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In spite of receiving a significant amount of food aid, achieving food security has been a major problem in Ethiopia. The claim is evidenced from the 2010 Global Hunger Index where the country fared dismally, coming only fourth from the bottom. There are several factors attributing to this problem of food insecurity in a country like Ethiopia which depends highly on agriculture and allied activities. Some of the factors can be linked to low food production and productivity thereby leading to pervasive poverty. In order to assess these factors, the study was conducted on some selected members of agro-pastoral communities of Somali and Oromia regions in Ethiopia. Using availability of food in the household for the last one month as a proxy for food security, the estimated results of a logistic regression model indicated that the most significant factors affecting household food security are educational level of the spouse and that of the household head, size of farm land, availability of household assets including livestock, peace and security. The paper suggests some leads to how these amenities and resources can be provided to household members as they endeavor to reduce food insecurity.  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白最新研究进展--结构、特性及生产制备方法(Ⅰ)   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
乳铁蛋白广泛存在于哺乳动物的分泌物中,如人乳或牛乳中,具有较多的生理活性功能.文章综述了乳铁蛋白的一些最新研究进展包括分子结构、一些功能特性以及生产制备方法.  相似文献   

Although the demand for organic food is growing globally, the mainstream consumption of organic food is far less. The present study attempts to understand the underlying reasons for consumer resistance toward consuming organic food using the theoretical framework of innovation resistance theory (IRT). The study further examines the association between different consumer barriers and purchase decisions (purchase intentions, ethical consumption intentions, and choice behaviour) at different levels of buying involvement and environmental concerns. The collected data, consisting of 452 consumers, were analyzed by structural equation modeling approach. The results showed that value barrier shared a negative association with purchase intentions and ethical consumption intentions. Ethical consumption and purchase intention were found to have a direct influence on choice behaviour. Additionally, the relationship between ethical consumption intention and choice behaviour is mediated by purchase intention. However, no significant differences have emerged based on the level of buying involvement and environment concerns. The findings of the study provide insight into public policymakers, marketers, suppliers, and consumer associations by enhancing their current understanding of buying behaviour of the growing organic food community.  相似文献   

目的 通过2019年江西省3城市居民食物消费量调查的研究,了解3城市居民膳食结构与营养素摄入情况。方法 采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样法,抽取南昌市新建区、吉安市井冈山市、九江市濂溪区共362户1 251人进行入户调查。膳食调查采用家庭称重记账法和非连续3 d 24 h回顾询问法相结合,收集食物消费量资料,分析每标准人日各类食物和营养素摄入状况。结果 2019年江西省3城市居民畜禽肉类、食用油和食用盐每标准人日摄入量分别为111.70、31.06、7.78 g;蔬菜类、水果类、蛋类及其制品、奶类及其制品每标准人日摄入量分别为240.53、47.97、27.91、26.31 g;谷薯类、水产品类每标准人日摄入量为398.30、42.95 g;蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的供能比分别为14.68%、33.74%、51.50%。膳食钙、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C每标准人日摄入量低于平均需要量的分别占89.74%、72.41%、89.04%、82.85%、60.21%;钠每标准人日摄入量超过适宜摄入量100%以上的占74.18%。结论 江西省3城市居民能量、蛋白质摄入量基本满足膳食要求...  相似文献   

Total concentrations of essential (Cu, Zn, Se and Cr) and non-essential (Hg, Cd, Pb and As) trace elements were measured in the flesh and hepatopancreas of Octopodidae (Eledone moschata, Eledone cirrhosa, Octopus salutii), Sepiidae (Sepia elegans, Sepia orbignyana) and Loliginidae (Illex coindeti, Loligo vulgaris) from the Mediterranean Sea. As expected, the hepatopancreas showed higher metal concentrations than flesh; the only exceptions were Hg and As, which were equally distributed in the two tissues. Regarding the edible portion, the highest toxic metal concentrations were in Octopodidae (Hg: 0.44, Cd: 0.49, Pb: 0.10 µg g?1 wet weight) and Sepiidae (Hg: 0.27, Cd: 0.50, Pb: 0.12 µg g?1 wet weight), while Loliginidae tended to accumulate less metal, especially Hg (Hg: 0.11, Cd: 0.30, Pb: 0.05 µg g?1 wet weight). The other elements showed a heterogeneous distribution among the different cephalopod families. Loliginidae showed the highest Se concentrations (1.18 µg g?1 wet weight), Octopodidae of Cu (37.37 µg g?1 wet weight) and Zn (42.00 µg g?1 wet weight) and Sepiidae of As (61.43 µg g?1 wet weight), while Cr was uniformly distributed among the various families (0.38–0.43 µg g?1 wet weight). In these seafoods, the concentrations of essential and non-essential elements were within the prescribed limits set by various authorities, except for Cu and As. Health risks posed by toxic elements to humans via dietary intake of these mollusks were assessed on the basis on Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI), while the estimated intakes of essential elements were compared to Dietary Reference Intakes (RDIs). A 70-g serving of these mollusks was shown to provide a large contribution to Cd intake (0.89 µg kg?1 body weight), corresponding to 35.6% of PTWI. Concerning the essential elements, the consumption of these mollusks made an important contribution to daily dietary intake of Se, Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)在食品色素制备中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了高速逆流色谱在食品色素制备中的应用情况,包括溶剂选择、色素种类等。  相似文献   

20 0 0 - 2 0 0 1年进行了利用病毒制剂“棉烟灵”防治烟青虫、斜纹夜蛾和烟蚜研究。结果表明 ,“棉烟灵”对烟青虫有较好防效 ,对斜纹夜蛾无效。“棉烟灵”加辛硫磷的混剂对烟蚜有兼治作用。“棉烟灵”在田间的持效达 36d左右 ,药效呈线性递减 ,每天递减率为 3.14 % ,防效与烟青虫幼虫密度无关。依靠烟青虫幼虫的移动来实现病毒的扩散范围有限 ,幼虫感染病毒后的第 5d达到死亡高峰。  相似文献   

罗庆华 《食品科学》2010,31(19):390-393
该文综述中国大鲵的营养成分研究进展。研究表明:大鲵肌肉营养价值高,其蛋白质质量好,必需氨基酸种类齐全、含量高,基本无限制性氨基酸;鲜味氨基酸含量高;脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸比例高,DHA 含量高。分析大鲵食品的现状,提出蛋白质氨基酸类与功能性油脂类等保健食品可作为大鲵特色食品开发的主要方向。此外,发现不同养殖方式的大鲵肌肉的营养成分差异较大。  相似文献   

The daily intake of total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidants in the American diet was estimated from the most common 34 fresh fruit and vegetables and their daily consumption data. Among 14 fruit and 20 vegetables, orange contributed the highest amount of total phenolics [117.1 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) person?1 day?1] and antioxidants [146.6 mg vitamin C equivalents (VCE) person?1 day?1]. Orange contributed about 26 and 25% of total phenolics and antioxidant, respectively, in the daily consumption of fruit and vegetables. Apples showed relatively high levels of total phenolics and antioxidant capacity comparable to those of oranges and their phenolics and antioxidants contribution is the second highest. Even though potatoes had lower levels of phenolics and antioxidant capacity, they were third due to the fact that their consumption is the highest (137.9 lb person?1 year?1) in the American diet. Although plums and strawberries were ranked as the group with the highest total phenolics and antioxidant capacity among 34 tested fruit and vegetables, their contributions were relatively low due to their lower daily consumption. Generally, the levels of total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant capacity of fruits were higher than those of vegetables. American daily intake of phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidants from fruits and vegetables was estimated to be 450 mg GAE, 103 mg catechin equivalents and 591 mg VCE, respectively. Although we do not yet know the required minimum daily amounts of antioxidants, when we estimate the daily requirement of antioxidants, we must consider not only the antioxidant concentrations of the particular food, but also the daily intakes of the food. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

近年来,食源性生物活性肽在功能食品中的应用越来越广,从而使其成为食品领域研究的热点问题。本文对酶解法、微生物发酵法及人工合成法制备食源性性生物活性肽进行简单介绍,根据食源性活性肽分子量及其所带电荷,对食源性活性肽的分离纯化进行重点概述。   相似文献   

本文报道了食品中Cr(Ⅲ)和Cr(Ⅵ)分离并用ICP-MS仪进行测定方法.食品经微波消化后,用离子交换树脂进行交换,以^45Sc为内标元素,采用内标法进行测定。该方法加标回收率是98.6%-99.6%,相对标准偏差RSD是2.1%~3.5%,检测限是0.006-0.01ng/ml,可用于食品以及饮用水、废水中Cr(Ⅲ)和Cr(Ⅵ)的测定。  相似文献   

黑色粮油营养羹的营养成分测定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:以黑粘米、黑大豆、黑芝麻为主要原料,加工成一种黑色粮油食品营养羹,通过化学方法研究黑色粮油营养羹的主要营养成分,并对其氨基酸含量及组成特性进行分析。方法:将黑粘米、黑大豆、黑芝麻经发芽、破碎、挤压膨化、微波灭菌等工序加工成营养羹,按国标规定检测其营养成分含量。结果:营养羹中成分含量分别为:水分4.92%、蛋白质24.81%、脂肪18.84%、灰分2.84%、不溶性膳食纤维2.43%、VB1 98.65μg/100g、VB2 96.89μg/100g、VE 6.98mg/100g、钙207.14mg/100g、钠86.62mg/100g、钾702.03mg/100g、镁119.13mg/100g、铁9.04mg/100g、锌2.09mg/100g、锰1.66mg/100g、铜5.88mg/kg、铅小于0.3mg/kg、砷小于0.2mg/kg。每100g蛋白质中氨基酸总量为24.57g,必需氨基酸(EAA)总量8.94g,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)总量为15.63g,EAA/TAA为36.39%,EAA/NEAA为57.20%。氨基酸评分(AAS)、化学评分(CS)、必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)分别为1.02、0.65、78.77。结论:以黑色粮油开发制成的营养羹营养全面、结构合理。  相似文献   

The development of a duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method allowing the simultaneous detection of sesame and flaxseed DNA in commercial food products is described. This duplex real-time PCR technique is based in the design of sesame- and flaxseed-specific primers based on the ITS1 region and two TaqMan fluorescent probes. The method was positive for sesame and flaxseed, and showed no cross-reactivity for all other heterologous plant and animal species tested. Sesame and flaxseed could be detected in a series of model samples with defined raw and heat-treated sesame in flaxseed, and flaxseed in sesame, respectively, with detection limits of 1.3 mg kg?1 for sesame and 1.4 mg kg?1 for flaxseed. The applicability of the assay for determining sesame and flaxseed in different food matrices was investigated by analysing a total of 238 commercial foodstuffs. This PCR method is useful for highly selective and sensitive detection of traces of sesame and flaxseed in commercial food products.  相似文献   

定义了新的序列Un(P ,Q ,R),并得到了序列Un(P ,Q ,R)的通项公式。同时,利用初等方法研究了当Un(P ,Q ,R)不是 k次方数时,参数的取值情况。  相似文献   

Kimchi is a traditional, fermented Korean food that is prepared through a series of processes, including pretreatment of oriental cabbage (or radish), brining, blending with various spices and other ingredients, and fermentation. The characteristics of kimchi differ depending on the kimchi varieties, raw materials used, process, fermentation, and preservation methods. However, kimchi has typical biochemical, nutritional, and organoleptic properties and health‐related functions. Kimchi fermentation is initiated by various microorganisms originally present in the raw materials, but the fermentation is gradually dominated by lactic acid bacteria. Numerous physicochemical and biological factors influence the fermentation, growth, and sequential appearance of principal microorganisms involved in the fermentation. Complex biochemical changes occur depending on the environmental conditions before, during, and after fermentation. The most important characteristics are the compositional changes of sugars and vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), formation and accumulation of organic acids, and texture degradation and softening. Nutritionally, kimchi is an important source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other nutrients. This review covers in some detail the biochemical, microbiological, and nutritional characteristics of kimchi.  相似文献   

The effects of hull processing, soaking, and boiling on the content or activity of antinutrients in the red sword bean (RSB; Canavalia gladiata) were investigated. RSB seeds were compared with kidney bean (KB; Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds that are starch based and often used as processed products in Japan. RSB seeds had higher weight, thicker hull, and higher protein content, but lower moisture content compared with KB seeds. Because of the strong and thick hull, the relative water absorption of untreated RSB seeds was very low after soaking. Seeds were soaked after dehulling, scratching, and roasting. The results showed that hull scratching was the optimal method for increasing water absorption during soaking compared with dehulling and roasting. After soaking, the water used for soaking was discarded, since it had a high content of polyphenols and bitter taste, and RSB seeds were boiled in fresh water for 20, 40, and 60 min. The results showed that polyphenol and tannin contents, antioxidant activity, and hemagglutinating activity, as well as maltase, sucrase, and trypsin inhibitor activities in scratched RSB seeds decreased significantly after boiling compared with those in raw seeds, whereas amylase inhibitor activity showed no significant change. Overall, it was concluded that the combination of hull scratching, soaking, and boiling in fresh water can reduce thermal‐stable or sensitive antinutrients in RSB and thus, significantly improve its nutritional value.  相似文献   

中国养殖大鲵的食用、药用价值及其开发利用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
综述了中国大鲵的营养品质、药用保健及开发利用研究进展,旨在为其进一步开发提供借鉴。研究表明:大鲵肌肉蛋白质氨基酸组成全面,必需氨基酸和鲜味氨基酸含量高;肌肉和尾部脂肪酸中不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富;肌肉中富含锌,软骨中富含钙;此外大鲵体内还含多种功能性成分,具有重要的药用保健价值。分析了大鲵的开发利用现状,指出其今后应以高档保健品为主要开发方向。  相似文献   

A gas chromatography-ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry procedure was developed for the determination of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) and n-dibutylphthalate (DBP) in domestic and imported paper packages and food sold in US marketplaces. The procedure involved ultrasonic extraction with dichloromethane, followed by analysis with the gas chromatography-ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry. Calibration curves for DIPN and DBP were achieved with concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 10 µg ml?1 and the corresponding r 2 values were 0.9976 and 0.9956, respectively. In most of the fortified samples the recoveries were higher than 80% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) <10%. Using this procedure, it was found that less than 20% of the tested domestic packages and more than 60% of the tested imported food packages contained both DIPN and DBP. The concentrations of DIPN and DBP ranged from 0.09 to 20 mg kg?1 and 0.14 to 55 mg kg?1, respectively, with most of the DINP and DBP levels lower than 20 mg kg?1. DIPN was not detected (<0.01 mg kg?1) in 41 food samples and DBP was only detected in two domestic and four imported food samples with concentrations ranging from <0.01 to 0.81 mg kg?1.  相似文献   

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