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An audience's direct physical intervention is widely believed to be instrumental in the field of interactive art. However, this long established expectation faces new challenges through the increasing accessibility of a growing diversity of interactive technologies and ubiquitous smart media. Such innovations are often fully integrated components of interactive public artworks, many of which do not directly involve audiences or individuals as key agents in the functional or aesthetic realisation of the work. Based on three case studies of interactive artworks in public places, this article identifies an important characteristic of interactivity in interactive art, through the largely unexplored concept of “Ambient Interaction” in which artworks are embodied and enacted through environmental conditions and situational influences rather than exclusively through people's intentional and direct physical engagement.  相似文献   

The recent boom of sharing economy along with its technological underpinnings have brought new opportunities to urban transport ecosystems. Today, a new mobility option that provides station-less bike rental services is emerging. While previous studies mainly focus on analyzing station-based systems, little is known about how this new mobility service is used in cities. This research proposes an analytical framework to unravel the landscape and pulses of cycling activities from a dockless bike-sharing system. Using a four-month GPS dataset collected from a major bike-sharing operator in Singapore, we reconstruct the temporal usage patterns of shared bikes at different places and apply an eigendecomposition approach to uncover their hidden structures. Several key built environment indicators are then derived and correlated with bicycle usage patterns. According to the analysis results, cycling activities on weekdays possess a variety of temporal profiles at both trip origins and destinations, highlighting substantial variations of bicycle usage across urban locations. Strikingly, a significant proportion of these variations is explained by the cycling activeness in the early morning. On weekends, the overall variations are much smaller, indicating a more uniform distribution of temporal patterns across the city. The correlation analysis reveals the role of shared bikes in facilitating the first- and last-mile trips, while the contribution of the latter (last-mile) is observed to a limited extent. Some built environment indicators, such as residential density, commercial density, and number of road intersections, are correlated with the temporal usage patterns. While others, such as land use mixture and length of cycling path, seem to have less impact. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of eigendecomposition for uncovering the system dynamics. The workflow developed in this research can be applied in other cities to understand this new-generation system as well as the implications for urban design and transport planning.  相似文献   

The opportunities of open data have been recently recognized among companies in different domains. Digital service providers have increasingly been interested in the possibilities of innovating new ideas and services around open data. Digital service ecosystems provide several advantages for service developers, enabling the service co-innovation and co-creation among ecosystem members utilizing and sharing common assets and knowledge. The utilization of open data in digital services requires new innovation practices, service development models, and a collaboration environment. These can be provided by the ecosystem. However, since open data can be almost anything and originate from different kinds of data sources, the quality of data becomes the key issue. The new challenge for service providers is how to guarantee the quality of open data. In the ecosystems, uncertain data quality poses major challenges. The main contribution of this paper is the concept of the Evolvable Open Data based digital service Ecosystem (EODE), which defines the kinds of knowledge and services that are required for validating open data in digital service ecosystems. Thus, the EODE provides business potential for open data and digital service providers, as well as other actors around open data. The ecosystem capability model, knowledge management models, and the taxonomy of services to support the open data quality certification are described. Data quality certification confirms that the open data is trustworthy and its quality is good enough to be accepted for the usage of the ecosystem’s services. The five-phase open data quality certification process, according to which open data is brought to the ecosystem and certified for the usage of the digital service ecosystem members using the knowledge models and support services of the ecosystem, is also described. The initial experiences of the still ongoing validation steps are summarized, and the concept limitations and future development targets are identified.  相似文献   

Land Surface Models (LSM) have been designed to describe water and energy transfers at the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface, and are therefore essential in many environmental disciplines. These numerical models, driven by the boundary conditions in the atmosphere and in the soil, require adequate knowledge of those vegetation and soil characteristics which are determinant in the characterisation of mass and energy transfers. In view of the fact that, firstly this information is often only partially known, and secondly the transfers are sometimes incorrectly represented, these models can rapidly drift and need to be regularly corrected. To this aim, remote sensing is a promising tool and many studies are currently devoted to the development of assimilation techniques to control their inputs or internal variables. The research presented in this paper contributes to this effort. Its ambition is to explore new methodologies, designed to make use of remote sensing thermal infrared data recorded from space. This study is based on the analysis of links between the characteristics of the diurnal cycle of the surface brightness temperature and the soil-atmosphere interface parameters and variables. The proposed methodology takes advantage of these temperatures cycling features, instead of absolute temperature values, to calibrate the LSM. The results show that the model parameters have a significant impact on the diurnal temperature dynamics, sometimes to a greater extent than on the temperature itself, and that these relationships have diurnal and seasonal variations. As a consequence, the use of TIR data for LSM calibration can be optimised by considering only those parts of the information which are really relevant to parameter calibration.  相似文献   

This article explores the idea of Internet search as a technology to underpin artistic creation. Concepts of interactivity in art and music are explored, and then an overview of different types of Internet-based art is presented. A number of different ways in which Internet search have the potential to underpin artistic and musical activity are then discussed, with ideas such as the idea of a collective readymade and aesthetics of mass and unexpected connections are used to give this discussion a theoretical basis. Finally, a case study is given, in which the author discusses one of his own multimedia artworks that makes substantial use of Internet search.  相似文献   

在基于电力大数据对用户提供多元化服务的研究中,发现电网在不同时刻停电,不同用户的停电感受不一样以及在调度计划制定时,由于不同线路所带用户不同需进行差异化服务。为此,提出基于电力大数据的用户用电感知研究。首先通过电网内部系统及外部系统进行数据采集,然后基于大数据从多维度进行数据处理和分析,建立了用电需求模型和用户用电感知模型并进行了深入应用;通过该模型可以实现有限投资供电可靠性提升最快,最大限度满足用户需求;可最大限度实现不同行业、类别的用户用电互补,提高设备利用率;可实现用电感知最低时段停电,停电涉及用户更精准。该模型的引用实现了电网规划、用户接入、调度运行的智能决策,使电网规划投资更精准,固定投资提升可靠性最快,提高设备利用效率和用户满意度。  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore how artistic research and its methodologies can create new modes of thinking and research on computational issues. We draw on experiences with the research project ‘Reconfiguring Computing Through Cyberfeminism and New Materialism’ (CF+), during which we collaboratively investigated modes and methods of knowledge production in computing. Cyberfeminist legacies and new materialism provided a historically informed and theoretically rigorous set of concerns around which artistic research and computing were brought together. We discuss collaborative experiments and three hybrid methodologies – creating situations for intra-action, diffractive reading/making and material speculation – that we employed and suggest that what emerged is a kind of ‘doing thinking’ as a material-speculative practice that re-positions research as a critical open-ended space for non-standard ways of knowing. The paper explores implications of this for ethics and responsibility in computing, materiality of knowledge production and modes of interdisciplinary collaborations.  相似文献   

目的 可回溯感是艺术欣赏和临摹时产生的一种审美感受,即在审美过程中想象地再现原作的创作行为,是书法艺术凸显的审美心理现象。在计算机书法的研究中,鲜有研究以动画效果增强书法可回溯感,且缺少关于可回溯感的量化评估方法。因此,本文结合心理感知实验提出可回溯感的测评方法,并探究动态墨迹效果对书法作品可回溯感的影响。方法 首先将可回溯感分解为两种心理因素:顺序感和运动感。然后针对动态书法形式应用粒子动画制作7种不同墨迹效果,并设计心理感知实验对书法作品的可回溯感进行测量,即对选定标记点的运笔顺序进行排列以及对其运笔方向和相对速率进行估计。最后比较原作和动态书法可回溯感的差异,分析动态墨迹对书法作品可回溯感的影响。结果 实验结果证明测评方法是可行的,并发现恰当运用动态墨迹效果,即沿笔迹流动的墨迹动画,可以改进作品的运动感、显著增强顺序感以及提升可回溯感,反之则不能。若混入逆向流动墨迹效果,会削弱其提升顺序感的效用,但减弱的程度与正逆向墨迹的比例并非线性关系。结论 运笔顺序和笔触运动感知的评测方法可以有效量化视觉艺术品的可回溯感,为书法欣赏和临摹过程的研究提供实证方法。动态墨迹的设计也可用于增进书法...  相似文献   

The richness of humanity is the diversity of its cultures, but now as never before the destructive power of modern technology and threatening ecological disasters make it necessary that we all recognize we are many peoples of one world. Complementing the diversity of our different cultures, the growth of a common, scientific knowledge inspires the hope that we may achieve and share a secondary culture of ideas. Computers, which can help represent explicitly the best ideas of modern science, can aid in the diffusion of such powerful ideas to create a popular, secondary, scientific culture.We propose that a primary objective of learning environment design should be the development of thinkable models in the minds of students; further, since thinkable models represent a level of knowledge deeper than superficial terminology and specific graphical forms, such may be an objective suitable for various people in different cultures. To pursue these notions in some detail, a taxonomy of models is developed and the issue of how representations relate to human modes of perception and action is raised. The notions are explored first through the contrasting of a half-dozen approaches to the Pythagorean Theorem; then through describing polylingual word worlds and the Rosetta disk project.Common experiences produce common models —not only public models but the cognitive structures built from those shared experiences; and shared models will permit enhanced communication and understanding. If sharing experiences through play with computer based learning environments in different languages permits children to develop common models of the world, this will ultimately enhance mutual understanding between people in different places. This objective is now within reach.  相似文献   

During the last two decades considerable efforts have been made to develop computerized data systems for engineering materials. The results have not come up to the expectations of systems that can be used by designers for selecting of materials. Some factors have been recognized as responsible for the slow progress. It has proved difficult, however, for those involved in this development to make use of such information about the systems in question. Conflicts have occurred between different parties involved. It now seems that too little attention has been paid to the historical background of knowledge and systems related to civiliziation and society. A recently published review of world history from the point of view of the emergence of information technology has provided a basis for some considerations about the nature and roles of data systems. It can be shown that certain activities or features characterize each period of civilization and the development of computers and computerization should be considered as part of this sequence. The same is true for the world history of thinking and knowledge. In the present paper these historical considerations are combined with the observation that in their thinking and perception of ideas people appear to carry with them traditions from the past in varying degrees. Hence differences of opinion about the nature and roles of materials data systems may be explained by differences in the imprint of historical developments on people's ideas. In order to apply this lesson to the development of materials data systems, one has to learn also from the varying interpretations of world history that have been written through the ages. The best approach will probably be incremental and pragmatic rather than holistic and synoptic.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation to compare cycling errors and sudden stopping distance in secondary students traversing an obstacle course on their bicycle with and without a schoolbag, to determine if further studies of cycling accident aetiology amongst children were warranted. Twenty children cycled as fast as they could around an obstacle course. Each child undertook two separate trials, about an hour apart on a morning of the same day. The children traversed the course one at a time in turn using their own bicycle and wearing their own usual school clothes. For the first trial they did not carry a schoolbag. On the second trial they carried a schoolbag weighing 6 kg. There were no significant differences in the number of cycling errors made by the children when traversing the obstacle course with and without a schoolbag. However, the children generally took longer to complete the course when carrying the schoolbag and stopping distances were greater. It was not possible to be certain that these findings were genuine or whether the effect of carrying the schoolbag was reduced by increased familiarity with the course, since all of the children first traversed the course without a schoolbag and then with one. It is concluded that there is some justification for conducting further studies to explore the implications of carrying schoolbags on cycling accident aetiology amongst children.  相似文献   

Design is an interactive and iterative process where the designer’s skills and knowledge are fused with emotive rationales aided by design tools. A design solution is thus influenced by the designer’s creativity, experience and emotional perception. Consequently, there is a need within computer aided design (CAD) research for ubiquitous tools to capture the affective states of engineers during design activities to further understand the product design process.This paper proposes a generic framework for ubiquitous multimodal synchronous data capture, based around the capture of CAD system activities, to monitor and log a variety of inputs, interactions, biophysical data and design solutions with a view to providing meta and chronological performance data for post design task analysis. The framework has been employed in two use cases namely, a CAD station activity and a collaborative design review. The results of these trials validated the architecture and use of the ubiquitous data capture approach demonstrating the practical application of time-phased data capture, analysis and the subsequent output of metadata in CAD environments providing a new perspective on, and a new way of investigating CAD-based design activities.This research also extrapolates the framework’s usefulness into future CAD and PLM systems by arguing why and how they need to adopt such ubiquitous platforms. It also subjectively points to potential opportunities and issues that might arise when implementing the ubiquitous multimodal metadata architecture in a real-life environment.  相似文献   

Interactive art has become much more common as a result of the many ways in which the computer and the Internet have facilitated it. Issues relating to human–computer interaction (HCI) are as important to interactive art making as issues relating to the colours of paint are to painting. It is not that HCI and art necessarily share goals. It is just that much of the knowledge of HCI and its methods can contribute to interactive art making. This paper reviews recent work that looks at these issues in the art context. In interactive digital art, the artist is concerned with how the artwork behaves, how the audience interacts with it and, ultimately, in participant experience and their degree of engagement. The paper looks at these issues and brings together a collection of research results and art practice experiences that together help to illuminate this significant new and expanding area. In particular, it is suggested that this work points towards a much needed critical language that can be used to describe, compare and discuss interactive digital art.  相似文献   

Mobile crowd sensing (MCS) assumes a collaborative effort from mobile smartphone users to sense and share their data needed to fulfill a given MCS objective (e.g., modeling of urban traffic or wellness index of a community). In this paper, we investigate the user’s perception of anonymity in MCS and factors influencing it. We conducted a 4-week extensive smartphone user study to fulfill three main objectives. (1) Understand if users prefer to share data anonymously or not anonymously. (2) Investigate the possible factors influencing the difference between these two modalities, considering: (a) users’ sharing attitude, (b) shared data kind and (c) users’ intimacy when data are shared (we defined intimacy as the users’ perception of their context with respect to place, number and kind of people around them). (3) Identify further users’ personal factors influencing their perception of anonymity via multiple interviews along the user study. In the results, we show that data are shared significantly more when anonymously collected. We found that the shared data kind is the factor significantly contributing to this difference. Additionally, users have a common way to perceive anonymity and its effectiveness. To ensure the success of anonymization algorithms in the context of MCS systems, we highlight which issues the researchers developing these algorithms should carefully consider. Finally, we argue about new research paths to better investigate the user perception of anonymity and develop anonymous MCS systems that users are more likely to trust based on our findings.  相似文献   

Analysis of cancer data: a data mining approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract: Even though cancer research has traditionally been clinical and biological in nature, in recent years data driven analytic studies have become a common complement. In medical domains where data and analytics driven research is successfully applied, new and novel research directions are identified to further advance the clinical and biological studies. In this research, we used three popular data mining techniques (decision trees, artificial neural networks and support vector machines) along with the most commonly used statistical analysis technique logistic regression to develop prediction models for prostate cancer survivability. The data set contained around 120 000 records and 77 variables. A k-fold cross-validation methodology was used in model building, evaluation and comparison. The results showed that support vector machines are the most accurate predictor (with a test set accuracy of 92.85%) for this domain, followed by artificial neural networks and decision trees.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the experience of British artist Ernest Edmonds and the influences that have informed his art practice in the past forty years. How are these influences connected? The article has an historical focus. It develops the themes within Edmonds's art and shows his connections with the ‘Systems’ artists and their forebears. In particular, the article concentrates on the encounter of Edmonds with artistic thinking about systems and process in the broad sense, as well as digital and interactive work developed from the early 1980s. As the article will demonstrate, a passion for colour, time and structure, the encounter with a number of artists inspired by Constructivism in the early 1980s, and the educational context in which Edmonds has worked from the late 1960s until the present, have offered great opportunities of interdisciplinary exchanges and ideas that had a profound impact upon the nature of his art. These influences have enabled Edmonds to explore new constructs in art through the use of technology that are a constant stimulus in his creative research, both as an artist and as an academic.  相似文献   

A model for compression and classification of face data structures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we present a 3-D model with physical properties which simplifies the analysis and the synthesis of deformable faces and solids. Our model presents three relevant particularities. First, it describes the external envelope of faces with 1-D finite elements assembled with a new 3-connected mesh topology. Second, the mesh deformations are analysed with a modal analysis. Because our model associates these two particularities, the number of rigid modes given by the modal analysis is equal to the number of 1-D finite elements, which is also the half of the number of Degrees of Freedom (DOF). This number of rigid modes is a basic characteristic of our model. The second half of modes constitutes the nonrigid modes. Third, we use these rigid modes and the first nonrigid mode to synthesize a mean face named a photo-fit identikit or class, around which we synthesize face varieties by action on secondary nonrigid modes. Our physical 3-D model allows compression of face data structures because a greater number of secondary nonrigid modes can be suppressed to define a class or its varieties, and because the synthesis of varieties does not need more information storage than their classes. Our physical 3-D model allows classification of face data structures because we can associate an objective measure to each synthesized face. We can measure the deformation between a variety and its photo-fit identikit.  相似文献   


Aesthetic techniques are increasingly used by marketeers to create enticing digital products. In this paper, I work with the aesthetic experiences of one audience group to consider the psychological impact of living in a culture where digital devices are deliberately designed to influence behaviour. I argue that aesthetic encounters can help with understanding the impact of the interplay between visual stimulus, affect and digital culture, in ways that may support situated understandings of mental distress in a digital age. I show how audiences respond to the artist-led research project Are We All Addicts Now? arguing that they generate ideas connected to submersion and being overwhelmed as a means of reporting on their own personal experiences of living in a digital culture that seeks to influence behaviour. The findings may have value for designers, curators and artists invested in understanding the experiential impact of digital devices.  相似文献   

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