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This paper reports measurements of the influence of riser exit geometry upon the particle residence time distribution in the riser of a square cross section, cold model, circulating fluidised bed. The bed is operated within the fast fluidisation regime. The fast response particle RTD technique developed by Harris et al. (Chem. Eng. J. 89 (2002) 127-142) was used to measure the residence time distribution.The geometry of the riser exit is shown to have a modest but consistent influence upon the particle RTD; the influence of operating conditions, i.e. superficial gas velocity and solids flux is more significant.Increasing the refluxing effect of the riser exit increases the mean, variance and breakthrough time and decreases the coefficient of variation of the residence time distribution. Changes in reflux do not have a systematic effect upon the skewness of the RTD.  相似文献   

This paper gives experimental measurements of the particle residence time distribution (RTD) made in the riser of a square cross section, cold model, circulating fluidised bed, using the fast response particle RTD technique developed by Harris et al. (Chem. Eng. J. 89 (2002a) 127). This technique depends upon all particles having phosphorescent properties. A small proportion of the particles become tracers when activated by a flash of light at the riser entry; the concentration of these phosphorescent particles can subsequently be detected by a photomultiplier. The influence of the solids circulation rate and superficial gas velocity on the RTD were investigated. The results presented are novel because (i) the experiments were performed in a system with closed boundaries and hence give the true residence time distribution in the riser and (ii) the measurement of the tracer concentration is exceedingly fast. The majority of previous studies have measured the RTD in risers with open boundaries, giving an erroneous measure of the RTD.Analysis of the results suggests that using pressure measurements in a riser to infer the solids inventory leads to erroneous estimates of the mean residence time. In particular, the results cast doubt on the assumption that friction and acceleration effects can be neglected when inferring the axial solids concentration profile from riser pressure measurements.An assessment of particle RTD models is also given. A stochastic particle RTD model was coupled to a riser hydrodynamic model incorporating the four main hydrodynamic regions observed in a fast-fluidised bed riser namely (i) the entrance region, (ii) a transition region, (iii) a core-annulus region and (iv) an exit region. This model successfully predicts the experimental residence time distributions.  相似文献   

CFBs are increasingly used for both gas-catalytic and gas-solid reactions. The conversion is a function of the gas hydrodynamics, subject of the present research.Available literature on the gas mixing in the riser of a CFB shows contradictory results: some investigators neglected back-mixing of gas, whereas others report a considerable amount of back-mixing in CFB risers. The present paper reports experimental findings obtained in a 0.1 m I.D. riser, for a wide range of combined superficial gas velocity (U) and solid circulation flux (G). The gas flow mode (plug vs. mixed) is strongly affected by the operating conditions, however with a dominant mode within a specific (U, G)-range. Sand was used as bed material. The superficial gas velocity was varied from 5.5 to 8.3 m/s, the solids circulation flux was between 40 and 170 kg/m2 s. A tracer pulse response technique was used with a pulse of propane injected at the bottom and detected at the riser exit. The cumulative response curves, F(t), define (i) an average residence time (t50) obtained for F(t) = 0.5; and (ii) the slope of the curves (a steeper one corresponding with more pronounced plug flow) and expressed in terms of a span, σ. These parameters (t50 and σ) define the gas flow mode. A quantitative comparison of experimental results with literature RTD-models is inconclusive although the occurrence of both mixed flow and plug flow is evident, and (U, G)-dependent. The experimental results are expressed in empirical design equations, and the comparison of predicted and experimental results is fair: low values of σ determine the plug flow regimes, whereas back-mixing is more pronounced at higher value of σ. Experiments with similar systems might favor plug flow or mixing as function of the combined (U, G)-values. The introduction of the RTD-function in reaction rate equations can improve the prediction of the gas-conversion in a riser-reactor.  相似文献   

The riser is the key-part of a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) and its hydrodynamics are determined mainly by the combined operating superficial gas velocity, U, and solids circulation flux, G. The bottom part of the riser contributes to the total pressure drop of the riser and affects the solids residence time in the riser, due to the possible existence of a dense bed and to the presence of an acceleration zone. Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) is applied to study these phenomena by measuring the real-time particle motion in a riser of 0.09 m diameter, defining (i) the extent of the acceleration zone, including acceleration length and acceleration time; (ii) the occurrence of a bubbling/turbulent bed under specific conditions of U and G; (iii) the establishment of a fully developed flow immediately after the acceleration zone; (iv) the occurrence of core-annulus flow under specific combinations of U and G; and (v) the disappearance of the intermediate core-annulus region at high values of U and G, where riser hydrodynamics will be either dilute or dense solid up-flow.The particle upflow velocity, Upf, after acceleration was measured and compared with the situation of dilute transport. When the solids circulation flux increases, the dilute transport mode no longer prevails, and Upf should be calculated using an appropriate slip factor, itself a combined factor of U and G. The acceleration length and time are nearly constant, at an approximate average of 0.26 m and 0.21 s respectively, independent of U and G. The acceleration length can be modelled fairly accurately, using a CD-factor of approximately 3.2, which is about half the value predicted by empirical equations established for dilute transport.Dense Suspension Upflow (DSU) is achieved when G exceeds ~ 130 kg m ² s− 1.  相似文献   

L-valves are widely used in circulating fluidized beds (CFB) to control the solid circulation rate. Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) is used to view and study the real-time particle motion in the L-valve. The paper presents experimental results of the solid motion and solid flux in the L-valve, Gs, as a function of the superficial injection air velocity, U. Results are compared with earlier work. The size of the L-valve is 4.5 cm I.D. Two different experimental configurations (L-valve discharge in a CFB riser and free discharge) were used. The L-valve flow regime is stable until approximately 6 U / Umf, with proportionality between solid flux and U / Umf. At a higher U / Umf, unsteady fluctuations in the solid flow gradually increase due to cavity formation around the L-valve elbow. Increasing the air flow even further, a maximum flow is reached, corresponding to the maximum discharge rate through the cyclone or hopper apex. PEPT has also confirmed the existence of a dune flow. For the first time, it gives quantitative data of the velocity profile of the dune flow which is governed by two important factors. The first factor is the distance of solids from the base of the L-valve, with solid velocity increasing away from the base. The second factor is the location of solids with respect to the dune, i.e. solid velocity is minimum at the base of the dunes and maximum at the top of the dunes. The average voidage in the L-valve is approximately constant and independent of U.  相似文献   

Circulating Fluidised Beds (CFB) are attracting increasing interest for both gas-solid and gas-catalytic reactions, although the operating modes in these two cases are completely different. In modelling CFBs as reactors, the solids residence time is an important parameter. Previous studies mostly assess operations at moderate values of the solids circulation rates (≤ 100 kg/m2 s), whereas gas-catalytic reactions and e.g. biomass pyrolysis require completely different operating conditions. In the current work, Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) is used to study the movement and population density of particles in the CFB-riser.The PEPT results can be used to obtain: (i) the vertical particle movement and population density in a cross sectional area of the riser; (ii) the transport gas velocity (Utr) required in order to operate in a fully established circulation mode; (iii) the overall particle movement mode (core flow versus core/annulus flow); and (iv) the particle slip velocity (Us).Only in a core flow mode can the particle slip velocity be estimated from the difference between the superficial gas velocity (U) and the particle terminal velocity (Ut). The slip velocity is lower than U − Ut outside the core flow mode. To operate in core flow, the superficial gas velocity should exceed Utr by approximately 1 m/s and the solids circulation rate should exceed 200 kg/m2 s.  相似文献   

Profiles of particle velocity and solids fraction in a high-density riser   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Radial profiles of particle velocity and solids fraction in a high density circulating fluidized bed (HDCFB) at average cross-sectional solids fraction up to 0.21 were measured by an improved optical fiber laser doppler velocimeter and an optical fiber density sensor. The axial development of these radial profiles and the influence of operating conditions on the profiles were examined. The results showed that similar radial profiles of solids fraction exist in the HDCFB. The following Boltzman function can correlate well the solids fraction profile: (1 − )/(1 − ) = 2.2 − (2)/(1 + exp(10·r/R −7.665)). The radial profiles of particle velocity in HDCFB can also be described by the Boltzman function, that is, (Vp)/ (Ug) = (2.7)/(1 + exp(10·r/R −10·Xo) − 0.2). The Boltzman profiles of particle velocity in the high density operating regime was different with the parabolic shape operating in dilute phase regime. The local particle fluctuation velocity in the center of the riser increases with average solids concentration, while the fluctuation velocity decreases sharply as the radial position near the wall.  相似文献   

Tests were conducted in a cold flow circulating fluidized bed to gather computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model validation data. Particle velocity measurements were obtained with an LDV system under various operating conditions at locations near the wall to provide data in terms of a time series of particle velocity values. Time scale criteria were developed to characterize the variance of the velocity fluctuations from LDV measurements as either granular temperature or granular turbulent kinetic energy. By applying these criteria to categorize the variations in the velocities for adjacent particles passing the sample volume, the resulting granular temperatures were found to be much smaller than the granular (particle) turbulent kinetic energy. Average values for the granular temperature in this system ranged between 0.02 to 0.1 m2/s2, while the particle turbulent kinetic energy ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 m2/s2. Both were dependent upon solids fraction; decreasing with increasing solids fraction. The velocity fluctuation data was also analyzed using the autocorrelation technique providing axial solids dispersion coefficients. These values range from 0.005 to 0.8 m2/s and were found to be a function of both the gas velocity and solids fraction. A method was developed to estimate the local solids fraction with the LDV data.  相似文献   

A method to determine local mass flux measurements within the riser of a circulating fluidized bed using the rate of impingement of particles on the surface of a piezoelectric pressure transducer is described. Statistically designed experiments with various solids circulation rates and riser gas velocities were conducted in the riser of a cold flow circulating fluidized bed to verify the accuracy of the method. Also, various techniques to relate the impingement rate to mass flux were employed. It is believed that this method delivers results in situations where more standard methods, such as isokinetic sampling, fail.  相似文献   

Gas/solid and catalytic gas phase reactions in CFBs use different operating conditions, with a strict control of the solids residence time and limited back-mixing only essential in the latter applications. Since conversion proceeds with residence time, this residence time is an essential parameter in reactor modelling. To determine the residence time and its distribution (RTD), previous studies used either stimulus response or single tracer particle studies.The experiments of the present research were conducted at ambient conditions and combine both stimulus response and particle tracking measurements. Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) continuously tracks individual radioactive tracer particles, thus yielding data on particle movement in “real time”, defining particle velocities and population density plots.Pulse tracer injection measurements of the RTD were performed in a 0.1 m I.D. riser. PEPT experiments were performed in a small ( I.D.) riser, using 18F-labelled sand and radish seed. The operating conditions varied from 1 to 10 m/s as superficial velocity, and 25- as solids circulation rate.Experimental results were compared with fittings from several models. Although the model evaluation shows that the residence time distribution (RTD) of the experiments shifts from near plug flow to perfect mixing (when the solids circulation rate decreases), none of the models fits the experimental results over the broad (U,G)-range.The particle slip velocity was found to be considerably below the theoretical value in core/annulus flow (due to cluster formation), but to be equal at high values of the solids circulation rate and superficial gas velocity.The transition from mixed to plug flow was further examined. At velocities near Utr the CFB-regime is either not fully developed and/or mixing occurs even at high solids circulation rates. This indicates the necessity of working at U> approx. ( to have a stable solids circulation, irrespective of the need to operate in either mixed or plug flow mode. At velocities above this limit, plug flow is achieved when the solids circulation rate . Solids back-mixing occurs at lower G and the operating mode can be described by the core/annulus approach. The relative sizes of core and annulus, as well as the downward particle velocity in the annulus (∼Ut) are defined from PEPT measurements.Own and literature data were finally combined in a core/annulus vs. plug flow diagram. These limits of working conditions were developed from experiments at ambient conditions. Since commercial CFB reactors normally operate at a higher temperature and/or pressure, gas properties such as density and viscosity will be different and possibly influence the gas-solid flow and mixing. Further tests at higher temperatures and pressures are needed or scaling laws must be considered. At ambient conditions, reactors requiring pure plug flow must operate at and . If back-mixing is required, as in gas/solid reactors, operation at and is recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The knowledge of the fluid pattern of full‐scale anaerobic reactors is of fundamental importance for the optimisation of biological processes. High solids concentrations often lead to inefficient mixing conditions, which may reduce treatment capacity due to heterogeneity within the biomass. RESULTS: The hydrodynamic characteristics of a full‐scale anaerobic contact reactor treating evaporator condensate from a sulphite pulp mill were investigated. The methodology applied was based on the residence time distribution (RTD) technique using lithium as a tracer. Different non‐ideal hydraulic flow models were tested and the best model fitting RTD data was the Gamma distribution model with by‐pass. It was concluded that the full‐scale bioreactor presents a good degree of mixing with about 22% of non‐effective volume due to the presence of high amounts of inorganic materials. CONCLUSION: As a result of this study it was possible to both improve the full‐scale bioreactor performance and decrease the running costs by changes in the plant operation strategies which allowed reduction of the huge amount of inorganic materials contributing to the non‐effective volume. The methodology is simple and results from a unique RTD experiment and confirms the importance of considering mixing characteristics when assessing complex full‐scale treatment processes. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

B. Peng  J. Zhu 《Powder Technology》2011,212(1):89-102
The non-uniform radial solids distribution usually has a negative effect on the performance of the circulating fluidized bed (CFB) riser since it may greatly decrease the reactor efficiency and controllability. In order to improve the performance of industrial CFB risers, the numerical study of the effects of the gas distributor and solids distributor at the CFB riser inlet on the uniformity of the radial solids distribution was carried out in this study. Two potential approaches to improve the uniformity of radial solids concentration profile were proposed: (1) the use of the center-sparse side-dense air jets arrangement for the gas distributor and (2) the use of the side-covered arrangement for the solids distributor. The Eulerian-Eulerian computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with kinetic theory of granular flow was adopted to simulate the gas-solids two-phase flow in a CFB riser with FCC particles. The numerical results show that the patterns of the inlet gas distributor and solids distributor have significant effect on the flow structure in both the entrance region and the fully-developed region in the riser. The gas distributor with center-sparse side-dense air jet arrangement improves the uniformity of the radial solids distribution, while the center-dense side-sparse air jet arrangement steepens the non-uniformity of the solids radial profile. The core-annulus structure can be greatly flattened by applying a side-covered solids distributor, while it can be heavily steepened by employing the center-covered solids distributor.  相似文献   

Mitali Das 《Powder Technology》2007,178(3):179-186
Segregation and mixing effects of binary mixtures of particles having difference in sizes and densities were studied in 0.1016 m-diameter riser of a circulating fluidized bed at gas velocities between 2.01 and 4.681 m/s and solids circulation rate between 12.5 and 50 kg/m2 s. Two groups of bed materials (three quartz sand-spent fcc catalyst mixtures with different initial mass % of sand and two coal-iron mixtures, one with almost same sizes but with different densities and the other having both different sizes and densities) were used. Using local axial mass % of heavier/coarser particles and their mean sizes the extent of segregation was evaluated. The influence of operating conditions like superficial gas velocity and solids circulation rate on segregation was examined and found that with their increase segregation effects generally tend to decrease and a uniform mixture conforming to initial composition of the mixture results. Using the data available in the literature and those of the present authors an empirical correlation to obtain the extent of segregation in CFBs has been proposed.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to develop new geometry design of inlet and outlet distributors of the FM01-LC in parallel plate configuration using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The new distributor geometry was experimentally evaluated with RTD experimental curves using the stimulus-response technique and approximated with axial dispersion model (ADM), plug dispersion exchange model (PDEM) and by solving the hydrodynamic (Reynolds average Navier–Stokes equation for low Reynolds number, RANS-LRN) and mass transport (convection–diffusion equation in transient and turbulent regimen) equations using computational fluid dynamics (F-tracer RTD method). Two sets of RTD experiments (common and new inlet and outlet distributors) in FM01-LC reactors with channel thickness of 0.011 m were carried out. The volumetric flows (Q) employed were from 0.5 to 3.5 L min−1 (U0 = 0.02-0.15 m s−1). The new FM01-LC reactor had a more homogeneous velocity field in the entire reaction zone, as shown by axial dispersion values lower than those obtained with the common FM01-LC, at different Reynolds numbers. The RTD curves obtained with Comsol Multiphysics 4.3a are in agreement with RTD experimental curves, but deviations are observed at Reynolds numbers greater than “5991”.  相似文献   

吴章友  杨道业  卞启涛  张晨晓 《化工进展》2021,40(12):6532-6539
由于多相流流动的复杂性和不透明性,对气固两相流循环流化床提升管轴向行为研究一直是亟待解决的难题。本文采用八截面三十二电极的三维电容层析成像(ECT)传感器,每个截面包含4个电极,分析了在不同轴径比(轴向长度与传感器内径之比)和不同电极覆盖率下的成像情况。仿真结果表明,当轴径比为8.3、电极覆盖率达到69%时,在保证成像质量的情况下达到最大的轴径比。开发了一套32通道的三维ECT数据采集系统用于流化床提升管流动成像,成像速度为每秒120帧。成像结果表明,当流化气速Uf为2.34m/s时,段塞流在加速上升到一定高度后,由于气速和颗粒速度差降低带来的曳力减小而破裂。本系统可以有效揭示循环流化床(CFB)的三维动态特征。  相似文献   

Gas-particle flows in a vertical two-dimensional configuration appropriate for circulating fluidised bed applications were investigated numerically. In the computational study presented herein the motion of particles was calculated based on a Lagrangian approach and particles were assumed to interact through binary, instantaneous, non-frontal, inelastic collisions including friction. The model for the interstitial gas phase is based on the Navier-Stokes equations for two-phase flows. The numerical study of cluster structures has been validated with experimental results from literature in a previous investigation. Numerical experiments were performed in order to study the effects of different cluster and particle rebound characteristics on the gas-particle flow behaviour.Firstly, we investigated the hard sphere collision model and its effect on gas-particle flow behaviour. The coefficient of restitution in an impact depends not only on the material properties of the colliding objects, but also on their relative impact velocity. We compared the effect of a variable restitution coefficient, dependent on the relative impact velocity, with the classical approach, which supposes the coefficient of restitution to be constant and independent of the relative impact velocity.Secondly, we studied the effects of different cluster properties on the gas-particle flow behaviour. Opposing clustering effects have been observed for different particle concentrations: within a range of low concentrations, groups of particles fall faster than individual particles due to cluster formation, and within a well-defined higher concentration range, return flow predominates and hindered settling characterises the suspension. We propose herein a drag law, which takes into account both opposing effects and have compared the resulting flow behaviour with that predicted by a classical drag law, which takes into account only the hindered settling effect.  相似文献   

In this work, by establishing a three-dimensional physical model of a 1000-ton industrial multi-jet combustion reactor, a hexahedral structured grid was used to discretize the model. Combined with realizable k–ε model, eddy-dissipation-concept, discrete-ordinate radiation model, hydrogen 19-step detailed reaction mechanism, air age user-defined-function, velocity field, temperature field, concentration field and gas arrival time in the reactor were numerically simulated. The Euler–Lagrange metho...  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic behaviour of a full‐scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) bioreactor treating municipal wastewater, situated in Granollers (Barcelona, Spain), has been studied by means of a residence time distribution (RTD) technique using lithium (chloride) as tracer. The bioreactor studied is designed to work as a plug‐flow reactor and it is divided into two independent lanes (1 and 2), each one composed of four compartments in series resulting in a total volume of 3970 m3 per lane. During the RTD experiments, working flow was 1000 m3 h?1 per lane, which implied an ideal mean residence time of 3.97 h. When a lithium chloride tracer was injected in the bioreactor, both lanes showed a similar highly non‐ideal hydrodynamic behaviour, which had an important effect on the reactor's performance. This global RTD was complemented by means of local RTDs in different locations of the bioreactor in order to determine qualitatively the reactor's mixing regime. Different non‐ideal models (namely axial dispersion, tanks‐in‐series and some simple compartment models) have been tested for the modelling of the experimental RTD. The best model fitting RTD data for Lanes 1 and 2 was a configuration consisting of four mixed tanks in series. The RTD study proposed in this work will permit improvement of the reactor's mixing performance, which is of special interest in future projects including simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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