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The present work focuses on developing a new comprehensive correlation for better prediction of the solids concentration in the fully developed region of co-current upward gas-solid flow in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) risers. Systematic experiments were carried out in two risers (15.1 m and 10.5 m high with the same 0.1 m i.d.) with FCC and sand particles. The results obtained from about 200 sets of operating conditions show that the average solids concentration in the fully developed region is more than just a function of the corresponding terminal solids concentration, as most previous correlations are based on. Operating conditions, particle properties and riser diameters also have significant effects on the solids concentrations in the fully developed region of CFB risers. Based on our experimental data and those reported in the open literature from CFB risers up to 0.4 m in diameter and 27 m in height with superficial gas velocities and solids circulation rates up to 11.5 m/s and 685 kg/m2·s, a new empirical correlation for predicting the average solids concentrations in the fully developed region of CFB risers is proposed. The correlation works well for a wide range of operating conditions, particle properties and riser diameters.  相似文献   

Flow behavior of clusters in circulating fluidized beds was predicted by a proposed two-fluid model using a cluster-based approach (CBA). The model was assumed that the particles move as clusters in the riser. The cluster sizes were estimated from the existing correlations found in the literatures. The distributions of pressure drops, particles concentrations and both gas and solids velocities, and cluster diameters were predicted. A core-annular flow structure in risers was observed from simulations. The numerical results were in agreements with experimental data of [Manyele et al., 2002. Chemical Engineering Journal 88, 151-161] and [Knowlton 1995. Workshop at the Eighth Engineering Foundation Conference on Fluidization].  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) fast fluidized bed with the riser of 3.0 m in height and 0.1 m in inner diameter was established to experimentally study the cluster behaviors ofGeldart B particles.Five kinds of quartz sand particles (dp =0.100,0.139,0.177,0.250 and 0.375 mm and ρp =2480 kg·m-3) were respectively investigated,with the total mass of the bed material kept as 10 kg.The superficial gas velocity in the riser ranges from 2.486 to 5.594 m·s-1 and the solid mass flux alters from 30 to 70 kg· (m 2· s)-1.Cluster characteristics and evolutionary processes in the different positions of the riser were captured by the cluster visualization systems and analyzed by the self-developed binary image processing.The results found four typical cluster structures in the riser,i.e.,the macro stripe-shaped cluster,saddle-shaped cluster,U-shaped cluster and the micro cluster.The increasing superficial gas velocity and particle sizes result in the increasing average cluster size and the decreasing cluster time fraction,while the solid mass flux in the riser have the reverse influences on the cluster size and time fraction.Additionally,clusters in the upper region of the riser often have the larger size and time fraction than that in the lower region.All these effects of operating conditions on clusters become less obvious when particle size is less than 0.100 mm.  相似文献   

The pressure balance along the solid circulation loop of a circulating fluidized bed equipped with a solid flux regulating device has been modelled and the influence of the pressure balance on the riser behaviour has been predicted.The solid circulation loop has been divided into many sections, where the pressure drop was calculated independently: riser, cyclone, standpipe, control device and return duct. A new theoretical model, that is able to predict the pressure losses in the return path of the solid from the standpipe to the riser, has been built. A new correlation for cyclone pressure loss with very high solid loads has been found on the basis of experimental data.The pressure loss in the riser has been calculated by imposing the closure of the pressure balance, ΣΔP = 0. Once the riser pressure drop had been calculated, the holdup distribution along the riser was obtained by imposing a particular shape of the profile, according to the different fluid-dynamics regimes (fast fluidization or pneumatic transport). In the first case, an exponential decay was imposed and the bottom holdup was adjusted to fit the total pressure drop, in the second case, the height of the dense zone was instead varied.The experimental data was used to develop the sub-models for the various loop sections have been obtained in a 100 mm i.d. riser, 6 m high, CFB. The solid was made of Geldart B group alumina particles. The tests were carried out with a gas velocity that ranged between 2 and 4 m/s and a solid flux that ranged between 20 and 170 kg/m2s. A good agreement was found between the model and experimental data.  相似文献   

Flow development and flow dynamics were systematically investigated using local solids concentration measurements in a pair consisting of a downer (0.1 m I.D., 9.3 m high) and a riser of the same diameter (0.1 m I.D., 15.1 m high). Both statistical and chaos analysis were employed. Values for the Kolmogorov entropy (K), correlation dimension (D), and Hurst exponent (H) were estimated from time series of solids concentration measurements. Axial distributions of chaos parameters were more complex in the downer than those in the riser, especially in the entrance section. Flow in the downer was more uniform with a flatter core in all the radial profiles of chaos parameters. The radial profiles of K varied significantly with increasing axial levels due to different clustering behavior in the wall region of the downer. In both the riser and the downer, anti‐persistent flow in the core region and persistent flow behavior near the wall were identified from the profiles of H. Different flow behavior in the region close to the wall in the downer and riser was characterized from the combination of the three chaos parameters. Relationships between chaos parameters and local time‐averaged solids holdup in the core and wall regions of the developed sections in both the downer and riser were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamics and flow development are studied in a long riser circulating fluidized bed reactor (15.1 m). Optic fiber probes were used for the measurement of local solids distribution. Pressure drops were also measured with pressure transducers along the riser. The flow development in the riser center is almost instant with solids holdup remaining constant and low, and particle velocity remaining high along the riser. The particle flow is firstly developed from center, and then towards the wall. The riser height is an important factor for the design of circulating fluidized bed reactors. Increasing the solid circulating rate significantly slows down the flow development process, while increases in the superficial gas velocity accelerate it.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic similarity in the fully developed zone of co-current upward gas-solid two-phase flow systems under different operating conditions was investigated by measuring the axial profiles of pressure gradient, radial profiles of solid concentration and particle velocity in two circulating fluidized bed (CFB) risers of 15.1 and 10.5 m high, with FCC and sand particles, respectively. The experimental data obtained from this work and in the literature show that when the scaling parameter, Gs/(ρpUg), is modified as , a detailed hydrodynamic similitude of the gas-solid flow in the fully developed zone of the risers under different operating conditions can be achieved. Furthermore, the experimental results from different gas-solid flow systems also show that as long as remains constant, there is the same solid concentration in the fully developed zone of different CFB risers with different particles. With the same , the local solid concentrations, the descending particle velocities, the cluster frequencies and the solid concentrations inside clusters in the fully developed zone of the risers all display the same axial and radial distribution, respectively. In other words, the empirical similarity parameter, , appears to have incorporated the effects of operating parameters (Gs and Ug), so that, the gas-solid flow in the fully developed zone of CFB risers under those different operating conditions but having the same shows similar micro- and macro-hydrodynamic characteristics. The study shows that the empirical similarity parameter, , is also independent of the upward gas-solid flow systems.  相似文献   

Reduced effective drag is observed in gas–solid riser flows due to formation of clusters. Thus cluster diameter correlation has direct impact on the calculated drag and the hydrodynamics predictions. However, its effect has not been studied. Therefore in this study, the effect of cluster diameter correlations on the drag coefficient and simulation predictions is evaluated. A structure-based drag is derived using the EMMS model, and is used to carry out computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for low solid flux fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) risers. The results are compared with those using the Gidaspow drag model, as well as experimental data and previous simulation results. The time-averaged axial and radial profiles of voidages are compared with the experimental data. The comparison shows that only EMMS model is able to capture the axial heterogeneity with the dense bottom and dilute top sections. The radial profiles using both drag models shows only qualitative agreement with the experimental data. The results using the EMMS and Gidaspow drag model show a reasonable agreement near the wall and the centre, respectively. In order to improve the quality of the results obtained by the EMMS model, simulations are conducted using calculated drag coefficients from different cluster diameter correlations. The cluster diameter correlation proposed by Harris et al. (2002) gives reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental data for axial voidage profile, particularly in the dense bottom section; however, the quantitative disagreements in the radial profiles persists.  相似文献   

Drag coefficient is of essential importance for simulation of heterogeneous gas-solid flows in fast-fluidized beds, which is greatly affected by their clustering nature. In this paper, a cluster-based drag coefficient model is developed using a hydrodynamic equivalent cluster diameter for calculating Reynolds number of the particle phase. Numerical simulation is carried out in a gas-solid fast-fluidized bed with an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and the gaseous turbulent flow is simulated using large eddy simulation (LES). A Lagrange approach is used to predict the properties of particle phase from the equation of motion. The collisions between particles are taken into account by means of direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Compared with the drag coefficient model proposed by Wen and Yu, results predicted by the cluster-based drag coefficient model are in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the cluster-based drag coefficient model is suitable to describe various statuses in fast-fluidized beds.  相似文献   

Mitali Das 《Powder Technology》2007,178(3):179-186
Segregation and mixing effects of binary mixtures of particles having difference in sizes and densities were studied in 0.1016 m-diameter riser of a circulating fluidized bed at gas velocities between 2.01 and 4.681 m/s and solids circulation rate between 12.5 and 50 kg/m2 s. Two groups of bed materials (three quartz sand-spent fcc catalyst mixtures with different initial mass % of sand and two coal-iron mixtures, one with almost same sizes but with different densities and the other having both different sizes and densities) were used. Using local axial mass % of heavier/coarser particles and their mean sizes the extent of segregation was evaluated. The influence of operating conditions like superficial gas velocity and solids circulation rate on segregation was examined and found that with their increase segregation effects generally tend to decrease and a uniform mixture conforming to initial composition of the mixture results. Using the data available in the literature and those of the present authors an empirical correlation to obtain the extent of segregation in CFBs has been proposed.  相似文献   

The combined influences of particle properties and nozzle gas distributor design on the axial and radial flow structure in two 100 mm i.d., 15.1 m and 10.5 m long risers with FCC and sand particles were investigated by measuring the axial pressure gradient profiles, and the axial and radial profiles of solids concentration. The results show that the nozzle gas distributor design has significant effects on the axial and radial flow structure for the FCC and sand particles. At lower superficial gas velocity of less than 8.0 m/s, the upward gas‐solid flow of the sand particles decelerates in various degrees with the disappearing of the nozzle gas distributor effect. The upward gas‐solid flow of the FCC particles, however, occurs without noticeable deceleration within the range of this study. In the acceleration section, the radial distributions of the local solids concentration of the FCC particles are more uniform than those of sand particles under the same operating conditions; while in the fully developed zone, the sand particles have a more uniform radial distribution than the FCC particles. The gas‐solid flow is first developed in the center region, and then extends towards the wall. The overall flow development in the riser mainly depends on the local gas‐solid flow in the wall region.  相似文献   

The on-line measurement of solids flowrate is important to numerous industrial processes. This paper considers a variation of impact-type solids flow meters suitable for use in numerous applications, including circulating fluidized beds (CFBs). The solids flowrate meter introduced herein is on-line, capable of operation in high temperature environments, and useful for a broad range of flowrates with good linearity, accuracy and fast response time. The flow meter works by measuring the torque that results on a hinged plate when falling solids impact the plate. A theoretical model of the device is developed and its results are compared to experimental data for the operation with various solids.  相似文献   

Pressure-drop balance and L-valve performance in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) were investigated for variation in gas superficial velocity (Ug), secondary air fraction (SA), total solids inventory (Is), and external aeration flow rate (QA), at ambient temperature. The study shows that the solids discharge rate of an L-valve (Gs) changes with the system control variables. Apparently, a wider range of Gs is achieved at increasing Ug, decreasing SA, increasing Is, and increasing QA. The pressure-drop analysis indicates that these characteristics are directly governed by the loop pressure balance. Standpipe bottom pressure is found to be an important indicator of the operating status of the riser, standpipe, and L-valve. The experimental results confirm that an L-valve can be operated effectively by regulating the standpipe bottom pressure. The knowledge obtained from this study is essential for maintaining the performance of a CFB system for combustion operation, as well as for operating circulating fluidized beds on a practical scale.  相似文献   

The gas-solid mass transfer in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) riser flow is both structure-dependent and dynamic in nature. Recent progress in multiscale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allows fresh insight into the dynamic flow structure, yet its influence on the mass transfer remains to be settled. To this end, a multiscale mass transfer model is established in this paper based on the extended framework of the energy-minimization multiscale (EMMS) model. The relevant algorithm named EMMS/mass is proposed for CFD-coupled mass transfer computation. Two testing cases accounting for sublimation of naphthalene and decomposition of ozone, respectively, are presented to demonstrate the characters of the model. It is shown that structural consideration can have significant effects on the model prediction. The normally used Reynolds number is not adequate to characterize these effects, while the combination of gas velocity and solids flux seems to capture the structural effects and allows to explain the variation of Sherwood number reported for CFB risers in the literature. Sub-grid coupling of this multiscale mass transfer model and CFD approach can be expected to provide a promising tool to probe the dynamic and structure-dependent nature of mass transfer in CFB risers.  相似文献   

A coupled high-density downer-to-riser (DtoR) reactor is proposed for the controlled reaction pathway in the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process with the desired products distribution, e.g., clean gasoline with less olefin content. Hydrodynamics in such a reactor coupling system is studied using a compressive model that considers the pressure balances around all the sub-units in the prototype. The continuity closure condition is used to determine the material balance of the solid particles flowing in the circulating fluidized bed system. The model predictions have good agreement with the experimental data in rather wide operating conditions, e.g., when the solids circulation rate goes to more than 400 kg/m2 s. The effects of the solids inventory, the superficial gas velocity, the particle diameter and density, the inside diameter of risers, and the fractional opening of the control valve for the solids flow on the operation of the DtoR system, are investigated and discussed in detail. It is demonstrated that the model offers appropriate guidance for the design and the operation of the coupled circulating fluidized bed system.  相似文献   

CFBs are increasingly used for both gas-catalytic and gas-solid reactions. The conversion is a function of the gas hydrodynamics, subject of the present research.Available literature on the gas mixing in the riser of a CFB shows contradictory results: some investigators neglected back-mixing of gas, whereas others report a considerable amount of back-mixing in CFB risers. The present paper reports experimental findings obtained in a 0.1 m I.D. riser, for a wide range of combined superficial gas velocity (U) and solid circulation flux (G). The gas flow mode (plug vs. mixed) is strongly affected by the operating conditions, however with a dominant mode within a specific (U, G)-range. Sand was used as bed material. The superficial gas velocity was varied from 5.5 to 8.3 m/s, the solids circulation flux was between 40 and 170 kg/m2 s. A tracer pulse response technique was used with a pulse of propane injected at the bottom and detected at the riser exit. The cumulative response curves, F(t), define (i) an average residence time (t50) obtained for F(t) = 0.5; and (ii) the slope of the curves (a steeper one corresponding with more pronounced plug flow) and expressed in terms of a span, σ. These parameters (t50 and σ) define the gas flow mode. A quantitative comparison of experimental results with literature RTD-models is inconclusive although the occurrence of both mixed flow and plug flow is evident, and (U, G)-dependent. The experimental results are expressed in empirical design equations, and the comparison of predicted and experimental results is fair: low values of σ determine the plug flow regimes, whereas back-mixing is more pronounced at higher value of σ. Experiments with similar systems might favor plug flow or mixing as function of the combined (U, G)-values. The introduction of the RTD-function in reaction rate equations can improve the prediction of the gas-conversion in a riser-reactor.  相似文献   

本文在一高8m,直径186mm 的快速流化床中采用小型电加热探头测定了床层与换热面之间的局部传热系数,实验中通过将探头向上和向下设置考察了探头设置方向对局部传热系数的影响,实验表明探头在床中的设置方向不同将对传热系数的测定值产生一定的影响:另外在同一床层浓度下,操作气速和固体循环速率的变化将对传热系数产生直接的影响  相似文献   

Gas-particle flows in a vertical two-dimensional configuration appropriate for circulating fluidised bed applications were investigated numerically. In the computational study presented herein the motion of particles was calculated based on a Lagrangian approach and particles were assumed to interact through binary, instantaneous, non-frontal, inelastic collisions including friction. The model for the interstitial gas phase is based on the Navier-Stokes equations for two-phase flows. The numerical study of cluster structures has been validated with experimental results from literature in a previous investigation. Numerical experiments were performed in order to study the effects of different cluster and particle rebound characteristics on the gas-particle flow behaviour.Firstly, we investigated the hard sphere collision model and its effect on gas-particle flow behaviour. The coefficient of restitution in an impact depends not only on the material properties of the colliding objects, but also on their relative impact velocity. We compared the effect of a variable restitution coefficient, dependent on the relative impact velocity, with the classical approach, which supposes the coefficient of restitution to be constant and independent of the relative impact velocity.Secondly, we studied the effects of different cluster properties on the gas-particle flow behaviour. Opposing clustering effects have been observed for different particle concentrations: within a range of low concentrations, groups of particles fall faster than individual particles due to cluster formation, and within a well-defined higher concentration range, return flow predominates and hindered settling characterises the suspension. We propose herein a drag law, which takes into account both opposing effects and have compared the resulting flow behaviour with that predicted by a classical drag law, which takes into account only the hindered settling effect.  相似文献   

In the last several decades, circulating fluidized bed reactors have been studied in many aspects including hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer and gas–solid two phase contacting. However, despite the abundance of review papers on hydrodynamics, there is no summary paper on gas–solid contact efficiency to date, especially on high density circulating fluidized beds(CFBs). This paper gives an introduction to, and a review of the measurement of contact efficiency in circulating fluidized bed riser. Firstly, the popular testing method of contact efficiency including the method of heating transfer experiment and hot model reaction are discussed, then previous published papers are reviewed based on the discussed methods. Some key results of the experimental work are described and discussed. Gas–solid contact efficiency is affected by the operating conditions as well as the particle size distribution. The result of the contact efficiency shows that the CFB riser is far away from an ideal plug flow reactor due to the characteristics of hydrodynamics in the riser. Lacunae in the available literature have been delineated and recommendations have been made for further work.  相似文献   

Flow behavior of gas and solids is simulated in combination the gas-solid two-fluid model with a cluster structure-dependent (CSD) drag coefficient model. The dispersed phase is modeled by a Eulerian approach based upon the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) including models for describing the dispersed phase interactions with the continuous phase. The drag forces of gas-solid phases are predicted from the local structure parameters of the dense and dilute phases based on the minimization of the energy consumed by heterogeneous drag. The cluster structure-dependent (CSD) drag coefficients are incorporated into the two-fluid model to simulate flow behavior of gas and particles in a riser. Simulation results indicate that the dynamic formation and dissolution of clusters can be captured with the cluster structure-dependent drag coefficient model. Simulated solid velocity and concentration of particles profiles are in reasonable agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

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