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The nitrogen solubility in the SiO2-rich liquid in the metastable binary SiO2-Si3N4 system has been determined by analytical TEM to be 1%–4% of N/(O + N) at 1973–2223 K. Analysis of the near edge structure of the electron energy loss peak indicates that nitrogen is incorporated into the silicate network rather than being present as molecular N2. A regular solution model with a positive enthalpy of mixing for the liquid was used to match the data for the metastable solubility of N in the presence of crystalline Si3N4 and to adjust the computed phase diagram. The solubility of Si3N4 in fused SiO2 is far less than reported in liquid silicates also containing Al, Mg, and/or Y. Apparently, these cations act as modifiers that break anion bridges in the silicate network and, thereby, allow further incorporation of Si3N4 without prohibitive amounts of network cross-linking. Finally, indications emerged regarding the diffuse nature of the Si3N4-SiO2 interface that leads to amorphous regions of higher N content.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed first-principles supercell method that includes the electron and core-hole interaction, the XANES/ELNES spectra of Si- L 2,3, Si- K , and N- K edges in α-Si3N4, β-Si3N4, spinel c -Si3N4, and Si2N2O were calculated and compared. The difference in total energies between the initial ground state and the final core-hole state provides the transition energy. The calculated spectra are found to be in good agreement with the experimental measurements on β-Si3N4 and c -Si3N4. The differences in the XANES/ELNES spectra for the same element in different crystals are explained in terms of differences in local bonding. The use of orbital-decomposed local density of states to explain the measured spectra is shown to be inadequate. These results reaffirm the importance of including the core-hole effect in any XANES/ELNES spectral calculation.  相似文献   

The intergranular glassy film (IGF) composed of silicon oxynitride in a Si3N4 ceramic material has been studied by molecular dynamics calculations. Structural analyses showed that the presence of an IGF having both nitrogen and oxygen reduces the number of dangling bonds at the junction between the IGF and adjacent Si3N4 grains, which reduces the interface energy at the grain boundary. More dangling bonds were generated at the junction when the N/(N + O) ratio of the IGF was decreased due to the larger chemical and structural mismatch between the IGF and the adjacent grain. On the other hand, the increase in the N/(N + O) ratio of the IGF caused a greater energy penalty in the IGF. The balance of these two contributions should determine the chemistry of the IGF.  相似文献   

Mechanical spectroscopic methods and first-principles density functional calculations were applied to attempt a quantitative analysis of both atomic structure and viscous behavior of Si3N4 grain boundaries. In particular, the effect on the intergranular structure/viscosity of small fractions of selected anion/cation dopants was examined in comparison with the undoped polycrystal. From the point of view of mechanical spectroscopy, emphasis was placed on the morphologic analysis, as a function of frequency of oscillation, of a relaxation peak that originates from grain-boundary sliding. The morphologic characteristics of the grain-boundary peak clearly revealed the presence of significant chemical gradients among different grain boundaries for particular dopants (e.g., Cl and Ba). On dopant addition, a reduction in activation energy for viscous intergranular flow was observed which broadened the grain-boundary peak. Chemical inhomogeneities also broadened the peak shape by generating a spectrum of activation energies. First-principles density functional calculations were conducted for cluster fragment models representative of the amorphous SiO2 intergranular film. The results explicitly showed the mechanism by which the respective dopants break bonds in the host, an action that directly reduces the viscosity of the SiO2 film. These complementary theoretical studies assist understanding and atomic-scale rationalization of the differences in segregation behavior of different dopants incorporated into the SiO2 film.  相似文献   

TiN-coated Si3N4 particles were prepared by depositing TiO2 on the Si3N4 surfaces from Ti(O- i -C3H7)4 solution, the TiO2 being formed by controlled hydrolysis, then subsequently nitrided with NH3 gas. A homogeneous TiO2 coating was achieved by heating a Si3N4 suspension containing 1.0 vol% H2O with the precursor at 40°C. Nitridation successfully produced Si3N4 particles coated with 10–20 nm TiN particles. Spark plasma sintering of these TiN/Si3N4 particles at 1600°C yielded composite ceramics with a relative density of 96% at 25 vol% TiN and an electrical resistivity of 10−3Ω·cm in compositions of 17.5 and 25 vol% TiN/Si3N4, making these ceramics suitable for electric discharge machining.  相似文献   

Si3N4 composite materials containing up to 20 vol% SiC whiskers were slip cast and pressureless sintered at 1820°C and 0.13 MPa of N2. Viscosimetry showed no influence of whisker loading on the rheology of the highly concentrated aqueous slips up to 15 vol% whiskers. During casting the whiskers were preferentially aligned parallel to the mold surfaces. Depending on the whisker loading, green densities of 0.64 to 0.69 fractional density could be achieved. Strong anisotropic shrinkage occurred during sintering with a maximum linear shrinkage of 21% perpendicular but only 7% parallel to the whisker plane. With increasing whisker content from 0 to 20 vol% sintered densities decreased from 0.98 to 0.88, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the densification and phase transformation during pressureless sintering of Si3N4 with LiYO2 as the sintering additive. The dilatometric shrinkage data show that the first Li2O- rich liquid forms as low as 1250°C, resulting in a significant reduction of sintering temperature. On sintering at 1500°C the bulk density increases to more than 90% of the theoretical density with only minor phase transformation from α-Si3N4 to β-Si3N4 taking place. At 1600°C the secondary phase has been completely converted into a glassy phase and total conversion of α-Si3N4 to β-Si3N4 takes place. The grain growth is anisotropic, leading to a microstructure which has potential for enhanced fracture toughness. Li2O evaporates during sintering. Thus, the liquid phase is transient and the final material might have promising mechanical properties as well as promising high-temperature properties despite the low sintering temperature. The results show that the Li2O−Y2O3 system can provide very effective low-temperature sintering additives for silicon nitride.  相似文献   

Two commercially available additive-containing silicon nitride materials were exposed in four environments which ranged in severity from dry oxygen at 1 atm pressure, and low gas velocity, to an actual turbine engine. Oxidation and volatilization kinetics were monitored at temperatures ranging from 1066° to 1400°C. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the surface oxide morphology resulting from the exposures. It was found that the material surface was enriched in rare-earth silicate phases in combustion environments when compared with the oxides formed on materials exposed in dry oxygen. However, the in situ formation of rare-earth disilicate phases offered little additional protection from the volatilization of silica observed in combustion environments. It was concluded that externally applied environmental barrier coatings are needed to protect additive-containing silicon nitride materials from volatilization reactions in combustion environments.  相似文献   

The processing of stepwise graded Si3N4/SiC ceramics by pressureless co-sintering is described. Here, SiC (high elastic modulus, high thermal expansion coefficient) forms the substrate and Si3N4 (low elastic modulus, low thermal expansion coefficient) forms the top contact surface, with a stepwise gradient in composition existing between the two over a depth of ∼1.7 mm. The resulting Si3N4 contact surface is fine-grained and dense, and it contains only 2 vol% yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) additive. This graded ceramic shows resistance to cone-crack formation under Hertzian indentation, which is attributed to a combined effect of the elastic-modulus gradient and the compressive thermal-expansion-mismatch residual stress present at the contact surface. The presence of the residual stress is corroborated and quantified using Vickers indentation tests. The graded ceramic also possesses wear properties that are significantly improved compared with dense, monolithic Si3N4 containing 2 vol% YAG additive. The improved wear resistance is attributed solely to the large compressive stress present at the contact surface. A modification of the simple wear model by Lawn and co-workers is used to rationalize the wear results. Results from this work clearly show that the introduction of surface compressive residual stresses can significantly improve the wear resistance of polycrystalline ceramics, which may have important implications for the design of contact-damage-resistant ceramics.  相似文献   

An indentation method for measuring shar strength in brittle matrix composites was applied to SiC-fiber/Si3N4-matrix samples. Three methods were used to manufacture the composites: reaction bonding of a Si/SiC preform, hot-pressing, and nitrogen-overpressure sintering. An indentation technique developed by Marshall for thin specimens was used to measure the shear strength of the interface and the interfacial friction stresses. This was done by inverting the sample after the initial push through and retesting the pushed fibers. SEM observations showed that the shear strength was determined by the degree of reaction between the fiber and the matrix unless the fiber was pushed out of its (well-bonded) sheath.  相似文献   

Stress rupture testing was performed in four-point flexure at 1000°C to determine the effects of Na2SO4-induced corrosion on the static-fatigue life of a Ce-TZP and a MgO-doped Si3N4. The results showed that the static-fatigue life of the Ce-TZP was unaffected by this corrosive environment. However, the static-fatigue life of a MgO-doped Si3N4 was reduced by the introduction of Na2SO4.  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Si3N4–SiC composites obtained by the sinter–post-HIP process were investigated. SiC addition prohibited β-Si3N4 grain growth; however, the grain growth followed the empirical growth law, with exponents of 3 and 5 for the c - and the a -axis directions, respectively. Mechanical properties were strongly influenced by SiC addition and sintering conditions. Short-crack propagation behavior was measured and analyzed by the indentation-strength in-bending (ISB) method. The present composites had high short-crack toughness, compared with the values for monolithic Si3N4. The enhanced short-crack toughness was attributed to crack-tip bridging by the SiC particles.  相似文献   

The fracture behavior at high temperature of a Si3N4-based SiC-whisker composite fabricated by hot isostatic pressing without sintering aids is compared with that of other highly refractory materials. Particular attention is directed toward evaluating the slow-crack-growth resistance of the composite up to 1440°C and relating this resistance to the microfracture behavior of Si3N4 grains, SiC whiskers, and the intergranular, glassy SiO2 phase. Only thick whiskers operate to bridge the wake of the crack; these whiskers may make a positive contribution to the slow-crack-growth resistance. Impurities detected by EDX microanalysis at the grain boundary, however, apparently degrade the high-temperature properties, a finding supported by internal-friction measurements. Nevertheless, the high potential of the system without sintering aids for high-temperature structural applications has been demonstrated by the time to failure estimated from the measured slow-crack-growth resistance for a fixed flaw size.  相似文献   

R -curve behavior of Si3N4–BN composites and monolithic Si3N4 for comparison was investigated. Si3N4–BN composites showed a slowly rising R -curve behavior in contrast with a steep R -curve of monolithic Si3N4. BN platelets in the composites seem to decrease the crack bridging effects of rod-shaped Si3N4 grains for small cracks, but enhanced the toughness for long cracks as they increased the crack bridging scale. Therefore, fracture toughness of the composites was relatively low for the small cracks, but it increased significantly to ∼8 MPa·m1/2 when the crack grew longer than 700 μm, becoming even higher than that of the monolithic Si3N4.  相似文献   

The fracture behavior of an Si3N4/SiC-whisker composite fabricated without sintering aids is investigated using a double approach based on the examination of R -curve behavior and a statistical analysis of crack propagation. In the composite with 20 vol% whisker, a 30% increase in toughness over the matrix value can be attributed to crack-tip phenomena. Strong interfacial bonding prevents any contribution to toughening by mechanisms operating in the wake region of the crack. Based on experimental observations of microfracture in both SiC whiskers and Si3N4 grains, toughening caused by crack-tip phenomena is quantitatively discussed in terms of fracture energy and whisker-distribution parameters.  相似文献   

Two compositions of the Y2O3–MgO (YM) and Yb2O3–MgO (YbM) systems were chosen to study the effect of the sintering additive composition on the processing and thermal conductivity of sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride (SRBSN). The nitridation, postdensification, microstructural evolution, and thermal conductivity of SRBSN were found to depend strongly on the sintering additive composition. The RBSN materials with YbM exhibited a poor sinterability, whereas those with YM exhibited an excellent sinterability. However, the SRBSN materials with YbM showed a higher thermal conductivity than those with YM. This was associated primarily with the isolated distribution and lower amount of secondary phase and the higher percentage of large grains in the former materials.  相似文献   

Crack growth behavior under creep conditions was studied in SiC-whisker-reinforced mullite and silicon nitride. Tests of four-point bend specimens with indentation cracks were periodically interrupted to observe the creep behavior. At each interruption the bulk creep strain of the specimen, the growth of the indentation cracks, and the nucleation and growth of creep-induced cracks were measured. A strong linear correlation was observed in both materials between the crack growth rate and the creep strain rate. For a given strain rate, cracks in the silicon nitride composite propagated at velocities about an order of magnitude greater than those in the mullite composite. On the other hand, for similar nominal stresses, creep rates in the silicon nitride composites were about an order of magnitude less than with the mullite composite.  相似文献   

Developing the texture of ceramics is one of the effective ways for improving properties. Although the magnetic susceptibility of nonmagnetic materials is very small, there is a possibility to control the crystal orientation using a high magnetic field due to a magnetic anisotropy. In this study, Si3N4 ceramics were manufactured by a slip-casting process under high magnetic field and pressureless sintering. The texture of Si3N4 ceramics was studied using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron micrographs of polished and plasma-etched specimens. It has been found that most of the a,b -axes texture of β-Si3N4 grains aligned to the magnetic field direction.  相似文献   

A study of the elastic moduli of Al2O3 and Si3N4 ceramics reinforced with 0 to 25 wt% SiC whiskers has been performed. The Young's moduli, shear moduli, and longitudinal modulus are compared with calculated predictions for aligned fiber composites by Hill and Hashin and Rosen, and for fibers randomly oriented in three dimensions by Christensen and Waal. The measured values are in excellent quantitative agreement with those derived for the random orientation of the SiC whiskers.  相似文献   

The tribological behavior of monolithic Si3N4 and a Si3N4/carbon fiber composite has been assessed under high load and low speeds in an aqueous environment. The results showed that the friction coefficient of the Si3N4 was not significantly reduced when compared with dry sliding, and this was attributed to the failure to maintain a lubricating layer between the solid–solid surfaces. In the case of the composite, the initial high friction coefficient was reduced shortly after the beginning of the wear test and maintained a low value (about 0.03) throughout. This was attributed to the solid lubricating effect of the composite resulting in lower stress at the contact asperities, preventing the removal of the lubricating layer.  相似文献   

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