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An Adaptive Delta Modulator and demodulator are used as the first and last stages in a system for coding and decoding telephone signals intomu = 255Companded Pulse Code Modulation. The system objectives are to devise an economic coder and decoder that is reliable, free of potentiometer adjustments, and convenient for automated manufacturing for large quantity production. The strategy is a shift of circuit emphasis from analog to digital in order to take full advantage of low-cost, low-speed digital processing technology such as MOS/LSI to achieve the desired objectives. The system structure, digital signal processing, system implementation, and performance of the prototype are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an exact analysis of DPCM systems with stationary Gaussian inputs. We consider a class of digital communication systems in which DPCM is included as a member. An integral equation for the joint probability of the input and the state of the system is derived first. Solution of the equation is sought in the form of a power series in the elements of the covariance matrix of the input that involves generalized Hermite functions. Then the integral equation is reduced to a set of algebraic equations for the coefficients in the series that are solved recursively. The steady-state distribution of the input and the state is thus found. We are interested particularly in the mean-squared error of the system as a function of step size, the sampling interval and the number of quantization levels. Numerical results are shown for the GaussMarkov input; the MSE is calculated in terms of system parameters and performance of DPCM and PCM is compared with reference to the theoretical bound.  相似文献   

This paper reports upon the results of tests of the transmission of data over single- and multiple-hop companded delta modulation (DM) systems. The DM coder-decoder (CODEC) was optimized for voice transmission. Modem bit error rate (BER) achievable over the range of 1200-9600 bits/s is presented. A comparison with the performance of pulse code modulation (PCM) is included. The comparison indicates that the two systems are comparable for error-free digital lines but favors the DM system for lines with errors.  相似文献   

基于对数脉冲编码调制的语音压缩系统实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹晓琳  吴平  丁铁夫 《电子工程师》2004,30(9):25-27,49
语音对数脉冲编码调制(PCM)在数字电话通信等大型通用数字传输设备中已得到广泛应用.文中将其引入小型专用语音数字化传输设备中,设计并实现了以TMS320VC5402为核心的语音压缩系统.该系统主要由PCM线性编码器、数字信号处理器(DSP)、现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)、高速静态RAM及Flash存储器等构成,可完成64kbit/s的A律对数PCM的压扩.介绍了对数PCM原理,并给出了系统硬件连接及主要程序流程.  相似文献   

研究了基于脉冲编码调制的布里渊光时域分析(BOTDA)系统原理,该系统向传感光纤注入经脉冲编码调制后的光脉冲序列,在接收端用数据处理程序恢复系统的单脉冲响应,从而提高BOTDA系统的信噪比、温度和应变分辨率.理论研究了BOTDA系统中Simplex码、Golay码和CCPONS码的编码和解码原理;利用Matlab仿真研究了不同脉冲编码调制的BOTDA系统的时域输出信号,并对比分析了三种编码对系统信噪比的改善情况,结果表明采用脉冲编码技术可使BOTDA系统性能得到有效提升,CCPONS码调制时可获得最佳系统性能,Simplex码次之.  相似文献   

为实现减小数字电路的供电电压来降低其能量消耗的目的,该文提出基于脉冲跨周期调制(PSM)的DC-DC变换器自适应电压调节(AVS)技术。AVS技术通过追踪和探测关键路径复制(CPR)的延迟时间自适应地调节数字电路的供电电压。同时,具有自适应占空比的PSM调制模式(APSM)被用来改善轻负载下变换器输出电压的纹波和效率。实验结果显示,当负载工作频率在30~150 MHz范围内变化时,输出电压在0.6~1.5 V之间稳定输出。和传统的固定工作电压相比,该文设计的DC-DC变换器最大可节省83%的能耗。  相似文献   

该文研究基于多普勒效应的伪码调相及其与脉冲幅度调制(PAM)复合引信的抗噪声性能。首先介绍了其工作原理;然后,推导了其接收机的总调制制度增益,分析了多普勒频率、伪码周期和脉冲宽度对抗噪声性能的影响。结果表明伪码调相与PAM复合引信的抗噪声性能强于伪码调相引信,并且通过对脉冲宽度、伪码序列周期和工作频率的设计可以保证两种引信良好的抗噪声性能。  相似文献   

针对无线通信中存在的频谱资源有限、信道衰落和多径效应等问题,该文将可变长纠错(VLEC)编码和掺杂调制相结合,提出一种新的联合信源信道编码调制方法。该方法利用外信息转移(EXIT)图分析系统的迭代译码特性,优化设计可变长纠错编码和掺杂调制的参数。主要包括:设计有更大自由距离的可变长码,使其具有纠错能力;设计优化掺杂调制的掺杂和映射规则的方法,使掺杂调制EXIT曲线与可变长纠错编码EXIT曲线匹配,降低迭代译码收敛所需的信噪比(SNR)。仿真结果表明,在AWGN信道和瑞利衰落信道下,该联合信源信道编码调制方法与分离的信源信道编码调制方相比,迭代收敛所需的信噪比减小了1 dB以上,相比其他的联合信源信道编码调制方法,也有更好的误码率性能。在误码率为10–4时,该方法距离AWGN信道和瑞利衰落信道的香农限分别为0.7 dB和1.0 dB。  相似文献   

A simple, yet effective, ultra wideband pulse shaping circuit architecture is presented. The circuit enables generation of an arbitrary pulse based on in-time superposition of the excitation waveform. The proposed system addresses problems associated with spectrum management, pulse reception and equalization. The pulse shaper was implemented in planar microstrip technology to provide a fully variable waveform.  相似文献   

调频编码频率信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对步进频率信号存在的距离-多普勒耦合的和速度利用率低的缺点,提出一种新信号形式,可同时解决这两方面的问题,改善了信号的性能。  相似文献   

This paper gives a spectrum expression which is simple and has a clear physical conception for pulse frequency modulation signal,and has been confirmed by an experiment simultaneously.  相似文献   

脉内调制信号的分析   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
刘东霞  赵国庆 《现代雷达》2003,25(11):17-20
通过对几种脉冲调制算法的比较,分析了各种算法的优缺点和适用范围,并在原算法基础上加以改进,提出了一种新的脉冲信号调制分析方案:针对不同的信号采用不同的算法。计算机仿真结果表明:此方案识别信号能力强,在较低的信噪比下具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

论述了一种直接式声表面波脉冲编码调制振荡器的工作原理及设计方法。实际制作了工作频率为394MHz、调制频偏大于200kHz、调制信号码速率大于400kbit/s、输出功率大于50mW、温度稳定性优于±50×10-6(-20°C~+60°C)的性能优良的声表面波脉冲编码调制振荡器  相似文献   

杨剑锋 《电子科技》2012,25(7):55-57
为了降低连续相位调制(CPM)系统的解调门限,减少复杂编码给系统带来的运算开销,保证系统结构简单高效,提出一种适用于CPM调制方式的串行Turbo码方案。该方案利用CPM调制本身的累加结构作为串行Turbo码的内码,利用卷积码作为外码。仿真表明,该方案的误码率优于并行Turbo编码CPM约3dB。  相似文献   

To enable differential detection of coincident, hard-limited, and reduced sidelobe QPSK type of signals, we introduce asymmetrical pulse shapes. This asymmetry in theIandQbaseband channels leads to coincident (unstaggered) QPSK system applications. We consider the bit error probability performance of these modulation schemes on a hardlimited channel in the presence of uplink and downlink additive Gaussian noise. It is found that the unstaggered QPSK modulation with the asymmetrical pulse has better bit error probability performance than QPSK and staggered QORC.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于NiosⅡ处理器的SPWM(Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulationl系统设计方案,该系统主要由键盘、SPWM模块和液晶3部分组成。键盘实现SPWM模块的输入参数的控制;SPWM模块根据键盘的输人参数产生SPWM波形;液晶显示SPWM波形的数字值和输入参数值。整个系统由NiosⅡ处理器实现控制,应用DSP Builder搭建模型避免编写复杂硬件编程语言,而且可以实现幅度、相位和频率可控。经过行为、功能和时序三级仿真.实验结果表明纂于NiosⅡ处理器的SPWM系统可以方便的实现电机的智能控制,实现输入参数可控制和输出结果可观测。  相似文献   

主要介绍电视信号通过光纤传输的原理和应用电路。调频光端机采用的是脉冲频率调制,包括发端机和收端机。发端功能是将信号经过调制后,把电信号变换成光信号,经光源发射出去。收端作用是将接收的光信号转换成电信号,鉴频解调,放大输出。信号可长距离无中继传输,明显改善电视传输质量。图像信噪比高、失真小。  相似文献   

刘聪杰  彭华  吴迪  赵国庆 《信号处理》2012,28(3):417-424
针对突发自适应调制信号中的PSK和QAM调制方式识别问题,本文提出了一种能够识别BPSK、QPSK、8PSK以及16QAM、32QAM、64QAM、128QAM、256QAM八种信号类型的盲识别算法。该算法首先对信号的循环平稳性进行了分析和讨论,给出了利用循环高阶累积量的特征实现信号识别分类的理论依据。然后,提出了三种基于循环累积量的特征分别实现了QAM和PSK类间识别、MPSK类内识别以及方形QAM与十字形QAM的识别。最后通过对MQAM信号的瞬时幅度分布特性的深入研究和分析,提出了一种基于瞬时包络平方的方差的特征实现了QAM的类内识别。该算法选择了二叉树支持向量机作为识别分类器,并设计了一种新的识别流程完成了对上述信号调制方式的识别。该算法无需精确同步,对载波相位具有较好的鲁棒性,并能够对中频信号进行识别。仿真实验表明,该算法能够实现在较低信噪比条件下突发信号的识别。   相似文献   

A static approach method method is used to get the spectrum expression of the pulse interval modulation signal.The expression is simple,has a clear physical concept and it has been confirmed by a simultaneous experiment .  相似文献   

激光脉冲编码作为半主动激光制导武器提高抗干扰性的重要手段,主要是通过增加编码位数和脉冲间隔时间值的方法实现。本文分析了激光脉冲编码的特点,提出一种基于FPGA利用verilog硬件编程语言实现的编码位数和脉冲间隔均可调的周期脉冲间隔编码设计方案;对该编码方案的硬件结构和编码流程作了详细的介绍;通过功能仿真和实验测试证明了该编码方案的可行性。  相似文献   

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