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在内径50 mm的流化床实验台上,测量SiO_2、Al_2O_3和TiO_2 3种超细颗粒原生粒径从30 nm增加到5μm的临界流化速度(Umf),并以Geldart A类颗粒(粒径45μm)为参照。结果表明:3种超细颗粒的Umf随粒径的变化规律一致,随原生粒径从30 nm增加到5μm,Umf逐渐增大;当颗粒粒径增加到45μm,Umf大幅度减小,其与原生粒径为30和200 nm时接近。对于不同材料,Umf由大至小的顺序依次为TiO_2、Al_2O_3、SiO_2。粉体安息角测量表明:对于同种材料颗粒,原生粒径对超细颗粒的Umf和安息角的影响规律一致,即5μm超细颗粒的安息角最大。聚团尺寸模型计算表明:稳定流化时,聚团尺寸随原生粒径的变化趋势以及随不同材料的变化趋势均与Umf的变化趋势一致。研究结果为超细颗粒流化临界速度预测研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
根据振动流化床床层动力学特性,提出了第一、第二流化段,第一、第二临界流化速度的概念.从流化床临界流化速度的定义出发,得出了振动流化床第一临界流化速度数学模型.在二维振动流化床内,以不同粒径的玻璃珠为床料进行实验研究,分析了振动和其它操作条件对临界流化速度的影响,通过实验数据关联得到了振动能量传递系数的数学表达式,并将模型预测与实验结果进行了对比.结果表明振动强度增加,第一、第二临界速度均减小,振动对第一临界流化速度影响更显著,当振动强度超过1.57后,不通气体床层也能流化,第一临界流化速度降为零,模型预测与实验结果有较好的一致性. 相似文献
建立了带内置水平管的振动流化床,并以颗粒状磷酸一铵为实验物料对带内置水平管的大颗粒振动流化床颗粒临界流化速度进行了实验研究。结果表明,振动的引入对颗粒临界流化速度有着明显的降低作用;同样床层条件下振动频率和振幅越大,床层临界流化速度越低;振动对小粒径颗粒的影响稍强于大粒径颗粒;由实验数据拟合出用于预测该类流化床临界流化速度的经验公式,公式与实验数据吻合良好。 相似文献
采用内径为56 mm的玻璃管流化床,考察了平均粒径分别为5~10 nm(1#), 0.5 mm(2#)及10 mm(3#)的SiO2超细颗粒在无声场及声场存在下的流化行为. 无声场时,1#和2#颗粒可在较高的气速下形成稳定聚团,单位质量颗粒团间作用力与原生颗粒相比显著下降,因而可实现稳定的聚团流化,3#颗粒因颗粒间粘性力较大,无法实现稳定流化. 40~60 Hz的声场对3种超细颗粒的流化行为均可起到一定的改善作用,在此频率范围外,声场的作用不明显. 提高声压级,可以使1#和2#颗粒团发生一定程度的破碎,聚团尺寸减小,最小流化速度降低. 在实验范围内,添加声场无法使3#颗粒实现稳定流化. 相似文献
在内置水平管的矩形振动流化床内研究了玉米粒和塑料珠混合物(Geldart D颗粒)中的流体力学性质。考察了颗粒质量分数、振动频率、振幅和内置水平管对混合颗粒的临界流化速度的影响。实验表明,振动的加入降低了混合物的临界流化速度。根据振动流化床的动力学特性,分析床层中颗粒受力情况,建立了混合颗粒物在振动流化床中临界流化速度的两类数学模型。通过实验数据建立两种模型的关联式所得的计算值和实验值误差控制在10%以内,吻合较好。 相似文献
在二维流化床(240mm×80mm)中,以平均粒径为1.675mm的三种宽筛分玻璃珠颗粒为物料,研究了颗粒临界流化特性,得到了三种颗粒临界流化速度,并与其他研究者的结果进行了对比,通过实验数据得到了预测宽筛分颗粒临界流化速度的关联式.结果表明,宽筛分颗粒临界流化速度与窄筛分颗粒的值有较大差别,本研究理论预测的临界流化速度与实验值吻合更好。结果可为宽组分颗粒临界流化特性研究提供参考。 相似文献
在底部直径为120 mm的锥型流化床中,以玻璃珠为流化颗粒,过热蒸汽为流化介质,研究了固体颗粒在过热蒸汽流化床中的流化特性,考察了操作温度和压力对临界流化速度(umf)的影响.结果表明,过热蒸汽流化床的流化行为与热空气相似,临界流化速度(umf)随床层温度的升高而减小,随床内压力的增大而减小;在相同温度条件下,过热蒸汽流化床的临界流化速度比热空气大. 相似文献
Akhil Rao Jennifer S. Curtis Bruno C. Hancock Carl Wassgren 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2010,56(9):2304-2311
Experiments show that the minimum fluidization velocity of particles increases as the diameter of the fluidization column is reduced, or if the height of the bed is increased. These trends are shown to be due to the influence of the wall. A new, semicorrelated model is proposed, which incorporates Janssen's wall effects in the calculation of the minimum fluidization velocity. The wall friction opposes not only the bed weight but also the drag force acting on the particles during fluidization. The enhanced wall friction leads to an increase in the minimum fluidization velocity. The model predictions compare favorably to existing correlations and experimental data. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010 相似文献
The experiments were carried out in a fluidized bed of 56 mm in diameter and 1 600 mm in height to determine the fluidization characteristics of four sizes of printed circuit board plastic (PCBP) particles. It indicates that the fluidization characteristics of PCBP particles depend on the average size and particle type. 123 µm PCBP particles (1#), belonging to Geldart A group with strong viscous force, whose fluidization behaviours was similar to those of Geldart C, was difficult to fluidize. Whereas, 275 µm (2#), 354 µm (3#), and 423 µm (4#) PCBP particles, belonging to Geldart B, were fluidized smoothly. The bed collapsing process is composed of three stages: the bubble escaping stage, the sedimentation stage, and the solid consolidation stage. The collapsing process of 1# PCBP particle lasts 6 s or long. 2#, 3#, and 4# PCBP particles, Geldart group B particles, collapse process consists of the bubble escaping stage and the solid consolidation stage. The minimum fluidization velocities from modified Ergun Equation were agreement with experimental data for 2#, 3#, and 4# PCBP particles. 相似文献
振动流化床中双组分颗粒流化特性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了内径为148mm振动圆柱床中等密度和不等密度的双组分颗粒流化特性,考察了不同振动强度对双组分颗粒的床层空隙率、最小流化速度及相图的影响,给出了床层空隙率和最小流化速度的计算式,此计算值与实验值基本相符,且对振动流化床的实际操作和工程设计起到一定的指导作用。 相似文献
Extensive measurements of pressure drop in fixed beds, minimum fluidization velocity and expansion characteristics for beds of non-spherical particles are reported in the following ranges of conditions: 10-3 ≤ Re ≤ 20; 0.66 ≤ n ≤ 1 and 0.41 ≤ ? ≤ 0.75. Based on an analysis of these results, it is illustrated that the existing frameworks originally developed for Newtonian fluid flow through beds of spherical particles are also satisfactory for power law fluid flow through beds of non-spherical particles, provided a volume equivalent diameter modified by a sphericity factor and a modified Reynolds number are used instead of their usual definitions. 相似文献
Xi Chen Wenqi Zhong Theodore J. Heindel 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2019,65(2):520-535
Nonspherical particles are commonly found when processing biomass or municipal solid waste. In this study, cylindrical particles are used as generic nonspherical particles and are co-fluidized with small spherical particles. X-ray particle tracking velocimetry is used to track the three-dimensional particle position and velocity of a single tagged cylindrical particle over a long time period in the binary fluidized bed. The effects of superficial gas velocity (u f), cylindrical particle mass fraction (α), particle sphericity (Φ), and bed material size on the cylindrical tracer particle location and velocity are investigated. Overall, the cylindrical particles are found in the near-wall region more often than in the bed center region. Increasing the superficial gas velocity u f provide a slight improvement in the uniformity of the vertical and horizontal distributions. Increasing the cylindrical particle mass fraction α causes the bed mixing conditions to transition from complete mixing into partial mixing. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65: 520–535, 2019 相似文献