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Silicon carbide offers unique applications as a wide bandgap semiconductor. This paper reviews various aspects of ion implantation in 4H-SiC studied with a view to optimise ion implantation in silicon carbide. Al, P and Si ions with keV energies were used. Channelling effects were studied in both a-axis and c-axis crystals as a function of tilts along major orthogonal planes and off the major orthogonal planes. Major axes such as [0 0 0 1] and the and minor axis like the showed long channelling tails and optimum tilts for minimising channelling are recommended. TEM analyses of the samples showed the formation of (0 0 0 1) prismatic loops and the loops as well,in both a and c-cut crystals. We also note the presence of voids only in P implanted samples implanted with amorphising doses. The competing process between damage accumulation and dynamic annealing was studied by determining the critical temperature for the transition between crystalline and amorphous SiC and an activation energy of 1.3 eV is extracted.  相似文献   

The effect of 380 keV proton irradiation on the photoluminescence (PL) properties has been investigated for undoped and Eu-doped GaN. As the proton irradiation exceeds , a drastic decrease of PL intensity of the near band-edge emission of undoped GaN was observed. On the other hand, for Eu-doped GaN, the PL emission corresponding to the 5D07F2 transition in Eu3+ kept the initial PL intensity after the proton irradiation up to . Present results, together with our previous report on electron irradiation results, suggest that Eu-doped GaN is a strong candidate for light emitting devices in high irradiation environment.  相似文献   

We have investigated the damage morphology and magnetic properties of titanium dioxide thin films following implantation with Fe ions. The titanium dioxide films, having a polycrystalline anatase structure, were implanted with 100 keV 56Fe+ ions to a total fluence of 1.3 × 1016 ions/cm2. The ion bombardment leads to an amorphized surface with no indication of the presence of secondary phases or Fe clusters. The ion-beam induced damage manifested itself by a marked change in surface morphology and film thickness. A room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour was observed by SQUID in the implanted sample. It is believed that the ion-beam induced damage and defects in the polycrystalline anatase film were partly responsible for the observed magnetic response.  相似文献   

Classical inter-diffusion studies assume a constant time of annealing when samples are annealed in a furnace. It is assumed that the sample temperature reaches the annealing temperature immediately after insertion, while the sample temperature immediately drops to room temperature after removal, the annealing time being taken as the time between insertion and removal. Using the above assumption, the diffusion coefficient can be calculated in a number of ways. In reality, the sample temperature does not immediately reach the annealing temperature; instead it rises at a rate governed by several heat transfer mechanisms, depending on the annealing procedure. For short annealing times, the sample temperature may not attain the annealing temperature, while for extended annealing times the sample temperature may reach the annealing temperature only for a fraction of the annealing time. To eliminate the effect of heat transfer mechanisms, a linear temperature ramping regime is proposed. Used in conjunction with a suitable profile reconstructing technique and a numerical solution of Fick’s second law, the inter-diffusion parameters obtained from a linear ramping of Ni/Cu thin film samples can be compared to those obtained from calculations performed with the so-called Mixing-Roughness-Information model or any other suitable method used to determine classical diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

Light emission from a silicon dioxide layer enriched with silicon has been studied. Samples used had structures made on thermally oxidized silicon substrate wafers. Excess silicon atoms were introduced into a 250-nm-thick silicon dioxide layer via implantation of 60 keV Si+ ions up to a fluence of 2 × 1017 cm−2. A 15-nm-thick Au layer was used as a top semitransparent electrode. Continuous blue light emission was observed under DC polarization of the structure at 8-12 MV/cm. The blue light emission from the structures was also observed in an ionoluminescence experiment, in which the light emission was caused by irradiation with a H2+ ion beam of energy between 22 and 100 keV. In the case of H2+, on entering the material the ions dissociated into two protons, each carrying on average half of the incident ion energy. The spectra of the emitted light and the dependence of ionoluminescence on proton energy were analyzed and the results were correlated with the concentration profile of implanted silicon atoms.  相似文献   

In this study, the molecular dynamics simulation method was employed to investigate the growth of silicon nitride films by using N+ ions, with energies of 50, 100, 150 and 200 eV, to bombard an amorphous silicon surface at 300 K. After an initial period of N+ bombardment, saturation of the number of N atoms deposited on the surface is observed, which is in agreement with experiments. During subsequent steady state deposition, a balance between uptake of N by the surface and sputtering of previously deposited N is established. The Si(Nx) (x = 1-4) and N(Siy) (y = 1-3) bond configurations in the grown films are analyzed.  相似文献   

We have studied electronic and atomic structure modifications of Cu3N films under 100 keV Ne and 100 MeV Xe ion impact. Cu3N films were prepared on R(11-2 surface)-cut-Al2O3 substrates at 250 °C by using a RF-magnetron sputter deposition method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that unirradiated films are polycrystalline with (1 0 0) orientation of cubic structure. We find that the electrical resistivity (∼10 Ω cm before ion impact) decreases by more than two orders of magnitude after the Ne impact at a fluence of ∼1013 cm−2, where no Cu phase separation is observed. For further ion impact (larger than ∼1015 cm−2), XRD shows Cu diffraction peak (Cu phase separation), and the resistivity decreases further (three orders of magnitude). Decomposition and phase separation are discussed based on these results, as well as temperature dependence of the resistivity and optical absorption. The results of 100 MeV Xe ion impact are compared with those of Ne ion impact.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes caused by ion implantation of light ions in dielectric materials such as silica is important for developing the diagnostic systems used in fusion and fission environments. Recently, it has been shown that ion-implanted helium is able to escape from SiO2 films. To study this process in details, helium was implanted into the central part of a buried SiO2 island up to a fluence of 4 × 1017 He/cm2. The implanted helium could be detected in the SiO2 island, if the oxide was insulated properly from the vacuum. The shape of the helium depth distributions was far from SRIM simulation because helium distributed in the whole 1 μm thick oxide layer. After the ion implantation, helium was observed only on the implanted spot. After nine months the implanted helium filled out the whole oxide island as it was expected from the high diffusivity.  相似文献   

RbCl:Eu2+ single crystals which are co-doped with thallium display characteristic Eu2+ emission around 420 nm and additional emission band at 312 nm with a weak shoulder around 390 nm attributable to centers involving Tl+ ions. Additional excitation and emission bands observed in Tl+ doped RbCl:Eu2+ single crystals are attributed to the presence of Eu2+ aggregates and complex centres involving both Eu2+ and Tl+ ions. Inclusion of Tl+ ions in RbCl:Eu2+ crystals is found to enhance the intensity of Eu2+ emission at 420 nm due to an energy transfer from Tl+ → Eu2+ ions.  相似文献   

Thin films of magnesia (MgO) with (1 0 0) dominant orientations were implanted with 1.5 MeV H+ ions at room temperature to various fluences of 1013, 1014 and 1015 ions/cm2. X-ray analysis unambiguously showed crystallinity even after a peak damage fluence of 1015 ions/cm2. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry combined with ion channeling (RBS/C) was used to analyze radiation damages and defect distributions. Optical absorption band observed at 5.7 eV in implanted films was assigned to the anion vacancies and the defect was completely disappeared on annealing at 450 °C. Number of F-type defects estimated was 9.42 × 1015 cm−2 for the film implanted with 1015 ions/cm2. DC electrical conductivity of 4.02 × 10−4 S cm−1 was observed in the implanted region which was three orders higher than the as-deposited films. In unison, film surface was modified as a result of the formation of aggregates caused by the atomic mixing of native matrix atoms (Mg and O) and precipitated hydrogen.  相似文献   

Silica glass samples were implanted with 1.157 GeV 56Fe and 1.755 GeV 136Xe ions to fluences range from 1 × 1011 to 3.8 × 1012 ions/cm2. Virgin and irradiated samples were investigated by ultraviolet (UV) absorption from 3 to 6.4 eV and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The UV absorption investigation reveals the presence of various color centers (E′ center, non-bridging oxygen hole center (NBOHC) and ODC(II)) appearing in the irradiated samples. It is found that the concentration of all color centers increase with the increase of fluence and tend to saturation at high fluence. Furthermore the concentration of E′ center and that of NBOHC is approximately equal and both scale better with the energy deposition through processes of electronic stopping, indicating that E′ center and NBOHC are mainly produced simultaneously from the scission of strained Si-O-Si bond by electronic excitation effects in heavy ion irradiated silica glass. The PL measurement shows three emissions peaked at about 4.28 eV (α band), 3.2 eV (β band) and 2.67 eV (γ band) when excited at 5 eV. The intensities of α and γ bands increase with the increase of fluence and tend to saturation at high fluence. The intensity of β band is at its maximum in virgin silica glass and it is reduced on increasing the ions fluence. It is further confirmed that nuclear energy loss processes determine the production of α and γ bands and electronic energy loss processes determine the bleaching of β band in heavy ion irradiated silica glass.  相似文献   

Swift heavy ion irradiation has been successfully used to modify the structural, optical, and gas sensing properties of SnO2 thin films. The SnO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel process were irradiated with 75 MeV Ni+ beam at fluences ranging from 1 × 1011 ion/cm2 to 3 × 1013 ion/cm2. Structural characterization with glancing angle X-ray diffraction shows an enhancement of crystallinity and systematic change of stress in the SnO2 lattice up to a threshold value of 1 × 1013 ions/cm2, but decrease in crystallinity at highest fluence of 3 × 1013 ions/cm2. Microstructure investigation of the irradiated films by transmission electron microscopy supports the XRD observations. Optical properties studied by absorption and PL spectroscopies reveal a red shift of the band gap from 3.75 eV to 3.1 eV, and a broad yellow luminescence, respectively, with increase in ion fluence. Gas response of the irradiated SnO2 films shows increase of resistance on exposure to ammonia (NH3), indicating p-type conductivity resulting from ion irradiation.  相似文献   

The fabrication of reliable isotopic nitrogen standards is achieved in Si through 14N and 15N ion implantation. 60 keV and ions were implanted at 400 °C up to ∼60% peak atomic concentration, yielding nitrogen-saturated silicon layers as measured using resonant nuclear reaction analysis. No isotopic effect has been observed. The nitrogen standards are validated by measurements of stability under ion irradiation. No significant desorption of nitrogen is observed either under a 4He+ ion fluence of 3.36 × 1016 cm−2 or under a 1H+ ion fluence of 8.60 × 1017 cm−2, giving strong evidence that isotopic nitrogen standards can be achieved.  相似文献   

The sputtering yield induced by keV hydrogen ions measured at CERN and at Risø National Laboratory for solid H2 and D2 at temperatures below 4.2 K decreases with increasing film thickness from about 100 × 1015 molecules/cm2. For a film thickness comparable to or larger than the ion range the data from Risø show a slight increase, whereas the yield from CERN continues to decrease up to very large film thicknesses, i.e. one order of magnitude larger than the ion range. The different behavior of the yield is discussed in terms of the probable growth modes of the films. The films produced at the Risø setup are quench-condensed films, while those produced at CERN are supposed to grow with large hydrogen aggregates on top of a thin bottom layer.  相似文献   

Layered Al2O3/HfO2 structures were deposited on Si by atomic layer deposition and the atomic transport during rapid thermal annealing was investigated by low energy ion scattering, medium energy ion scattering and narrow nuclear resonant reaction profiling. The structures were dissociated during annealing by different mechanisms, such as interdiffusion of the layers and metal loss from the dielectric. The possible detrimental effects on device electrical properties of the observed decomposition are discussed.  相似文献   

Layer-by-layer growth of thin films can be promoted by using low energy ion deposition (LEID) techniques. The basic process affecting the growth are often quite diverse, but often the ion impact induced inter layer mass transfer processes due to adatom insertion to lower step edges or pile-ups to step edges above dominate. In this paper we propose a simple phenomenological model which describes the growth of thin films in LEID under these conditions. The model makes possible to distinguish the dominant growth, the detection of the transition from the 3D growth to 2D growth, and it can be used to quantify the degree of layer-by-layer growth. The model contains only two parameters, which can be phenomenologically related to the properties of the bombarding ion beam.  相似文献   

Luminescence studies of CaS:Bi nanocrystalline phosphors synthesized by wet chemical co-precipitation method and irradiated with swift heavy ions (i.e. O7+-ion with 100 MeV and Ag15+-ion with 200 MeV) have been carried out. The samples have been irradiated at different ion fluences in the range 1 × 1012-1 × 1013 ions/cm2. The average grain size of the samples before irradiation was estimated as 35 nm using line broadening of XRD (X-ray diffraction) peaks and TEM (transmission electron microscope) studies. Our results suggest a good structural stability of CaS:Bi against swift heavy ion irradiation. The blue emission band of CaS:Bi3+ nanophosphor at 401 nm is from the transition 3P→ 1S0 of the Bi3+. We have observed a decrease in lattice constant (a) and increase of optical energy band gap after ion irradiation. We presume this change due to grain fragmentation by dense electronic excitation induced by swift heavy ion. We have studied the optical and luminescent behavior of the samples by changing the ion energy and also by changing dopant concentration from 0.01 mol% to 0.10 mol%. It has been examined that ion irradiation enhanced the luminescence of the samples.  相似文献   

Two-detector coincidence system and mono-energetic slow positron beam has been applied to measure the Doppler broadening spectra for single crystals of SiO2, SiO2 films with different thickness thermally grown on single crystal of Cz-Si, and single crystal of Si without oxide film. Oxygen is recognized as a peak at about 11.85 × 10−3m0c on the ratio curves. The S parameters decrease with the increase of positron implantation energy for the single crystal of SiO2 and Si without oxide film. However, for the thermally grown SiO2-Si sample, the S parameters in near surface of the sample increase with positron implantation energy. It is due to the formation of silicon oxide at the surface, which lead to lower S value. S and W parameters vary with positron implantation depth indicate that the SiO2-Si system consist of a surface layer, a SiO2 layer, a SiO2-Si interface layer and a semi-infinite Si substrate.  相似文献   

The band-structure, interface and surface modification by swift heavy ion irradiation of In0.55Ga0.45As/InP multi quantum wells have been studied using photoluminescence, high resolution X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Three distinct photoluminescence peaks were observed for as-grown samples at low temperature and at room temperature the peaks merge together. Detailed analysis has been carried out to understand the origin of additional satellite peaks. A peak shift of about 23 nm was observed for irradiated samples after annealing. Highly-ordered satellite peaks were observed in X-ray scans of as-grown and Ag ion irradiated samples. In comparison, Au ion irradiated sample showed stronger interfacial degradation as seen by the diminished satellite peaks. The peak position of the irradiated samples shifted to the compressive side and was broadened in comparison with as-grown samples. The as-grown and annealed samples show smooth surfaces whereas irradiation results in nano-sized dot/island types of structures at the surface. The results are discussed in the light of complementary information provided by these techniques.  相似文献   

Makrofol-N polycarbonate thin films were irradiated with copper (50 MeV) and nickel (86 MeV) ions. The modified films were analyzed by UV-VIS, FTIR and XRD techniques. The experimental data was used to evaluate the formation of chromophore groups (conjugated system of bonds), degradation cross-section of the special functional groups, the alkyne formation and the amorphization cross-section. The investigation of UV-VIS spectra shows that the formation of chromophore groups is reduced at larger wavelength, however its value increases with the increase of ion fluence. Degradation cross-section for the different chemical groups present in the polycarbonate chains was evaluated from the FTIR data. It was found that there was an increase of degradation cross-section of chemical groups with the increase of electronic energy loss in polycarbonate. The alkyne and alkene groups were found to be induced due to swift heavy ion irradiation in polycarbonate. The radii of the alkyne production of about 2.74 and 2.90 nm were deduced for nickel (86 MeV) and copper (50 MeV) ions respectively. XRD analysis shows the decrease of the main XRD peak intensity. Progressive amorphization process of Makrofol-N with increasing fluence was traced by XRD measurements.  相似文献   

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