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人机界面设计和开发已经成为国际计算机界最为活跃的研究方向,多通道交互作为人机界面的一种技术,因为适应"以人为中心"的自然交互准则而得到了迅速发展.在图形用户界面基础上进行多通道设计,提出了"基于剧情的设计"方法,以ATM取款操作为例进行介绍,操作顺序有所改进,相比传统的ATM系统具有更好的易用性.  相似文献   

This article presents an experience report where we compare 8 years of experience of product related usability testing and evaluation with principles for software process improvement (SPI). In theory the product and the process views are often seen to be complementary, but studies of industry have demonstrated the opposite. Therefore, more empirical studies are needed to understand and improve the present situation. We find areas of close agreement as well as areas where our work illuminates new characteristics. It has been identified that successful SPI is dependent upon being successfully combined with a business orientation. Usability and business orientation also have strong connections although this has not been extensively addressed in SPI publications. Reasons for this could be that usability focuses on product metrics whilst today's SPI mainly focuses on process metrics. Also because today's SPI is dominated by striving towards a standardized, controllable, and predictable software engineering process; whilst successful usability efforts in organisations are more about creating a creative organisational culture advocating a useful product throughout the development and product life cycle. We provide a study and discussion that supports future development when combining usability and product focus with SPI, in particular if these efforts are related to usability process improvement efforts.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the impact of non-task pedagogical agent behavior on learning outcomes, perceptions of agents’ interaction ability, and learner experiences. Quasi-experimental results indicate that while the addition of non-task comments to an on-task tutorial may increase learning and perceptions of the agent’s ability to interact with learners, this increase is not statistically significant. Further addition of non-task comments however, harms learning and perceptions of the agent’s ability to interact with learners in statistically significant ways. Qualitative results reveal that on-task interactions are efficient but impersonal, while non-task interactions were memorable, but distracting. Implications include the potential for non-task interactions to create an uncanny valley effect for agent behavior.  相似文献   

Although the prominent concept of the last decade – user experience – maintains its significance in diverse disciplines, especially design, its focus has changed to eliciting positive user experiences by pursuing new possibilities for consumer products rather than by solely seeking solutions to existing problems. Designers continue to aim for rich user experiences with a variety of products, but have neglected self-service (interactive) kiosks. Hence, this paper, after giving a brief overview of the positive psychology literature, demonstrates the dimensions of positive user experiences with self-service kiosks through an empirical study conducted on coffee vending machines and automated tellers.  相似文献   

This paper describes HyperMem, a system to store and replay user experiences in mixed environments. The experience is stored as a set of hypermedia nodes and links, with the information that was displayed along with the video of the real world that was navigated. It uses a generic hypermedia model, implemented as software components, to handle mixed reality environments. This model includes components for storing and replaying experiences and integrating them in the overall set of hypermedia graphs that can be accessed by a given user. The paper presents the goals of the system, the underlying hypermedia model, the application scenarios, and the architecture and tools for replaying and repurposing stored information.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some general strengths and weaknesses of using psychological theoretical approaches beyond their original domains, focusing on Rotter's (1966) Internal and External (I/E) Locus of Control construct. Rotter's theory examines perceived locus of control of individuals during their social interactions. The issues of why and how I/E may be a useful theoretical approach to human-computer interaction (HCI) are addressed. Specific problems encountered in importing I/E into HCI are then described.

An interface evaluation experiment is discussed. First, the system used for evaluation purposes is described, as well as the verbal protocol technique used, and the methods of analysis. Finally, the conclusions about the interface are presented. In this contect, I/E as an interface evaluation tool is discussed, as are related issues of importing psychological theories into HCI.  相似文献   

认知心理学介入到交互设计领域受到越来越多学者的关注,但是关于无意识的隐性记忆的介入却甚少被提及。,文章从隐性记忆的特征、隐性记忆介入交互设计的价值以及隐性记忆引导交互设计的应用三方面进行研究和探索,通过对目标群体用户隐性记忆的普遍性研究,找到更高效的设计来提高用户体验。  相似文献   

2013年被称为可穿戴设计元年,在发展过程中,其始终未能成为生活中的必需品,是因为忽略了最重要的两个方面:一是找到最恰当的人机交互关系;二是满足用户真正的需求。而满足了这两方面就可以帮助建立更亲密的,回归原本的,人与人之间的沟通,"以人为本"的理念更促进了可穿戴设计内部操作关系与外在表现形式的研究和探索。而数据背后的分析服务不仅能增强用户对于可穿戴设计更完整更智能的体验,更有利于可穿戴设计企业更长久更完善的商业发展。  相似文献   

Designing easy to use mobile applications is a difficult task. In order to optimize the development of a usable mobile application, it is necessary to consider the mobile usage context for the design and the evaluation of the user-system interaction of a mobile application. In our research we designed a method that aligns the inspection method “Software ArchitecTure analysis of Usability Requirements realizatioN” SATURN and a mobile usability evaluation in the form of a user test. We propose to use mobile context factors and thus requirements as a common basis for both inspection and user test. After conducting both analysis and user test, the results described as usability problems are mapped and discussed. The mobile context factors identified define and describe the usage context of a mobile application. We exemplify and apply our approach in a case study. This allows us to show how our method can be used to identify more usability problems than with each method separately. Additionally, we could confirm the validity and identified the severity of usability problems found by both methods. Our work presents how a combination of both methods allows to address usability issues in a more holistic way. We argue that the increased quantity and quality of results can lead to a reduction of the number of iterations required in early stages of an iterative software development process.  相似文献   

面向盲人的图形显示设计方法及其用户体验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对已有的盲人触觉显示器所展示的图像不能有效地为视觉残障人士提供准确的信息的问题,从盲人对电子触觉图像的需求出发,通过分析盲人在使用传统触觉图像中所遇问题以及涉及到的人机因素的相关背景知识,结合新型显示方案的需求,总结并提出盲人触觉图像设计准则.通过实验对比传统图像与根据该准则重新设计的T-图像,实验结果表明,T-图像...  相似文献   

Many vision-based human-computer interaction systems are based on the tracking of user actions. Examples include gaze tracking, head tracking, finger tracking, etc. In this paper, we present a framework that employs no user tracking; instead, all interface components continuously observe and react to changes within a local neighborhood. More specifically, components expect a predefined sequence of visual events called visual interface cues (VICs). VICs include color, texture, motion, and geometric elements, arranged to maximize the veridicality of the resulting interface element. A component is executed when this stream of cues has been satisfied. We present a general architecture for an interface system operating under the VIC-based HCI paradigm and then focus specifically on an appearance-based system in which a hidden Markov model (HMM) is employed to learn the gesture dynamics. Our implementation of the system successfully recognizes a button push with a 96% success rate.Published online: 19 November 2004  相似文献   

Recent progress in entertainment and gaming systems has brought more natural and intuitive human–computer interfaces to our lives. Innovative technologies, such as Xbox Kinect, enable the recognition of body gestures, which are a direct and expressive way of human communication. Although current development toolkits provide support to identify the position of several joints of the human body and to process the movements of the body parts, they actually lack a flexible and robust mechanism to perform high-level gesture recognition. In consequence, developers are still left with the time-consuming and tedious task of recognizing gestures by explicitly defining a set of conditions on the joint positions and movements of the body parts. This paper presents EasyGR (Easy Gesture Recognition), a tool based on machine learning algorithms that help to reduce the effort involved in gesture recognition. We evaluated EasyGR in the development of 7 gestures, involving 10 developers. We compared time consumed, code size, and the achieved quality of the developed gesture recognizers, with and without the support of EasyGR. The results have shown that our approach is practical and reduces the effort involved in implementing gesture recognizers with Kinect.  相似文献   

随着服务经济的发展,用户体验成为网络服务能否被接受的关键。当前的用户体验研究主要通过主观问卷调查的方法询问用户的主观感受,存在费时、操作复杂、不准确等问题。针对此不足,提出一种基于用户网络服务日志客观评价用户体验的方法,并结合典型的网络服务e-learning进行了实证分析。结果表明基于该方法的客观评价结果与主观评价的结果显著相关,平均绝对误差在10'以内,表明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

为探究解决增强现实浏览器人因问题的方法,通过对移动增强现实环境中的人因问题进行分析,提出一个新型设计流程,并在实际设计中论证其有效性.首先对移动增强现实浏览器进行用户需求分析,并将需求转化为任务;然后将抽象信息可视化为数据视图,并采用概览与细节方法对构成视图的视觉元素进行布局;再使用渐进式交互法组织离散数据视图,生成交互界面;最终通过对浏览器原型的迭代设计解决评测过程中发现的人为设计错误.可用性测试结果表明,采用该方法设计的增强现实交互系统增进了用户对目标的认知,改善了用户体验.  相似文献   

This article presents the design aspects and development processes to transform a general‐purpose mobile robotic platform into a semi‐autonomous agricultural robot sprayer focusing on user interfaces for teleoperation. The hardware and the software modules that must be installed onto the system are described, with particular emphasis on human–robot interaction. Details of the technology are given focusing on the user interface aspects. Two laboratory experiments and two studies in the field to evaluate the usability of the user interface provide evidence for the increased usability of a prototype robotic system. Specifically, the study aimed to empirically evaluate the type of target selection input device mouse and digital pen outperformed Wiimote in terms of usability. A field experiment evaluated the effect of three design factors: (a) type of screen output, (b) number of views, (c) type of robot control input device. Results showed that participants were significantly more effective but less efficient when they had multiple views, than when they had a single view. PC keyboard was also found to significantly outperform PS3 gamepad in terms of interaction efficiency and perceived usability. Heuristic evaluations of different user interfaces were also performed using research‐based HRI heuristics. Finally, a study on participants’ overall user experience found that the system was evaluated positively on the User Experience Questionnaire scales.  相似文献   

用户接口生成和管理系统UIGMS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程景云 《计算机工程》1992,18(3):46-49,53

文章通过对社交网络的当前状况与新时代互联网的发展趋势分析,论证了垂直社交出现的必然性。阐释了其基本的产品特征。通过对社交心理学研究。对需求进行分析与重构。阅释了垂直社交产品设计的要点。通过现象观察与案例分析,阐释了垂直社交产品的发展趋势。  相似文献   

WebGL(Web Graphical Library)让浏览器在无需安装插件的情况下即可渲染出3D图形,而封装了WebGL低级别API的three.js更是为3D图形的高效创建提供了可能.针对传统方法的磁盘阵列可视化不够直观以及交互功能单一的问题,本文提出了基于three.js的磁盘阵列三维(3D)可视化的框架,从仿真建模和交互两方面阐述了3D磁盘阵列的设计思路,并给出了相应的实现过程.相对于传统方法,提出的3D可视化框架能够创建真实的三维场景,给用户带来流畅丰富的视觉以及交互体验.  相似文献   

从场景的概念入手,在学习领域内探索智能时代下的产品设计方法,研究智能应 用场景中用户、产品、环境等各要素之间的关系,提出智能学习场景下的产品设计路径,以满 足智能时代下的用户需求。基于场景的概念,结合智能产品的特征建立智能应用场景模型,分 析得到智能系统的典型结构。结合学习方式的转变,构建智能学习场景模型,提出智能学习场 景下的学习类产品设计的概念。  相似文献   

The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We propose a method called the “UX Curve” which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty.  相似文献   

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