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研究了使用中轨共地面轨迹星座实现区域覆盖卫星通信系统的优化方法,提出了一种能够完整描述该类型星座的编码标识方法,给出了多个适用于我国的星座方案实例。基于时变的业务分布密度特性对星座方案的参数进行了调整,使得星座的覆盖特性与业务分布密度更加一致。仿真结果表明该类型星座能够以较少数量的卫星为我国提供良好的覆盖性能。  相似文献   

采用遗传算法的低轨区域通信星座优化设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郦苏丹  朱江  李广侠 《通信学报》2005,26(8):122-128
给出一种利用改进遗传算法实现低轨区域通信星座优化设计的方法,有效克服了上述困难。首先建立通用的区域覆盖星座模型,确定优化控制参数,并结合低轨星座应用背景对其进行约束。然后给出一种基于网格点统计的星座性能评价准则。为了提高遗传算法对局部最优解的搜索能力,文章提出一种混合遗传算法,该方法在基本遗传算法中加入复形调优算法,并根据优秀个体的分布对参数区间进行调整。将该算法应用于星座模型,建立一套完整的星座优化设计方案。最后对具体实例进行优化仿真,结果表明该方法取得良好的优化结果。  相似文献   

Because inter‐satellite links (ISLs) among the distributed satellite nodes can be used to support autonomous control in satellite system operation to reduce dependency on the ground stations, it becomes a popular communication paradigm for the future satellite systems. However, this introduces great technical challenges, particularly for routing protocol to support such space communication system. Facing the challenges, we present out study of routing technology in this paper tailored for satellite network of MEO (Table 1) and IGSO with ISLs in addition to satellite–ground links. The study aims to explore the routing strategies and algorithms of satellite network based on the evolution law of network topology to provide reference design for data exchange in autonomous satellite system. A comprehensive investigation, ranging from the analysis of relevant factors affecting data exchange in satellite networks to the primary application and resource constraints in designing satellite routing strategy, has been conducted. Our main contribution is to propose an on‐demand computing and caching centralized routing strategy and algorithm on the satellite network. The routing strategy and algorithm is designed for satellite network topology dynamic grouping. The route calculation for user data transmission is divided into three phases: direction estimation, direction enhancement, and congestion avoidance. The strategy and algorithm provide significant advantages of high efficiency, low complexity, and flexible configuration, by which the satellite networks can provide the features of flexible configure, efficient transferring, easy management, structural survivability, and great potential in scalability. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rapid advance of communication and satellite technology pushes broadband satellite networks to carry on multimedia traffic. However, the function of onboard routing cannot be provided in existing satellite networks with inter‐satellite links, and quality of service (QoS) of satellite networks cannot be reliably guaranteed because of great difficulties in processing of long distance‐dependent traffic. In this paper, a two‐layered low‐Earth orbit and medium‐Earth orbit satellite network (LMSN) is presented. A novel hierarchical and distributed QoS routing protocol (HDRP) is investigated, and an adaptive bandwidth‐constrained minimum‐delay path algorithm is developed to calculate routing tables efficiently using the QoS metric information composed of delays and bandwidth. The performance of LMSN and HDRP is also evaluated through simulations and theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a three‐layered medium Earth orbit (MEO), geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), and inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellite network (IGMSN) is presented. Based on the idea of time‐slot division, a novel dynamic hierarchical and distributed QoS (quality of service) routing protocol (HDRP) is investigated, and an adaptive bandwidth‐constrained minimum‐delay path for IGSO/GEO/MEO hierarchical architecture constellation (BMDP‐HAC) algorithm is developed to calculate routing tables efficiently using the QoS metric information composed of delays and bandwidth. The performance of the IGMSN and HDRP is evaluated through simulations and theoretical analysis. And then, the paper further analyzes the performance of the IGMSN structure and the BMDP‐HAC algorithm with failure satellites.  相似文献   

Based on experimental data, we have reported a method to scale the cumulative time, TF,T(A), a given attenuation, A (dB), is exceeded in a MEO satellite system in fixed terminals, to the time, TM,T(A), A is exceeded in mobile terminals. Zigzag routes and ring roads simulated city patterns; straight routes simulated freeways. In all cases, TM,T(A) can be expressed as TM,T(A)=ξTF,T(A) with a probability scaling factor ξ independent of A. Although the satellite systems have been simulated at 19.77 GHz, the results concerning ξ can be considered frequency‐independent. We have used a very large number of rain‐rate maps of storms randomly observed in 1991–1992 by a meteorological radar in Northern Italy. The speed of vehicles was modelled as a lognormal random variable. We found: (a) in zigzag routes TM,T(A)<TF,T(A), i.e. ξ<1, with results depending on vehicle speed modelling and starting conditions; (b) in ring roads there is no difference between fixed and mobile systems (ξ≈1); (c) in straight freeways TM,T(A)?TF,T(A) (ξ?1) and TM,T(A) can change significantly in different straight lines and in opposite directions (anisotropy and asymmetry) for medium–large attenuation. When compared with zigzag routes or ring roads, the performance in straight freeways is the most optimistic. The numerical values of ξ applicable to a MEO satellite system are not significantly different from those applicable to a GEO satellite system working in the same conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新型的中轨卫星移动通信系统设计方案,该系统的特点是采用特殊中的轨赤道轨道卫星星座,所需卫星数目少,成本低,采用波束相对地面静止的凝视天线,避免了由于卫星和地面终端移动造成的通信中断和由此而需的波束切换技术,可靠性强,采用国内技术能技术的通用小卫星平台,制造成本低,投资风险小,文中给出了系统结构,特性参量及工作原理的简单描述,讨论了所需的关键技术和存在的问题。  相似文献   

通信卫星星座优化设计综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫宇  闫大伟  游鹏  雍少为 《电讯技术》2016,56(11):1293-1300
通信卫星星座优化设计是构建通信星座系统的关键环节。对通信卫星星座设计中的优化模型和优化算法进行了综述和展望。首先,建立了通信卫星星座设计的一般优化模型;然后,从覆盖性能、星间链路和系统成本三个方面对优化模型中优化变量、目标函数和约束条件的构建进行了综述;之后,介绍了卫星星座设计中常用的三大类多目标优化算法,归纳总结了4种主流算法的主要特征,并比较分析了它们应用于卫星星座设计的优缺点;最后,指出了现有通信卫星星座优化设计中存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

LEO/MEO双层卫星星座是现代卫星通信系统星座研究的热点。运用理论分析的方法,对LEO/MEO双层卫星星座层间链路的链路距离、仰角、方位角等几何参数进行了研究,给出了各自的计算公式,并进行仿真分析。通过仿真发现,层间链路几何参数变化的突出特点是变化范围大、变化剧烈且周期性不明显。  相似文献   

A novel distributed packet routing algorithm for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks based on spiderweb topology is presented. The algorithm gives the shortest path with very low computational complexity and without on-board routing tables, which is suitable and practical for on-board processing. Simulation results show its practicability and feasibility.  相似文献   

全球覆盖稳定拓扑LEO/MEO双层卫星激光网络设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用覆盖带法,设计了全球连续覆盖低轨道(LEO,lowearth orbit)/中轨道(MEO,mediumearth orbit)双层卫星光网络结构。LEO层是一个零相位因子walkerdelta星座,系统具准静态的Mesh逻辑结构。MEO层由赤道和极地轨道两个轨道组成,补充了LEO层对赤道地区覆盖的不足。覆盖性能结果表明,该网络上升轨道卫星对全球提供99.9%的平均覆盖,对我国提供100%的覆盖。链路性能仿真表明,双层卫星网络结构网络拓扑稳定,相邻节点仰角变化范围小,非常适合激光链路,与国外同类型星座相比所需卫星数少。  相似文献   

一种优化的卫星通信星际路由算法设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张海忠  王东进  丁俊章 《通信学报》2003,24(10):139-144
在分析传统的链路——状态算法的基础上,提出了一种优化的卫星通信星际路由算法。该算法能够找出任意两颗卫星间通信的最佳路径集合,同时能够在链路质量容许的情况下,尽量避免通信链路切换的发生,从而较大地提高了系统性能。  相似文献   

分析了影响DS-CDMA卫星通信系统容量的主要因素,如带宽扩展因子、地球站发射功率、系统抗干扰能力、传输质量要求、系统功率控制性能等;建立了DS-CDMA卫星通信系统的仿真模型,导出了系统容量计算的闭环表达式,并对一个典型系统的容量进行了计算和仿真,验证了理论分析的正确性,给出了实际工程应用中的设计建议,对具有较大容量的卫星通信系统的设计有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

低中轨道双层卫星光网络的分时切换半实物仿真演示系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为精确模拟验证低中轨道(LEO/MEO)双层卫星光网络及其关键技术,按1:30的比例设计了分时切换双层卫星光网络半实物实验演示系统。系统包括计算机仿真环境和硬件平台两部分,通过SITL模块互联而成。软件部分由虚拟网络组成,实现灵活、可扩展的配置;硬件平台由1个圆形往复转台、6个伺服机构、6个无线激光通信终端和6组自动追...  相似文献   

面向卫星网络的流量工程路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对卫星网络链路长时延、拓扑时变等特征,将链路传输时延引入并基于MPLS网络中源-目的节点对已知这一先验知识,提出了一种面向卫星网络的MPLS流量工程路由算法。该算法基于卫星网络时变拓扑模型的卫星拓扑快照,定义链路初始权重为链路剩余带宽、传输时延的综合函数,在为当前节点对建路时考虑其余节点对将来建路的可能需求计算链路的关键度,在此基础上通过链路权重的动态调整及延期选用实现流量工程,从而优化卫星网络的链路利用。实验表明,此算法在请求拒绝数、吞吐量、平均跳数及平均时延等方面性能都有较理想的提升。  相似文献   

当前,陆地通信系统已无法满足日益复杂的信息需求,利用空间信息网络实现全球范围内的无缝覆盖和高效容量传输成为研究热点。现有卫星通信系统以单层星座为主,缺少高低轨卫星之间的协同。提出了一种基于分布式星群的双层星座设计,以基于分布式星群的低轨卫星作为网络架构的基础,采用星间链路实现低轨卫星之间的通信,通过高轨卫星实现中低纬度地区覆盖性能加强。仿真结果表明,所提方法在仅依靠在国内部署卫星地面站的前提下可实现全球多重覆盖。  相似文献   

李晖  顾学迈 《通信学报》2006,27(8):119-128
单层卫星网络由于轨道高度和覆盖能力的不同,以至构成通信的单层系统往往不能满足不同业务服务质量的需求。分析了Walkerdelta型星座构建多层卫星通信网络的拓扑结构和ISL性能,提出了在统计分布模型下的多层卫星自适应路由策略,综合考虑了路径时延和ISL链路负载。仿真结果表明了多层网络自适应路由策略能够更加有效地分配网络通信量,网络具有较小的丢包率、网络平均归一化链路负载和特定路径综合路径权重,有利于降低网络平均阻塞概率和特定路径阻塞概率,获得更高的可靠性,较传统的单层非自适应路由更加有效、可靠。  相似文献   

张涛  柳重堪  张军 《通信学报》2006,27(8):18-24
针对卫星网络链路时延长和拓扑时变的特点,给出一种可满足时延限制且在业务持续时间内尽可能不发生中断的时延受限最优寻路(SDCOP)算法,该算法通过预测拓扑链接情况来有效降低链路切换对网络QoS的影响,且具有计算复杂度低,可适应星上设备处理能力的要求等优点。仿真表明算法在计算复杂性、业务阻塞率以及业务中断率方面都优于同类算法。  相似文献   

刘炯  陶波  李志军  张琳 《电讯技术》2016,56(9):982-989
针对多层卫星星座网络的复杂通信环境和特殊应用背景,提出一种新的基于优先级的星上分布式路由算法( PDRA)。 PDRA算法采用新的分层管理策略,根据信息重要程度设置优先级,在拓扑快照起始时刻进行路由计算与更新,信息传输过程中采用拥塞回避策略。理论分析和仿真验证表明,PDRA算法与现有典型卫星星座网络路由算法相比性能优越,能够很好地利用GEO/LEO双层星座特点,有较低的数据丢包率和较高的吞吐量,可有效避免链路拥塞,并能保证重要信息实时可靠传输。  相似文献   

The varying population density leads to imbalanced utilization rate of satellites. To ensure an intelligent engineering of traffic over satellite networks, a distributed routing scheme for single-layered satellite network, load balancing routing protocol based on mobile agent (LBRP-MA) is proposed. For LBRP-MA, mobile agents explore route by migrating autonomously. Upon arriving at destination, mobile agents migrate back. On each intermediate satellite, mobile agents evaluate path cost considering satellite geographical position as well as inter-satellite link (ISL) cost, and finally take ISL congestion index into account to update routing tables. Through simulations on the Courier-like constellation, the proposed approach is shown to achieve guaranteed end-to-end delay bound and decrease packet loss ratio with better throughput, which is especially suitable for data transferring in case of high traffic load. Moreover, results of the complexity analysis demonstrate that LBRP-MA can have low onboard signaling, storage and computation requirements. Furthermore, issues of LBRP-MA such as ISL congestion index and cost modification factor are discussed.  相似文献   

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