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There have been a number of experiments exploring the nature of 2D superfluidity and the configuration of 3He–4He mixture films on various substrates. To date, a possible film-structure at T=0 is that of a simple layer model, 3He/superfluid 4He/solid-like 4He/substrate, in which the submonolayer superfluidity is strongly affected by the coverage of the 3He overlayer. Yet the mechanism is not been fully understood. In this paper, we report a QCM study at 60 MHz for the 3He effect on the superfluidity of mixture films on flat gold, mainly focusing on the anomalous depletion of the temperature dependence of the superfluid density σ s. In the measurements, we kept the 3He coverage constant (n 3= 0, 3.6, 7.2, 19.0, 57.2, or 92.8 μmol/m2) and then incrementally added 4He. We observed the evolution of the 3He effect on σ s(T) with increasing 3He coverage; this depletion of σ s(T) rapidly increases and then saturates near n 3~1 layer. From the analysis of the linear-temperature region in the plot of the dissipation peak temperature T p as a function of the superfluid 4He coverage n 4s and comparison with previous studies on Mylar and porous gold, we found a universal function for the strength of the 3He effect for all substrates.  相似文献   

We have performed the simultaneous measurement of torsional oscillator and NMR in solid 4He with 10 ppm of 3He at 3.6 MPa. In this solid, NCRI response appears below about 400 mK. NMR measurement shows that there is the same kind of phase-separated 3He cluster which is found in our previous measurement in solid 4He with over a hundred ppm of 3He. When we warm the solid above the phase separation temperature, the cluster disappears gradually. Below and above the phase separation temperature, the distribution of 3He atoms changes significantly with long time constant, which is as long as a day. However, even in such a long time span, we do not observe any systematic changes in the torsional oscillator response. This result suggests that the phase separation and related changes of the distribution of 3He is not directly related to the impurity effect of the NCRI response.  相似文献   

Atom scattering is becoming recognized as a sensitive probe of the electron–phonon interaction parameter λ at metal and metal-overlayer surfaces. Here, the theory is developed, linking λ to the thermal attenuation of atom scattering spectra (in particular, the Debye–Waller factor), to conducting materials of different dimensions, from quasi-1D systems such as W(110):H(1 × 1) and Bi(114), to quasi-2D layered chalcogenides, and high-dimensional surfaces such as quasicrystalline 2ML-Ba(0001)/Cu(001) and d-AlNiCo(00001). Values of λ obtained using He atoms compare favorably with known values for the bulk materials. The corresponding analysis indicates in addition, the number of layers contributing to the electron–phonon interaction, which is measured in an atom surface collision.  相似文献   

We consider 4He particles confined in a quasi-one-dimensional nanoscale channel in the range of liquid density, and numerically calculate the energy per particle by the imaginary time path integral Monte Carlo method. When the channel diameter becomes less than 1.6 nm, T onset, at which the energy drops due to the particle exchange effect, shifts to lower temperature, and disappears below 0.48 nm. The diameter dependence of T onset is similar to the behavior of the superfluid onset temperature, T o, for mesoporous materials FSM16 observed by the torsional oscillator.  相似文献   

By the method of oscillating tuning fork, we carried out researches of the transition to turbulence in superfluid solution of 5% 3He in 4He at temperatures of 100 mK–300 mK. The critical velocity υ c of the turbulence appearance is determined through measuring the volt-ampere characteristics. It is established that in the mixture the temperature dependence of the critical velocity is non-monotonous and differs strongly from that in pure 4He. Unlike 4He, the step-like anomalies on resonance curves were observed which, presumably, is connected with instability of the vortex system under the conditions where the core of the vortex is filled by the atoms of 3He. It is shown that such anomalies appear at the temperatures below 0.9 K, at the same time at temperatures below ~0.5 K they appear even at υ<υ c .  相似文献   

Bosonic density functional theory calculations were carried out for neon, argon, and fluorine based systems in superfluid 4He with an emphasis on the formation of dimeric species in the liquid. These atomic species display relatively strong binding with helium and hence their solvation structures in the liquid exhibit highly localized liquid helium layers around them. These solvent layers modify the gas phase dimer potentials by inclusion of a recombination barrier, which provides stabilization for the solvated atoms. Of closed shell species neon is shown to exhibit a recombination barrier of 3 K for the dimer and up to 5.8 K for specific cluster geometries. For argon, the liquid induced potential barrier is only 0.7 K and it has a rather large amount of excess energy available along the recombination coordinate indicating that it is not possible to stabilize argon atoms in superfluid helium. Atomic fluorine shows the most pronounced effect with the recombination barrier of 26.8 K for producing ground state F2. It is concluded that neon and fluorine atoms are good candidates to form impurity based quantum gels in bulk superfluid helium.  相似文献   

The history of the author??s paper (Pitaevskii in J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 37:1794, 1959; Sov. Phys. JETP 10:1267, 1960) on the superfluidity of liquid He3 is presented.  相似文献   

The mobility of 2D electrons on pure 4He and on 0.5 % solution of 3He in 4He was investigated for different electron densities in the temperature range 0.12 to 1.3 K. The electrons in the same electron density show the same transition temperature from liquid state to Wigner crystal state in both pure 4He and in the solution. In the high temperature range where the gas-scattering is dominant, the electrons show a smaller mobility in the solution than in the pure 4He due to the electron collision with 3He gas atoms which have a higher vapor pressure. In the middle temperature range where the ripplon-scattering is dominant, the mobility in the solution is smaller than in 4He. This is explained by a smaller surface tension caused by 3He atoms collected at the surface. In the low temperature range where electrons are in the Wigner crystal state, the mobility gradually increases with decreasing temperature in the solution, while it stays almost constant in the pure 4He. The mobility increase is more pronounced in the low electron density. The results are qualitatively in agreement with the existing theory which includes the bulk 3He quasiparticle reflection from surface dimples and the effect of the surface layer of 3He atoms.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have demonstrated a remarkable progress in implementing and use of the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking techniques for the study of turbulence in 4He. However, an interpretation of the experimental data in the superfluid phase requires understanding how the motion of tracer particles is affected by the two components, the viscous normal fluid and the inviscid superfluid. Of a particular importance is the problem of particle interactions with quantized vortex lines which may not only strongly affect the particle motion, but, under certain conditions, may even trap particles on quantized vortex cores. The article reviews recent theoretical, numerical, and experimental results in this rapidly developing area of research, putting critically together recent results, and solving apparent inconsistencies. Also discussed is a closely related technique of detection of quantized vortices by negative ion bubbles in 4He.  相似文献   

Results of experimental studies of the influence of a highfrequency electromagnetic field on a change in the levels of fluids in a vertical tube are reported.  相似文献   

We present results of the Q ?1 and period shift, ??P, for 3He confined in a 98% nominal open aerogel on a torsion pendulum. The aerogel is compressed uniaxially by 10% along a direction aligned to the torsion pendulum axis and was grown within a 400???m tall pancake (after compression) similar to an Andronikashvili geometry. The result is a high Q pendulum able to resolve Q ?1 and mass coupling of the impurity-limited 3He over the whole temperature range. After measuring the empty cell background, we filled the cell above the critical point and observe a temperature dependent period shift, ??P, between 100?mK and 3?mK that is 2.9% of the period shift (after filling) at 100?mK. The Q ?1 due to the 3He decreases by an order of magnitude between 100?mK and 3?mK at a pressure of 0.14??0.03?bar. We compare the observable quantities to the corresponding calculated Q ?1 and period shift for bulk 3He.  相似文献   

The effect of wall scattering on transport in dilute degenerate 3He–4He mixtures in quasi-2D flow channels or films is discussed. The calculation of the quasiparticle mean free path combines particle–wall and particle–particle collisions including the interference between them. The spin polarization affects the wall-driven contribution by changing bulk mean free path and particle wavelength. The expressions for the wall contribution to transport coefficients are especially transparent in the limiting cases of large and small bulk mean free paths. The calculated temperature, concentration, and polarization dependences of the transport coefficients allow one to extract parameters of surface roughness from experimental data on transport.  相似文献   

Technical Physics Letters - Simple structural models and a previously proposed theory have been used for estimating bandgap widths, effective masses, and effective velocities of charge carriers in...  相似文献   

The properties of pure 6He and 6He-4He and 6He-3He mixtures are studied within the context of the quantum theorem of corresponding states. For pure 6He, it is found that there is a small, but definite, region where it is expected to be superfluid. For the 6He-4He mixture, it is found that there is a -eutectic temperature, approximately 1.2 K, below which it is expected that both 6He and 4He will be part of the superfluid at all concentrations. Experiments to observe 6He superfluidity are discussed, and it is concluded that such experiments are feasible, although they may be quite difficult to carry out. Experiments are discussed to use a 6He generator (should it be possible to construct it) as a probe to study various properties of liquid and solid helium.Work supported in part grant from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We have made adsorption studies and specific heat measurements for helium adsorbed on Nuclepore filters with a pore size of 0.2 µm. We have been able to identify the first and second layer completion on this substrate by a Langmuir and BET analysis of the data. For coverages near the second layer completion the data obey a Frenkel-Halsey-Hill isotherm, and we have obtained the van der Waals constant =(2.4±0.4)×10–37 erg-cm3. We find this result in excellent agreement with a theoretical estimate of 2.17 × 10–37 erg-cm3. The interpretation of the isotherm data is confirmed by measurements of the specific heat. Data near a monolayer completion is found proportional toT 2 with a characteristic two-dimensional Debye temperature of D=23±1 K. Measurements of specific heat with helium samples equivalent to about 17 layers and higher show two transitions shifted in temperature, as is characteristic of helium confined to two different small dimensions. These data are in agreement with the thermodynamic instability for capillary condensation in a cylindrical geometry as calculated by Saam and Cole.Work supported in part by the SUNY Research Foundation, National Science Foundation, under grant DMR 75-09499 A01, and Research Corporation.  相似文献   

Studies of spin dynamics of highly polarized dilute mixtures of 3He in superfluid 4He have been performed by various researchers over the past three decades. One series of experiments performed at Cornell University in the early 1990’s revealed a novel long timescale excitation. We present the numerical solution of the non-linear Leggett spin dynamics equation in one spatial dimension subject to boundary conditions consistent with the Cornell experiments. Experimentally observed phenomena are composed of trains of bursts in the transverse magnetization lasting several seconds. The simulations capture the time evolution of the individual bursts localized in time. Preliminary results of two dimensional simulations are also presented.  相似文献   

In the temperature range between 0.65 K and 5 K, the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) is based on 3He and 4He vapor-pressure thermometers. Between 0.65 K and 1 K, the ITS-90 overlaps with the Provisional Low Temperature Scale of 2000 (PLTS-2000), defined in term of the melting pressure of 3He. Some differences, up to more than 1 mK, exist between the two scales in the overlapping interval. The LNE-CNAM has recently started the construction of a 3He?C4He vapor-pressure thermometer to realize the ITS-90 in its lowest subrange at the highest degree of accuracy. The device is provided with two separate vapor-pressure chambers, one for 3He and the other for 4He, built in a single copper block, and is installed in the experimental space of a dilution refrigerator. The vapor-pressure thermometer is designed to accommodate on the same copper block several transfer standards, an acoustic thermometer, and the 3He melting-pressure thermometer. This configuration is intended for realizing calibrations of transfer standards down to 0.65 K, for investigating the possibility to extend the acoustic thermometer below 4 K, and to perform a direct comparison between the ITS-90 and the PLTS-2000 in the overlapping temperature range, in order to study their differences. The realization of the system has been recently accomplished, and this report illustrates the characteristics of such an experimental device.  相似文献   

We review recent work on the properties of 3He–4He thin film mixtures. The subject is introduced by reviewing the contributions made by Gasparini and co-workers. In the first part of this survey, we examine a microscopic calculation of the effects that an adsorbed 3He component has on the collective excitations associated with a 4He film, third sound. The work in question computes the change in the third sound velocity due to adding 3He, and we can compare this with existing experiment. For small 3He coverage, the change in the third sound speed depends on the derivatives of the species chemical potentials with respect to the areal density. The microscopic calculation shows oscillations in the third sound speed that reflect the layered structure of the film. In the second part of this survey, we concentrate on the 3He component. An important impact of the 4He environment is to change the bare mass in the limit of zero 3He concentration to a hydrodynamic mass. Quasiparticle interactions are introduced through the Landau parameters. Our Landau parameters are determined by fitting s-wave and p-wave T-matrix components using experimental results for the effective mass and the spin susceptibility. We can then predict the thermodynamic behavior of the mixture films at finite polarization, and in addition we can predict the spectrum of zero-sound excitations at all polarizations.  相似文献   

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