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Alcohol use is associated with risks for HIV/AIDS. The association between alcohol and sexual risk may be accounted for by sensation seeking personality. However, sensation seeking in relation to substance use and HIV risk has not been examined in Africa. In this study, 292 men and 219 women receiving sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnostic and treatment services in Cape Town, South Africa, completed anonymous behavioral surveys. Structural modeling was used to test a model of alcohol use and sensation seeking in relation to sexual risk behaviors. Results showed that sensation seeking and alcohol use in sexual contexts were related to HIV risks, controlling for gender and marital status. The association between sensation seeking and HIV risk was partly accounted for by alcohol use in proximity to sex. In contrast to studies conducted in the United States, sensation seeking was not related to alcohol-sex outcome expectancies. These findings suggest that alcohol use is an important HIV transmission risk factor for many STI clinic patients and that interventions for individuals who are characterized as sensation seekers are urgently needed in South Africa. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of diabetes complications and level of glycaemic and blood pressure control in Black African patients at the primary care level in the public sector Cape Town, South Africa. A stratified random sample of 300 patients attending the three largest ambulatory diabetes clinics in community health centres in Black African residential areas of Cape Town (100 patients from each) during the last 6 months of 1992 was selected. Each patient had a clinical examination, interview, and 1 year retrospective record review. Eighty-one per cent of the sampled patients were reviewed, 90% were non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM) and 10% were treated with insulin. The mean duration of diabetes was 8 (range 0-28) years. Acceptable glycaemic control was present in 49.4% (95% Confidence Intervals 45.6-53.5) of patients while 38.5% (CI 24.8-52.2) of hypertensive patients had acceptable blood pressure control. The prevalence of any grade of retinopathy was 55.4% (CI 48.90-62.9), proliferative and preproliferative retinopathy 15.6% (CI 8.5-22.8), cataracts 7.9% (CI 4.4-11.4), peripheral neuropathy 27.6% (CI 15.2-39.4), absent foot pulses 8.2% (CI 5.2-12.6), amputations 1.4% (CI 0.4-2.4), persistent proteinuria 5.3% (CI 2.5-8.1) and an elevated albumin-creatinine ratio 36.7% (CI 29.0-44.4). The complications were not documented in the clinic records of the preceding year with the exception of 1 patient with absent foot pulses and the 12 patients with proteinuria. The high prevalence of suboptimal glycaemic and blood pressure control as well as complications of diabetes, largely unrecorded in the preceding years' clinic notes, demonstrates the deficiency of and need for preventative diabetes care at the primary care level. The design, institution, and evaluation of effective intervention programmes are a priority to improve the quality of care provided and the health of diabetic patients.  相似文献   

During the 9 years 1985-1993 a prospective survey of all cases of meningitis in children < 13 years of age presenting to our hospital in the Western Cape Province of South Africa was carried out. Two-thousand-nine-hundred-and-twenty cases of meningitis were identified. The commonest form of bacterial meningitis was tuberculous meningitis (TBM) diagnosed in 282 children (mean age 2.94 years). N. meningitidis identified in 220 children (mean age 2.87 years), Haemophilus influenzae in 156 children (mean age 1.15 years) and S. pneumoniae in 106 children (mean age 2.14) were the next commonest causes of bacterial meningitis diagnosed. One-hundred-and-eighteen cases of bacterial meningitis were confirmed in infants < 1 month of age and the commonest bacteria identified were group B beta-haemolytic Streptococcus in 27, E. coli in 21, Klebsiella species in 11, and Candida species in 15 neonates. The emergence of TBM as the predominant cause of bacterial meningitis in childhood at our hospital is probably a reflection of the worsening tuberculosis situation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.  相似文献   

Family physicians should be aware of the early signs of malignant melanoma, as well as measures that can be taken to prevent the disease. Etiologic factors for melanoma include sunburns, particularly those occurring early in life, giant congenital nevi, dysplastic nevi and the presence of numerous nevi. The four major subtypes of melanoma are lentigo maligna, superficial spreading melanoma, acral lentiginous melanoma and nodular melanoma. Diagnosis is based on excisional, incisional or punch biopsy. The crude five-year survival rate for malignant melanoma is 81 percent, but survival depends on stage of disease, anatomic site, the patient's age and sex, histologic factors and clinical subtype. Surgical excision is the usual treatment for primary melanoma. Surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used in the management of metastatic disease, but the prognosis following the development of metastases remains poor. Family physicians can affect survival rates by improving early detection, promoting patient awareness and self-examination, and encouraging regular physical examination of patients who are at increased risk of melanoma.  相似文献   

The incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing at a rate greater than any other cancer occurring in humans. In this era of managed care, patients with a suspicious pigmented lesion may first present to their primary care physician for evaluation. Therefore it is mandatory that the primary care physician be capable of distinguishing between benign and malignant pigmented lesions, know how to evaluate such patients, and know when to refer patients with suspicious or malignant pigmented lesions. Surgical removal remains the mainstay of treatment for patients with melanoma. Thus, to increase the cure rate for melanoma, both the public and nondermatologists need to be educated regarding the prevention and early detection of melanoma. Only in this way can the diagnosis of melanoma be made early before deep invasion has occurred and the patient placed at risk for systemic spread. In recent years, the surgical management of melanoma has become more conservative and rational. Limb amputation, arbitrary 5-cm margins of excision, and elective lymph node dissections are no longer performed. The recommended margins of excision are now based on objective pathologic and clinical data and are more conservative, and the sentinel node biopsy is now used to determine which high-risk patients should undergo a formal lymph node dissection. Although encouraging results are being seen with immunotherapy protocols, to date the only adjunctive therapy shown to increase survival in patients at high risk for systemic spread is alpha-interferon. With this drug, the improved survival is modest at best; it is expensive and a minority of patients can tolerate it in the doses recommended. Although response rates of 20% are seen with chemotherapy in patients with disseminated disease, these responses are short-lived, and there is no associated increased survival. Except for lentigo maligna, radiation therapy, even when its delivery is modified, still is useful only as an adjunct to surgery or for palliation.  相似文献   

Vitamin A toxicity is a concern among health care providers, especially when present recommendations for vitamin A may result in multiple dosing during a short period of time. We observed no vitamin A toxicity in 5 children who received multiple high doses of vitamin A. These 8-month to 5-year-old children were part of a community trial of vitamin A during acute measles, and were being treated at a local hospital for severe acute respiratory infection, malaria, and/or diarrhoea. One 12-month-old who received 1,612,500 I.U. within a period of three weeks showed elevated serum retinol (3.42 mumol/l), but none of the five showed signs of toxicity. These cases illustrate the confusion surrounding the correct use of vitamin A for infants and children with multiple morbid conditions. A plea is made to report similar situations since clinical trials are unethical.  相似文献   

Bone marrow cell responses to injections of nitrogen mustard, oncovin, procarbazine, hydrocortisone, and a regimen of all four drugs (MOPH) were evaluated in CRF1 and C57B1/6 mice by determining bone marrow cellularity and content of transplantable colony forming units (CFU) after treatment. The study was done to determine whether the combined regimen, which is widely used clinically in treatment of disseminated Hodgkin's disease, is more or less detrimental to the hemopoietic system than the same drugs used as single agents. Nitrogen mustard and procarbazine used clinically as single drugs are given in three and two times, respectively, greater doses than in the combined regimen. Hydrocortisone, given singly, was least toxic of the drugs, reducing the CFU/femur to 63% and 71% of control values. MOPH appeared slightly more toxic than hydrocortisone, resulting in 41% and 52% of the CFU/femur surviving, and was about equally as toxic as oncovin alone. Nitrogen mustard and procarbazine, administered as single drugs in high doses, were highly suppressive, resulting in only 10-19% survival of CFU/femur, whereas, reduced doses of the two drugs as used in the MOPH regimen spared 30-45% of the CFU/femur. Survival of CFU after MOPH treatment was three to four times greater than after high doses of nitrogen mustard or procarbazine alone. The component drugs of the combined regimen did not act on separate populations of stem cells to produce an additive effect but appeared to inactivate the same population of cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) types in South African women with normal cervical cytology and to determine whether our results are comparable to what has been found elsewhere in the world. DESIGN: Cervical smears were collected from 262 women. SETTING: The Cape Town metropolitan area. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 262 women, aged 19-85 years. Eighty-five women attended the family planning clinic of the Gynaecology Department at Groote Schuur Hospital and 177 women consulted private gynaecological practices. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The prevalence and types of HPV in 192 women with normal cervical cytology. RESULTS: The incidence of HPV DNA in cervical smears from Cape Town women with normal cytology was found to be 13% (25/192) using Southern blot hybridisation. The types of HPV found in normal cervical tissue from Cape Town did not differ significantly from those found elsewhere in the world. Nine per cent (17/192) were positive for "high-risk' HPV types which are associated with premalignant and malignant cervical lesions. In the age group 20-39 years, 15 of 92 (16%) were positive for HPV DNA, while in the age group above 39 years, 3 of 53 (6%) women were positive for HPV DNA. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 25 of 192 (13%) women with normal cytology were positive for HPV.  相似文献   

Paraffin-embedded specimens from 21 patients (mean age 49 years) with malignant melanocytic tumors of the central nervous system were studied. Extraneuronal primary tumors were situated at the trunk (38%), the lower (14%) or upper extremity (10%), and the head/neck region (5%). In 33% no extraneural primary tumor could be detected. The tumor location was frontal (19%), occipital (19%), parietal, spinal, multifocally (14%, respectively), or temporal (5%). Four subtypes were distinguished according to the predominant histological cell type: pleomorphic, epithelioid, spindle- and mixed-cell tumors. 29% contained no melanin, most of them belonging to the epithelioid subtype. The morphology and immunohistochemical reactivity for different antibodies (KL-1, EMA, VIM, HMB-45, NKI-C3, S-100, and MIB-1/Ki-67) were assessed. Positive staining was demonstrated for HMB-45 (in 86% of cases), NKI-C3 (100%), S-100 (95%), vimentin (75%), and KL-1 (33%). No expression of the cytokeratin EMA could be detected. The mean proliferation index measured by MIB-1 immunoreactivity was 21%. The 4 histological subtypes were found to express different antigen patterns. In the analysis of CNS tumors of unknown origin, the panel of antibodies used for diagnosis should include HMB-45 as the most specific marker for malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Xenopus gilli is a vulnerable anuran with a patchy distribution along the south-western coast of the Cape Province, South Africa. This species is sympatric with Xenopus laevis laevis, a widespread relative found over much of southern Africa. We examined the molecular phylogeography and population structure of the contact zone between these species to obtain information about historical biogeography and conservation management of this region. Analyses of the distribution, frequency, and cladistic and phenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA haplotypes indicate that population subdivision is present in both taxa but that long-term isolation of sets of populations has occurred in X. gilli only. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity are also considerably higher within and among X. gilli ponds than X. l. laevis ponds in this region. We attribute the genetic segregation of X. gilli populations to ancient habitat fragmentation by ocean transgression into X. gilli habitat and to continued habitat alteration by human activity. The lower level of genetic diversity in X. L. laevis in this region is likely a result of a recent arrival of this taxon to the south-western Cape region relative to X. gilli. Population structure in X. l. laevis may be a result of isolation by distance. Clear evidence exists for at least two management units within X. gilli and strongly supports the establishment of protective measures east of False Bay in order to conserve a substantial portion of this species' extant genetic diversity.  相似文献   

A case story of malignant melanoma is presented. The tumour was localised to the jejunum. The symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are described and the pathogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The practice of surgery in South Africa ranges from full-time service in state-funded and academic hospitals serving a largely indigent population to a private sector for medically insured patients. Surgical training occurs at eight medical schools, and specialist registration is obtained after 4 to 5 years with either a university-conferred degree or a fellowship from the College of Surgeons of South Africa. The wide spectrum of First- to Third-World diseases and the high incidence of trauma provide comprehensive experience for practical training. Surgical standards are uniformly high, matching and sometimes pioneering the very best of Western medicine. The health care system is undergoing radical change to correct the imbalances of the apartheid era. Academic institutions are under pressure, and with incipient major financial cutbacks, there is concern that the proud record of service, teaching, and research excellence may be compromised. To facilitate the mission of broadening health care services, diploma training in surgery for rural practitioners is being developed. Outreach programs and closer liaisons with surgical societies in sub-Saharan African countries have also been initiated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In view of the high local prevalence of asthma, the extent of recognition and appropriate management of childhood asthma was studied in a large suburban area of Cape Town. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study based on random community sample of schools. METHOD: 1,955 parents of sub B pupils from 16 schools completed a questionnaire, followed by: (i) an interview of the parents of 348 symptomatic children; and (ii) bronchial responsiveness testing on 254 children. The final case group consisted of 242 children with reported asthma or multiple asthma symptoms on both questionnaires. Children in whom asthma was acknowledged were compared with those in whom it was not. RESULTS: Overall, any past or current ('ever') asthma was acknowledged by respondents in only 53% of the children, and current asthma in only 37.1%. While most children had received treatment in the previous 12 months, 66.1% of the recognised group were on current treatment (23.2% on daily treatment), compared with 37% of the unrecognised group (3% daily). Salbutamol and theophylline syrups were the most common types of medication, while inhalers and anti-inflammatory medications were underused. Only a minority of parents reported the child ever having used a peak flow meter, or volunteered knowledge of preventive measures. Current treatment, and to a lesser degree recognition of asthma by parents, were more common among children on medical aid and of higher socio-economic status. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that ways need to be found: (i) to increase the use of current asthma treatment guidelines by practitioners; (ii) to provide access to comprehensive care by children not on medical aid; and (iii) to improve education of parents in home management measures such as severity assessment and avoidance of smoking, allergen and dietary triggers.  相似文献   

Early recognition and treatment of thin cutaneous melanomas (stages Ia and Ib) have contributed to a decreased case-fatality rate during the past several decades. The only known preventable risk factor for melanoma is sun protection in childhood, which directly affects the number of melanocytic nevi developing in an adult. Additional risk factors, clinical features, and the malignant potential of precursor lesions are discussed. The four major clinicopathologic subtypes of melanoma are described with recommendations for appropriate biopsy techniques for suspected melanoma. Nationwide skin cancer screenings by dermatologists and greater public awareness of the warning signs of melanoma have enhanced detection of early melanoma and have promoted chances for a cure.  相似文献   

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