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针对儿童被诱拐、大学生被拐骗、老年人走失、成人与幼儿溺水等各种突发紧急事件及不法侵害的出现,本系统设计基于Android平台的GPS定位报警系统.在移动端系统使用GPS模块进行定位,将GPS模块采集到的地理位置信息通过GSM网络上传到云服务器,并开发An-droid客户端的程序对云服务器转发的用户位置信息进行接收,再将接收到的数据在地图上进行匹配.同时,当移动端用户发出报警信息时客户端用户可以接收短信并展开定位追踪.本项目设计的个人定位报警系统既具有定位功能,又能实现应急情况实时报警功能,可以有效地保证人身财产安全.  相似文献   

利用J2ME平台,手机可以方便地实现对互联网的访问。文章介绍了J2ME的相关原理知识,探讨了通过HTTP协议实现服务器与手机客户端的交互方法,以J2ME作为手机客户端应用开发环境设计了一种可以方便地通过现有手机平台和移动通信网络查询最新信息的移动校园信息查询系统,重点介绍手机客户端程序开发。经过测试,该系统运行效果良好。  相似文献   

康柏电脑公司日前发布移动定位服务解决方案DiscoveryLocation Services(DLS),该解决方案能够帮助GSM移动运营商更有效地定位出移动用户所处的地理位置,并通过手机提供交互的、定位敏感的服务。同时,康柏还与定位技术合作伙伴SignalSoft公司共同合作,为移动运营商提供基于标准的、专门应用于 GSM定位服务的网络基础架构 GMLC(网关移动定位中心)解决方案。目前,DLS已经安装配置在康柏永不停顿喜马拉雅服务器和运行Tru64 UNIX操作系统的 AlphaServer系统中。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一个基于云平台、使用云端数据库的Android手机应用系统,利用百度地图提供的定位与操作功能,在手机上显示游客的位置及周边景点情况,播报景点介绍,展示景点图片,播放景点视频,为游客前往下一景点进行导航。与已有的手机导游软件相比,本系统对景区的基础设施没有要求,只要在移动通信和百度地图所覆盖的区域内,本系统都可以使用,且支持游客自主上传景点信息,具有互动性。测试结果表明,该系统已具备移动导游系统的主要功能。  相似文献   

杜娟 《通信世界》2003,(19):32-32
无线定位服务正在以其新的吸引力和实用性成为运营商、手机厂商乃至用户的新宠。应用手机无线定位系统,除了能使用户随时了解自己所处的位置,运营商还可以提供紧急呼叫救援、实时移动地图、贵重物品追踪及定位互动娱乐游戏等一系列扩展功能服务,手机正在成为最重要的无线定位服务终端。近期,京瓷推出了国内首款支持GpsOne的手机KZ850,揭开了国内手机市场无线定位服务的序幕。  相似文献   

西门子Scaraboo推出基于3G网络的移动赌马平台服务西门子投资业务(SMAC)的子公司—Scaraboo与Bremer Rennbahn公司合作研发并推出UMTS网络赌马平台,该平台可使用户通过掌上电脑和手机等移动终端实现移动赌马。通过Scaraboo的技术,用户可无线下注,赛马结果和图像也可被实时传送到用户终端。模块化博彩平台使向3G技术过渡更为经济快捷。此外,Scaraboo客户还可以自己的名义向市场推出Scaraboo的应用。Scaraboo系统基于SMS、WAP、GPRS、i-Mode、Wi-Fi、蓝牙和3G等开放性标准,系统具有强大而丰富的功能,包括内嵌图像流等辅助性服务…  相似文献   

无线网络及移动计算技术的发展为面向新型网络环境的在线视频直播提供了机遇,但网络的动态性及流服务的实时性也对系统实现带来挑战.针对上述问题,本文设计并实现了一个基于Android手机的移动视频直播系统,该系统支.持用户通过智能手机内嵌摄像头实时采集现场视频信息,并通过Wi-Fi或3G等上传视频流至服务器,提供在线直播或点播服务.文中详细描述了视频采集、视频发布处理和视频播放等核心功能的设计与实现机制,并从视频编码和网络传输两个方面对系统性能进行了分析.  相似文献   

康柏电脑公司日前发布了功能强大的移动定位服务解决方案Discovery Location Services(DLS)。该解决方案能够帮助GSM移动运营商更有效地定位出移动用户所处的地理位置,并通过手机提供交互的、定位敏感的服务。同时,康柏还与业界领先的定位技术合作伙伴SignalSoft公司共同合作,为移动运营商提供基于标准的、专门应用于GSM定位服务的网络基础架构GMLC(网关移动定位中心)解决方案。GMLC能够帮助全球移动运营商提供高级公共安全服务和商业服务,使他们能够借助增强的定位功能,提供当地娱乐、特别事件、附近商店的促销活动以及银行…  相似文献   

刘云峰  熊淑华 《通信技术》2010,43(1):151-152,155
针对当前移动即时通信软件仅局限于提供即时聊天等简单功能的现状,设计了一个基于开放、标准的XMPP协议的邮件协议转换网关。通过在移动即时通信服务器上增加邮件网关处理子模块进行相应协议的转换,实现移动即时通信终端与邮件服务器的良好对接,使得终端用户可以像在PC机上一样简单方便地收发邮件,扩展了移动即时通信系统的功能应用。  相似文献   

设计了一个用服务器转发方式实现的基于3G网络的移动视频监控系统,设备端通过PPP移植后实现与3G网络的连接,监控设备采集到的视频经由服务器转发在手机客户端上进行实时浏览.同时针对昂贵的流量费用问题,为系统设计实现了3G远程唤醒功能,用户可以通过手机短信来远程控制监控设备与3G网络的连接与断开.  相似文献   

The mobile vehicle is gaining popularity nowadays using map services like Google Maps and other mapping services. However, map services users have to expose sensitive information like geographic locations (GPS coordinates) or address to personal privacy concerns as users share their locations and queries to obtain desired services. Existing mix zones location privacy protection methods are most general purposed and theoretical value while not applicable when applied to provide location privacy for map service users. In this paper, we present new (multiple mix zones location privacy protection) MMLPP method specially designed for map services on mobile vehicles over the road network. This method enables mobile vehicle users to query a route between 2 endpoints on the map, without revealing any confidential location and queries information. The basic idea is to strategically endpoints to nearby ones, such that (1) the semantic meanings encoded in these endpoints (eg, their GPS coordinates) change much, ie, location privacy is protected; (2) the routes returned by map services little change, ie, services usability are maintained. Specifically, a mobile client first privately retrieves point of interest close to the original endpoints, and then selects 2 points of interest as the shifted endpoints satisfying the property of geoindistinguishability. We evaluate our MMLPP approach road network application for GTMobiSim on different scales of map services and conduct experiments with real traces. Results show that MMLPP strikes a good balance between location privacy and service usability.  相似文献   

系统采用Visual Studio 2010为开发平台,利用SuperMap iServer发布地图服务,基于Web系统开发包iClient for Silverlight,构建泉州医疗点信息服务系统,为用户提供有效准确的数据信息。采用地理信息图层将泉州的医疗点进行分类组织,包括医院、宠物医院、诊所、卫生所和医疗器械店等,用户可以根据分类迅速查找目标。系统同时为用户提供路线查询和周边查询,为用户的出行提供方便,并且便于用户找到周边的餐饮,车站,住宿等信息。结果表明:采用Webgis平台构建的医疗服务系统在空间位置服务、专题要素分析、可视化表达上功能强大,操作简单,实用性强。  相似文献   

近年来,随着移动通信网络的不断发展与移动用户数量的不断增长,移动电话定位服务作为移动通信网络所提供的一种增值业务,日益受到用户的欢迎。基于CDMA(码分多址)/BREW(无线二进制运行环境)/GIS(地理信息系统)/GPS(全球定位系统)/Internet技术的移动电话定位服务系统服务已成为当前移动通信增值业务主流发展方向之一。介绍了移动定位服务系统的具体实现和目前国内外移动定位开展情况以及今后发展状况。  相似文献   

Mobility offers a great deal of advantages. However, mobile users are currently restricted by the network coverage of providers, their access network technologies and the networking capabilities of mobile devices. Moreover, mobile users have to be involved in time consuming and inflexible manual interactions with internet access service providers in order to sign long term contracts. In this paper, a novel framework, which liberates mobile users from predefined, long-term contracts, is presented. This framework enables mobile users to dynamically acquire any kind of Internet Service, irrespectively of their location and the mobile device used. This is based on the automation of the service acquisition process and the collaboration of providers that is required to satisfy end-users’ requests. The flexible communication and negotiation framework that was defined enables automated negotiations between all parties and can be used as basis towards automated service acquisition for mobile users in future internet.  相似文献   

We investigate the notion of per-user integrated location and service management in personal communication service (PCS) networks by which a per-user service proxy is created to serve as a gateway between the mobile user and all client-server applications engaged by the mobile user. The service proxy is always colocated with the mobile user's location database such that whenever the MU's location database moves during a location handoff, a service handoff also ensues to colocate the service proxy with the location database. This allows the proxy to know the location of the mobile user all the time to reduce the network communication cost for service delivery. We investigate four integrated location and service management schemes. Our results show that the centralized scheme performs the best when the mobile user's SMR (service to mobility ratio) is low and CMR (call to mobility ratio) is high, while the fully distributed scheme performs the best when both SMR and CMR are high. In all other conditions, the dynamic anchor scheme is the best except when the service context transfer cost is high, under which the static anchor scheme performs the best. Through analytical and simulation results, we demonstrate that different users with vastly different mobility and service patterns should adopt different integrated location and service management methods to optimize system performance. Further, the best integrated scheme always performs better than the best decoupled scheme that considers location and service managements separately and management schemes that do not use any service proxy.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel mobile virtual-distrubuted system architecture for supporting global mobile computing and communications. the principal contribution of this paper is to innovatively apply virtual memory concepts to mobile systems by deploying mobile-floating agents to de-couple services and resources from the underlying network and allow them to move around following their mobile users. The mobile-floating agents maintain data structures associated with a mobile user. By combining the mobile-floating agent functions with a predictive mobility management algorithm and location-aware caching and prefetching, services and user data structure are pre-connected and pre-assigned at the locations to which the user is moving. Thus, the users can maintain their data structures or immediately receive service with virtually the same efficiency as at the previous location.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种基于DGPS/GSM的紧急报警系统。该系统包括:DGPS基准站系统、移动用户系统、移动曜管理系统和紧急报警监控中心系统。它采用了当前的DGPS技术、泛欧GSM数字式蜂窝移动通信技术和电子地图等技术,能在移动用户发生紧急情况时 实时向监控中心报警,也可以将运行的轨迹显示于监控中心的屏幕上,使监控人员能形象而又直观地观察各移动用户的当前位置和运行状况。  相似文献   

周黎 《信息通信》2012,(1):40-41
呼叫系统被广泛应用在各种场合,针对呼叫系统中人员位置确定和呼叫处理等问题,设计出一套基于Zigbee定位技术的无线呼叫系统.该系统具有人员定位、呼叫处理和自动通知等功能,采用CC2530模块作为固定设备,CC2431模块作为移动设备,通过RSSI定位方法确定移动设备位置.由上位机软件处理呼叫命令,通过比较设备间距离选择与呼叫设备距离较近的服务设备,达到快速响应呼叫的目的.  相似文献   

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