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利用研制的磁致伸缩超声导波无损检测装置对长直无缝钢管、舰用锅炉U型管和弯管进行了大量试验研究.研究发现,通过对该装置中磁致伸缩传感器的放置位置及方向进行适当调整,此装置即可在管道中激发纵向导波;该技术对管道壁厚减薄、磨损或腐蚀、裂纹、焊缝等缺陷同样具有检测能力;选择低频(20~40kHz)激励脉冲信号有利于减少波的发散特性和提高缺陷的检测能力;导波在管道中传播衰减缓慢,适用于长距离、大范围、快速、非接触管道检测.  相似文献   

转向架构架为列车重要部件,其健康状况直接关系到列车安全运行,而基于超声导波的无损检测技术能够用于结构健康监测。采用导波反演法获取构架材料的体波波速,结合Lamb波频散方程得到构架的Lamb波频散曲线,进而选择激励信号。载荷和构架边界都会使响应导波信号特征变得复杂,使得损伤定位误差增加。为减少时域信号误差的影响,采用完好结构与检测结构的激励信号与相应导波能量谱相关系数进行分析。通过此系数获取检测结构的损伤指数,经权函数对各导波传播路径加权,从而得到损伤概率密度大小,进行损伤定位诊断成像。在构架中分别沿焊接方向以及承载剪切方向引入切槽损伤进行实验测试。结果表明,该方法能够较准确地实现损伤定位。  相似文献   

基于导波的损伤检测方法是结构健康监测领域的研究热点,并在工程应用上表现出很大的潜力。通过有限元仿真和实验分析的方法对某型列车底盘转向架局部焊接方管结构上的损伤检测问题进行研究。仿真中建立结构的三维模型以模拟导波在其中的传播过程,实验中采用主动式换能器网络激发和接受在结构中传播的导波。优选激励频率以减少导波固有的多模式现象对后续信号分析的影响。借助小波变换和希尔伯特变换等方法对所有采集到的信号进行处理,并利用“导波三角定位法”进行损伤定位。实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

童今鸣  胡明慧 《声学技术》2017,36(3):238-246
管道经过长期服役后,由于磨损、腐蚀和意外损伤等原因,对管道正常运行产生危害。在实际工况中,小的腐蚀缺陷容易发展成腐蚀穿孔,浅层的小裂纹容易发展成穿透型裂纹,因此探究如何有效检测管道小宽度非通透缺陷是很有必要的。利用ANSYS有限元仿真软件模拟纵向模态导波对管道的周向和斜向非通透缺陷的检测,得到了周向非通透缺陷的反射系数曲线,并证实时间反转法可以显著提高导波对非通透斜裂纹的检测能力。还针对空管和充水管非通透斜裂纹的定位问题进行了研究,结果表明利用时间反转法可以得到缺陷较为精确的周向与轴向位置及大致形状。  相似文献   

霞飞  刘飞  赵满全  杜兰  刘晓东 《声学技术》2019,38(2):164-169
为了研究扭转模态在不同形状管道中的传播特性和缺陷的检测能力,建立了带有缺陷的管道有限元模型,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对T(0, 1)模态导波在直管、弯管中的传播过程进行数值模拟研究。导波信号采用汉宁窗调制的正弦信号,激励T(0, 1)模态信号。结果表明:最低阶的扭转模态适合于管道的缺陷检测;50 kHz的T(0, 1)模态导波对直管、弯管上的缺陷敏感,在缺陷对应的位置上,导波的回波幅值最大,能量也较集中。  相似文献   

针对CFETR装置中真空管道的在役检测及维护方法,指出现有氦质谱检测技术的局限性。在此基础上,提出超声导波检测技术应用于真空管道检测,并且对应用中关键问题进行讨论。应用有限元法,分析了已确定结构及材料的管道检测的超声模态及波结构。在此基础上进行对检测距离进行数值模拟仿真,结果表明:对直径32 mm壁厚3 mm不锈钢管道,可单次检测出1 mm×4 mm×0.5 mm的表面裂纹,有较好的检测特性。最后,通过现场试验分析,得到检测信号反射系数与距离的关系(信噪比关系),对仿真进行了验证。  相似文献   

为了提高超声导波检测长距离管道中小缺陷的检测灵敏度,提出了基于杜芬方程最大Lyapunov指数的超声导波损伤定位方法。依据管道超声导波实测信号的采样频率、中心频率以及杜芬方程特性,设置检测系统参数,将待测信号作为杜芬方程外策动力扰动项输入杜芬方程中。通过比较杜芬系统在无信号输入和输入实测导波信号后,最大Lyapunov指数随策动力幅值F的变化,确定可用于识别导波信号的F值。利用移动窗函数给出了缺陷超声导波的波到时刻识别方法,从而给出了缺陷定位方法。实验研究表明,利用最大Lyapunov指数可有效提高超声导波的检测灵敏度。  相似文献   

针对当前城市管道检测系统实际应用时复杂的人工操作问题和管道工作环境信息的分析预警功能缺失问题,设计开发一套基于物联网和超声导波的城市管道检测系统。该系统将物联网、超声导波检测、信号处理等技术相融合,通过无线网络将数据传到云端数据处理中心并由数据处理中心分析管道检测信息,实现管道缺陷检测、环境信息采集以及预警等功能。实验仿真表明:该系统的缺陷定位精度达到了(能够满足)城市管道检测的要求,在减少人工操作的同时,能有效提供预警功能。  相似文献   

基于超声导波技术对钢杆表面缺陷的无损检测研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
研究了圆柱钢杆内导波的传播及其频散特性。通过实验验证了杆中“直达纵波”这一现象并对其进行了分析,同时利用所建立的实验系统,对2320mm长圆柱钢杆表面的人工缺陷进行了检测。结果表明,在特定频率处,选择L(0,1)模态的超声导波检测钢杆中的缺陷是可行的。  相似文献   

超声导波具有远距离传输的特性,能够快速、有效地大范围检出薄板中的损伤或缺陷。非线性超声导波相较于传统超声导波,主要研究基波与材料中微观组织演化相互作用而产生的高阶谐波,对尺寸远小于基波波长的损伤或缺陷比较敏感。其中,超声导波的二次谐波相对容易激发,已被用于定量评估早期损伤。但是,超声导波的二次谐波容易受到测量系统非线性的干扰,并且无法定位材料中的局部损伤。超声导波混频在频率、模式、传播方向的选择上具有一定的灵活性,克服了二次谐波的缺点。目前,超声导波混频在理论、模拟和实验上取得了一定的进展,已被用于表征和定位金属材料中处于早期阶段的疲劳、热老化、微裂纹、冲击损伤和局部塑性变形等。高频段超声导波混频、兰姆波相向混频和非共线混频中差频谐波或和频谐波的传播性,以及更多类型损伤的定位和表征仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

在分析碳制品性能的基础上,探讨了超声波检测技术在碳制品质量控制中应用的可行性。通过试验讨论了碳制品材质特性对超声波检测灵敏度的影响,提出了适用于碳制品的超声波检测工艺。  相似文献   

This work reports nondestructive evaluation of reinforcing bars that are corroding in the presence and absence of chlorides utilizing ultrasonic guided waves. The effect of rates of corrosion and its progression in the two environments on the ultrasonic signals is discussed. Surface and core seeking guided wave modes were used to monitor beams undergoing accelerated impressed current corrosion. Effective combination of guided wave modes could relate to the differences in corrosion mechanisms and rates in the two environments. Calibration of the ultrasonic data with the physical condition of the bar in the two environments has been attempted. It is done by conducting destructive tests of mass loss, tensile strength, and pull out strength at different stages of corrosion.  相似文献   

目的 研究镶铸工艺成形钛合金铸件镶铸部位冶金缺陷形成原因及无损检测表征,为镶铸工艺铸件的无损检验判定提供依据,并为此类产品冶金质量评价提供依据,建立质量评价体系标准。方法 通过对采用镶铸钛管工艺成形铸件的镶铸部位进行X射线检测及微观形貌、成分检测,结合铸造成形工艺的数值模拟过程进行对比分析。结果 预埋钛管表面在铸造工艺过程中出现表面氧化,浇注过程中,在镶铸部位存在多股金属液充型交汇,镶铸管部位结构融合效果存在差异,存在未融合现象。结论 采用镶铸工艺制备的铸件在无损检测方面存在不同于传统的冶金评判特征,镶铸部位的未融合缺陷可以通过X射线检测发现,在X光底片显示为沿钛管界面的黑线。  相似文献   


The paper reports experimental methodology and results of nondestructive evaluation and flaw imaging in cylindrical samples using surface acoustic waves (SAW) generated with conventional longitudinal wave transducers attached to the sample surface. A very thin layer of couplant (or even dry coupling) was used to provide efficient SAW generation in the direction normal to a cylinder element in the frequency range 5–15 MHz. A single B-scan mode was sufficient to inspect a total surface of cylindrical shafts of ceramic and metal engine valves. A delay of the processing time gate allowed us to analyze any of the successive SAW revolutions implementing a specific “transmission B-scan” with a single probe. Amplitude and phase contrast of the B-scans obtained demonstrate the system capability to detect valve radius deviations of ~ 1 μm and cracked flaws with sizes down to ~ 30 μm.  相似文献   


This paper introduces a laser scanning technique to characterize internal planar defects in a specimen with parallel boundaries. Based on the principles of laser-based ultrasonic shear waves and shadowing, a procedure to determine flaw location, size, and orientation is described. The key feature of this scheme is the use of an optimum wave propagation angle where the maximum shear wave propagates. The feasibility of the approach is evidenced by testing specimens with various controlled and natural internal flaws. The experimental results are promising, in that the flaw characteristics can be determined with good accuracy. It is found that the scheme is especially useful for characterizing transverse-type flaws. The limitations of the technique are also addressed.  相似文献   

The paper reports experimental methodology and results of nondestructive evaluation and flaw imaging in cylindrical samples using surface acoustic waves (SAW) generated with conventional longitudinal wave transducers attached to the sample surface. A very thin layer of couplant (or even dry coupling) was used to provide efficient SAW generation in the direction normal to a cylinder element in the frequency range 5—15 MHz. A single B-scan mode was sufficient to inspect a total surface of cylindrical shafts of ceramic and metal engine valves. A delay of the processing time gate allowed us to analyze any of the successive SAW revolutions implementing a specific ``transmission B-scan' with a single probe. Amplitude and phase contrast of the B-scans obtained demonstrate the system capability to detect valve radius deviations of 1 μm and cracked flaws with sizes down to 30 μm.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a laser scanning technique to characterize internal planar defects in a specimen with parallel boundaries. Based on the principles of laser-based ultrasonic shear waves and shadowing, a procedure to determine flaw location, size, and orientation is described. The key feature of this scheme is the use of an optimum wave propagation angle where the maximum shear wave propagates. The feasibility of the approach is evidenced by testing specimens with various controlled and natural internal flaws. The experimental results are promising, in that the flaw characteristics can be determined with good accuracy. It is found that the scheme is especially useful for characterizing transverse-type flaws. The limitations of the technique are also addressed.  相似文献   

A composite panel with a pre‐introduced hole was repaired with an external repair patch and tested under tension–tension fatigue. X‐ray radiography and microscopic analysis were employed to assess the developed damage which appeared first in the form of axial splitting at the hole and propagation until the final patch debonding. Piezoelectric transducers bonded on the top and bottom of the tested surface were utilised in‐phase and out‐of‐phase in order to excite separately the symmetric and antisymmetric fundamental Lamb wave modes. The estimation of each mode's arrival time was performed through the Akaike information criterion which indicated that only the excitation of the antisymmetric mode was successful due to the possible corruption of the symmetric mode with the shear horizontal mode. The study investigated the problem of inadequate training data set that resulted in a negative Mahalanobis squared distance after outlier analysis application. The study suggested a pseudoinverse approach for the inverse of the covariance matrix and a reduction in the selected feature through the principal component analysis and the isolation of the most representative principal components. Finally outlier analysis was applied, which successfully represented the condition of the structural integrity.  相似文献   

It is far from trivial to inspect railways for defections. In particular, for the foot area of the rail non destructive testing methods are known to be difficult to apply. In this paper, an ultrasonic guided wave method is considered along with classification methods for automated rail foot defect detection. In effect, given a set of gathered ultrasonic signals, multiple features are extracted from time-, frequency- and time–frequency domains. Next, a robust feature selection method is performed, to collect a small set of complementary features. The classification task is accomplished by means of a kernel-based support vector machine. To demonstrate the performance capabilities of our approach, an extensive experimental setup is designed under representative environmental and operational conditions. The sensitivity and the resolution of the proposed defect detection system are reported. A study on the influence of rail fastening on the proposed method is also reported where robust defect detection rates, greater than 93 %, are achieved assuming that a compact feature subset is considered. However, it is evident in experiments that even in the case of large defects, changes in the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) increase the interpretation of the acquired signals, thus making the detection task more difficult.  相似文献   

超声相控阵无损检测仪器关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
超声相控阵仪器作为无损检测关键设备之一,对材料内部缺陷分析、参数检测、失效评估等研究具有重要意义。本文从相控阵技术原理入手,分析编码激励、延时聚焦、数字信号快速处理、大数据传输与调度模块各关键模块工作机理,根据仪器检测性能指标要求,从仪器实时性、灵活性、精度等方面对关键技术进行深入研究,并通过实验验证各关键模块的实现效果。研究成果对于无损检测仪器的高精度化、高速化、高效率化,具有重要的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

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