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传统公园评价的研究大多集中在单个公园使用满意度方面,存在问卷样本量小、采集时间较集中等缺陷。大数据相关研究的快速发展为公园系统评价提供了新的契机。基于对社交媒体数据的文本分析,研究对比广州市 50 个公园的评价结果,同时探究公园评价与人口统计学特征、地理区位、评价时间以及公园属性之间的关系。研究发现, 1)公园正面评价主要集中在免费设施、环境和特色等方面,而负面评价多集中于公园卫生、交通成本、停车等管理服务方面,广州公园的管理服务水平亟待提升。 2)女性较男性更关注公园能否满足其对社交场所的需求,本地游客较外地游客更关注公园本身的服务质量而非公园的外部属性。 3)基干公园应更侧重其可达性和基本的服务功能,承担大众日常活动;特色公园应更注重满足特定人群的需求及特色打造;自然公园应更关注公园生态质量并能够承担需要较大场地的活动。 4) 2010—2018 年,人们越来越关注公园特色的打造,在公园中的活动类型也越来越多样,现代公园建设更应着力于文化服务质量的提升。研究突破传统公园研究方法的局限,将大数据的手段运用到多个公园的整体评价当中,有助于建立更普适、更有针对性的公园评价指标体系,具有较高的实践价值。  相似文献   

Traditional park accessibility studies relying on physical distance have critical limitations, because proximity alone does not predict park use, and contemporary cities struggle with a land shortage for more parks. Efficient, integrated methods of analysing the psychological dimension to park accessibility are scarce. Thus, this study examines factors constituting psychological park accessibility and measurement methods through a systematic literature review. Findings from the review show that psychological park accessibility stems from the perception of distance, park quality and the neighbourhood environment, which could be measured either quantitatively or qualitatively. The proposed conceptual framework would provide researchers with stronger predictive measurement tools for analysing park accessibility and instead of constructing new parks, planners could devise more effective strategies to improve current park use.  相似文献   

公园绿地是城市中重要的公共活动场所,其使用会受到公园自身及其所处城市空间等多种因素的影响.利用手机大数据,通过对城市个体活动轨迹的识别,提取人们到访城市公园的交通出行方式,从而探寻公园出行的时空差异性.同时,通过对网络开源数据的获取,将公园的城市区位、周边环境、业态布局、自身条件和交通可达性等特征进行量化处理,并构建一...  相似文献   

新时期背景下,进行满足生态系统服务价值、游憩供需、景观质量及绿色人本服务能力的城市山地公园步道设计研究,对于促进公园健康更新尤为重要。以金鸡山公园为例,基于生态保护、景观视觉质量和基础设施使用多维度协同的视角,进行城市山地公园步道路网设置及优化设计研究。结果表明:1)对于步道选线,各因子的相对重要值由大到小为公园使用人群密度>醒目度>视域>相对距离>生物多样性>出现概率>地形地貌>相对坡度>水文条件>用地现状;2)与原有步道设置相比,基于生态敏感度、景观视觉敏感度和空间使用强度综合分析而形成的步道选线及路网设置,其分布的网状结构更具有侧重点,且对于成本因子较高区域的避让会更胜一筹。选择成本指数值最低的步道路径设计能兼顾生态保护、景观视觉质量、基础设施使用的要求,从而科学提高公园综合绩效水平,也为城市山地公园精细化设计与管理提供参考意见。  相似文献   

中国内地与香港公共开放空间游憩规划标准的最主要差异在于游憩设施分类系统及其配置指标,内地《公园设计规范》关于游憩设施分类标准相对较粗,只有人均公园陆地面积、不同陆地面积的公园设施类型用地比例以及停车位3项定量指标,这些指标主要是公园设施大类上的配置要求,缺少对游憩设施类型及人均用地和类型指标等细致、具体的规定,未对不同规模公园的游憩设施类型配置差异进行规定。现有指标主要源自经验的总结,在公园游憩设施类型与居民游憩需求对应关系上缺少具体、科学的配置方法,特别是针对特殊人群的体育运动需求,而香港的公园设计标准在地域性、安全性等方面更加详尽,增加了设计风格和针对特殊人群如残障人士的设计要求。适应需求、分类设置、复合使用、已建公园和新建公园区别对待等是对上海公园体育设施配置的主要启发。  相似文献   

The growing importance of dogs in people's lives and in high-density urban environments has increased demand for a place where people and their dogs can interact and exercise together. The recent increase in the number of off-leash dog parks across the country is evidence of these demands of dog owners. Evaluation of four dog parks in Texas and Florida was conducted to investigate use patterns of dog parks and user activities, to identify user satisfaction and perception, and to provide insights in developing effective dog parks. The results indicated that dog parks received considerable use and served a variety of groups and users were generally satisfied with dog parks. Dog parks were identified as the most frequented locations regarding the provision of outdoor exercise and socialization for their dogs and proximity to a dog park was positively related to frequency of use and satisfaction. A substantial number of respondents perceived the benefits of a dog park for the dogs’ physical well-being and for building a sense of community by providing the opportunity to socialize with neighbors. These research findings and design guidelines will help expand the knowledge base regarding parks and guide the future planning, design, and evaluation of dog parks.  相似文献   

The international green infrastructure literature has examined rails-to-trails and freeway-to-boulevard conversions, but these strategies can be impractical or politically unfeasible. An understudied movement among United States cities has demonstrated a strategy for greening freeways that remain in service: freeway cap parks, or decks with parks built in the air space directly above below-grade freeway sections that can help reintegrate communities, conceal traffic, reduce air pollution, and provide green space. We provide the first assessment of the design, function, and placement of freeway cap parks and assess the emerging sustainability discourse of cap park planning. We examine 18 completed and 9 proposed cap parks in 24 U.S. cities to identify four cap park development models that can be adapted worldwide to green below-grade freeway segments and reconnect communities. Given historic disparities in freeway placement, we examined the distribution of cap parks and found they are located in areas that could help address disparities in park access in freeways corridors. Our detailed case studies stress the struggle within the cap park sustainability discourse to balance economic, environmental, and equity concerns. Dallas' Klyde Warren Park is an economic success story, but illustrates how developers use cap parks to sideline equity concerns. Denver's proposed I-70 cap park illustrates strategies to mitigate environmental justice impacts of freeway expansion projects, but equity concerns remain given continuing impacts of the expanded freeway system. Cap parks should be embraced as a vital component of green infrastructure that reconnects and greens cities divided by freeway construction, but planners should take strong steps to address housing affordability and gentrification concerns for adjacent communities.  相似文献   

大数据为风景园林规划方法的创新提供了技术支持,为城市公园游憩使用和规划应对带来了新的机遇.首先,对城市公园游憩使用研究中有关大数据的应用类型进行梳理和分类;其次,从公园游憩使用、可达性、服务范围和规划应对4个方面分析城市公园游憩使用的研究进展;最后对城市公园游憩使用研究方法进行分类总结.在游憩使用方面,大数据可通过游人...  相似文献   

Problem: Children make little use of many neighborhood parks even though they have facilities for active recreation.

Purpose: We examined the factors that bring children to parks, and aimed to understand how park visitation patterns differ between boys and girls, among children of different races and ethnicities, and between inner-city and suburban children.

Methods: We surveyed children and their parents in 12 middle schools and analyzed the results. Our team also observed children at 50 inner-city and 50 suburban parks, and we used multiple regression models containing park- and neighborhood-level variables to relate them to the numbers of children using parks.

Results and conclusions: The study confirms that many middle-school children make little use of parks. This is primarily explained by their own lack of interest in the existing park activities and their households' lack of time and concerns about safety. Active recreation facilities and organized sport programs, natural features, and good levels of maintenance and cleanliness are the most significant factors attracting middle-school children to parks. Our survey found some significant gender, racial, and ethnic differences in preferences for park equipment, perceptions of park safety, and park visitation patterns. Additionally, our regression models confirmed that inner-city and suburban children were attracted to parks of different sizes and containing different facilities, and that the association between park safety and park use was also different in these two settings.

Takeaway for practice: Neighborhood parks provide the potential for active recreation, but they are often underutilized and attract only a subset of neighborhood children. Planners should take into account that different factors attract different groups of children to parks.

Research support: This research was supported by the John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new integrated modeling framework that contributes to the evaluation of public facility distribution for spatial equity in urban development. The framework consists of two integrated models—accessibility and mobility—that, based on the gravity model, are integrated as a framework for measuring the relative spatial equities of urban public facilities. They are presented as geographic information system (GIS) and spatial analysis models. The models consider individual traffic behavioral abilities and simulate regional differences in the spatial equities of urban parks. The results show unequal regional spatial development that affects mismatches between urban park services. The accumulated travel time costs associated with different resident traffic mobility and urban park location types affect the access opportunities of residents. This integrated model could be a useful reference to help urban planners analyze, investigate, and adjust the distribution of public facilities in a more equitable manner.  相似文献   

为揭示山地城市公园对城市热岛 的减缓机制,以重庆市主城区内10个公园为 例,使用卫星遥感数据和部分实测数据获 得地表温度和近地面气温,分别从内部景 观特征和外部空间形态两个方面研究了公 园的降温效应。研究结果表明:在公园内部 景观要素方面,公园面积、宽度、形状指数 是影响公园降温效应的主要因素,多个小型 公园比同面积大型公园具有更好的降温效 应;在公园外部空间形态方面,自然地形起 伏与建筑空间形态是影响公园降温效应的 主要因素,少量正对公园的通风廊道及规 则布局的建筑形态可以有效提升公园的降 温范围,山地型公园比盆地型公园具有更好 的降温效应。在规划实践中,应该综合考虑 公园面积、布局等要素,以发挥公园最佳的 降温效用。  相似文献   

中西方传统园林自然空间构成的人文差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
指出园林是作为人类再现自然的一种理想而产生、发展并存在的,介绍了西方几何式造园手法和东方自然式构园手法,分析了中西方传统园林构成的和谐与差异,针对我国北方城市在园林建设方面的不足,阐述了北方园林空间构成中应具备的理念.  相似文献   

上海近年开展了一系列城市郊野公园的建设,它既是当前处理城市发展与保护环境关系的一种积极探索,也是有效利用郊野资源为市民提供休闲游憩的一种新的尝试。郊野公园因其地理区位、景观特点、功能承载、服务对象等的特殊性而与一般的城市公园规划有着较大的不同。针对目前上海发展郊野公园的必要性和机遇,分析其现状和发展方向,并提出不同层面的规划策略。  相似文献   

张军  张莹 《山西建筑》2008,34(14):353-354
描述了西方园林的发展历程,论述了西方现代园林景观朝大众化方向发展的必要性,说明了现代园林中天人合一思想的意义,并强调了西方现代景观设计应以使用者为中心,对我国园林的发展具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

[目的]已有风环境研究多从单一条件对城市空间风环境进行评价并提出优化策略,忽略了人群有效活动空间的影响,以简化体块代替公园物理环境部分要素,一定程度影响了风环境模拟分析结果的准确性。[方法]以占北京市风力资源70%的延庆区4个典型城市公园为对象,从公园人群游憩活力视角,结合场景建模技术、通讯探针和人工智能识别技术,确定公园游客活动范围,以此作为公园风环境评价的研究区域;利用不同季节风速、风压和涡旋分布等评价要素量化评价公园风环境质量,并以公园风环境质量综合评价来表征公园现状风环境质量优劣程度;以公园风环境质量评分方式相关性评价来表征公园进行风环境适应性改造的难易程度。[结果]结果表明:百泉公园现状风环境质量最差,且评分随季节变化呈现出明显差异性和不规律性;集贤城市森林公园风环境质量评分随季节变化有规律地逐渐减小,且进行风环境适应性改造难度最小。[结论]研究建立了全面的公园风环境质量评价体系,对延庆区城市公园建设和管理具有应用价值,为华北地区城市公园风环境质量评价提供创新方法。  相似文献   

殷若晨  方家  朱丹  胡杨 《中国园林》2022,38(6):121-126
在全球气候变暖和中国城市存量发展的背景下,倡导气候适应性的城市公园设计,成为缓解城市热岛效应的重要手段之一。从公园的降温范围和降温幅度2个方面,提出并定义了城市公园降温效益的测度指标,量化其对城市温度的调节能力,进而探讨有关公园设计要素对公园降温的影响。研究发现:1)城市公园能够在90m范围内产生显著的降温作用,最大降温范围可达500m;2)城市公园降温效益除了受到自身要素影响外,还会受到周边所处建成环境的影响;3)公园设计要素中面积大小、边界形态、植被覆盖度、地形变化、蓝绿空间面积比5个要素对其降温效益的发挥产生影响,且影响多为非线性;4)将降温影响要素的认知用于理想情景模拟,发现高温热点区域的面积减少超过50%。研究进一步加深了对城市公园降温效益的认识,为气候适应性的公园设计在调节城市温度方面提供参考。  相似文献   

Landscapes lost     
In practical life a landscape will function as a bridge between the factual and the normative. Landscapes are part of the identity and 'memory-bank' of social groups, and can function as a tool for public sector management. Landscapes can be given a semiotic interpretation, from which flows the idea that several landscapes may cover the same area. It also follows that landscape change must be kept analytically separate from material change in an area. A national park regime is viewed as an attempt to preserve a small number of the landscapes within an area. A national park policy diverts attention from what is happening outside the parks, as has been the case in Norway. Landscapes outside are lost in the sense that due attention is not paid to the natural and social changes taking place. The national parks policy in Norway is heavily biased towards area protection in remote mountain regions. It is argued that one reason for this, is the definition of the 'original' Norwegian landscape found in the national-romantic painting tradition in Norway that dates back about 100 years.  相似文献   

极限公园是现代新兴体育运动快速发展背景下产生的新型专类公园,蕴含极限性、专业性、服务对象年轻化等特点,是具有形式美的景观空间。通过对国内外极限公园发展状况和著名极限公园的梳理,将极限公园的场地特征、类型进行解读和归类。结合国内外优秀案例,提供极限公园场地构建、景观设计和安全防护的具体处理方法,整理出极限公园规划设计的流程模式。建议未来极限公园的规划设计更多融入当地历史文化环境、结合数字化三维设计及注重场所分级体验等思维和方法,构建新型、独特的城市动态景观和极限运动场所。  相似文献   

对于科学园区规划,一直以来探讨的不是很多。通过对园区规划相关理论的研究,提出一个规划分析的框架,再选择3种具代表性的科学园区(政府园区、企业园和大学园区)分析其规划中所遵循的原则,总结出对国内园区规划有借鉴性的特点。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to the growing literature on how neighborhood amenities such as parks relate with active ageing. It draws attention to this relationship in the context of developing country - India where with changing demographics, population ageing is emerging as a major challenge. It builds on empirical evidences from a neighborhood park in the city of Pune - a metropolis of 3.5 million people in western India. Employing a mixed research approach, the paper explains how a neighborhood park plays a significant role in promoting healthy living among older persons by offering various perceived health benefits. Although various physical characteristics of park encourage physical activities, it is found that social connections such as groups formed in the park encourage regular participation in physical activities and thereby provide psychological health benefits and social support for older users. The paper argues for considering the important role of parks in fostering social participation critical for active ageing while designing cities that are friendly and supportive to ageing populations.  相似文献   

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