩、糙涩、多酚、单宁以及a值之间无显著相关性,绒涩感可能与合适的橡木桶陈酿之间有联系。干涩和糙涩主要来源于多酚和单宁,基于蛋白沉淀法预测葡萄酒的涩感质量具有局限性,绒涩感可能产生于合理陈酿中的单宁柔化过程。  相似文献   

单宁是葡萄与葡萄酒中重要的酚类物质,对葡萄与葡萄酒的品质有着重要的影响。该文介绍了单宁的概念与分类,单宁在葡萄果实中的存在形式及其在果实成熟过程中的变化,单宁在葡萄酒中的存在形式及其在葡萄酒酿造过程中的变化,以及单宁的提取、分析、检测方法等方面的研究进展,并提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

涩感是影响红葡萄酒感官质量及内在品质的关键因素。文章参考国内外研究结果,对比分析了红葡萄酒中的涩感物质、涩感产生机理、涩感强度及质量的影响因素、涩感的评价方法,为改善红葡萄酒质量提供参考。红葡萄酒中的涩感物质包括缩合单宁、水解单宁以及有机酸,涩感是由涩感物质和口腔作用引起的一种干燥的、粗糙的、褶皱的,收敛性的触觉,涩感的强度及质量主要取决于单宁的浓度、聚合度、结构特点,此外还受葡萄品种、产区、酿酒方式影响,涩感的评价方法主要有感官评价、化学分析这2大类,这2种方法往往结合使用以获取最佳分析结果。此外,合理选择葡萄原料及酿造方式也是提升红葡萄酒质量的有效方法。  相似文献   

葡萄中单宁对生产葡萄酒的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙沛杰  孙丽颖 《酿酒》1999,(3):60-61
一、葡萄酒中的单宁1葡萄酒中单宁的来源由葡萄不同部位成分表1中我们知道,葡萄单宁主要来源于葡萄皮、葡萄梗及葡萄籽。其中以葡萄仔中含量最高。在红葡萄酒发酵过程中,因为要提取葡萄皮中色素,所以葡萄皮,梗及籽要与葡萄汁一起发酵,其所含单宁也会进入发酵醪中...  相似文献   

研究不同红葡萄酒中不同聚合度的酚类物质与蛋白质相互作用的差异性,找出影响涩感的关键成分,为葡萄酒酿造工艺的改良及葡萄品种的选育提供理论依据。以不同品种的红葡萄酒为材料,利用C18固相萃取柱将葡萄酒的酚类物质分离为单体酚、低聚物、高聚物三部分,测定其总酚、总黄烷醇含量,采用SDS-PAGE及荧光光谱法研究不同酚类物质与蛋白质的相互作用。测得红葡萄酒的总酚和总黄烷醇含量存在显著差异,红葡萄酒中不同组分的总酚和总黄烷醇含量表现为:单体酚低聚物高聚物。SDS-PAGE及荧光光谱实验的结果显示高聚物对蛋白质的影响较强,单体酚与低聚物则因酒而异。葡萄酒中不同聚合度的成分对涩感的影响不同。因此,在葡萄品种选择和葡萄酒酿造工艺改良的过程中可以根据目标而进行酚类物质的控制,特别是高聚物的调控。  相似文献   

本研究以新疆石河子产区所种植的赤霞珠葡萄为实验原料,通过在酒精发酵前分别以两种不同浓度(200 mg/L、400 mg/L)添加4种不同种类的单宁(橡木单宁、缩合单宁、葡萄单宁、鞣花单宁),探究4种不同种类的单宁在不同添加量下对新疆产区红葡萄酒色泽及口感的影响。结果表明:当所有单宁的添加量在200 mg/L时,葡萄酒的色泽都有所提升,其中添加缩合单宁200 mg/L时,效果最为明显,色度值为21.52,该处理下葡萄酒的色度高出对照组27.25%,且随着陈酿进行到6个月时,添加缩合单宁200 mg/L的葡萄酒色度依然最高,色度值为24.38,且色泽稳定性较好,酒体呈现深宝石红色,香气较浓郁,带有甘草香。实验表明单宁的添加可以改善葡萄酒陈酿后的色泽稳定性,同时使得香气更加浓郁。该实验为新疆石河子产区的实际生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 通过测定不同产地、不同品种、不同类型的524支进出口葡萄酒中单宁的含量,进一步分析葡萄酒中的单宁与口感质量的关系。方法 将样品用蒸馏水稀释100倍,以没食子酸为标准物质,采用分光光度法对葡萄酒中的单宁进行定量分析。结果 该方法简单可靠,试剂用量少,操作方便,快速准确,仪器设备简单。在0 mg/L~5.0 mg/L范围内线性关系良好,相关系数为0.9999;单宁添加回收率在86.7%~120%之间,平均回收率达103.8%。产地方面,意大利的红葡萄酒中单宁含量最高,平均为2.70 g/L;品种方面,黑皮诺酿造的红葡萄酒中单宁含量较多,平均含量为3.15 g/L;国产葡萄酒方面,云南产区的葡萄酒中单宁含量相对较高,平均为2.51 g/L。结论 葡萄酒中单宁含量与葡萄品种、产地、酒类型有关;柔顺指数超过5.0的葡萄酒,口感与品质良好。  相似文献   

Red wine astringency: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The chemical and physical basis for red wine astringency is reviewed. Models describing the physiological foundation of astringency are presented and compared. The phenolic and other red wine components that evoke astringency are described, together with their sensory properties and the factors that affect their perception. The paper also presents a detailed account of the chemical properties of saliva and the possible modes of interaction between these and red wine phenolics that lead to the necessary physical changes in saliva required to elicit astringency. Reasons for differences in astringency perception across oral sites and amongst individual tasters are also discussed. It is concluded that whilst great advances have been made in the field of red wine phenolic chemistry in recent years, a better understanding of the effect of wine polyphenol-salivary protein interaction on the rheological properties of saliva is required in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of red wine astringency.  相似文献   

Extracts containing anthocyanins (ACN), and skin tannins (SKIN) and seed tannins (SEED) were prepared from Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Franc grapes grown in the Loire Valley, and characterised. Phenolic fractions from Cabernet Franc wines made from three Loire Valley locations were also isolated and characterised. Bitterness and astringency of ACN, SEED and SKIN as well as the wine extracts were evaluated by time intensity procedures in citric acid solution and in a base white wine. SEED and SKIN were equally astringent when tasted at the same concentration in spite of differences in tannin composition. The lower molecular weight (MW) of SEED was equal in astringency to larger MW SKIN which had a lower percentage of galloylation. The SEED fraction was slightly more bitter than the SKIN fraction in the citric acid solution, although no difference could be detected between samples in base white wine. Astringency of ACN alone was much lower than either SKIN or SEED. Addition of ACN to either tannin fraction produced very small sensory effects in citric acid. In wine, addition of ACN to either SEED or SKIN increased astringency significantly over either fraction alone, but had no effect on bitterness. The wine fractions differed only in astringency, which was correlated with tannin units as determined by thiolysis.  相似文献   

The astringency of 5-0-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) was investigated by a time-intensity technique alongside those of tannic acid and grape-seed tannin. Significant differences were recorded between 5-CQA and the other phenolic solutions for the intensity of the response, its persistence (or overall duration), its fading (or decline from maximum intensity to zero), and for the total gustatory response (or total area under the time-intensity curve). In each case, 5-CQA elicited a weaker response than either grape-seed tannin or tannic acid. Nevertheless, overall, panellists recorded a response for 5-CQA that was qualitatively similar to those for tannic acid and grape-seed tannin, which are traditionally accepted as astringents. This phenomenon occurred, despite 5-CQA having a molecular mass of 354 and containing only one 1,2-dihydroxyphenyl residue, which would place it outwith the traditional definition of an astringent. The requirements appropriate to vegetable tanning may not therefore apply to oral astringency.  相似文献   

单宁是一种植物多酚,它可以与溶液中的蛋白相结合形成沉淀,提高溶液的非生物稳定性。用单宁作为黄酒的澄清剂具有添加量小,使用方便,作用时间短,效果明显等优势。把单宁作为提高黄酒非生物稳定性的添加剂具有重要的推广价值。  相似文献   

甘露糖蛋白是一种在酵母自溶时,从酵母细胞壁中释放的可溶性糖蛋白。本文介绍甘露糖蛋白的结构及特性,综述该蛋白对葡萄酒中花青素、单宁、乳酸菌、芳香类物质及蛋白质的作用及机理,如稳定花青素、单宁及蛋白质,促进乳酸菌生长,保护芳香化合物等。甘露糖蛋白对于葡萄酒工业生产有重要意义。   相似文献   

简要介绍了市售葡萄酒的酿制与保存情况,系统综述了目前葡萄酒生产工艺控制及品质分析方法如国标法,感官分析方法、统计学方法及光谱法和色谱法等研究现状,最后简述了葡萄酒生产工艺控制及品质分析研究存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

葡萄酒中主要有机酸有酒石酸、苹果酸、琥珀酸、乳酸、乙酸、柠檬酸等,有机酸的含量和种类是影响葡萄酒口感和风味的重要因素,也是探究葡萄酒酿造工艺及管控产品品质的指标。本研究较全面地综述了近些年来国内外葡萄酒中有机酸的研究迚展,对葡萄酒酿造过程中有机酸的变化迚行了分析,幵综合气相色谱法、高效液相色谱法、离子色谱法、毛细管电泳法在葡萄酒有机酸检测中的应用,总结比较了不同检测斱法的优缺点,研究収现现代分离技术和分析仪器的収展与应用,使彻底了解葡萄酒中的各种有机酸成为可能,为葡萄酒酿造过程中有机酸的控制及葡萄酒的监管提供参考。  相似文献   

Tannins are an important part of wine quality and are frequently added during winemaking. Tannin additives and their impact on wine are poorly documented. This work sought to characterize a range of enological tannins and their contribution to wine quality. Enological tannins were analysed for protein precipitable tannins and iron reactive phenolics. One tannin product was added to a Merlot wine during barrel ageing, at a range of concentrations from 60 to 300 mg/l. Condensed and hydrolysable tannins were added to Cabernet Sauvignon wine post-pressing at a recommended and excessive rate. Wines were analysed for anthocyanin, small and large polymeric pigment, precipitable tannin, iron reactive phenolics and sensory character. Enological tannins contained 12-48% tannin and recommended additions had little impact on wine tannin. High tannin additions were readily measured in the wines and were discriminated in sensory analysis with lower intensities of most parameters except brown colour, bitterness and earthy character. Recommended addition rates are too low to impact the measured tannin concentration of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines from Washington (USA). High enological tannin additions had a measureable impact on final wine had a negative impact on sensory character. Tannins are added to wines for a range of reasons and represent one of many input costs in an industry increasingly seeking efficiencies in response to global economic circumstances, over-supply and an ongoing price point squeeze. This research suggests many tannin additions may be unjustified and have limited or negative impacts on quality.  相似文献   

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