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微型流化床反应分析仪是中国科学院过程工程研究所研制的具有等温微分反应特性,且适合于气固反应分析的新仪器。细微样品与高温流化介质的瞬间混合是该仪器实现等温微分的必要条件。针对如何满足该要求,基于欧拉多流体模型对连接不同进样器的微型反应器本体进行了三维数值模拟,得到了不同喷口结构和位置下的流动图景及混合区浓度的相对标准偏差曲线,定量表征了各种进样器的混合质量。同时采用高速摄像手段获得了冷态实验中颗粒流动的快照,验证了模拟计算结果的可靠性。模拟结果对脉冲射流微量进样器结构的优化提出了如下建议:进样细管应避免采用弯角喷口,弯角结构会导致脉冲进样载流气喷出方向与流化气流相逆,使得细微颗粒试样堆积滞留,影响混合效果。  相似文献   

微型流化床反应分析仪是中国科学院过程工程研究所研制的具有等温微分反应特性,且适合于气固反应分析的新仪器。细微样品与高温流化介质的瞬间混合是该仪器实现等温微分的必要条件。针对如何满足该要求,基于欧拉多流体模型对连接不同进样器的微型反应器本体进行了三维数值模拟,得到了不同喷口结构和位置下的流动图景及混合区浓度的相对标准偏差曲线,定量表征了各种进样器的混合质量。同时采用高速摄像手段获得了冷态实验中颗粒流动的快照,验证了模拟计算结果的可靠性。模拟结果对脉冲射流微量进样器结构的优化提出了如下建议:进样细管应避免采用弯角喷口,弯角结构会导致脉冲进样载流气喷出方向与流化气流相逆,使得细微颗粒试样堆积滞留,影响混合效果。  相似文献   

流化床内颗粒混合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了流化床内颗粒混合机理,综合了床内水平方向和垂直方向上颗粒混合,将床内颗粒混合过程分成两部分:一是向上运动的尾迹相和向下运动的乳化相之间的对流交换,二是乳化相内横向扩散。建立了二维的对流扩散模型,数值结果和实验数据吻合。  相似文献   

在欧拉-拉格朗日坐标系下,采用离散单元法对单孔射流流化床内颗粒混合特性进行了数值模拟。引入混合指数对床内轴向及径向布置的颗粒混合质量进行定量分析,并研究了不同表观气速、不同弹性系数对颗粒混合特性的影响。模拟得到了颗粒轴向及径向混合序列图、气体和颗粒速度分布、整床颗粒混合指数分布、参量变化时整床颗粒混合指数分布。结果表明:流化床床层内颗粒混合速度受颗粒内循环能力和颗粒扩散能力的综合作用。单口射流喷动流化床颗粒轴向混合速度主要由颗粒内循环速度决定,颗粒径向混合速度主要由颗粒扩散能力决定。表观气速增大时,颗粒内循环速度增加,从而加快了颗粒轴向混合进程,但对颗粒径向混合影响微弱;弹性系数增大时,颗粒混合速度及混合质量均下降,并且弹性系数增大对颗粒径向混合进程影响小于颗粒轴向混合。  相似文献   

用直接数值模拟方法对流化床内颗粒运动区域的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用直数值模拟技术,对不同直径和密度的颗粒在流化床内的流化运动区域进行了探讨研究,得到了与之相关的结论。  相似文献   

刘金平  曹长青 《广东化工》2013,(24):15-16,14
基于双流体模型,使用计算流体动力学软件Fluent6.3,对气固微小流化床(床高220 mm,内径20 mm)内侧壁辅助进气纳米颗上流化特性进行了数值模拟,考察了床内固含率和颗粒运动的分布规律,系统地研究了侧壁开孔位置对颗粒流化质量的影响.结果显示:设计向上倾斜角为60.的侧壁辅助进气口距床底10 mm的流化床性能最好,能大大强化床内颗粒的内循环,提高颗粒的离散性,明显抑制颗粒的沟流和粘壁运动.  相似文献   

针对循环流化床铁矿粉烧结技术中的关键问题,首次用直接数值模拟方法对不同密度床料颗粒在床内的分布进行了数值模拟。数值模拟将气相场和离散颗粒场分别用欧拉方法和拉格朗日方法进行处理,在每一时间步长内对气相场和离散颗粒场的相互作用进行耦合,得出了焦炭和铁矿粉混合床料在循环流化床内的分离规律。数值模拟结果与国外相同研究的实验结果进行了对比,验证结果表明本文所给出的直接数值模拟方法具有较高的准确性。  相似文献   

高温大颗粒气固流化床流化行为数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓光  徐德龙  范海宏 《化学工程》2007,35(1):16-19,63
通过数值模拟,对内含直径为3 mm流化颗粒的二维高温流化床开展了研究。其中欧拉途径被用于描述气相运动,而对颗粒相描述则采用拉格朗日途径。采用离散单元法跟踪颗粒在不同时刻位置和速度。结果表明:与300K时相比,1 000 K高温床的临界流化风速有所提高,压降脉动及床层最大膨胀比明显降低。1 000 K时,流化数提高至1.67,高温床内可见到大尺寸的气泡。在气泡之外上、下2个区域中处于气泡对称轴上的颗粒,水平速度具有相反的方向;而y方向上,这二部分颗粒群的速度均向上并大致在10-1m/s范围之内。  相似文献   

在颗粒动理学理论(KTGF)的基础上,通过引入表征粗糙颗粒摩擦和切向非弹性的切向弹性恢复系数β,以及综合反映颗粒平动和旋转运动脉动强度的颗粒拟总温e0,结合输运理论建立了考虑颗粒旋转作用的颗粒相质量、动量和颗粒拟总温守恒方程。并在求解了同时具有平动和旋转运动的能量耗散和颗粒相应力等参数的前提下提出了颗粒相压力、剪切黏度和能量耗散等本构关系式以及边界条件,最终得出了粗糙颗粒动理学理论(KTRS)。通过改变液相的流变特性,分析了幂律流变模型中流动指数n和稠度系数Kl对流化床内流固两相流动特性的影响,模拟结果表明:随着流动指数和稠度系数的增大,液相湍动能耗散率逐渐增大,而颗粒相压力逐渐减小,颗粒旋转先增大后减小。  相似文献   

贾雨彬  王树青  朱玉颖 《化工机械》2021,48(1):64-68,83
采用MFIX-DEM方法对液固流化床内双组分不同密度的颗粒流动进行数值模拟,用BVK曳力模型计算相间作用力,研究表明:在固相颗粒与流体的密度差带动下,轻颗粒向上运动,重颗粒向下运动,最终两种颗粒实现分离;在颗粒的运动过程中,颗粒的压力梯度力在总力中占主导地位,是颗粒随机运动的主要因素;碰撞力在颗粒的混合过程中起主导作用...  相似文献   

The effect of bubble injection characteristics on the mixing behavior of a gas‐solid fluidized bed is investigated using a discrete particle model. The effect of different parameters including gas injection time, velocity, and mode are studied. Simulation results show that injecting gas at a constant gas flow rate in the form of small bubbles results in a better overall particle mixing. It was also found that the injection velocities have limited effect on particle mixing behavior for the same total gas volume injected into the bed. Moreover, the mixing index (MI) of continuous gas jet bubbling regime is compared with the MI obtained in uniform gas injection regime and the results revealed that the MI of continuous jet bubbling regime has a larger value than that of uniform gas injection regime at the fixed total gas flow rate. In both regimes, z‐direction MI is larger than x‐direction index. The differences between two direction indices are more noticeable in continuous jet bubbling in comparison with the uniform gas injection regime. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1430–1438, 2016  相似文献   

为了对旋转流化床粉体混合机进行优化设计,采用CFD-DEM联合仿真的方法,对旋转流化床粉体混合机内球形颗粒的混合过程进行数值模拟,通过Lacey指数具体评价颗粒的混合效果,研究了进气管倾斜角度、进气管布置方式、进气方式对球形颗粒混合效果的影响,并进行球形颗粒混合实验验证。结果表明,进气管最合适的倾斜角度应保证气流作用区域面积恰好为底部颗粒物料区域面积的一半。进气管水平布置时能够保证很好的混合质量及较快的混合速率。脉冲及连续方式进气均能实现均匀混合,脉冲进气方式比连续进气方式耗气量更低。颗粒混合实验有很好的混合效果,与数值模拟的结果具有较高的一致性,从而获得了一种混合效果优越的结构形式,进气管倾斜角度α=35°,水平布置。  相似文献   

为了研究快速流化床颗粒的团絮特征,建立了基于多相质点网格法的快速流化床气固多相流三维数理模型,气相场采用大涡湍流模型,通过求解牛顿运动方程得到颗粒相运动信息,气固间相互作用力采用Gidaspow曳力模型,固体间作用力通过计算颗粒应力梯度得到。基于该模型,对三维快速流化床上升管(H=3 m、d=0.1 m)气固流动开展了数值模拟,并与实验进行了校正,研究了在气速工况Ug=5.28 m·s-1下的颗粒(ρp=2650 kg·m-3、dp=250 mm)团絮性质,实现了对上升管内颗粒团絮的基本类型(条形团絮、马鞍形团絮、U形团絮)的成功预测,并揭示了不同类型团絮在上升管内形成、发展、聚并直至破碎的演化规律。结果表明,上升管径向颗粒团絮的平均颗粒浓度分布呈现中间低两边高的环核结构,颗粒团絮速度的分布与其相反;随着轴向高度的增加,颗粒团絮的颗粒浓度逐渐降低而速度逐渐增加,但达到一定高度后变化减缓。  相似文献   

Gas mixing in a tall narrow fluidized bed operated in the slugging fluidization regime is simulated with the aid of computational fluid dynamics. In the first part, a parametric study is conducted to investigate the influence of various parameters on the gas mixing. Among the parameters studied, the specularity coefficient for the partial‐slip solid‐phase wall boundary condition had the most significant effect on gas mixing. It was found that the solid‐phase wall boundary condition needs to be specified with great care when gas mixing is modeled, with free slip, partial slip and no‐slip wall boundary conditions giving substantial differences in the extent of gas back mixing. Axial and radial tracer concentration profiles for different operating conditions are generally in good agreement with experimental data from the literature. Detailed analyses of tracer back mixing are carried out in the second part. Two parameters, the tracer backflow fraction and overall gas backflow fraction, in addition to axial profiles of cross‐sectional averaged tracer concentrations, are evaluated for different flow conditions. Qualitative trends are consistent with reported experimental findings. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

Flow behavior of magnetizable particles is simulated in a two-dimensional gradient magnetically assisted bubbling fluidized bed. The motion of particles is simulated by discrete element method (DEM) with the consideration of external magnetic forces at a constant gradient magnetic field along bed height. The distributions of velocity and concentration of magnetizable particles are analyzed at the different magnetic field intensities. The simulations show a significant effect on the motion of particles with vertical magnetic-fields applied. When the magnetic field strength is increased to a value at which the fluidization of strings starts, the particles are found to form straight-chain aggregates in the direction of the magnetic field. At very high magnetic field strengths, defluidization is observed. Gas pressure drop of bed decreases with the increase of magnetic-flux densities. The granular temperature of particles increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases with the increase of magnetic-flux density. Through the analysis of the motion of particles, it is concluded that the moderate strength magnetic field gives a high fluctuation of particles and distribute gas more evenly in the bed.  相似文献   

在循环流化床换热器的流体中加入固体粒子,可以对边界层有扰动作用,加快换热器中的传质与传热.对流化床换热器中的液固二相进行数值模拟,分别讨论了固体粒子对液体动量方程、k-ε方程及能量方程的影响,在单液相方程的基础上进行修正,建立了相应的液固二相流控制方程,确定了物理模型及边界条件.利用FLUENT进行数值计算,分别讨论了...  相似文献   

摒弃传统颗粒动力学模型中颗粒绝对光滑的假设,以粗糙颗粒为研究对象,同时考虑颗粒碰撞过程中的对心和切向分力建立了粗糙颗粒动力学模型,采用近似求解给出了相关本构关系式。结合粉煤气化反应模型模拟研究了鼓泡流化床内粉煤颗粒的流动-反应过程,获得了床内粗糙颗粒时均速度和浓度的径向分布。与光滑颗粒的计算结果相比,粗糙颗粒的脉动能量增大,床内不均匀特性进一步增强。同时得到的各气体组分的浓度分布与他人的实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

This paper describes the numerical analysis of particle mixing in a rotating fluidized bed (RFB). A two-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupling model were proposed to analyze the radial particle mixing in the RFB. Spherical polyethylene particles (Geldart group B particles) were used as model particles under the assumptions that they were cohesionless and mono-disperse with their diameter of 0.5 mm.The validity of the proposed model was confirmed by the comparison between the calculated degree of particle mixing and the experimental one, which was obtained by measuring the lightness of the recorded image taken by a high-speed video camera. Effects of the operating parameters (gas velocity, centrifugal acceleration, particle bed height, and vessel radius) on the radial particle mixing rate were numerically analyzed. The radial particle mixing rate was found to be strongly affected by the bubble characteristics, especially by the bubble size. The mathematical model for the rate coefficient of particle mixing as functions of operating parameters was empirically proposed. The radial particle mixing rate in a RFB could be well correlated by the three dimensionless numbers: dimensionless acceleration (Ac), bubble Froude number (Frb), and dimensionless radius on the surface of particle bed (βs).  相似文献   

The effect of vibration on the cohesive particle motion in the bed was examined by using discrete element method(DEM). The bed of dried fine particles was treated as the objective of calculation. The van der Waals force was used as the cohesive force because the van der Waals force was considered to be the main cohesive force in this case. Since the actual calculation time was too long, the fine cohesive particle was difficult to be treated. So a relatively large particle (1.0 mm in diameter) was used in calculation and the van der Waals force was assumed that the ratio of gravity force to van der Waals force of particle used in this calculation was equal to that of a fine particle (6.0 μm in diameter), to express the effect of van der Waals force significantly. The calculation results were compared with that case of cohesionless particle.In the case with vibration, the cohesive particle motion in the bed is observed, though no fluidization state appears in the case without vibration, and there is no bubble in the bed even the fluidization state. In the case of cohesive particle, the collision energy between particle and wall caused by vibration gap propagates from the bottom to top of bed, and the particle moves vigorously at the top of bed in the case with vibration. As the vibration gap increases, the effect of vibration on the cohesive particle motion becomes larger, i.e., the low vibration frequency at the same vibration strength or the large vibration strength at the same vibration frequency promotes the fluidization of the bed.  相似文献   

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