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In this paper the problem of calculating the probability of failure of linear dynamical systems subjected to random excitations is considered. The failure probability can be described as a union of failure events each of which is described by a linear limit state function. While the failure probability due to a union of non-interacting limit state functions can be evaluated without difficulty, the interaction among the limit state functions makes the calculation of the failure probability a difficult and challenging task. A novel robust reliability methodology, referred to as Wedge-Simulation-Method, is proposed to calculate the probability that the response of a linear system subjected to Gaussian random excitation exceeds specified target thresholds. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method which is found to be enormously more efficient than Monte Carlo Simulations.  相似文献   

Complex technological networks designed for distribution of some resource or commodity are a pervasive feature of modern society. Moreover, the dependence of our society on modern technological networks constantly grows. As a result, there is an increasing demand for these networks to be highly reliable in delivering their service. As a consequence, there is a pressing need for efficient computational methods that can quantitatively assess the reliability of technological networks to enhance their design and operation in the presence of uncertainty in their future demand, supply and capacity. In this paper, we propose a stochastic framework for quantitative assessment of the reliability of network service, formulate a general network reliability problem within this framework, and then show how to calculate the service reliability using Subset Simulation, an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo method that was originally developed for estimating small failure probabilities of complex dynamic systems. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated with an illustrative example where two small-world network generation models are compared in terms of the maximum-flow reliability of the networks that they produce.  相似文献   

An analytical study of the failure region of the first excursion reliability problem for linear dynamical systems subjected to Gaussian white noise excitation is carried out with a view to constructing a suitable importance sampling density for computing the first excursion failure probability. Central to the study are ‘elementary failure regions’, which are defined as the failure region in the load space corresponding to the failure of a particular output response at a particular instant. Each elementary failure region is completely characterized by its design point, which can be computed readily using impulse response functions of the system. It is noted that the complexity of the first excursion problem stems from the structure of the union of the elementary failure regions. One important consequence of this union structure is that, in addition to the global design point, a large number of neighboring design points are important in accounting for the failure probability. Using information from the analytical study, an importance sampling density is proposed. Numerical examples are presented, which demonstrate that the efficiency of using the proposed importance sampling density to calculate system reliability is remarkable.  相似文献   

Subset simulation for structural reliability sensitivity analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on two procedures for efficiently generating conditional samples, i.e. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation and importance sampling (IS), two reliability sensitivity (RS) algorithms are presented. On the basis of reliability analysis of Subset simulation (Subsim), the RS of the failure probability with respect to the distribution parameter of the basic variable is transformed as a set of RS of conditional failure probabilities with respect to the distribution parameter of the basic variable. By use of the conditional samples generated by MCMC simulation and IS, procedures are established to estimate the RS of the conditional failure probabilities. The formulae of the RS estimator, its variance and its coefficient of variation are derived in detail. The results of the illustrations show high efficiency and high precision of the presented algorithms, and it is suitable for highly nonlinear limit state equation and structural system with single and multiple failure modes.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the civil engineering community has ever more realized the importance and perspective of reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). Since then several advanced stochastic simulation algorithms for computing small failure probabilities encountered in reliability analysis of engineering systems have been developed: Subset Simulation (Au and Beck (2001) [2]), Line Sampling (Schuëller et al. (2004) [3]), The Auxiliary Domain Method (Katafygiotis et al. (2007) [4]), ALIS (Katafygiotis and Zuev (2007) [5]), etc. In this paper we propose a novel advanced stochastic simulation algorithm for solving high-dimensional reliability problems, called Horseracing Simulation (HRS). The key idea behind HS is as follows. Although the reliability problem itself is high-dimensional, the limit-state function maps this high-dimensional parameter space into a one-dimensional real line. This mapping transforms a high-dimensional random parameter vector, which may represent the stochastic input load as well as any uncertain structural parameters, into a random variable with unknown distribution, which represents the uncertain structural response. It turns out that the corresponding cumulative distribution function (CDF) of this random variable of interest can be accurately approximated by empirical CDFs constructed from specially designed samples. The generation of samples is governed by a process of “racing” towards the failure domain, hence the name of the algorithm. The accuracy and efficiency of the new method are demonstrated with a real-life wind engineering example.  相似文献   

In the reliability-based design of engineering systems, it is often required to evaluate the failure probability for different values of distribution parameters involved in the specification of design configuration. The failure probability as a function of the distribution parameters is referred as the ‘failure probability function (FPF)’ in this work. From first principles, this problem requires repeated reliability analyses to estimate the failure probability for different distribution parameter values, which is a computationally expensive task. A “weighted approach” is proposed in this work to locally evaluate the FPF efficiently by means of a single simulation. The basic idea is to rewrite the failure probability estimate for a given set of random samples in simulation as a function of the distribution parameters. It is shown that the FPF can be written as a weighted sum of sample values. The latter must be evaluated by system analysis (the most time-consuming task) but they do not depend on the distribution. Direct Monte Carlo simulation, importance sampling and Subset Simulation are incorporated under the proposed approach. Examples are given to illustrate their application.  相似文献   

A semi-analytical simulation method is proposed in this paper to assess system reliability of structures. Monte Carlo simulation with variance-reduction techniques, systematic and antithetic sampling, is employed to obtain the samples of the structural resistance in this method. Variance-reduction techniques make it possible to sufficiently simulate the structural resistance with less runs of structural analysis. When resistance samples and its moments determined, exponential polynomial method (EPM) is used to fit the probability density function of the structural resistance. EPM can provide the approximate distribution and statistical characteristic of the structural resistance and then the first-order second-moment method can be carried out to calculate the structural failure probability. Numerical examples are provided for a structural component and two ductile frames, which illustrate the method proposed facilitates the evaluation of system reliability in assessments of structural safety.  相似文献   

In this research, a new method is proposed to update real-time reliability based on data recorded by instruments and sensors installed on a system. The method is founded on Bayesian analysis and subset simulation and is capable of estimating the functional relationship between the real-time failure probability and the monitoring value. It is shown that as long as the monitoring data can be reasonably deduced into a single index, this relationship can be obtained; moreover, it can be obtained prior to the monitoring process. Three examples of civil engineering systems are used to demonstrate the new method. This new method may be applied to safety monitoring of in-construction civil systems and monitoring of existing civil systems.  相似文献   

The paper suggests an effective approach for the estimation of reliability confidence bounds based on component reliability and uncertainty data for multi-state systems with binary-capacitated components. The approach presented is based on the implementation of the universal generating function technique. When compared with a pure Monte Carlo simulation approach, the universal generating function (UGF)-based approach is proven to be more effective due to a more precise reliability estimation and a considerably lower computational effort. Examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate the suggested approach.  相似文献   

Bayesian state and parameter estimation of uncertain dynamical systems   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The focus of this paper is Bayesian state and parameter estimation using nonlinear models. A recently developed method, the particle filter, is studied that is based on stochastic simulation. Unlike the well-known extended Kalman filter, the particle filter is applicable to highly nonlinear models with non-Gaussian uncertainties. Recently developed techniques that improve the convergence of the particle filter simulations are introduced and discussed. Comparisons between the particle filter and the extended Kalman filter are made using several numerical examples of nonlinear systems. The results indicate that the particle filter provides consistent state and parameter estimates for highly nonlinear models, while the extended Kalman filter does not.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the estimation of structural reliability when a large number of random variables is present. A sampling technique which uses lines in order to probe the failure domain, is presented. The latter is employed in conjunction with a stepwise procedure which makes use of Markov Chains. The resulting algorithm exhibits accelerated convergence.  相似文献   

The software reliability modeling is of great significance in improving software quality and managing the software development process. However, the existing methods are not able to accurately model software reliability improvement behavior because existing single model methods rely on restrictive assumptions and combination models cannot well deal with model uncertainties. In this article, we propose a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) method to model software reliability. First, the existing reliability modeling methods are selected as the candidate models, and the Bayesian theory is used to obtain the posterior probabilities of each reliability model. Then, the posterior probabilities are used as weights to average the candidate models. Both Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm and the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm are used to evaluate a candidate model's posterior probability and for comparison purpose. The results show that the BMA method has superior performance in software reliability modeling, and the MCMC algorithm performs better than EM algorithm when they are used to estimate the parameters of BMA method.  相似文献   

A critical appraisal of reliability estimation procedures for high dimensions   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A critical appraisal of reliability procedures for high dimensions is presented. Available approximate methods and methods based on Monte Carlo simulation are discussed. It is shown that procedures which perform well in low dimensions may become impractical if the dimension increases considerably or tends to infinity. It is observed that some types of Monte Carlo based simulation procedures in fact are capable of treating high dimensional problems.  相似文献   

Assumptions and approximations made while analyzing any physical system induce modeling uncertainty, which, if left unchecked, can result in the erroneous analysis of the system under consideration. Additionally, the discrepancy in the exact knowledge of system parameters can further result in deviation from the ground truth. This paper explores Physics-integrated Variational Auto-Encoder (PVAE) to account for modeling and parametric uncertainties in partially known nonlinear dynamical systems. The PVAE under consideration has three main parts: encoder, latent space, and decoder. The complete PVAE architecture is employed during the training stage of the machine learning model, while only the decoder is used to make the final predictions. The encoder determines the correct parameter values for the known part of the model (in the form of a known ODE). The decoder is augmented with an ODE solver that solves the known part of the system and the estimated discrepancy together to reconstruct the measurements. To test the efficacy of the PVAE architecture, three case studies are carried out, each presenting unique challenges. The probability density functions obtained for the various systems’ responses demonstrate the efficacy of the PVAE architecture. Furthermore, reliability analysis has been carried out, and the results produced have been compared against those obtained from a multi-layered, densely connected forward neural network.  相似文献   

One of the primary causes of blur in a high-energy X-ray imaging system is the shape and extent of the radiation source, or ‘spot’. It is important to be able to quantify the size of the spot as it provides a lower bound on the recoverable resolution for a radiograph, and penumbral imaging methods – which involve the analysis of blur caused by a structured aperture – can be used to obtain the spot’s spatial profile. We present a Bayesian approach for estimating the spot shape that, unlike variational methods, is robust to the initial choice of parameters. The posterior is obtained from a normal likelihood, which was constructed from a weighted least squares approximation to a Poisson noise model, and prior assumptions that enforce both smoothness and non-negativity constraints. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to obtain samples from the target posterior, and the reconstruction and uncertainty estimates are the computed mean and variance of the samples, respectively. Synthetic data-sets are used to demonstrate accurate reconstruction, while real data taken with high-energy X-ray imaging systems are used to demonstrate applicability and feasibility.  相似文献   

Engineering structures react to exceptionally high forces caused by, for example, extreme winds, sea waves, earthquakes, avalanches, etc. in a non‐linear way, before they finally collapse. Mostly these environmental loadings cause dynamic excitations which are adequately modeled by the so‐called stochastic processes. To identify subsets of the excitation, which may trigger failure, methods based on power inputs of the stochastic excitation will be exploited. This procedure is based on the simple consideration that any excitation that maximizes the energy input into the system has the potential to adversely affect the integrity of the structure. This method considers the velocity of the displacement field of the structure and the energy dissipation induced by viscous damping, friction and hysteresis. For an efficient reliability estimation, the n‐dimensional standard normal space S[0]∈??n, in which the stochastic excitation is modeled, is split into two disjunct subspaces S[1]∈??m and S[2]∈??n?m. The subset S[1]∈??m represents the space of important directions, which is identified by a procedure based on an approximation of the gradient of the energy input. Directional sampling in the subspace S[1] and direct Monte Carlo sampling in the subspace S[2] are combined to established an efficient estimator for the structural reliability. The proposed methodology is generally applicable to finite element models with strong non‐conservative non‐linearities. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To meet always increasing safety requirements in car industry, design and safety assessment methods are developed in order to fit the complexity of new embedded mecatronic systems. Hybrid (discrete/continuous) and dynamic features, specific to these systems, require choosing a suitable formalism. These features should also be considered in safety studies made all through the system design. The aim of this paper is to propose a quantitative analysis method based on the construction of an aggregated Markov graph, which allows a limitation of the combinatorial expansion. This graph is directly deducted from the Petri net modelling of the system. It is composed by a set of functional modes and a set of transitions to which statistical information regarding the system dynamics has been added.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simulation-based approach to compare the predictive accuracy of five different methods for estimating the risk of failure for binary failure/no failure systems such as US strategic missiles, space launch vehicles, and security systems based on the results of a number of tests. This paper tests two Bayesian approaches, two classical (frequentist) approaches, and the method currently used the US Air Force Strategic Command (STRATCOM) to estimate the reliability of strategic nuclear missiles. First, test results are simulated based on an assumed underlying reliability profile. Then the system's reliability is estimated by each of the approaches using the simulated test results, and these estimates are compared with the assumed underlying reliability. Statistical procedures are used to compare the errors from the different methods. The results of this study show that the STRATCOM approach and a classical approach using only the test data from the current period are significantly less accurate than the other three methods and that the accuracy of the Bayesian methods depend on the prior density functions used. The results in this paper provide a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the tested methods.  相似文献   

The ‘ensemble’ up-crossing rate technique consists of averaging the rate at which a random load process up-crosses a deterministic barrier level over the resistance distribution at successive time points. Averaging over the resistance makes the assumption of independent up-crossings less appropriate. As a result, first passage failure probabilities may become excessively conservative in problems with other than extremely low failure probabilities. The ensemble up-crossing rate technique has a significant potential in simplifying the solution of time variant reliability problems under resistance degradation. However, little is known about the quality of this approximation or its limits of application. In the paper, a Monte Carlo simulation-based methodology is developed to predict the error in the approximation. An error parameter is identified and error functions are constructed. The methodology is applied to a range of time-invariant and time-variant random barriers, and it is shown that the error in the original ensemble up-crossing rate approximation is largely reduced. The study provides unprecedented insight into characteristics of the ensemble up-crossing rate approximation.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work is to model continuously monitored deteriorating systems by using Monte Carlo simulation and embedding the resulting model within an ‘on condition’ maintenance optimisation scheme that aims at minimising the expected total system cost over a given mission time. The simulation model is first introduced by considering a non-repairable single component subjected to stochastic degradation. The modelling is then generalised to multi-component repairable systems. To find the optimal degradation thresholds of maintenance intervention, the cost optimisation procedure employed is a simple search in the space of the maintenance thresholds. The sensitivity of the results to some of the driving cost parameters has also been examined.  相似文献   

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