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Muneyuki Fukuda Kazunari Ooyama Toshiaki Obata Vladimir Kovacik Minoru Kubota 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1998,113(3-4):423-428
We report experiments of the torsional oscillator to observe the superfluid transition in
He films in porous glass (the pore diameter is 1m). Stability and reproducibility of the oscillator, which quite often is problematic in previous experiments, is essential for a quantitative analysis of observations in different conditions. It follows that the friction of the superfluid films and the energy dissipation of the solid films are derived from comparisons of measurements for different film thickness. 相似文献
Toshiaki Obata Muneyuki Fukuda Nikolay Mikhin John D. Reppy Minoru Kubota 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2004,134(1-2):559-565
Superfluidity is often compared with superconductivity and rotation is contrasted with magnetic field. In the case of superconductors, it is possible to destroy the superconducting state by application of a sufficiently high magnetic field. Agthough it is not yet technically feasible to destroy the superfluid state through rotation, significant modification of the superfluid can be achieved through rotation. In the experiments reported here we are studying the influence of rotation on the dissipation in superfluid films adsorbed in a porous medium. A new peak in the film dissipation is observed while under rotation at a temperature somewhat below the transition temperature. The dissipative feature we observe is related to the resugt for 2D films under rotation previously reported by Adams and Glaberson, however our observations for films in a porous medium under rotation differ considerably in detail. A theoretical discussion of these resugts has recently been given by Fukuda, et al. (to be published). 相似文献
Izumi Iwasa 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2013,171(1-2):30-54
The anomalous temperature dependence of the period of a torsional oscillator (TO) containing solid helium can be explained by the dislocation-vibration model. Namely, the dislocations in solid helium vibrate in phase with the torsional oscillation and the TO-period change varies as the square of the average dislocation pinning length which becomes shorter at lower temperature due to pinning of dislocations by 3He impurity atoms. This dislocation-vibration model is further developed by introducing distribution functions for the network pinning lengths for dislocation segments and by considering the mechanisms of pinning of dislocations by and unpinning of dislocations from 3He impurity atoms. Experimental data, such as the TO-period change at different 3He concentrations, the rim-velocity dependence of the TO period, the hysteresis of the TO period with respect to the rim velocity and to the temperature, are analyzed based on the dislocation-vibration model. Above all, the hysteresis is caused by switching of dislocations between pinned and unpinned states. 相似文献
In 2004 Kim and Chan performed a torsional oscillator measurement of the rotational inertia of solid helium-4. They found frequency changes which were interpreted in terms of a non-classical rotational inertia, that is a partial superfluidity or ??supersolidity?? of solid helium-4. Since then there have been many further studies using various versions of this technique. One important question that arises in these experiments is the possible effect on the oscillator frequency of changes in the elasticity of the solid helium; this can produce a change in frequency that adds to any effect due to superfluidity. In this paper we give a general discussion of the effect of changes in elasticity on the oscillator frequency and consider how the magnitude of the effect is influenced by the oscillator design. Our results should help make it possible to discriminate between frequency changes due to changes in elasticity and changes due to supersolidity. 相似文献
Syou Maki Chikako Udagawa Shotaro Morimoto Yoshifumi Tanimoto 《Microgravity science and technology》2014,26(2):125-130
We examined periodical oscillation phenomena that were observed during salt-water oscillator experiments under a small gravity condition. This condition was realized by situating a lower-density gadolinium chloride (GdCl 3) aqueous solution on a higher-density sodium chloride (NaCl) aqueous solution and applying a downward magnetic force. The GdCl 3 solution concentration was 0.15 mol/kg (density ρ=1.03×103 kg/m 3), and the NaCl concentration was varied to (A) 4.35 mol/kg (ρ=1.15×103 kg/m 3), (B) 3.79 mol/kg (ρ=1.12×103 kg/m 3), and (C) 2.49 mol/kg (ρ= 1.09×10 3 kg/m 3). The magnitude of magnetic flux density was varied from 0 to 4.00 T. As the magnetic flux density grew larger, the GdCl 3 solution was pulled downward by the magnetic force, and upward and downward flows were generated simultaneously at the orifice. These flows were accompanied by a periodical, locally thickened part. The thickened part was only observed when the magnetic force magnitude was small in cases (A) and (B). This flow pattern was not observed in case (C), in which a conventional salt-water oscillation was induced instead (C). In this paper we discuss new experimental results in which the oscillation cycles in cases (A) and (B) are strongly associated with the magnitude of the magnetic force and the density difference in the biphase solutions. 相似文献
Daryl Tulimieri Norbert Mulders Moses H. W. Chan 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1998,110(1-2):609-614
We have made torsional oscillator measurements of thin helium films on a Mylar surface preplated with 2 and 5 layers of H
. The minimum
He coverage needed for superfluidity, or inert layer, n
on both surfaces is found to be 6 mole/m
. This is equivalent to 1/2 of a monolayer at bulk liquid density. The superfluid transition in coverages above n
is similar to that found on bare Mylar, exhibiting the standard Kosterlitz-Thouless characteristics. We find no anomaly in
or the dissipation in the film that can be identified with a second transition reported in recent third sound experiments. 相似文献
基于加速度传感器测量扭振方法的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
介绍一种把加速度传感器直接安装在转子上,在旋转坐标系下测量转子扭振的测量方法.简述其实现原理,设计利用单盘转子产生扭振的实验装置,并进行实验.实验结果与位移传感器测量结果进行比较,表明该方法可以测量小幅值的扭转振动,且具有较高的精度.在旋转状态下进行齿轮实验装置的测试,同样得到与已知故障特征一致的扭振信号. 相似文献
John D. Reppy Xiao Mi Alexander Justin Erich J. Mueller 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2012,168(3-4):175-193
The torsional oscillator is the chief instrument for investigating supersolidity in solid 4He. These oscillators can be sensitive to the elastic properties of the solid helium, which show anomalies over the same range of temperature in which the supersolid phenomenon appears. In this report we present a detailed study of the influence of the elastic properties of the solid on the periods of torsional oscillators for the various designs that have been commonly employed in supersolid measurements. We show how to design an oscillator which measures supersolidity, and how to design one which predominantly measures elasticity. We describe the use of multiple frequency TOs for the separation of the elastic and supersolid phenomena. 相似文献
发动机曲轴系统扭转振动分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
关于曲轴扭转振动特性的研究是基于在三角皮带轮上的测量结果,而不是那些与三角皮带轮有相对关系的结果.在三角皮带轮上的测量结果包括假设曲轴是弹性时的曲轴扭振和假设曲轴是刚性时的曲轴角速度随气缸压力波动的变化.认为评价曲轴系统扭转振动特性应该用相对角位移而不是在三角皮带轮上测量的扭转振动角位移. 相似文献
The measurement of torsional vibration is a common practice in certain fields, such as the automotive industry, power generation, or large alternative engines. Similarly, functional analysis and diagnostic of other equipment, which are not traditionally measured, can benefit greatly from this type of measurement. This review discusses some techniques used in industry to measure torsional vibration, briefly describing the types of sensors used and the transduction procedures. Choosing the most appropriate technique in each case not only responds to economic reasons, but also to other conditions of the given equipment, such as its design, coupled machines or devices, functional status and operating environment, and the possibilities to install the instrumentation. 相似文献
Mo Yang Yefa Hu Jinguang Zhang Guoping Ding Chunsheng Song 《Applied Composite Materials》2018,25(6):1307-1322
The use of CFRP transmission shaft has positive effect on the weight and flexural vibration reduction of drive-line system. However, the application of CFRP transmission shaft will greatly reduce the torsional stiffness of the drive-line, and may cause strong transient torsional vibration. Which will seriously affect the performance of CFRP drive-line. In this study, the forced torsional vibration of the CFRP drive-line system is carried out using the lumped parameter model. In addition, the effect of rotary inertia, internal damping, coupling due to the composite laminate, and excitation torque are incorporated in the modified transfer matrix model (TMM). Then, the modified TMM is used to predict the torsional frequency and forced torsional vibration of a CFRP drive-line with three-segment drive shafts. The results of modified TMM shown that the rotational speed difference of the CFRP transmission shaft segment is much larger than metal transmission shaft segment under excitation torque. And compared the results from finite element simulation, modified TMM and torsional vibration experiment respectively, and it has shown that the modified TMM can accurately predict forced torsional vibration behaviors of the CFRP drive-line system. 相似文献
利用传递矩阵建模方法,建立了瓦楞机系统扭转振动的动力学模型,进行了动力学方程求解,得到了系统扭转振动的固有频率和圆频率. 相似文献
Toshiaki Obata Itsumi Tanuma Takeshi Igarashi Minoru Kubota 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2005,138(3-4):929-934
No Heading We are studying the physical phenomena of superfluid thin films adsorbed on multiply connected surface of porous glasses under high speed rotation. The combination of thin superfluid 4He films on large pore porous surfaces and high-speed rotation gives rise to a new quantum vortex excitation, where vortex lines are pinned on the center of pores and have the core at the pore. This excitation has been predicted and named as a pore vortex. We are trying to measure the behavior of pore vortices using the Torsional Oscillator (TO) technique and we have succeeded in making measurements up to the high-speed rotation of 4.0 rev./s. Here we report the actual design of the TO set up.PACS numbers: 67.40.Vs, 67.57.Fg, 67.70+n, 67.40.Rp. 相似文献
船舶轴系扭振计算中几个公式的修正 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对船舶轴系扭振计算中最为主要的公式,平均指示压力、气体力所产生的干扰力矩、外阻尼等进行探讨和修正,经过实例计算与实际测量证明,完善了船舶轴系扭振计算,提高扭振计算的精度。其中,平均指示压力是计算简谐系数时的惟一参数,气体力所产生的干扰力矩是影响合成简谐系数计算的重要影响因素,外阻尼是计算动力放大系数的主要参数。 相似文献
报告了一种基于激光多普勒角加速度计原理进行扭振测量的新方法,分析了工作原理,推导出光路部分的数学模型,并通过实验验证了测量方法的可行性。由高相干激光器发出激光投射到转轴同一个截面上2点,两束反射光发生多普勒频移,通过光学配置,使前后两个时刻光信号在光探测器上发生光学混频,进而直接测量到转轴转动角加速度,实现扭振测量。与其它激光多普勒扭振测量方法相比,极大地扩大了扭振测量的动态范围,对大型回转机械运行状态监测和故障诊断具有实用价值。 相似文献