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The author reports his personal experience of allergy to antibiotics following anaesthesia. Over a period of four years, corresponding to 5,500 patients who had consulted for reasons of allergy, 32 patients presented per-operative anaphylactic accident of which 5 were attributed to antibiotics (about 15%). Three of these accidents were attributed to cephalosporin, 1 to vancomycin and 1 to erythromicin.  相似文献   

Fifty-four billion dollars was spent on alcohol/drug abuse and mental health treatment in 1990. These expenditures were concentrated in the area of inpatient psychiatric care and on persons with severe mental health and substance abuse problems. The data on expenditure patterns for mental health and substance abuse care suggest that successful health care reform in this area must implement mechanisms for controlling inpatient utilization and managing the care of persons with the most severe disorders.  相似文献   

Neural correlates of saccade planning in 6-month-old infants were investigated by high-density event-related potentials. Subjects made saccades to a target stimulus following a time gap from fixation stimulus offset (gap trials) or with the fixation stimulus still present (overlap trials). Like adults, infants were slower to make a saccade to the target when the fixation stimulus was still present. Strikingly, infants did not show clear evidence of the pre-saccadic components observed in adults which are thought to reflect cortical saccade planning processes. They did, however, show a left frontal positivity, which we suggest reflects cortical disinhibition of the colliculus initiated by fixation stimulus offset, and clear post-saccadic lambda waves. These results indicate that the frontal cortex already plays a role in action control by 6 months of age, while other aspects of cortical action planning may not yet be present in certain task situations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A suspicion that disability payments may exacerbate substance use among persons with chemical addictions recently led Congress to limit federal disability entitlements of applicants whose disability status is related to substance abuse, even if they have another serious mental disorder. This study empirically explored the relationship between receipt of disability payments and substance use among homeless mentally ill veterans. METHODS: The study sample included 2,474 homeless veterans with a current diagnosis of schizophrenia and a substance abuse or dependence disorder who were assessed in a community outreach program sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs. RESULTS: After adjustment for other relevant factors, receipt of disability payments showed no significant relationship to the number of days of substance use a month, even among frequent users of alcohol and drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Findings about substance use among the homeless veterans with serious mental disorders in this study provide no support for the assertion that disability payments exacerbate substance use.  相似文献   

Analysis of Mathematics and Language Arts scores for 11,438 fourth- and 8,972 seventh-grade students in compensatory education programs on the performance assessments for the Iowa Test of Basic Skills indicated the students performed poorly, particularly in mathematics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A review of the relevant research suggests a need to develop an appropriate, effective, and replicable treatment to help individuals with schizophrenia and substance abuse problems. This pilot study describes a biweekly group specifically designed to help the individual with both schizophrenia and substance abuse. The components of the group were support, psychoeducation, and skills training. Attention was also paid to the stage of recovery. METHOD: Eighteen subjects attended the group and were assessed pregroup. Thirteen subjects completed a 1-year follow-up, and 5 subjects were assessed between 3 and 6 months. RESULTS: At the follow-up assessment, 8 subjects (44%) were abstinent. CONCLUSIONS: This type of treatment appears to be effective for reducing substance abuse in this population.  相似文献   

The authors originally circulated the concepts in this proposal during May 1995. The purpose was to support an open, public dialogue regarding the restructuring of the mental health and substance abuse services in Illinois in anticipation of Medicaid funding changes. Restructuring mental health and substance abuse service systems should follow certain key principles. These principles are applicable to other states, particularly those large in territory and population. The authors propose the temporary use of multiple managed care companies serving as administrative services only (ASO) organizations, each of whom would have responsibility for a given geographic portion of a state. The role of the ASOs would be to organize providers into networks on a regional basis and transfer managed care expertise in financing and clinical management to the relevant state departments and provider groups. Changes in the service delivery system would be phased in over time with reorganization of key components of the system during each phase. Where the provision of mental health, substance abuse, and social services is split among multiple state agencies, these agencies would be merged to achieve unified funding and administrative efficiency. Patients and advocacy organizations would play a key role in overseeing and shaping system restructuring at all levels, including a governmental board reporting to the governor, overseeing ASO organizations' operations and assuring quality and access at the provider level. The authors propose funding of public behavioral health services through use of a tiered, integrated funding model.  相似文献   

Computer-mediated communications (CMC) such as e-mail, websites, and CD-ROM and DVD programs, both on and off the Internet, will play an ever larger role in the future of behavioral health care. This address describes the current rapid expansion of CMC and some profound changes that are likely in the future. The reasons for using such CMC programs are addressed, and an example of a new multimedia version of the Addiction Severity Index is described. Issues and concerns about future uses of CMC are raised, as are possible implications for psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The problem of substance abuse disorders in schizophrenia patients is reviewed, including the prevalence of comorbid disorders, assessment, hypothesized mechanisms underlying abuse, and the clinical effects of abuse on the course of illness and cognitive functioning. The principles of treatment for dual-diagnosis schizophrenia patients are outlined, and the limitations of existing interventions are noted. Gaps in current knowledge about the impact of substance abuse on schizophrenia and its treatment are identified, and suggestions are made regarding promising avenues of research in this area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes a multimodal treatment design for a short-term, residential, hospital-based program for drug abusers. Each patient is expected to attend all program services with the intent that one or several will provide the corrective emotional experience facilitating change. Services included medical care, individual counseling/psychotherapy, group counseling, health education seminars, milieu/recreational therapy, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, linkage with aftercare components, and ancillary services (vocational rehabilitation, court liaison, and 90-day follow-up). Psychology interns and students are utilized. Results of internal follow-up show that 40% of Ss admitted over 3 yrs stated they were drug-free at 90 days and 1.5 yrs. (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In July 1996, Tennessee initiated a managed mental health and substance abuse program called TennCare Partners. This publicly funded "carve-out" experiment started chaotically and soon deteriorated into a crisis. Many patients did not receive care or lost continuity of care, and the traditional "safety net" mental health system nearly disintegrated. This qualitative case study sought to ascertain the impact of the TennCare Partners program. It points out that the program's difficulties stemmed directly from a flawed design that spread funds previously earmarked for severely mentally ill patients across the entire Medicaid population. States contemplating similar reforms should strive to protect vulnerable patients by risk-adjusting capitation payments and by focusing resources on care for severely mentally ill persons. States should also minimize program complexity and ensure the accountability of managed care networks for their patients' behavioral health care needs.  相似文献   

Support has been found to be related to perinatal health, resulting in the development of the Postpartum Support Questionnaire based on the four categories of support (informational, material, emotional and comparison) identified by House (1981) and Cronenwett (1985). Data from four studies (N = 207) provided evidence of the psychometric properties of the instrument. Internal consistency reliability was demonstrated (alpha = .90 to .94 for total instrument). Test-retest reliability ranged from .69 to .79 for total scores and .30 to .79 for for categories of support. Measures of concurrent validity with the Personal Resource Questionnaire .85 were .42 and .48 at 6 and 8 weeks postpartum. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 7 supported the four categories of support, but the use of these factors separately remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance-use disorders are related to each other in a variety of ways. Although within the child-psychiatry literature earlier investigations were inconsistent regarding such a link, recent prospective studies that followed hyperactive children and normal controls into adulthood have found that hyperactive adults with a history of ADHD are more likely than controls to have substance-use disorders. The substance-abuse literature is less consistent regarding the potential association between ADHD and substance abuse. However, recent studies suggest that persons with a substance-use disorder, and particularly those with a cocaine-use disorder, may be more likely than the general population to have a childhood history of ADHD. Some of the inconsistency regarding this association is due to differences in diagnostic criteria, type of assessments used, and reliability of information obtained. Each of the potential relationships that may exist between ADHD and substance abuse has treatment implications for the clinician. Pharmacological as well as nonpharmacological approaches deserve further investigation. Because pharmacotherapy is a central component in the treatment of childhood ADHD, clinicians designing a strategy to treat both a substance-use disorder and ADHD need to consider pharmacological interventions. At present, the literature on pharmacological treatment for childhood ADHD is extensive and that for adult ADHD is growing; information regarding the treatment of cocaine abuse and concomitant ADHD symptoms remains limited.  相似文献   

A structural equation model incorporating substance abuse problem severity, psychosocial risk and protection, and treatment variables examined adolescent drug abuse treatment outcome pathways across 6- and 12-month follow-up points. Findings on resiliency factors and an empirical method adapted from previous research were used to select and assign 10 psychosocial factors to either a multiple protective factor index or a risk factor index. Gender, substance abuse problem severity, treatment modality, treatment length, and aftercare participation were also examined as outcome predictors. The findings suggest that treatment intensity decisions may be better informed by pretreatment psychosocial risk level rather than by substance abuse problem severity. The present study also suggests that drug-abusing adolescents who receive sufficiently long treatment, participate in aftercare, and possess at least 1 individual or interpersonal protective factor during their recovery process have the best chance to maintain gains made during treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes recent federal initiatives to focus attention on the needs of young adults (aged 18–40 yrs) with concurrent mental health and substance abuse problems, summarizes research findings on persons with these dual disabilities, and presents an agenda for future epidemiological, clinical, and basic research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As a nation, we are becoming aware that a significant number of children develop severe neuropsychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, knowledge of DSM-IV criteria does not always help the child and family social worker identify children with these disorders. Early onset schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and severe depression can cause child behaviors that differ markedly from symptoms manifested by adults with serious mental illness. This article provides specific information for screening and treating children who develop long-term neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

The comparative effectiveness of 12-step and cognitive-behavioral (C-B) models of substance abuse treatment was examined among 3,018 patients from 15 programs at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Across program types, participants showed significant improvements in functioning from treatment admission to a 1-year follow-up. Although 12-step patients were somewhat more likely to be abstinent at the 1-year follow-up, 12-step, C-B, and combined 12-Step–C-B treatment programs were equally effective in reducing substance use and improving most other areas of functioning. The finding of equal effectiveness was consistency over several treatment subgroups: Patients attending the "purest" 12-step and C-B treatment programs, and patients who had received the "full dose" of treatment. Also, patients with only substance abuse diagnoses, those with concomitant psychiatric diagnoses, and patients who were mandated to treatment showed similar improvement at the 1-year follow-up, regardless of type of treatment received. These data provide important new evidence supporting the effectiveness of 12-step treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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