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By focusing on three contextual areas—social/political, environmental/economic and legal/administrative—this article considers how a greater understanding of context may help in measuring the effectiveness of strategic environmental assessment (SEA). Based on a review of literature, some of the environmental assessment studies and a recent case study in Canada, the importance of context is considered generally and contextual criteria developed. A positive approach is necessary if the challenge of moving SEA effectiveness studies forward is to be met.  相似文献   

A strategic environmental assessment (SEA) framework for electricity sector planning is developed and applied to evaluate electricity supply scenarios for Saskatchewan, Canada. The overall goal of the SEA application was to identify a preferred future electricity production path, demonstrate the application of a quantitative SEA process that operationalizes sustainability principles through the use of assessment criteria, and examine the methodological implications resulting from the application of a structured SEA framework. Results of the application identified a renewables-focused electricity supply preference, but with several implications for electricity sector investment and sustainability, including increased infrastructure requirements and increased cost of electricity. Results also demonstrate a practical approach to the operationalization of sustainability through the application of assessment criteria that are linked to higher level principles. The use of structure in the SEA process provided for replicability, transparency and the ability to quantify issues of uncertainty in Plan, program and policy (PPP) decision-making, while at the same time maintaining flexibility to tailor the SEA framework to the electricity sector context.  相似文献   

Within the ample body of literature devoted to strategic environmental assessment (SEA) outcomes and the assessment of its effectiveness, it is accepted that the performance of SEA systems is influenced by contextual aspects. Procedural aspects, objectives, guidance, approach, timing, amongst others, are reported as key components of the different dimensions of SEA effectiveness but their linkage to SEA outcomes is yet to be adequately investigated. In this paper, contextual aspects and related outcomes of a non-mandatory SEA system were identified through systematic literature review and personal interviews with key actors of SEA, aiming at the identification of the influence of contextual factors on SEA effectiveness. The findings indicate three main aspects that may explain the lengthy process of introduction of SEA in plan- and policy-making in the country: (i) lack of proper SEA legislation, (ii) the influence of Environmental Impact Assessment practice and (iii) the influence of the environmental licensing culture. Nevertheless, SEA contributes to improving communication between stakeholders along the planning process and to providing a better level of information for lower tiers of decision-making. In spite of the minor influences on the nature of the strategic action, valuable lessons credited to SEA have been learnt.  相似文献   

Unpredictable and complex developments challenge the application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), for example, in terms of timing, prediction and relevance of assessments. In particular, multi-actor and unstructured strategic-level decision-making processes often seem to be characterised by unpredictable and complex changes. Despite the apparent implications, explorative investigations about how unpredictability influences SEA application in practice are rare. This article aims to shed light on contextual changes and reactions to such changes in practice by a case study of the specific SEA process of the Danish Natural Gas Security of Supply Plan. Special emphasis is given to the framing of alternatives in the SEA process, since alternatives are directly related to the contextual developments. Based on a participative approach, strategic dynamics are mapped and the reactions and concerns in the SEA team are outlined. The contribution of the article is enhanced empirical understanding of strategic dynamics and how it challenges SEA application.  相似文献   

This paper examines methods promoted and used in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) practice, practitioner choices about methodology and the nature of SEA guidance. Results show that SEA is not challenged by a lack of methods, but the range of methods promoted and used is restrictive. A major challenge to practice is making the ‘right choices’ about methods and methodology. Much SEA guidance is focused on flexibility in SEA, providing high-level principles, and is too generic to facilitate such choices. It is assumed that there is sufficient expertise amongst SEA practitioners, and that practitioners will simply know what methods and methodologies are best. Our results indicate that more detailed operational guidance is needed at the practitioner level on how to make sound methodological choices and how to select the best available methods for the SEA tier and context at hand.  相似文献   


The paper presents an analytical approach to strategic environmental assessment (SEA), focused on bridging the strategic level assessment of policy objectives with tactical planning and implementation. This is done within the context of an applied SEA application for urban wetland policy development and implementation in the fast growing city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. An expert-based strategic assessment framework was developed and applied to assess the potential implications of alternative wetland conservation policy targets on urban planning goals, and to identify a preferred conservation policy target. Site-specific algorithms, based on wetland area and wetland sustainability, were then developed and applied to prioritize individual wetlands for conservation so as to meet policy targets within urban planning units. Results indicate a preferred wetland conservation policy target, beyond which higher conservation targets provide no additional benefit to sustainable urban development goals. The use of different implementation strategies, based on wetland area vs. wetland sustainability, provides operational guidance and choice for planners to meet the policy objectives within neighbourhood planning units, but those choices have implications for local land use and wetland sustainability.  相似文献   

The scoping phase in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is considered a central issue for the effectiveness of the whole SEA process, enhancing decision-making. Understanding SEA should be context-specific and scoping is paramount for a robust SEA; the main goal of this research was to develop a framework for the evaluation of the procedural effectiveness of the scoping stage in a specific political and planning system context – Portugal. The framework developed comprises a set of 21 criteria divided into six broad themes and was applied to 20 Portuguese SEA scoping reports, through content analysis. Overall, it was found that mandatory issues in the Portuguese SEA context were met and the scoping reports used mainly national guidelines. However, issues of public participation are often discarded and there is no evidence that scoping starts early in the decision-making process, or if it is done concurrently. Nonetheless, the framework developed establishes best practice for the SEA scoping phase, needing to be adapted to the different political and planning system contexts in order to reflect legal and institutional specificities.  相似文献   

The intent of this study is to contribute to the discussion of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) best practice based on experience gained in a recent SEA initiative: the central Namib (Namibia) uranium rush SEA. We evaluate this SEA process against internationally established characteristics of ‘best practice’ SEA to improve and strengthen future practice in Namibia. The study draws primarily on the final assessment report as well as inputs from six informants involved in the assessment. The results reveal some elements of good practice as well as areas for improvement, and in particular, the need for improved baseline data collection; adequate consideration of alternatives; committing to preferred scenario/options; enforceability; and a more robust institutional capacity. We offer insight into how consideration of these factors may help to strengthen SEA practice in Namibia. Overall, the SEA may not represent a ‘best practice’ example according to international standards, but it does suggest a potentially bright future for SEA practice in Namibia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experience with regional cumulative effects assessment (CEA) in the Great Sand Hills, Saskatchewan, Canada, and the lessons that emerge for better practice. The benefits of a regional approach to CEA are widely discusssed; however, in practice, regional CEA, particularly in Canada, has fallen short of its potential. Part of the reason for this, arguably, is the lack of strategic frameworks to support good practice. Most attempts at regional CEA have been constrained by the strong influence of project-based environmental assessment, and are focused on modeling past and present stressors and responses, rather than on projecting cumulative trends and systematically identifying and evaluating desirable futures. Regional CEA is inherently futures-oriented. This requires a supporting SEA framework, structured scenario-based analysis, a multi-scaled perspective, and an integrated approach to CEA and regional plan development.  相似文献   

Genetically modified crops appear to provide a promising option in finding sustainable solutions to end global hunger and poverty, but strategic decisions need to be made on how to spend limited agricultural research funds. Potentially, strategic environmental assessment (SEA) may be used as part of an environmental management system to introduce mainstreaming of environmental considerations in the policy research and priority-setting process of development organizations to help achieve international development goals. This paper sets out a possible biotechnology SEA process that integrates qualitative and quantitative assessments with a focus on risk assessment and management within the SEA and policy environmental assessment frameworks. It uses the International Association for Impact Assessment six performance criteria for SEAs: integration; sustainability; focus; accountability; participation; and iteration.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current framework for, and practical application of, environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Malaysia and assesses the progress made towards adoption of strategic environmental assessment (SEA). EIA legislation was first introduced in 1987 and much progress has been made in enforcing compliance with the requirements. More recent moves towards devolution of EIA control to the states are an indicator of the influence that EIA is making, although there are still many practical constraints to be overcome. Even more recently, Malaysia has used SEA for area-wide schemes: the potential for this take up is evaluated. Despite many problems, the EIA process continues to function and evidence of an emerging commitment to SEA bodes well for the future.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) – its direct impact on policies, plans and programs (PPPs) and its indirect and longer-term impacts. Criteria for assessing SEA's impact are developed and applied in the Canadian context based on a survey of SEA practitioners, and the perceived opportunities and challenges to realizing the full impact of SEA explored. Results indicate that SEA does have a direct impact on PPPs, but its indirect impacts are either constrained or difficult to distinguish from an agency's normal policies, practices and innovations. Amongst the most significant challenges to realizing the indirect impacts of SEA is the lack of shared vision for SEA by those responsible for implementation, and incongruences between the need for rapid results by way of PPP approval versus the long-term commitment required to realize many of the benefits of SEA. Indirect impacts require more explicit consideration at the outset of the SEA design process than what is currently the case if the benefits of SEA are to be fully recognized.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the potential for strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to be a useful tool for banks to manage environmental risks and inform lending decisions. SEA is an environmental assessment tool that was developed to assist strategic-level decision-makers, such as policy-makers, planners, government authorities and environmental practitioners in improving developmental outcomes, aiming to facilitate the transition to sustainable development. We propose that SEA may also be a valuable tool for banks because it has the capacity to provide information about environmental risks at a time when it can be used as an input to bank lending decisions, which can assist banks in making lending decisions with better environmental outcomes. For these reasons, we argue that in some circumstances, and particularly for project finance transactions, SEA may be a more useful environmental assessment tool for lenders than environmental impact assessment, which many banks are currently relying on to help assess and mitigate environmental risks. Furthermore, we suggest that the use of SEA by banks would contribute to the sustainability goals of SEA.  相似文献   

Despite much recent attention being given to strategic environmental assessment (SEA), there are considerable difficulties moving from a useful concept to widespread and enduring practice. This may be partly because the proponents of the policies, programmes and plans (PPPs) and the decision-makers remain unaware, or unconvinced, that SEA can add value to the existing processes in PPP development, assessment and decision-making. This paper attempts to respond to these difficulties by defining an overarching concept of SEA and a set of principles to assist in the evolution of effective methodologies. A broad range of SEA methodologies will be needed to adapt to the particular PPP-making context and these must be grafted onto the existing PPP process.  相似文献   

A proper integration of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) into policy-making processes is considered critical to the success of SEA. Most of the work in SEA seems to be based on the assumption that the provision of rational information will help improve decision-making, but the literature points to other characteristics of real decision-making processes, including cognitive limitations, behavioural biases, ambiguity and variability of preferences and norms, distribution of decision-making over actors and in time, and the notion of decision-making as a process of learning and negotiation between multiple actors. All these are very relevant at the planning and policy level. In the policy sciences literature, some approaches may also hold promise for SEA, such as supporting an open learning process, variety in ways to support and roles to play in these processes, and paying more attention to the actor configuration and distribution of interests, as a basis for finding implementable and effective solutions to policy problems. The elaboration of these ideas holds promises as well as challenges for SEA.  相似文献   

Discussions on effectiveness have been around in impact assessment for many years, blending multiple perspectives. This paper is about the effectiveness of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Portugal. The adopted framework was set by the editors of this special issue and this paper is contributing results obtained through a questionnaire shared with SEA professionals in Portugal, and also from discussions held in a workshop promoted by the Portuguese national authority on SEA. We have tried to understand the influence of SEA in development processes and the perception on SEA added-value to both environmental authorities and other relevant stakeholders in Portugal. Results are mixed and somehow reveal some confusion between expectations with what SEA aims to achieve, and with what it is actually delivering, which question its effectiveness, as expressed by some opinions that SEA ‘magic may be fading away’. However, other outcomes, such as the recognized need for better communication and increased capacity-building, support the conclusion that most SEA practice and experience in Portugal are yet far from SEA full capacity and potential.  相似文献   

The Western Australian (WA) Government wants to construct a large liquid natural gas processing precinct in the remote Kimberley region. The WA and Australian federal governments jointly conducted a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the Browse Precinct proposal. This article examines how the Browse SEA process affected the consideration of alternative development options and the management of social impacts. Resource development proposals often stimulate debate about the best means to achieve sustainable development outcomes and an SEA can provide a public space in which such social choices can be explored. However, the Browse SEA provided no such opportunity and this may have contributed to the severity of collateral social impacts. WA and federal SEA processes result in legally binding conditions of approval that can be applied to actions (e.g. projects) arising from a strategic proposal. This is a significant benefit to project proponents but can leave affected communities with high levels of uncertainty regarding their futures. This uncertainty is heightened by the fact that the SEA approval process cannot accommodate a broad range of social impacts.  相似文献   

Disparate approaches to strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and Scotland are compared. The first is fragmented and unfamiliar while the other is well established. A detailed analysis of the use of SEA in each jurisdiction follows a contextual evaluation of its purpose. Whereas the Scottish system is supported by recent regulation and policy, both NSW and the overriding Commonwealth Government follow haphazard actions with few if any settled methodologies. In order to improve its environmental assessment credentials and promote more sustainable development outcomes, NSW might consider the need for SEA more seriously. Investigation of other systems, such as that in Scotland, may assist.  相似文献   

This professional practice report reflects upon lessons learned from piloting and evaluating an innovative approach to policy strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in developing countries. The primary analytical focuses of the approach are institutions and governance characteristics, plus it places strong emphasis on learning. The piloting provides valuable insights about the conduct of SEA at the policy level and in socio-political where there is limited experience with SEA. From our observations we reflect upon the importance of appropriate ownership of an SEA; the practical implications of working in contested political environments; the challenges in using SEA as a tool to promote good governance; and the centrality of a long-term perspective to environmental and social mainstreaming.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the status of the environmental assessment (EA) system in Singapore and attempts to evaluate the potential for adoption of strategic environmental assessment (SEA). In Singapore, the colonial legacy of the planning system has resulted in similar processes being adopted to the British planning system and similar resistance to that previously experienced in the UK towards EA. This research indicates that the benefits of EA are not being achieved and that the demise of the natural environment in Singapore is being severely affected as a result. The terminology of SEA is not recognised, although it is claimed that environmental considerations are included in the sophisticated concept planning system that follows a ten-year cycle. Evidence collected suggests that other considerations perceived to be more important relating to economic, technical and social issues far outweighany emphasis on the environment.  相似文献   

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