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陈独秀与陈炯明尽管分属不同阵营,但拥有相似的成长经历和教育理念.20世纪20年代,陈独秀应陈炯明之邀赴广州担任广东省教育委员会委员长,与陈炯明短暂合作,并结下了不错的私人友谊.陈炯明与孙中山在广州决裂后,陈独秀与中共中央旗帜鲜明地支持孙中山,反对陈炯明的背叛行为,陈独秀与陈炯明由此成为势不两立的政敌.两人之间关系的演变,也为那个时代诸多重大事件及中国共产党早期成长环境提供了别样的历史注脚.  相似文献   

五四运动之前,西方民主主义是陈独秀政治思想的主流.五四运动后期,陈独秀开始对西方民主主义思想进行反思,并逐步接受了马克思主义思想,从而实现了从民主主义者向早期马克思主义者的转变.  相似文献   

作为思想家、教育家,陈独秀提出了教学要树立学生学习的主体地位、密切联系社会生活实际、实行启发式教学、促进学生德智体全面发展的教育教学指导思想;积极开展教育教学改革,倡导研究学生心理和个性特征,改革课程设置和考试制度,推行白话文教学,发扬教学民主,实行研讨、游戏和训练等多种教学方式,促进教学相长.  相似文献   

国民党二大上,中国共产党对国民党右派的让步一般被称为"陈独秀第一次大让步",是国民革命时期陈独秀右倾机会主义的体现.但是现在通过档案资料的分析可以看到,让步政策来自共产国际,陈独秀和中共中央被迫接受,由中共中央执行.作为中国共产党的主要负责人,陈独秀当然要负一定的责任,但大让步政策主要是由共产国际制定的,再加上当时中共是共产国际的一个支部的政治环境下,主要责任在共产国际.  相似文献   

陈独秀是中国共产党的早期主要创始人之一,他不仅是杰出的政治家、革命家,也是优秀的教育家.在他从事教育工作的革命生涯中,积累了丰富的教育经验,大胆探索了教育教学的理论和实践问题,提出了许多颇有价值的教育思想.陈独秀对教育的内涵与本质、教育方针、爱国主义教育、"新教育的精神"等诸多方面的真知灼见,对今天中国特色社会主义教育改革与发展,办好让人民满意的教育仍有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为了了解不同化学计量比La-Y-Ni系储氢合金的氢化反应与电极反应特性,利用Sieverts装置、电化学测试装置测试了化学计量比B/A值分别为3.0、3.5、3.58、3.67、3.8五个合金样品的PCT曲线、充/放电循环曲线、放电动力学特性。实验结果表明,该系列合金的平台压力均小于0.1 MPa,多次氢化/脱氢循环后呈现非晶化趋势,平台压力有所升高;该系列合金容易活化,AB3.5合金具有386.5 mAh·g-1最大放电容量,AB3.5、AB3.58、AB3.67合金表现出良好的电化学动力学特性。  相似文献   

从学生发展的角度讲,情感态度与价值观的培养比多掌握一些具体的历史知识更重要,青少年时期正是情感态度与价值观逐渐形成的关键时期,所以,要对学生进行爱国主义教育和理想教育.  相似文献   

采用CV、LSV等电化学方法研究了阴极电化学机制,同时通过SEM、XPS等表征方法考察亚硫酸铵对阴极表面、锰晶体结构的影响。结果表明:氢在不锈钢阴极表面析出和锰在不锈钢阴极表面沉积的起始电位分别为-0.95、-1.40 V;亚硫酸铵对析氢反应具有明显的抑制作用,降低锰沉积的电流,减小直流电耗。当亚硫酸铵用量为SeO2的4倍时,锰沉积电流效率高达67.42%,亚硫酸铵有望成为替代SeO2的添加剂。在沉积锰的小区域能谱图中,能捕捉到100%纯度的锰,利于后期高纯锰的研发。  相似文献   

接种吸附百白破混合制剂(WDPT)后出现的发热、红肿、硬结等接种反应给患儿带来了很大痛苦,已成为影响接种率的重要因素。为降低百白破疫苗接种反应,保证接种质量,近几年我们逐步推广使用了吸附无细胞百白破疫苗(ADPT),取得了良好的效果。对接种WDPT与ADPT的每例接种反应分别进行了观察分析。现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

1928年3月10日<新月>月刊正式发刊.这篇文章<新月的态度>是由徐志摩执笔的<新月>月刊发刊词.徐志摩在文中申明了新月社同仁的追求是"为这时代的思想增加一些体魄,为这时代的生命添厚一些光辉".同时.他对包括革命文学在内的十多种文学趋向都进行了抨击,从而大力提倡"健康与尊严"两大原则.通过本文充分体现了新月社同仁在文学和政治上的诉求.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Morphine analysis of hair is used in forensic toxicology to study the addiction history of heroin addicts. To clarify the features underlying fatal heroin intake, we measured hair morphine content in a group of deceased heroin addicts, to verify a possible correlation between fatal heroin overdoses and the addiction behaviour of these individuals before death. METHODS: 91 deaths were attributed to heroin overdose in Verona, Italy, in 1993-96. We analysed the hair of 37 of these individuals, and of 37 active heroin addicts, 37 former heroin users abstinent from the drug for several months, and 20 individuals with no evidence of exposure to opioids. From each individual, a hair sample of about 150 mg was analysed by RIA and high-performance liquid chromatography, to measure the morphine content. FINDINGS: The mean morphine content in the hair of the addicts who had died was 1.15 ng/mg (SD 2.35 ng/mg; range 0-12.25 ng/mg) compared with 6.07 ng/mg (4.29; 1.15-17.0) in the active heroin addicts, 0.74 ng/mg (0.93; 0.10-3.32) in the abstinent former addicts, and values below the detection limit in the non-exposed group. Hair morphine content among those who had died was significantly lower than that in active heroin consumers (p<.00001), but not significantly different from that in the former addicts (p=0.978). INTERPRETATION: Although our findings may be subject to selection bias, since suitable hair samples were available for only 37 of the 91 addicts who had died, these findings support the theory of high susceptibility to opioid overdose after periods of intentional or unintentional abstinence, due to loss of tolerance. Medical staff running detoxification programmes should be aware of the risk inherent in relapse to heroin after a period of abstinence. Moreover, occasional heroin use without a build-up of tolerance could also give a high risk of overdose.  相似文献   

Since the passage of the Oregon Death With Dignity Act (ODDA), psychologists have been grappling with how to fulfill their legally specified role in the process of physician-assisted suicide. We surveyed 423 Oregon psychologists (aged 31–76 yrs) to elicit their views on assisted suicide and the process of assessing patients who request such assistance. There was a high degree of support for assisted suicide and the ODDA, but also a minority who were highly opposed. Most survey respondents raised ethical or practical concerns with their role as assessors. Many important questions about how evaluations in this complex area should be conducted remain unanswered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This reaction article begins by differentiating the authors' data from the official Oregon Health Division Report on the Death with Dignity Act and then provides comments in response to each of the authors/teams who analyzed the original article. The authors use this opportunity to clear up some apparent misunderstandings, to highlight commonalities, and to emphasize a few fundamental differences of opinion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

International construction involves all of the uncertainties common to domestic construction projects as well as risks specific to international transactions. Consequently, despite the worldwide trend toward globalization, a very small portion of contractors actively seek international contracts due to concerns of probable failures. This paper describes findings from experiments done to investigate the risk attitude and bid decision behavior in the selection of international projects. The participants demonstrated either weak risk seeking in profit situations or strong risk seeking toward loss situations when choosing between conflicting options of risky opportunities and sure payoffs. On the other hand, another experimental test attempting to investigate bid behavior when making a realistic bid or no-bid decision in a complicated international construction project reveals the prevailing risk aversion. Further, this paper finds the experimental supports for some of the errors and biases due to risk attitude that commonly exist in bid decisions in this area. Finally, we present lessons learned and guidelines to make a qualified bid decision through feedback with the participants.  相似文献   

Death from cancer at home: the carers' perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To collect information from principal carers of people who had died at home with cancer; to identify areas of support which need improvement. DESIGN: Semistructured interviews with carers two to four months after the death. SETTING: 38 general practices in the Exeter, Torbay, and Plymouth health districts. SUBJECTS: 207 carers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Services received by carers and quality of support. RESULTS: 161 of 207 patients were aged 60 or over. 88 carers were aged under 60, 110 were 60-80, and 9 were > 80. Carers had difficulty in getting urgent professional help in only 15 out of 177 cases. 124 carers were not given advice on financial help and 174 were not told of support available from local charities. Although pain was well controlled, 25% of patients had no relief of other symptoms. Overall, 150 carers considered the support excellent, 45 good, 8 moderate, 2 poor, and 2 had no comment. CONCLUSIONS: Although care has improved in recent years, health professionals need to give carers more advice about help available outside health services. Domestic help was often needed earlier. Better appreciation of carers' problems is needed.  相似文献   

A case report is presented illustrating the thesis that fear of fantasy material may trigger off a physiological process leading to death.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether dynamic cost shifting occurred among acute care hospitals during the period from the early 1980s to the early 1990s and, if so, whether market factors affected the ability to shift costs. Evidence from this study of California acute care hospitals during three time intervals shows that the hospital did practice dynamic cost shifting, but that their ability to shift costs decreased over time. Surprisingly, hospital competition and HMO penetration did not influence cost shifting. However, increasing HMO penetration (measured as the HMO percentage of hospital discharges) did decrease both net prices and costs for the early part of the study, but later was associated with increases in both.  相似文献   

本文认为关于北京大学陈万里监视、阻止华尔纳盗窃敦煌壁画一事,只有华尔纳致斯坦因之信和<万佛峡:一个九世纪佛教壁画洞窟的研究>一书可以作为间接旁证;陈万里<西行日记>一书中,不仅没有记录陈万里监视、阻止华尔纳盗窃敦煌壁画的直接证据,相反,书中详细记录了陈万里赞同并协助美国人在南石窟寺毁坏佛像、伙同翟荫等人擅自拿走石碑一块以及对敦煌人民反抗华尔纳一行人的行动表示不理解等内容.为此,笔者对陈万里监视、阻止华尔纳盗窃敦煌壁画一事提出质疑.  相似文献   

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