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MEMS薄膜应力研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对微电子机械悬臂梁废品率高的问题,从悬臂梁的加工工艺,分析了在不同工作状态,薄膜应力对悬臂梁的刚度影响;建立了薄膜应力的数学模型;通过仿真发现,在悬臂梁的某些加工温差段,悬臂梁的刚度出现奇异值,变形已不再满足小变形条件的现象;得出某些加工温差段的薄膜应力是导致悬臂梁产生废品因素之一的结论.  相似文献   

大气环境下多晶硅薄膜的疲劳性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估多晶硅薄膜材料的加载可靠性,发展一种新型多晶硅薄膜疲劳性能测试实验系统,利用片外测试方法研究多晶硅薄膜在大气环境下的拉伸疲劳特性.实验试件采用MEMS(micro-electro-mechanical systems)工艺制造,具有相同的长度、厚度和不同的宽度.每个加载条件下重复10次实验,应用Weibull方法对疲劳实验数据进行处理,得到0.35 GPa~0.70 GPa应力幅值范围内5个应力水平下多晶硅薄膜拉伸疲劳的S-N曲线.研究表明,多晶硅薄膜的疲劳寿命随着交变载荷幅值的减小而增大,二者呈对数线性关系.该结果可以直接用于多晶硅薄膜材料MEMS器件的可靠性设计.  相似文献   

对齿面粗糙度呈余弦分布的渐开线圆柱齿轮进行热弹流润滑数值计算,分析齿面粗糙度对齿轮传动接触疲劳应力的影响。结果表明:粗糙度会使轮齿接触区次表面发生明显的应力集中,粗糙度波长愈小,应力集中愈明显,且愈贴近齿轮表面;随着粗糙度波幅的增大,平均油膜厚度单调增大,而接触区次表面主剪应力的最大值呈抛物线变化;随着粗糙度波长的增大,平均油膜厚度迅速减小而主剪应力的最大值急剧增大,但当波长增至一定值时,二者各自趋于光滑齿面接触时的相应值。  相似文献   

研制微力学测试仪,对微电子机械系统中键合结构的强度进行测试。最大载荷为1.4N,在载荷量程为450mN时仪器的最高分辨力为10μN。采用键合在玻璃基底上的硅悬臂梁作为试样。为模拟横力剪切破坏和扭转破坏工况,用微力学测试仪分别在悬臂梁的固定端和自由端施加载荷至试样破坏。测得相应的破坏载荷并计算出最大剪应力。对破坏残骸的显微观察发现,存在玻璃开裂和硅开裂2种失效模式。该技术为微电子机械系统(micro-electro-mechanical system,MEMS)键合结构的强度表征提供一种有效方法,并可用来进行微悬臂梁或微桥的强度测试。  相似文献   

为在微米级尺度量化表述离面位移激励值-聚焦面内微视觉运动追踪精度劣化值的映射特性,使用光学显微镜、工业相机和空间纳米定位平台进行实验研究。首先,分析离面位移的形成机理,使用方差函数评价图像清晰度,搜索最佳对焦平面并设定为聚焦平面,作为计算离面位移的基准。其次,设计空间多自由度纳米台,将其末端执行器作为微视觉追踪目标,生成聚焦平面内的运动轨迹,同时同步生成可控可测的离面位移。然后,选取灰度值模板匹配法与感兴趣区域划分法作为当前微视觉运动追踪算法,测量聚焦面内的运动轨迹。最后,加工纳米台样机,搭建微视觉运动追踪系统,使用电容传感器作为评价手段,计算不同离面位移引起的微视觉运动追踪精度劣化数值。实验结果表明,微视觉运动追踪精度随着离面位移的增大而不断劣化,具有显著且可量化的相关性。针对给定的76.1 μm×63.7 μm视场、15 Hz采样率与灰度值模板匹配法,(7.7±2.5)μm或更大的离面位移导致微视觉测量系统完全失效。  相似文献   

栅结构微机械陀螺运动特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
熊斌  车录锋  王跃林 《机械强度》2001,23(4):527-530
对一种新型微机振动陀螺原型的运动特性进行了理论分析。采用差分电容信号调制解调方法测量了微机械陀螺驱动和检测模态的幅频特性。理论计算和实验结果表明,在大气状态下,该微机械陀螺驱动模态和检测模态的品质因子具有相近数值,在100左右。测量了驱动模态民激励驱动下,微机械陀螺检测模态的幅频特性,实验结果表明,在无角速度输入的情况下,微机械陀螺在驱动模态和检测模态的谐振模态的谐振频率处发生谐振。  相似文献   

变截面微管道的制作与气体流动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高硅微无阀泵和空间微推进器的性能,采用微电子机械工艺在硅片上加工出不同长度,不同喉部宽度、断面形状为矩形的变截面微管道,实验测量微管道内氮气的流量特性,分析不同因素对流动特性的影响,研究发现,相同变截面微管道,扩张方向的性能好于收缩方向,不同变截面微管道,随着扩张角,等直段长度,宽度的不断增加,流动性能逐渐提高。  相似文献   

针对某一炼钢厂250t转炉水平悬挂装置的失效问题,分析得知由向心关节轴承疲劳破损引起.以关节轴承为研究对象,通过静力学仿真以及疲劳寿命计算获得关节轴承在转炉倾转至90°的严峻工况下的静态疲劳特性.以关节轴承弹性模量、内圈边缘倒角r1a和r1b及工作温度为约束,最大等效应力、最小疲劳寿命为目标函数,结合响应面法并选用NS...  相似文献   

三维真实粗糙结合面法向接触刚度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前建立结合面粗糙表面模型主要以统计数方法和分形方法居多的情况,利用LEXT OLS4000测量仪测量得到真实表面形貌数据,基于小波理论对数据进行了降噪、分解和重构等顸处理,将数据导入到Pro/E中建立真实表面模型,运用ANSYS对结合面进行接触分析.带粗糙面的微元体被等效为无厚度界面和相同大小的光滑微元体串联,得出无厚度界面法向接触刚度.研究表明:表面形貌造成的接触应力分布不均匀和局部塑性变形导致结合面法向接触刚度随着压力的增加先增大后减小,并随着表面粗糙度参数值的增加而降低;不同的加工方式也影响着结合面的法向接触刚度.  相似文献   

采用微疲劳试验机与光学显微镜搭建一套微观疲劳试验系统。在室温条件下,通过控制载荷对单侧V形缺口的单晶硅微薄膜进行脉动拉伸疲劳试验,研究其疲劳特性。首先将单晶硅微薄膜V形缺口试样疲劳试验数据与单晶硅微薄膜光滑试样疲劳试验数据进行对比,分析发现V形缺口的引入会使单晶硅试样的疲劳强度及其抵抗弯矩的能力显著降低。试验结果表明,缺口试样发生破坏的应力幅度界限分明,与光滑试样相比,其破坏特性更趋近于宏观脆性断裂。通过扫描电镜分别对单晶硅微薄膜光滑试样与V形缺口试样进行断口分析,发现单晶硅微薄膜在循环应力作用下出现脆性疲劳破坏行为,其断口形貌特征与晶体结构密切相关。  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of spot weld arrangements in multi-spot welded joints on the fatigue behavior of the joints are studied. Three different four-spot welded joints are considered: one-row four-spot parallel to the loading direction, one-row four-spot perpendicular to the loading direction and two-row four-spot weld specimens. The experimental fatigue test results reveal that the differences between the fatigue lives of three spot welded types in the low cycle regime are more considerable than those in the high cycle regime. However, all kinds of spot weld specimens have similar fatigue strength when approaching a million cycles. A non-linear finite element analysis is performed to obtain the relative stress gradients, effective distances and notch strength reduction factors based on the volumetric approach. The work here shows that the volumetric approach does a very good job in predicting the fatigue life of the multi-spot welded joints.  相似文献   

Stress interaction fields, which are caused by propagating cracks and other defects, can weaken structures. In this study, crack behavior in the interaction field caused by two different cracks is experimentally studied. In the experiment, the vertical distance between two cracks and the applied stresses are varied to craate different stress interaction fields. In addition, the effect of the plastic zone is used to examine the crack propagation path and rate. Three types of crack propagation in the interaction field were found, and the crack propagating path and rate of two cracks were significantly affected according to different applied stresses as each crack propagates. These results are attributed to the effect of the size and shape of the plastic zone.  相似文献   

Fretting fatigue generally leads to the degradation of the fatigue strength of a material due to cyclic micro-slip between two contacting materials. Fretting fatigue is regarded as an important issue in designing aerospace structures. While many studies have evaluated fretting fatigue behavior under elastic deformation conditions, few have focused on fretting fatigue behavior under elastic-plastic deformation conditions, especially the crack orientation and fatigue life prediction for Ti-6Al-4V. The primary goal of this study was to characterize the fretting fatigue crack initiation behavior in the presence of plasticity. Experimental tests were performed using pad configurations involving elastic-plastic deformations. To calculate stress distributions under elastic-plastic fretting fatigue conditions, FEA was also performed. Several parametric approaches were used to predict fretting fatigue life along with stress distribution resulting from FEA. However, those parameters using surface stresses were unable to establish an equivalence between elastic fretting fatigue data and elastic-plastic fretting fatigue data. Based on this observation, the critical distance methods, which are commonly used in notch analysis, were applied to the fretting fatigue problem. In conclusion, the effective strain range method when used in conjunction with the SMSSR parameter showed a good correlation of data points between the pad configurations involving elastic and elastic plastic deformations.  相似文献   

TC4钛合金微动疲劳特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这里研究了TC4钛合金在空气中于室温下的微动疲劳特性,采用宏观力学试验与微观结构分析相结合的方法,探讨了TC4钛合金的微动疲劳破坏的机理。  相似文献   

本文介绍了疲劳寿命问题的概念、发展历程,论述了疲劳寿命设计思想的变革过程,并指出了机械零件疲劳寿命问题研究的趋势是利用计算机的虚拟技术实现构件的寿命预测。软件的虚拟寿命分析设计与实验的有机结合可以节约实验成本,缩短设计周期。笔者认为机械零件疲劳寿命问题研究应从有限元的基本原理等理论基础入手,以某种成熟软件(如ABAQUS等)为辅助手段,利用工科背景,对疲劳寿命问题进行深入研究。  相似文献   

The out-of-plane properties of honeycombs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Honeycombs are often used as cores in sandwich panels. The honeycomb cores carry the normal and shear loads in the surfaces perpendicular to the axis of the hexagonal prisms. Honeycombs are particular strong in this out-of-plane direction. In this paper, the collapse behaviour under both shear and simple compression in the out-of-plane direction is analyzed. Buckling, debonding and fracture are identified as possible collapse mechanisms. The modelling work is checked by extensive experiments on a wide range of Nomex honeycombs. Good agreements are found between the model and the data.  相似文献   

Fretting-fatigue behavior and damage accumulation under a variable-amplitude cycling load is investigated in a configuration involving a cylindrical indenter in contact with finite width plate. Relative magnitudes of cyclic tangential and bulk loads not only affect the contact conditions, but also their relative positions with respect to each other. Several stick–slip conditions on the contact surface may develop during the application of variable-amplitude fatigue load, and these are secondary and tertiary slips as well as shake-down. Further, residual shear traction develops during the application of cyclic load. The appropriate characterization of fretting-fatigue behavior or life should, therefore, include the complete history of applied cyclic tangential and bulk loads. Furthermore, experiments from a previous study conducted under a variable-amplitude fatigue loading condition are analyzed to characterize the damage accrual from its individual components involving constant-amplitude fatigue load by incorporating the contact mechanics and a multi-axial fatigue critical plane parameter. This analysis shows that there is nonlinear damage accumulation during variable-amplitude fretting-fatigue load.  相似文献   

Room temperature fatigue crack growth behavior was obtained for 4140 parent steel, parent heat treated (same as PWHT), as-welded HAZ and PWHT HAZ material under R≈O constant amplitude loading and single tensile overloads with an over load ratio (OLR: Pover/Pmax) of 2.5. Double pass automatic submerged arc welding with AWS EM2 electrode was used. PWHT was performed at 650°C for one hour. Constant amplitude fatigue crack growth behavior was very similar for all four material conditions in the log-log linear Paris region. All material conditions responded favorably to the single tensile overloads with fatigue crack growth retardation ranging from 2.5×105 to 4.5×105 cycles which corresponded to life increases of 250 to 400 percent. SEM analysis indicated many similarities on the fatigue fracture surfaces with predominant ductile quasi-striation morphology.  相似文献   

The leak-before-break (LBB) behaviors of a structural component under high and low fatigue loads are an important problem in nuclear power plants, liquid nitrogen gas tankers and chemical plants. This paper is an experimental study to evaluate the crack opening behavior after penetration for plate and pipe specimens. Crack opening displacement after penetration under low fatigue load could be satisfactorily determined at the center of the plate thickness regardless of the specimen size. In the case of high fatigue load, it is shown that the crack opening displacement at the center of a penetrated crack can be derived using the gross stress,σ C , and the front surface crack length, a s , together with the back surface crack length, a b .  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to reveal the effect of dynamic strain ageing (DSA) on a ferritic stainless steel with detail relation to monotonic and cyclic responses over a wide range of temperatures. For assessing the effect of strain rate on mechanical properties, tensile test results are studied at two different strain rates of 2×10?3/s and 2×10?4/s. Typical responses of this material are compared with other alloy in literatures that exhibits DSA. Serrations in monotonic stress-strain curves and anomalous dependence of tensile properties with temperatures are attributed to the DSA effect. The low cycle fatigue curves exhibit prominent hardening and negative temperature dependence of half-life plastic strain amplitude in temperatures between 300°C–500°C which can be explained by DSA phenomenon. The regime for dependence of marked cyclic hardening lies within the DSA regime of anomalous dependence of flow stress and dynamic strain hardening stress with temperature and negative strain rate sensitivity regime of monotonic response. It is believed that shortened fatigue life observed in the intermediate temperature is mainly due to the adverse effect of DSA. An empirical life prediction model is addressed for as-received material to consider the effect of temperature on fatigue life. The numbers of load reversals obtained from experiment and predicted from fatigue parameter are compared and found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

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