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建立区域医疗信息系统,实现电子病历的地全面共享已成为当前医药卫生体制改革和卫生信息化建设的重要内容。文中阐述了Web Service技术特点及优势,探讨了基于Web Service的电子病历系统体系结构以及运行支撑框架的设计。在此基础上,简要介绍了基于Web Service的电子病历系统在我院的实施和应用情况,并指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文对基于移动互联网的Web Service开发设计中的关键技术进行了深入的研究,其中包括Web Service功能介绍与特点分析、支持手机调用的Web Service服务端和客户端开发设计,同时针对目前较为流行的两大手机操作系统Andriod系统和IOS系统分别给出了客户端设计思路,提出了一整套可以支持智能手机、平板电脑友好、高效访问Web Service的技术方法。实验表明,本文提出的关键技术解决方案具有较好的实际操作性,能够支持大部分基于Web Service的移动网络服务,对各类移动终端系统具有良好的兼容性。  相似文献   

许玲 《通信技术》2011,44(5):48-51
企业信息系统在发展过程中逐渐具有跨域、跨互联网等性质,其结构日益复杂,同时企业数据的机密性又对信息系统的业务运行过程提出了更高的安全需求。目前对于采用SOA进行架构的信息系统尚没有正式的国际安全标准和规范,通过对企业环境下的Web Service安全技术,如传输层安全和SOAP安全、数字签名和断言等进行研究,以J2EE架构下的企业环境为例,提供了一种通过结合企业安全服务和综合应用层、传输层安全技术来保障企业信息系统整体安全性、可靠性的可行思路。  相似文献   

在移动客户端操作系统是Android并且服务端通过Web Service提供编程接口的情况下,实现了客户端与服务器端的信息交互。本文主要依托车辆检验系统中的手持安卓终端和Web服务通信过程为例,对Android客户端和Web Service结合构建可扩展、易于维护的应用系统提供了高效的方法。  相似文献   

论文通过对Web Service存在的安全性问题和XML、SOAP的安全技术分析,提出了一种Web Service安全方案,并对该方案的实现方法进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

基于Web Service的数据抽取研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web Service是新兴的技术,将Web Service技术运用到数据抽取中,可以快速、准确地将数据抽取出来,并且能够在不同网络环境下进行数据处理。阐述Web Service的优点和结构,从Web Service的原理入手,以网格项目做背景,设计数据抽取的模型,讨论Web Service在数据抽取中的设计方法,并进行通过Web Service进行数据抽取的相关实验。  相似文献   

基于AXIS的分布式Java Web Service的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web Service是Web上数据和信息集成的有效机制。Web Service的新型架构,Web Service的高效执行方式。Web Service与其他成熟技术的有机结合以及Web Service的集成是解决现实应用问题的重要技术。文章阐述了Web Service的基本概念,以及SIAO在Web Service中的作用,同时分析了AXIS对SOAP的改进,最后讨论了基于AXIS的分布式Web Service的具体应用,并展望了Web Service未来的发展。  相似文献   

刘益 《数字通信》2011,38(5):49-50
RDA在实现Pocket PC的SQL CE数据库与PC服务器的数据库间的数据同步时有局限性.通过Web Service与RDA的比较,阐述了Web Service实现数据同步,以及与多种数据库类型连接的步骤.使用Web Service,能使用户数据和系统数据分离,维护更加方便.  相似文献   

笔者分析了SOA技术在GIS系统中应用的现状,结合电力内部信息系统,给出了基于SOA技术的全Web Service化的GIS系统的建设方案。  相似文献   

文中从文献开始探讨现阶段B2Bi的理论基础与相关规范,并对Web Service的标准与应用特性进行探讨。研究方法主要是以雏型系统的实际操作与展示来达成本研究在应用Web Service的可行性,通过分析得出Web Service应用于集群虚拟企业是完全可行的,并在此基础上提出了基于Web Service的集群虚拟企业协同运作方案。希望借研究的过程与结果能有助于企业在实务上评估规划应用Web Service实施企业间电子化的参考依据。  相似文献   

A mobile medical information system (MMIS) is an integrated application (app) of traditional hospital information systems (HIS) which comprise a picture archiving and communications system (PACS), laboratory information system (LIS), pharmaceutical management information system (PMIS), radiology information system (RIS), and nursing information system (NIS). A dynamic resource allocation table is critical for optimizing the performance to the mobile system, including the doctors, nurses, or other relevant health workers. We have designed a smart dynamic resource allocation model by using the C4.5 algorithm and cumulative distribution for optimizing the weight of resource allocated for the five major attributes in a cooperation communications system. Weka is used in this study. The class of concept is the performance of the app, optimal or suboptimal. Three generations of optimization of the weight in accordance with the optimizing rate are shown.  相似文献   

Location-aware access to hospital information and services   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hospital workers are highly mobile; they are constantly changing location to perform their daily work, which includes visiting patients, locating resources, such as medical records, or consulting with other specialists. The information required by these specialists is highly dependent on their location. Access to a patient's laboratory results might be more relevant when the physician is near the patient's bed and not elsewhere. We describe a location-aware medical information system that was developed to provide access to resources such as patient's records or the location of a medical specialist, based on the user's location. The system is based on a handheld computer which includes a trained backpropagation neural-network used to estimate the user's location and a client to access information from the hospital information system that is relevant to the user's current location.  相似文献   

分析了在突发卫生事件增加、人口老龄化问题加重、医疗资源紧张和慢性病群体不断增多的背景下,远程医疗的发展能够在一定程度上缓解医疗资源的不均衡,提升医疗效率。使用5G网络的移动医疗监护系统,相比LTE网络下部署的系统具有更低时延、更高速率和超高连接密度的优势,能以更低成本组建远程医疗服务平台。此外,设计了运行在5G网络下的移动医疗监护系统,创新地利用5G NR模组、NB-IoT模组和Wi-Fi模组进行不同场景下数据的传输,验证系统的精确性、稳定性和可扩展性符合预期。系统实时监测生理参数,并传输到云端形成特异性的个人健康数据库,方便医生根据长期生理参数信息作出更加科学准确的诊断,提供个性化的医疗服务。  相似文献   

The need for fast treatment of patients in critical conditions motivates the use of mobile devices to provide prompt and consistent communication between hospitals and physicians. We propose a framework that supports ubiquitous access to medical systems using personalized mobile services and integrated medical systems. The proposed service-oriented medical framework provides dynamically composed services that are adapted to contextual variables such as the user’s role, the network bandwidth, and resources available at mobile devices while supporting task allocation in distributed servers for massive resource-consuming services. It also manages accurate patient data by integrating local medical systems using medical information standards such as Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine and Health Level 7. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework by building a prototype of context-based adaptation of computerized tomography image retrieval for acute stroke treatments, which allows images to be viewed on mobile devices with WiMax wireless network. The proposed medical framework reduces hospital delays of patients and facilitates treatments in the absence of medical specialists.   相似文献   

一种应用于移动健康医疗的Android客户端的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,医疗护理在生活中的作用越来越重要,而传统健康医疗大都局限于医院等固定场所,不便于用户的移动。为了实现医疗护理移动化的目的,可以结合先进的移动通信技术,设计一种新型的医疗健康系统,并采用Android手机作为系统协调器,Android手机不但可以接收节点采集到的数据,还可以把这些实时数据发送到远端服务器。通过在Eclipse软件下的编程测试结果表明,Android手机可以成功实现对数据的收发,这对于医疗护理实现移动化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:提升医院HIS的系统稳定性,将云存储整合到移动HIS系统为医务人员提供更优质更稳定的信息化服务。方法:在原有的移动HIS基础上,加入云存储服务器和移动HIS微信小程序。结果:设计并实现了通过微信小程序,将医疗业务数据来源在医院内网主业务服务器和公网云备份服务器间自由切换,增强了医院HIS系统的稳定性。结论:云存储服务器建设和使用成本低、安全性好、系统稳定性高、维护方便,提高了医院HIS系统的稳定性,保障了医务人员的工作效率,优化了病人的就医体验。  相似文献   

应新葩 《移动信息》2023,45(5):206-208
在现代信息交互需求大量增加的背景下,微信公众平台开始成为一种医疗信息交互媒介,其能整合医疗资源,提升医院服务质量,为患者就医提供良好保障。医院微信公众服务平台的系统建设,进一步降低了患者的就医门槛,提升了就医的便捷性与可靠性,如门诊挂号管理系统、影像拍摄与诊断系统、远程诊断系统等。因此,有效整合这一信息系统和微信公众平台,可让患者通过微信享受到各项服务,如挂号、就诊等,进一步优化流程,不用将过多的时间浪费在候诊上,显著提升医疗服务的水平。  相似文献   

基于无线传感网络及移动主体的远程医疗监护系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子健康保健是一项高度分布、特别费力、具有移动性的工作,经常要对各种类型的医疗设备进行信息存取,给异构系统间的信息交换带来了困难。提出了一种基于无线传感网络与移动Agent的远程医疗监护系统,以适应健康保健环境高度分布的特点。给出了系统体系结构模型,采用Aglets软件开发包进行了原型设计,通过监控平台与便携的无线生命体征监控传感节点相结合,对病人的健康状态进行长期在线监控,实现医疗资源的优化利用。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于虚拟仪器技术的家用心电监测系统,可移动终端采集心电信息,经无线通讯模块传送至虚拟分析仪,并通过互联网与医疗机构实现信息共享。重点介绍了可移动终端与虚拟分析仪的设计与实现。实验证明,基于虚拟仪器技术的家用心电仪界面人性化、分析扩展功能强大,符合小型化、模块化、网络化的发展潮流。  相似文献   

Hypertension and arrhythmia are chronic diseases, which can be effectively prevented and controlled only if the physiological parameters of the patient are constantly monitored, along with the full support of the health education and professional medical care. In this paper, a role-based intelligent mobile care system with alert mechanism in chronic care environment is proposed and implemented. The roles in our system include patients, physicians, nurses, and healthcare providers. Each of the roles represents a person that uses a mobile device such as a mobile phone to communicate with the server setup in the care center such that he or she can go around without restrictions. For commercial mobile phones with Bluetooth communication capability attached to chronic patients, we have developed physiological signal recognition algorithms that were implemented and built-in in the mobile phone without affecting its original communication functions. It is thus possible to integrate several front-end mobile care devices with Bluetooth communication capability to extract patients' various physiological parameters [such as blood pressure, pulse, saturation of haemoglobin (SpO2), and electrocardiogram (ECG)], to monitor multiple physiological signals without space limit, and to upload important or abnormal physiological information to healthcare center for storage and analysis or transmit the information to physicians and healthcare providers for further processing. Thus, the physiological signal extraction devices only have to deal with signal extraction and wireless transmission. Since they do not have to do signal processing, their form factor can be further reduced to reach the goal of microminiaturization and power saving. An alert management mechanism has been included in back-end healthcare center to initiate various strategies for automatic emergency alerts after receiving emergency messages or after automatically recognizing emergency messages. Within the time intervals in system setting, according to the medical history of a specific patient, our prototype system can inform various healthcare providers in sequence to provide healthcare service with their reply to ensure the accuracy of alert information and the completeness of early warning notification to further improve the healthcare quality. In the end, with the testing results and performance evaluation of our implemented system prototype, we conclude that it is possible to set up a complete intelligent healt care chain with mobile monitoring and healthcare service via the assistance of our system.  相似文献   

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