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The evolution of nanoscale ripple patterns during sub-keV ion sputtering of thermally grown, fused and single crystalline SiO2 surfaces has been investigated by means of atomic force microscopy. For all three materials, different dependencies of the ripple wavelength and the surface roughness on the ion fluence have been found. Within the Bradley-Harper model of pattern formation, the observed differences are consistent with different amounts of surface and near-surface mass transport by ion-enhanced viscous flow which might result from different surface energies of the SiO2 specimens.  相似文献   

Single heavy ion tracks in polycarbonate foils were chemically etched in an electrolytical cell under various conditions (different temperatures, etchant concentrations, and applied potentials), and the pore evolution was monitored by measuring the current through the membrane. Different zones of the latent tracks could be identified via changes in the radial etching rate with time. Further it was found that the shape of the radial etching rate versus time curves depends on temperature, etchant concentration, and applied voltage. The functionalities are attributed to etching products (double-charged diphenylol-propane anions), which are adsorbed on the pore walls and, thus, affect the further etching process.  相似文献   

A spray pyrolysis method was used to produce thin films of ZrO2 doped with different Yb concentrations on Si(1 0 0). The films of these ionic semiconductors have potential applications as solid electrolytes in modern ceramic fuel cells of second generation. The determination of the atomic composition of the films is very important because it strongly affects the chemical and thermal stability, as well as electrical properties of the films. A combination of two Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) methods was applied to obtain the atomic composition of the films. A nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) method using a low energy deuterium beam was applied to measure the oxygen content of the films. Heavy ion Rutherford backscattering (HI-RBS) method using a 12C3+ beam was applied to measure the Yb and Zr atomic profiles of the samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and ellipsometry were also employed to determine structural properties and refractive index of the films, respectively. The IBA, XRD and the ellipsometry supply a wide range of information about the film layers, which can be used for qualification as well as for feedback to the films production.  相似文献   

The main assumption of existing efficient topography simulations is that sputtering is a local process that depends only on the angle of incidence and not on the detailed shape of the surface. If redeposition is considered, sputtered atoms are redeposited and cause no further sputtering when they hit another part of the surface. Furthermore the angular distribution of sputtered atoms follows a cosine law. If ion reflection is considered, ions do not lose energy during backscattering. Using binary collision simulations (IMSIL) and comparing them with results obtained by a topography simulator (IonShaper®) we show that all these assumptions need refinement for the simulation of nanostructures except the neglect of sputtering by sputtered atoms. In addition we show that a nonlocal model is essential for ion beam induced deposition of narrow structures.  相似文献   

The implantation of Cs atoms in silicon was investigated by dynamic computer simulations using the Monte-Carlo code T-DYN that takes into account the gradual change of the target composition due to the Cs irradiation. The incorporation of Cs atoms was studied for incidence angles ranging from 0° to 85° and for four impact energies (0.2, 0.5, 1 and 3 keV). The total implantation fluences were (1-2) × 1017 Cs/cm2, well above the values required to reach a stationary state. The steady-state Cs surface concentrations exhibit a pronounced dependence on impact angle and energy. At normal incidence, they vary between ∼0.57 (at 0.2 keV) and ∼0.18 (3 keV), but decrease with increasing incidence angle. Under equilibrium, the partial sputtering yield of Si exhibits the typical dependence on incidence angle, first increasing up to a maximum value (at ∼70°-75°) and declining sharply for larger angles. For all irradiation conditions a strongly preferential sputtering of Cs as compared to Si atoms is found, increasing with decreasing irradiation energy (from 4.6 at 3 keV to 7.2 at 0.2 keV) and for nearer-normal incidence.  相似文献   

Structural and compositional modification of InSb(0 0 1) single crystal surfaces induced by oblique incidence 2-5 keV Ar and Xe ion irradiation have been investigated by means of scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopies, and time-of-flight mass spectroscopy of secondary ion emission. In general, ion-induced patterns (networks of nanowires, or ripples) are angle of incidence- and fluence-dependent. Temperature dependences (from 300 to 600 K) of the RMS roughness and of the ripple wavelength have been determined for the samples bombarded with various fluences. Secondary ion emission from an InSb(0 0 1) surface exposed to 4.5 keV Ar+ ions has been investigated with a linear TOF spectrometer working in a static mode. Mass spectra of the sputtered In+, Sb+ and In2+ secondary ions have been measured both for the non-bombarded (0 0 1) surface and for the surface previously exposed to a fluence of 1016 ions/cm2. In+ and In2+ intensities for the irradiated sample are much higher in comparison to the non-bombarded one, whereas Sb+ ions show a reversed tendency. This behavior suggests a significant In-enrichment at the InSb(0 0 1) surface caused by the ion bombardment.  相似文献   

In this work x-cut Lithium Niobate crystals were implanted with 0.5 MeV O ions (nuclear stopping regime), 5 MeV O ions (sub-threshold electronic stopping regime) and 12.5 MeV Ti ions (ion track regime) at the fluences required for the formation of a surface fully disordered layer. The damage depth profiles were determined by RBS-channeling. Wet etching was performed at room temperature in 50% HF:H2O solution. The data indicated an exponential dependence of the etching rate on the damage concentration. Independently of the damage regime, once random level in the RBS-channeling spectra was attained we measured the same etching rate (50-100 nm/s) and the same volume expansion (∼10%) in all samples. These results indicate that the fully disordered layers obtained by electronic damage accumulation have the same chemical properties of those obtained by conventional nuclear damage accumulation and therefore they can be defined “amorphous”. The impressive etching selectivity of ion implanted regions makes this process suitable for sub-micro machining of Lithium Niobate.  相似文献   

The European X-ray free electron laser source (XFEL) will provide highly brilliant (B > 1033 ph/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% bw) and coherent X-ray beams. The pulse structure and the unprecedented brightness will allow one for the first time to study fast dynamics in the time domain, thus giving direct access to the dynamic response function S(Qt), instead of S(Qω), which is of central importance for a variety of phenomena such as fast non-equilibrium dynamics initiated, e.g. by a short pump pulse. X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) measures the temporal changes in speckle patterns produced when coherent light is scattered by a disordered system and therefore allows to measure S(Qt). This paper summarizes important aspects of the scientific case for an XPCS instrument at the planned XFEL. Novel XPCS set-ups are illustrated.  相似文献   

In this study, Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to investigate F continuously bombarding silicon surfaces at normal incidence and room temperature. The simulated results show that with increasing incident energy and temperature, the etch yield of Si atoms increases, which is in good qualitative agreement with experiments. Accompanying reaching the steady-state F uptake and Si etching, a steady-state SiFx (x = 1-4) reactive layer is formed whose thickness increases with increasing incident energy. In the reaction layer, SiF species are dominant and SiF3 species decrease with increasing incident energy.  相似文献   

Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII), using bias voltages of 5, 10, 15 and 20 kV in an argon plasma and fluences in the range of 2 × 1014-2 × 1016 ions/cm2, was applied to 100 nm polystyrene films coated on silicon wafer substrates. The etching kinetics and structural changes induced in the polystyrene films were investigated with ellipsometry, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies, optical and scanning electron microscopies, atomic force microscopy and contact angle measurements. Effects such as carbonisation, oxidation and cross-linking were observed and their dependence on the applied bias voltage is reported. Variations in the etching rate during the PIII process and its relationship to carbonisation of the modified surface layer are explored.  相似文献   

Producing structures in membranes at the nanometer scale can serve several applications such as to localize molecular electrical junctions and switches, and to function as masks. In previous work we demonstrated the fabrication of porous membranes in masked fluoropolymer films using scanned ion beam bombardment. The process dispenses the use of time consuming chemical and etching processes. Here we report on the creation mechanism of pores using ion bombardment. Aspects of the ion beam interaction with matter are explained as well as an analysis of the shape of the fabricated structures. The pores were produced using our feedback controlled ion beam apparatus and were analyzed using optical and atomic force microscopic (AFM) analyses.  相似文献   

Measurements of K-shell X-ray production cross sections by 12C4+ (beam energies between 12 MeV and 14 MeV), and 16O5+ ions (with energies between 12.5 MeV and 15 MeV) are presented. The target elements were selected lanthanoids (Ce, Gd, Dy, Ho and Er). The resulting measurements are evaluated through comparisons with the eECPSShsR-UA theory, the MECPSSR model and the adiabatic perturbation (also known as direct molecular orbital, MO) theory, using a scaling based on the reduced velocity parameter . Consideration is given to multiple ionization effects and electron capture contribution to K-shell ionization. An evaluation with previously published values is also given. It is shown that the behavior of the ratios of experimental to theoretical cross sections is different for both ions. The models do not seem to be accurate to predict the X-ray production cross sections for 12C4+ ions, while the MECPSSR theory predicts much better the experimental data for 16O5+ than the eECPSShsR-UA.  相似文献   

The effect of sputtering yield enhancement by implantation of noble gases into solid silicon is investigated with the Monte Carlo program SDTrimSP. The process of diffusion is incorporated into the program to describe the outgassing of noble gases. The bombardment of Si with He, Ne, Ar, Xe at normal incidence is studied in the energy range from 1 to 500 keV. Good agreement of the calculated results with experimental data is found.  相似文献   

The deposition of polyatomic C2H5+ ions is studied using classical molecular dynamics simulations with a new improved Brenner potentials developed by Brenner. The simulation results show that when the incident energy is less than 65 eV, the deposition coefficient of H is larger than that of C atoms. When the incident energy is larger than 65 eV, the deposition of H is less than that of C atoms. With increasing incident energy, a transition from Csp3-rich to Csp2-rich in the grown films is found.  相似文献   

Au ions (900 keV) have been used to directly sputter etch microstructures in silicon, aluminum, copper and silver. The results presented clearly demonstrate that high energy heavy ions can be used to fabricate microstructures in selected metals and silicon in a single step process.  相似文献   

The sputtering yield angular distributions have been calculated based on the ion energy dependence of tohal sputtering yields for Ni and Mo targets bombarded by low-energy Hg^ ion. The calculated curves show excellent agreement with the corresponding Wehner‘s experimental results of sputtering yield angular distribution. The fact clearly demonstrated the intrinsic relation between the ion energy dependence of total sputtering yields and the sputtering yield angular distribution. This intrinsic relation had been ignored in Yamamura‘s papers (1981,1982) due to some obvious mistakes.  相似文献   

For scattering of fast atoms from metal and insulator surfaces under axial channeling conditions pronounced peaks in the angular distributions of scattered projectiles are interpreted in terms of rainbow scattering. The angular position of such “rainbow peaks” are closely related to the interaction potential and its corrugation in the topmost surface region. We have scattered N and O atoms, with energies ranging from 10 to 70 keV, from clean and flat Al(0 0 1) and LiF(0 0 1) surfaces along low index axial directions in the surface plane and studied the positions of the rainbow peaks as function of the kinetic energy of the atomic projectiles normal to the surface. For the insulator surface the rainbow angle does not depend on projectile energy for constant normal energy, whereas for the metal surface we find pronounced dynamic effects. We interpret this different behaviour as arising from a projectile energy dependent contribution to the underlying interaction potentials owing to embedding the projectiles into the free electron gas in the selvedge of the surfaces, which is present for the metals but absent for insulators.  相似文献   

Measurements have been performed of scintillation light intensities emitted from various inorganic scintillators irradiated with low-energy beams of highly-charged ions from an electron beam ion source (EBIS) and an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Beams of xenon ions Xeq+ with various charge states between q = 2 and q = 18 have been used at energies between 5 and 17.5 keV per charge generated by the ECRIS. The intensity of the beam was typically varied between 1 and 100 nA. Beams of highly charged residual gas ions have been produced by the EBIS at 4.5 keV per charge and with low intensities down to 100 pA. The scintillator materials used are flat screens of P46 YAG and P43 phosphor. In all cases, scintillation light emitted from the screen surface was detected by a CCD camera. The scintillation light intensity has been found to depend linearly on the kinetic ion energy per time deposited into the scintillator, while up to q = 18 no significant contribution from the ions’ potential energy was found. We discuss the results on the background of a possible use as beam diagnostics, e.g. for the new HITRAP facility at GSI, Germany.  相似文献   

Gallium nitride (GaN) epilayers have been grown by chloride vapour phase epitaxy (Cl-VPE) technique and the grown GaN layers were irradiated with 100 MeV Ni ions at the fluences of 5 × 1012 and 2 × 1013 ions/cm2. The pristine and 100 MeV Ni ions irradiated GaN samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible transmittance spectrum, photoluminescence (PL) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis. XRD results indicate the presence of gallium oxide phases after Ni ion irradiation, increase in the FWHM and decrease in the intensity of the GaN (0 0 0 2) peak with increasing ion fluences. The UV-visible transmittance spectrum and PL measurements show decrease in the band gap value after irradiation. AFM images show the nanocluster formation upon irradiation and the roughness value of GaN increases with increasing ion fluences.  相似文献   

The total secondary electron emission yields, γT, induced by impact of the fast ions Neq+ (q = 2-8) and Arq+ (q = 3-12) on Si and Neq+ (q = 2-8) on W targets have been measured. It was observed that for a given impact energy, γT increases with the charge of projectile ion. By plotting γT as a function of the total potential energy of the respective ion, true kinetic and potential electron yields have been obtained. Potential electron yield was proportional to the total potential energy of the projectile ion. However, decrease in potential electron yield with increasing kinetic energy of Neq+ impact on Si and W was observed. This decrease in potential electron yield with kinetic energy of the ion was more pronounced for the projectile ions having higher charge states. Moreover, kinetic electron yield to energy-loss ratio for various ion-target combinations was calculated and results were in good agreement with semi-empirical model for kinetic electron emission.  相似文献   

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