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提出了一种新的对称叛徒追踪方案。基于加密广播技术和Hash函数理论,构造了密钥方案、加密方案、解密方案和叛徒追踪算法,利用Chernoff界确定了系统参数值。新方案可以有效对抗加密广播业务中的共谋密钥攻击。相对于已有的CFN对称方案,新方案具有更低的个人密钥存储复杂度、用户计算复杂度和更少的数据冗余。 相似文献
基于离散对数困难问题提出了一种新的容忍入侵的基于代理的叛徒追踪方案,详细地分析了方案的完备性和安全性.该方案能够在数据内容提供商及单个或多个代理不可信的情况下保证合法授权用户的安全性. 相似文献
近年来网络攻击与数据泄露事件层出不穷,网络安全受到国家及相关部门的高度关注.国产密码算法作为保障我国网络与信息安全的关键技术,推动其应用与实施既符合构建我国网络强国的战略需求,又能保障实际应用的健康发展. SM2公钥加密算法是我国自主设计的国产商用密码之一,可有效保障数据在通信过程中的安全性.然而,经典SM2公钥加密算法适合“一对一”通信场景,在“一对多”通信场景中需承担较大的计算与通信开销.为提升SM2公钥加密算法在“一对多”通信场景中计算与通信效率,扩展我国商用密码的应用范围,本文将我国商用密码SM2公钥加密算法和广播加密概念相结合,利用Diffie-Hellman密钥交换和多项式秘密分享的思想,设计了基于SM2的公钥广播加密方案.所构造方案最大程度地保留原有SM2公钥加密算法结构,通过简单地扩展即可实现在多用户场景下消息安全广播的自主可控.与现有广播加密方案相比,所构造方案的系统参数大小与接收者数量无线性关系,以及系统无需指定数据发送者广播消息.所构造方案的安全性分析表明,本文方案与SM2公钥加密算法具有相同安全强度.理论分析与实验仿真表明,所构造方案具有较好的性能,显著增强了我... 相似文献
提出了一个基于单圈T-函数的叛逆追踪方案。在方案中,当发现盗版的解密盒时,能够以黑盒子的追踪方式至少追踪到一个制造盗版的用户(即叛徒)。该方案的特点是:追踪次数是线性的,追踪效率很高。此外,追踪算法的实现不受共谋用户个数的限制。 相似文献
1 引言在近代密码学特别是公钥密码系统的研究中,密码系统的安全性都是基于难解的可计算问题的,如大数分解问题、计算有限域的离散对数问题、平方剩余问题以及椭圆曲线的对数问题等。必须指出的是,关于平均复杂性的研究因远比最坏情况下的复杂性研究要难得多,所以目前密码系统的安全性都是建立在最坏情 相似文献
基于环面自同构的强混沌特性,Kocarev提出了一种公钥加密方案。理论分析表明,离散环面自同构与剩余类环上Chebyshev多项式相联系。作者进而揭示出该方案并非一个新方案,而是LUC系统的一个特例。同时,实验测试表明,Kocarev提到的算法并未使该方案具有更高的效率。 相似文献
提出一种新的k-resilient公钥叛逆者追踪方案。方案的追踪方式为公开黑盒追踪。假设DDH问题为困难问题,则方案能被证明是自适应选择密文攻击安全的,并且在撤销不超过k个叛逆者条件下仍然是自适应选择密文攻击安全的。与同类方案相比,该方案没有使用一次性消息认证码假设,并且有效降低了追踪时的计算复杂性。另外,方案满足非对称性。 相似文献
Alexander W. Dent 《International Journal of Information Security》2008,7(5):349-377
This paper surveys the literature on certificateless encryption schemes. In particular, we examine the large number of security models that have been proposed to prove the security of certificateless encryption schemes and propose a new nomenclature for these models. This allows us to “rank” the notions of security for a certificateless encryption scheme against an outside attacker and a passive key generation centre, and we suggest which of these notions should be regarded as the “correct” model for a secure certificateless encryption scheme. We also examine the security models that aim to provide security against an actively malicious key generation centre and against an outside attacker who attempts to deceive a legitimate sender into using an incorrect public key (with the intention to deny the legitimate receiver that ability to decrypt the ciphertext). We note that the existing malicious key generation centre model fails to capture realistic attacks that a malicious key generation centre might make and propose a new model. Lastly, we survey the existing certificateless encryption schemes and compare their security proofs. We show that few schemes provide the “correct” notion of security without appealing to the random oracle model. The few schemes that do provide sufficient security guarantees are comparatively inefficient. Hence, we conclude that more research is needed before certificateless encryption schemes can be thought to be a practical technology. 相似文献
给出了一个新的基于PKI的公钥追踪体制。本体制中数据发布者的公钥长度及每个授权用户的私钥长度都是不变的。为防止授权用户受到诬陷,采用了非对称的用户私钥。以往的追踪体制无法保证授权用户不将自己的私钥有意泄露给他人,文中采用的追踪体制具有自强迫性,可防止授权用户对其私钥的有意泄露。由于用零知识证明的方式对用户在PKI中的密钥进行了验证,该文的体制可防止用户使用非机密信息构造解密密钥。 相似文献
一个基于椭圆曲线密码体制之上的密钥共识协议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
椭圆曲线上的公钥密码体制能够提供与其他公钥密码体制相同的安全性,而使用的密钥长度却要短得多,该文分析了几个基于椭圆曲线上的密钥共识协议,并提出了一个安全有效的三趟密钥共识协议。 相似文献
Traceable content protection based on chaos and neural networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, a media content encryption/decryption algorithm is designed based on a chaos system and neural networks, which generates random sequences with chaos, and encrypts or decrypts media contents with neural networks in a parallel way. In this scheme, different decryption keys can be used to recover the media content into different copies. That is, the decryption operation gets the content containing certain random sequence that can be used as the identification. With respect to this property, the scheme is used for secure content distribution. Taking the audio content for example, it is encrypted by a key at the sender side and decrypted by different keys at the receiver side. The differences between decryption keys lead to different decrypted audio copies. If one customer distributes his copy to other unauthorized customers, the chaotic sequence contained in the copy can tell the illegal customer. The performances, including security, imperceptibility and robustness, are analyzed, and some experimental results are given to show the scheme's practicability. 相似文献
Dongvu Tonien 《Information Processing Letters》2006,100(1):21-22
At ACISP 2003 conference, Narayanan, Rangan and Kim proposed a secret-key traitor tracing scheme used for pay TV system. In this note, we point out a flaw in their scheme. 相似文献
叛徒追踪和撤销是基于属性的加密(ABE)在实际应用中需要解决的问题,具有扩展通配符的ABE方案(GWABE)能够方便地解决上述问题。目前自适应安全的GWABE方案均在合数阶群上构造。针对合数阶上双线性映射计算开销过大的问题,以对偶正交基技术为基础,提出了一种素数阶群上自适应安全的GWABE方案,同时将该方案的安全性归约到判定性线性假设。性能分析表明,该方案在达到自适应安全的基础上,具有更好的效率。 相似文献
Optimal subset-difference broadcast encryption with free riders 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Broadcast encryption (BE) deals with secure transmission of a message to a group of receivers such that only an authorized subset of receivers can decrypt the message. The transmission cost of a BE system can be reduced considerably if a limited number of free riders can be tolerated in the system. In this paper, we study the problem of how to optimally place a given number of free riders in a subset-difference (SD)-based BE system, which is currently the most efficient BE scheme in use and has also been incorporated in standards, and we propose a polynomial-time optimal placement algorithm and three more efficient heuristics for this problem. Simulation experiments show that SD-based BE schemes can benefit significantly from the proposed algorithms. 相似文献