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对气体捕捉法制备泡沫Ti-6Al-4V过程中未发泡的坯料进行置氢处理,然后再进行等温发泡。运用阿基米德原理对发泡后坯料孔隙率进行测量。通过OM和SEM对坯料内部微观特征进行观察。研究氢对坯料等温发泡过程的影响规律及作用机制。结果表明:质量分数为0.15%的氢能将坯料最佳发泡温度降低60℃,即在890℃下孔隙率可达到32.88%(体积分数),孔径达到160μm,孔洞分布弥散的泡沫Ti-6Al-4V。主要机理:氢以降低坯料(α+β)/β相转变温度的方式,提高基体内塑性较好的β相比例,并能在一定程度上软化α相,降低坯料高温流变应力,进而降低最佳发泡温度。  相似文献   

基于气体捕捉法的泡沫Ti-6Al-4V等温发泡规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定气体捕捉法制备泡沫Ti-6Al-4V等温发泡过程中孔隙率和微观孔洞的变化规律,在不同发泡温度及发泡时间下制备了泡沫Ti-6Al-4V.运用阿基米德原理对泡沫Ti-6Al-4V的孔隙率进行测量,通过OM和SEM对其微观特征进行观察.研究表明:泡沫Ti-6Al-4V的孔隙率及孔径均随等温发泡温度升高而增加;但当发泡温度大于950℃时,孔隙率和孔径均减小,且孔洞形态由球形变成多边形,这是由于基体内生成大尺寸β相造成的.增加发泡时间能以促进孔洞长大的方式提高泡沫Ti-6Al-4V的孔隙率,球形孔洞数量随着发泡时间的增加逐渐增多.经950℃/10 h发泡得到了孔隙率34.2%、孔径平均值156μm、孔洞为球形且分布弥散的泡沫Ti-6Al-4V.  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V, among the Ti alloys, is the most widely used. In the present work, the behavior of Ti-6Ak-4V alloy has beeninvestigated by the uniaxial hot isothermal compression tests and a series of dilatometric experiments were also carried out todetermine the transformation temperatures at different cooling rates. Specimens for hot compression tests were homogenizedat 1050℃ for 10 min and then quickly cooled to different straining temperatures from 1050 to 850℃. Cooling rates were chosenfast enough to prevent high temperature transformation during cooling. Compression tests were conducted at temperaturesfrom 1050 to 850℃ in steps of 50℃ at constant true strain rates of 10~(-3) or 10~(-2) s~(-1). The apparent activation energy forcompression in two-phase region was calculated 420 kJ·mol~(-1). Partial globularization of cr phase was observed in the specimendeformed at low strain rates and at temperatures near the transformation zone and annealed after deformation.  相似文献   

为了研究氢对Ti-6Al-4V合金室温压缩性能的影响,采用Zwick/Z100型材料试验机对置氢Ti-6Al-4V合金进行了压缩试验,并利用OM、XRD和TEM等材料分析方法对合金的微观组织进行了观察.研究表明:置氢前,Ti-6Al-4V合金由等轴的α相和β相组成,置氢后,出现马氏体组织和氢化物;随氢含量增加,马氏体和剩余β相数量增多;氢提高了Ti-6Al-4V合金的抗压强度和塑性等室温压缩性能,最大增幅分别为33.9%和56.3%;置氢Ti-6Al-4V合金抗压强度的提高主要归因于氢的固溶强化、马氏体相变强化和氢化物强化;塑性指标的提高主要是置氢合金中塑性β相数量的增多所致.  相似文献   

通过T6热处理、蠕变性能测试和SEM,TEM组织观察,研究了T6处理对Ti-6Al-4V合金组织结构与蠕变性能的影响.结果表明,锻造态Ti-6Al-4V合金在400℃/575MPa条件下具有较好的塑性和较低的蠕变寿命,并具有明显的温度敏感性.T6处理可明显提高合金的蠕变激活能和蠕变抗力,与锻造态合金相比,T6处理态合金在蠕变稳态期间具有较低的应变速率,并使蠕变寿命由66h提高到548h.锻造态合金的组织结构由a β相组成,T6处理后,合金的组织结构由a相与"网篮"相组成,其中"网篮"中大量针状β相沿不同取向析出是提高合金蠕变寿命的主要原因.蠕变期间,合金的蠕变机制是双取向的位错和位错在a相内发生柱面滑移和锥面滑移.  相似文献   

本文根据已有理论建立了Ti-6Al-4V合金的高温变形热加工图,分析了功率耗散效率,为保证该合金加工质量提供依据.  相似文献   

SiC纤维增强Ti基复合材料(SiCf/Ti)容易发生界面反应,从而影响其力学性能.开展界面反应和动力学的研究,对于SiCf/Ti复合材料的制备和服役具有指导意义.采用扫描电镜、透射电镜和X射线衍射分析了SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V复合材料的界面反应及其动力学,发现SiC纤维的C涂层与Ti-6Al-4V反应形成粗晶粒的和细晶粒的TiC,长期高温热处理使得界面反应加剧,TiC层加厚,当C涂层完全消耗后,界面反应层中除了TiC外,还出现了Ti3Si2.研究表明,界面反应层的加厚受元素扩散控制,服从抛物线规律,求出的动力学参数Q为268.8kJ/mol,k0为0.0057m/s1/2.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜分析了国产SiC纤维增强Ti-6Al-4V复合材料的界面反应,发现不带C涂层的SiC纤维与Ti-6Al-4V反应形成TiC和钛的硅化物,带有C涂层的SiC纤维与Ti-6Al-4V反应仅形成TiC.观察表明C涂层的厚度差别较大.  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V钛合金等通道转角挤压的有限元模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用有限元方法对Ti-6Al-4V钛合金等温等通道转角挤压过程进行了模拟,获得了摩擦因子、挤压角、过渡角等挤压参数对材料变形区的应变分布和挤压载荷的影响规律.结果表明:摩擦因子的增大引起局部应变集中,摩擦因子为0.5时,最大挤压载荷比零摩擦条件时提高了2.37倍;增大挤压角有利于获得均匀等效应变,减小挤压载荷,但同时减小了单次变形的应变量;减小过渡角可以扩大均匀应变区域,但过渡角过小会引起通道转角处的严重应变集中.  相似文献   

刘宏葆  沈彬  毛协民  李重河 《材料导报》2007,21(Z2):419-420
研究了六方氮化硼作为钛合金Ti-6Al-4V熔模精密铸造中面层造型材料的可行性.在型壳制备过程中除了使用氮化硼作为面层造型材料外,用钇溶胶作为粘结剂,同时通过加入少量的氧化钇来改善氮化硼基复合型壳的性能.并通过扫描电镜、能谱等方法考察了这种氮化硼型壳和Ti-6Al-4V钛熔体的反应.实验表明,氮化硼基复合面层与钛熔体的反应较小,氮化硼基复合料作为钛合金的精铸型壳面层材料是可行的,有望成为氧化钇、氧化锆或钨粉等钛合金熔模精密型壳面层材料的替代品.  相似文献   

Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding (SPF/DB) is a well-established process for the manufacture of components almost exclusively from Ti-6AI-4V sheet material. The sandwich structure of Ti-6AI-4V alloy is investigated. The effects of the microstructure on the SPF/DB process were discussed. The microstructure at the interfaces and the distribution of thickness were researched.  相似文献   

采用TiZrNiCu合金作为中间层材料研究了Ti3Al基合金与Ti-6Al-4V合金的瞬间液相(TLP)扩散连接接头成分、组织转变及显微硬度.研究结果表明,连接温度和连接时间对接头成分和组织有较大的影响.随着连接温度的提高和连接时间的延长,接头中元素分布趋于均匀,连接区宽度增大.连接温度为850℃和900℃时,液相的残留使得接头中存在Ti-Cu金属间化合物.当连接温度为950℃,连接时间为30min时,等温凝固的完成使Ti-Cu金属间化合物从接头中消失.随着连接温度的提高和连接时间的延长,接头连接区硬度降低.当连接温度为950℃,连接时间为30min时,接头硬度分布较均匀.  相似文献   

The oxygen concentration in commercial Ti-6Al-4?V alloys was reduced to less than 400?ppm in this study by the method of solid state re-deoxidation, using calcium as a reductant. The concentration of oxygen in the deoxidised Ti-6Al-4?V alloy was 630?ppm at the optimum deoxidation temperature of 1000°C. When the degree of vacuum was increased and re-deoxidation was carried out, the oxygen concentration decreased to 355?ppm. Therefore, it is possible to prepare a Ti-6Al-4?V alloy with an oxygen concentration of less than 400?ppm by using the solid state re-deoxidation method at a high degree of vacuum of 1.5?×?10-6 Torr.  相似文献   

Effect of mean stress on fretting fatigue of Ti-6Al-4V on Ti-6Al-4V   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fretting fatigue tests of Ti‐6Al‐4V on Ti‐6Al‐4V have been conducted to determine the influence of stress amplitude and mean stress on life. The stress ratio was varied from R=−1 to 0.8. Both flat and cylindrical contacts were studied using a bridge‐type fretting fatigue test apparatus operating either in the partial slip or mixed fretting regimes. The fretting fatigue lives were correlated to a Walker equivalent stress relation. The influence of mean stress on fretting fatigue crack initiation, characterized by the value of the Walker exponent, is smaller compared with plain fatigue. The fretting fatigue knockdown factor based on the Walker equivalent stress is 4. Formation of fretting cracks is primarily associated with the tangential force amplitude at the contact interface. A simple fretting fatigue crack initiation metric that is based on the strength of the singular stress field at the edge of contact is evaluated. The metric has the advantage in that it is neither dependent on the coefficient of friction nor the location of the stick/slip boundary, both of which are often difficult to define with certainty a priori.  相似文献   

为研究除氢处理对置氢钛合金组织与性能的影响,对Ti-6Al-4V合金在不同参数条件下进行了置氢与除氢处理,采用光学显微镜分析了置氢-除氢处理过程中Ti-6Al-4V合金微观组织的演化规律,通过室温拉伸试验研究了置氢-除氢处理后Ti-6Al-4V合金的力学性能,探讨了Ti-6Al-4V合金置氢-除氢组织与力学性能之间的相...  相似文献   

The behaviour of oxidation at elevated tem-peratures and fretting in the laser-alloyed layer ofTi-6Al-4V with the addition of Pr was studied.The results show that the addition of Pr changes thestructure of oxide scale of Ti-6Al-4V,controls theshort-range diffusion of oxygen to thescale/substrate interface and increases the adhe-sion and ductility of the scale,thus changing theoxidation kinetics and considerably reducingoxidation rate.The analysis of fretting test showsthat the existence of high hardness layer in the al-loyed zone,fine dendrites perpendicular to the sur-face of the high hardness layer and the oxide scaleproduced during fretting at elevated temperaturesare all beneficial to the improvement of wear resist-ance.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investiga-tion of the effect of hydrogen treatment onmicrostructures and tensile and low cycle fatigueproperties of a Ti-6Al-4V cast alloy.The phasetransformation and the refining mechanism of thecast microstructure during the process of hydrogentreatment were studied.It was found that afterhydrogen treatment,the coarse Widmanstttenstructure of the as-cast Ti alloy was transformedinto a very fine and equiaxed α+β microstructurewithout any GBα phase.The tensile strength andductility and the low cycle fatigue life of thehydrogen treated specimens were significantly im-proved.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to compare the fretting fatigue performance of Ti‐6Al‐4V dovetail specimens on Ti‐6Al‐4V pads having various contact angles typical of engine hardware; 35°, 45° and 55° dovetail angles were considered. The dovetail fixtures were instrumented with strain gages so that the local normal and shear contact forces could be calculated. The contact force hysteresis loops were recorded showing the stick‐slip history. At R= 0.1, gross slip was observed for several thousand cycles followed by partial slip after the average coefficient of friction increased. At R= 0.5, gross slip was present only during the first half cycle. During partial slip, the slope of the shear versus normal force was a function of the dovetail angle. The local contact loads, therefore, differed for the same remotely applied force. Despite this, the fretting fatigue life depended primarily on the remotely applied load not dovetail angle.  相似文献   

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