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The relationship between plasma insulin level and systolic blood pressure (SBP) was investigated by multiple linear regression procedure in 410 Chinese non-diabetics. The significant positive correlation between SBP and 2-hour plasma insulin (INS 2h) after 75g glucose load was found in the BMI (body mass index) 15.9-27.0 group (n = 287) after the adjustment for age, sex, BMI, smoking and plasma cholesterol (P = 0.01). However, this significant correlation was gradually diminished with the expansion of the BMI range, ie. P = 0.04 in the BMI 15.9-29.0 (n = 356) group, P = 0.07 in the BMI 15.9-31 (n = 389) group, and P = 0.12 in the BMI 15.9-33 (n = 402) group after the same adjustment of variables. Interestingly, the significant inverse correlation between insulin-BMI interaction term (product of BMI and insulin) and SBP was found (P = 0.04) in the presence of the significant positive correlation between 2-hour plasma insulin and SBP (P = 0.02) after adjustment of the above mentioned five factors in the whole group (BMI 15.9-42.2, n = 410). These results indicated that SBP is independently correlated with plasma insulin level in the studied population, and that the severer obesity may interfere the net effects of insulin on the elevating of blood pressure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the 2-year longitudinal with the cross-sectional relationships of blood pressure and body mass index with echocardiographic left ventricular measurements in middle-aged males with no history of cardiovascular disease or hypertension. METHODS: M-mode echocardiograms of adequate quality were obtained at initial and 2-year follow-up examinations in 177 subjects. Measurements of left ventricular wall thickness and internal dimensions were made, and estimates of left ventricular mass/height were calculated. Longitudinal changes in left ventricular measurements and risk factors were computed as the differences between the follow-up and initial values. RESULTS: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was significantly associated with left ventricular mass/height and wall thickness in cross-sectional and in longitudinal analyses. Similar results were observed after adjusting for age, body mass index, sport activity and heart rate. Although body mass index was strongly related to left ventricular mass/height, wall thickness and internal dimension in the cross-sectional study, no significant associations were observed between changes in body mass index and in left ventricular measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The present study emphasizes the differential effects of spontaneous changes in blood pressure and body mass index on the evolution of the left ventricular mass in middle-aged males. Spontaneous changes in SBP during the 2-year follow-up period were associated with rapid changes in left ventricular structure. The 2-year period might not have been sufficient for body mass index to induce changes in left ventricular structure. The duration and amplitude of body weight changes which entail changes in left ventricular mass remain to be determined by further longitudinal investigations.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-pump activities have been measured in hypertensives, alcohol consumers and obese persons, but the results have been variously reported as decreased, increased or unchanged. We analyzed the relationships between erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-ATPase activities and the membrane and serum lipid profiles in 83 middle-aged men, to clarify the reasons for these inconsistencies. Increases in erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity related closely to decreases in cholesterol to phospholipid (C/P) ratio of the erythrocyte membrane. Decreases in the C/P ratio in turn related closely to elevations of serum triglycerides (TG) with increasing body mass index, and weakly to the volume of alcohol consumed. Thus, erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-ATPase activities depend largely on the membrane and serum lipid profiles as related to body weight and alcohol consumption, and which may be a cause of the previous conflicting findings. Erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-ATPase showed a positive association with blood pressure, independently of age, body mass index and serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase levels. Although the biological link of elevated erythrocyte Na+/K(+)-ATPase with the rise in blood pressure remains unclear, it may be a reflection of hyperinsulinemia in the subjects with a higher blood pressure due to overweight or excessive alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have consistently shown an apparent protective effect of moderate alcohol consumption on coronary artery disease (CAD). This has been considered to be due to the rise in the high-density cholesterol lipoprotein (HDL-cholesterol). Since the response of the HDL-subfractions to moderate or heavy dose of alcohol is less clear, we now compared the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol status between groups consuming different amounts of alcohol. In this population-based survey serum total high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and its HDL2 and HDL3 subfractions were blindly compared between 264 consecutive middle-aged men (37 teetotallers, 137 moderate drinkers, 90 heavy drinkers) participating in a voluntary health screening and 104 male alcoholics. Alcohol consumption correlated significantly (P < 0.001) with total HDL-cholesterol, HDL2, HDL3 when all subjects (n = 368) were included but the correlation disappeared when alcoholics were excluded (n = 264). In comparison with teetotallers, alcoholics had significantly higher total HDL-cholesterol, HDL2 and HDL3 values (P < 0.001). Moderate or heavy intake of alcohol had no effect on HDL2 but increased the HDL3-fraction. If the protective effect of moderate alcohol consumption is mediated by high-density lipoprotein, it may not be accounted for by changes in the HDL2-fraction. The observed increases in the concentration of the HDL3-fraction, however, suggest that this subfraction may not be inert with respect to coronary disease and could possibly have a role in the protective effect.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Alcoholic liver disease purportedly develops more readily in women than in men. Some studies have demonstrated faster rates of alcohol elimination in women. This study examined whether gender differences in alcohol metabolism are related to differences in liver volume and/or differences in lean body mass. METHODS: Ten men and 10 women had alcohol elimination rates determined by clamping of the breath alcohol concentration at 50 mg/dL by means of a constant rate of intravenous infusion of 6% ethanol. Liver volume was determined by computed tomography. RESULTS: Mean alcohol elimination rate and mean computed liver volume were not significantly different in men and women. Lean body mass was 42% greater in men than in women. Consequently, the calculated alcohol elimination rate and liver volume per kilogram of lean body mass were 33% and 38% higher in women than in men, respectively. When the alcohol elimination rate was calculated per unit liver volume, no gender-related difference was found. CONCLUSIONS: Women have greater clearance of ethanol per unit lean body mass, confirming previous oral alcohol administration studies. Women have approximately the same liver volume as men, explaining the equivalent alcohol elimination rates seen when men and women are compared on the basis of liver size.  相似文献   

Machinable bioactive glass ceramics (MBGC) has been employed in maxillofacial augmentation as a substitute for bone grafts in 36 patients with satisfactory results. Two years' follow-up did not show inflammatory reaction and rejection of the implant. Clinical applications of MBGC proved its reliability.  相似文献   

The relationship between adiposity and blood pressure has been studied among 17,067 healthy children aged 4 to 18 years old. The correlation of blood pressure with fatness, expressed as non lean body mass, is smaller than the correlation with lean body mass, especially in boys. Blood pressure association with lean body mass strongly increases during puberty growth in boys. These data suggest that during adolescence blood pressure association with weight is mainly due to growth and physical-maturation and that fatness has less influence. A careful analysis of somatic features of adolescents with high blood pressure seems necessary before advocating and improved system of weight control. Preference of blood pressure reference to height is again strengthened.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that excess food consumption may be conceptualized as an addictive behavior. Much of the evidence comes from neurobiological similarities between drug and food consumption. In addition, an inverse relation between alcohol consumption and body mass index (BMI) has been observed. Previous research has hypothesized that this inverse relation is attributable to competition between food and alcohol for similar neurotransmitter receptors. The current study explored this neurobiological hypothesis further by examining the influence of an indicator of biological risk associated with alcohol problems (family history of alcoholism) on the relationship between alcohol and food intake. Data from 37,259 participants in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) were included in the study. BMI, family history of alcoholism, gender, and race/ethnicity were assessed as predictors of typical drinking frequency and estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC). An inverse relationship between alcohol consumption and BMI was demonstrated. An attenuation of family history effects on drinking behavior was evident for obese compared to nonobese participants. The results suggest a neurobiological link between alcohol use and food consumption, consistent with theories characterizing excess food consumption as an addictive behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

目的:了解30~50岁男性前列腺体积与体重指数、血压、血脂及血糖的相关性.方法:从石景山区社会保险中心登记信息中随机抽取1 010名30~50岁男性作为研究对象,行体格检查并计算体重指数(body mass index,BMI),经腹B超测定并计算前列腺体积(prostate volume,PV);空腹抽血检测血糖(blood glucose,BG)、血胆固醇(blood cholesterol,CHOL)、甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)、低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL)、高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)等,测量血压(blood pressure,BP),应用SPSS13.0统计软件对PV和BMI、BP、BG、CHOL、TG、LDL、HDL的相关性进行统计学分析.结果:符合标准并资料全面者1002人,前列腺体积与年龄、BMI、BG、CHOL、LDL、HDL等因素有明显的相关性,P值分别为0.000、0.013、0.032、0.040、0.032、0.017,相关系数r值分别为0.62、0.57、0.52、0.51、-0.50、-0.48.与TG、收缩压(systolic pressure,SP)、舒张压(diastolic pressure,DP)无明显相关性,P值分别为0.313、0.213、0.782.调整年龄因素后,PV与BMI、LDL仍有较强的相关性,P值分别为0.029、0.001,相关系数r值分别为0.53、-0.49.与BG、CHOL、LDL、HDL、TG、SP、DP无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论:在30~50岁男性人群中,前列腺体积和BMI及血脂异常明显相关,BMI、血脂异常是前列腺体积增大的危险因素.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and transvaginal ultrasonographic endometrial thickness. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred and twelve postmenopausal Japanese women (mean age, 62.1+/-8.0 years; range 47-85) with histologically proven normal endometrium and with endometrial thickness more than 1.0 mm were studied. Baseline characteristics including age, years since menopause, and BMI were recorded for each subject. The relationship between sonographic endometrial thickness and baseline characteristics was assessed in each subject. RESULTS: BMI was significantly correlated with endometrial thickness (r=0.40, p<0.001), but age and years since menopause were not correlated. On stepwise regression analysis only BMI was still associated with endometrial thickness (R2=0.16, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Sonographic endometrial thickness differs with BMI in postmenopausal women. Higher BMI is associated with greater endometrial thickness.  相似文献   

The dietary intake of cyclamate was evaluated in the north-east of Spain in 1992. In a random sample of the Catalan population consisting of 2450 people aged 6-75 years, two 24-h recalls at different seasons were collected; the amount and type of all foods, drinks and drugs consumed were obtained and the total daily intake of cyclamate was expressed in mg/kg body weight (bw), as the average of both 24-h recalls. Eighteen percent of the population consumed cyclamate, and the highest percentage was in men aged 35-44 years (33%). Average daily intake of cyclamate was 0.44 mg/kg bw in the whole population and 2.44 mg/kg bw among consumers. Subjects following a diet reported highest intakes, especially diabetics, and only 0.16% of the sample studied had levels above the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). Among consumers, the intake of cyclamate was negatively correlated with Body Mass Index (BMI). The results show the pattern of cyclamate intake in the Spanish population.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, especially combined with an abnormal ST-T, is considered 1 of many coronary risk factors. Seven hundred forty-nine Japanese men were selected according to their electrocardiographic findings, i.e., normal electrocardiogram, LV hypertrophy without an abnormal ST-T segment, LV hypertrophy with a flat T wave, and LV hypertrophy with a negative T wave. Coronary risk factors were compared among these 4 age-matched groups. Groups with LV hypertrophy with negative or flat T waves had larger body mass index (24.9 vs 22.9 kg/m2), higher mean systemic blood pressure (111 vs 95 mm Hg), larger LV mass (265 vs 157 g), higher blood glucose (110 vs 100 mg/dl), higher serum triglyceride (148 vs 122 mg/dl), higher total cholesterol (206 vs 198 mg/dl), and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (47 vs 54 mg/dl) than the normal group or the group with LV hypertrophy without T-wave change. Among these risk factors, blood pressure and glucose remained higher even after the adjustment by body mass index or by body mass index and blood pressure. Electrocardiographic LV hypertrophy with a changed T wave signified higher risk of coronary artery disease in Japanese men.  相似文献   

Multiple measures of hostility were administered to middle-aged and older volunteers. There was a positive association between age and self-report measures reflecting hostile beliefs about others, including cynicism and suspiciousness. There was a weak inverse relationship between age and self-report measures of the overt expression of anger and aggression, but no association between age and measures of covert hostility was found. There was a positive relationship between age and an assessment of hostile behavior that was based on the respondent's interaction style during an interview. The magnitude of these age trends did not differ between men (n?=?50) and women (n?=?75). Findings illustrate the multidimensional nature of hostility. They also have practical implications for older people because hostility is associated with psychological well-being and has been shown to have consequences for health and longevity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Population-based data on body mass index for developing countries are scarce. Body mass index data from two Brazilian surveys were examined to determine regional and temporal variations in the prevalences of underweight, overweight, and obesity. METHODS: Nationwide surveys in 1974/75 and 1989 collected anthropometric data in Brazil from 55,000 and 14,455 households, respectively. Trained interviewers used the same methods to measure weight and stature in both surveys, and survey designs were identical. Prevalences of underweight, overweight, and obesity were determined for persons 18 years of age and older. RESULTS: In the 1989 survey, body mass index varied greatly according to region of the country, urbanization, and income. In the wealthier South, the prevalence of overweight/obesity was the highest and the prevalence of underweight was the lowest; in the poorer rural Northeast, these patterns were reversed. For both surveys, overweight/obesity was more common among women than among men and peaked at age 45 to 64 years in both sexes. Over the 15 years between surveys, the prevalence of both overweight and obesity increased strikingly. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to findings in developed countries, obesity in Brazil was positively associated with income and was much more prevalent among women than among men. For Brazilian women, the overall prevalence of overweight was nearly as high as that among women in the United States.  相似文献   

The 77 (47 females, 30 males) in-patient referrals to the Psychiatric Department of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, over a 1-year period, were compared with a control sample of 75 (45 females, 30 males) unreferred patients. The low referral rate of 0.8%, after excluding deliberate self-harm (relatively infrequent in Nigeria), was comparable to reports in Western literature. Treatable minor psychiatric morbidity, mainly anxiety and depressive disorders, occurred in 41.3% of the controls. Sixty-eight percent of those referred had definite mental disorders, most commonly psychoses (50.7%), especially delirium (29.9%). Infectious disorders, notably Salmonella typhi infection, were the most predominant physical etiological factors. The results are discussed and the implications highlighted.  相似文献   

Shallow declines in nocturnal compared with diurnal blood pressure (BP dipping) have been associated with cardiovascular disease. In U.S. samples, Blacks demonstrate less BP dipping compared with Whites. In a sample of 60 Black and 60 White normotensive adults we examined stress, social integration (including parental status), social support, and hostility as potential mediators of the association between race and BP dipping. The effect of race on diastolic BP dipping was partially mediated by parental status. The effect of race on heart rate dipping was partially mediated by stressful life events. No psychosocial factors mediated the relation between race and systolic BP dipping. Although psychosocial factors appear to account for some of the observed racial differences in nocturnal blood pressure decline, our data suggest that these differences cannot be attributed entirely to covarying psychosocial effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper gives a short overview of our recent research on changes in the body mass index (BMI) or in body fat for children studied longitudinally from birth to adulthood. The BMI shows characteristic changes in childhood and adolescence which are different from those known for skeletal growth. A period of loss of BMI from 1 to 6 years is followed by a pubertal spurt which is larger in females than in males. Fat shows a dramatic increase in the 1st year, and velocity is higher for girls than for boys after 3 years of age. At puberty there is a pre-pubertal and a post-pubertal spurt in total body fat or in arm fat and a dip in between. Those heavy or fat as adults have a qualitatively similar pattern of developmental changes, but much more accentuated fluctuations. The analysis relies on new statistical techniques.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous research indicates that body mass index (BMI) and sex are important factors in understanding physical activity (PA) levels. The present study examined the influence of BMI on psychosocial variables (self-efficacy, social support) and PA in underserved (ethnic minority, low income) boys in comparison with girls. Methods: Participants (N = 669; 56% girls; 74% African American) were recruited from the “Active by Choice Today” trial. Main Outcome Measures:BMI ? score was calculated from objectively collected height and weight data, and PA was assessed with 7-day accelerometry estimates. Self-report questionnaires were used to measure self-efficacy and social support (family, peers) for PA. Results: A 3-way interaction between BMI z score, sex, and family support on PA was shown such that family support was positively associated with PA in normal-weight but not overweight or obese boys, and was not associated with PA in girls. Self-efficacy had the largest effect size related to PA in comparison with the other psychosocial variables studied. Conclusions: Self-efficacy was found to be an important variable related to PA in underserved youth. Future studies should evaluate possible barriers to PA in girls, and overweight youth, to provide more effective family support strategies for underserved adolescents' PA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The King syndrome is characterized by a Noonan-like phenotype, the presence of a nonspecific myopathy and a predisposition to malignant hyperthermia. In some families, mild physical manifestations of the phenotype and/or elevated serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in relatives suggest the presence of an autosomal dominant myopathy with variable expressivity. We summarize the cases of 14 previously reported patients and describe a new patient, a 7-year-old girl, with the King syndrome and the unique findings of diaphragmatic eventration, tethered spinal cord, and severe paucity of type 2 skeletal muscle fibers. It has been proposed that the King syndrome represents a common phenotype that may result from several different slowly progressive congenital myopathies. This hypothesis, and the phenotypic overlap between the King and Noonan syndromes are discussed in light of the findings in this new patient.  相似文献   

Effects of spinal cord transection on the synaptology of zebrafish spinal motoneurons were studied. The transection was made at the level of the 14th vertebra and the synaptology of motoneuron somata and dendrites was analysed at the level of the 21st to the 23rd vertebrae at one month and three months after transection. Horseradish peroxidase, applied to the myotomal muscle, was used to label motoneuron somata and dendritic branches in central and in lateral areas of the neuropil (referred to as central and lateral dendritic profiles). Boutons impinging on motoneurons were classified according to the morphology of the vesicles. We discerned R-boutons with spherical vesicles, F-boutons with flat vesicles and DC-boutons with at least one dense core vesicle. The apposition lengths of R-, F- and DC-boutons and the circumference of labelled profiles were determined to assess the proportional covering of boutons on somata and dendrites. Ratio's of covering with R- and F-boutons (R/F ratio) for somata, central and lateral dendritic profiles were 1.1, 2.1, and 2.1 in control fish and 0.5, 0.5 and 0.9 in lesioned fish at one month after transection, respectively. The total covering of motoneurons in lesioned fish was decreased by 20% on somata and by 30% on lateral dendritic profiles, whereas central dendritic profiles did not change significantly. At three months after transection the R/F ratio's for somata, central and lateral dendritic profiles were 0.5, 0.7 and 0.6, respectively. The total covering on somata and central and lateral dendritic profiles was at control levels. The anatomical aspects of the changes in synaptology indicate that in control fish 50 to 60% of the R-boutons on the motoneuron surface originate from descending axons. In contrast, almost all F-boutons seem to be from local origin.  相似文献   

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