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Toru Takagi  Yutaka Itabashi 《Lipids》1977,12(12):1062-1068
Gas liquid chromatographic separation of long chain triglycerides based on their degree of unsaturation has been carried out on a polar siloxane, SILAR 10C. The equivalent chain lengths of triglycerides with 36–54 acyl carbons and 0–9 double bonds are presented. The resolution of triglycerides of coconut oil by combining argentation thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography on SILAR 10C is described.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl esters prepared from the fatty acid methyl esters of linseed oil, pig liver lipids, and Japanese anchovy oil have been separated on the basis of their chain lengths and number of double bonds by gas lipid chromatography on a cyanosiloxane SILAR 10C column. The equivalent chain lengths of cholesteryl esters having acyl groups with 14–22 carbons and 0–6 double bonds are presented. A significant influence of the column temperature on the equivalent chain lengths of the polyenoic fatty acid cholesteryl esters has been found. Separation of the cholestanyl and epicholestanyl esters of linseed oil fatty acids, respectively, under the same conditions is also described.  相似文献   

Gas liquid chromatographic analysis of diacylglycerols (DGs) and monoacylglycrols (MGs) prepared by Grignard degradation of the triacylglycerols of plant and fish oils was examined as acetate and trimethylsilyl (TMS) ether derivatives on several polar cyanosiloxanes. Satisfactory separations of mixtures of DGs or MGs from simple plant oils based on carbon number and degree of unsaturation, as either acetates or TMS ethers, were obtained on SILAR 10C. In addition, the TMS ethers were effectively separated on the basis of the positional distribution of fatty acid in the acylglycerol molecule, but the acetates of the positional isomers overlapped. The equivalent chain lengths (ECLs) of DGs with 28–42 total acyl carbons and 0–6 double bonds, and MGs with 14–22 acyl carbons and 0–6 double bonds, are presented for both derivatives. The influence of column temperature on the ECLs is discussed.  相似文献   

HCl-catalyzed ethanolysis followed by saponification readily surmounts the resistance of long chain wax esters to direct hydrolysis by alkali. Additionally, choosing ethyl instead of methyl esters allows baseline separations between long-chain alcohols and corresponding esters in gas liquid chromatographic (GLC) analysis of total alcohol and acid components before saponification. Liquid wax esters were analyzed on a temperature-programmed 3% OV-1 silicone column. Geographical and genetic effects on the variability of jojoba oil composition were investigated with five different seed samples. Major constituents in jojoba seed oil from shrubs in the Arizona deserts, as indicated by GLC analyses of oil, ethanolysis product, isolated fatty alcohols and methyl esters of isolated fatty acids, were C40 wax ester 30%, C42 wax ester 50% and C44 wax ester 10%; octadecenoic acid 6%; eicosenoic acid 35%, docosenoic acid 7%, eicosenol 22%, docosenol 21% and tetracosenol 4%. Oil from smaller leaved prostrate plants growing along California’s oceanside showed a slight tendency toward higher molecular size than oils from the California desert and Arizona specimens. The wax esters are made up of a dispro-portionately large amount of docosenyl eicosenoate and are not a random combination of constituent acids and alcohols.Lunaria annua synthetic wax ester oil was used as a model for evaluating the analytical procedures. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, Chicago, September 1970 No. Utiliz, Res. Dev. Div., ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

The synthesis of sucrose fatty acid esters always results in complex mixtures. Two procedures for quantitative analysis of sucrose monoesters, respectively sucrose diesters, by means of high performance liquid chromatography on reversed-phase columns, are described. A mixture of methanol and water (85:15, v/v) was used for the separation of the monoesters, while methanol, ethyl acetate and water (65:25:10, v/v/v) was used for the separation of diesters. These methods gave information about the amount of monoesters and diesters in the product; the ratio between sucrose monopalmitate and sucrose monostearate, and the number of the most important structure isomers. A complete separation of all the possible diester products seemed to be impossible, due to the presence of more complex structure isomers. The described procedures can give important support during preparative work on sucrose fatty acid esters and also in the evaluation of these products for application purposes.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted method has been developed for estimation of isolatedtrans unsaturation using the peak area of thetrans absorbance band at 966 cm-1from FTIR spectra of fatty acid methyl esters. Peak areas were used to determine thetrans content of weighed standards containing from 0 to 100% methyl elaidate and of hydrogenated soybean oil samples containing up to 36%trans unsaturation. These data for percenttrans by FTIR were compared to corresponding data obtained by capillary gas chromatography and the AOCS Official Method 14-61. Determination of isolatedtrans composition in oils using peak areas gave values with the smallest standard deviation for weighed standards and values within 4% of those obtained by capillary gas chromatography and the AOCS Official Method for hydrogenated samples. Presented at the AOCS meeting in Phoenix, AZ in May 1988. To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

The lipase (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase, E.C. catalyzed synthesis of wax esters has been investigated via two different approaches. All studies were performed using an immobilized 1,3-specific lipase [Lipozyme from Novo Industries (Montréal, Québec, Canada)]. The first approach involves reacting stoichiometric amounts of a fatty acid and stearyl alcohol in the presence of lipase. The medium is solvent-free, which allows for high substrate concentrations (1.55 M) and use of 5% (w/w) Lipozyme. In this reaction, maximum wax ester synthesis was found to be dependent upon the efficient removal of the water produced by the reaction. Under optimal conditions, yields of 100% were routinely reached after only 2 hr. The medium was then exclusively composed of the wax and the enzyme, no purification was required. The second method involves alcoholysis of a triglyceride, in this case triolein, with stearyl alcohol to produce 1,2-diolein, 2-monoolein and the wax ester of oleic acid. Again, no organic solvent was used. The wax ester yield was found to be directly dependent upon the alcohol concentration that was used to modulate the outcome of the reaction towards either the wax or the partial glycerides. The process was applied to the synthesis of waxes from high erucic acid rapeseed oil.  相似文献   

运用胶束电动毛细管色谱法同时分离测定了水中邻苯二甲酸二甲酯、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯五种邻苯二甲酸酯的标准混合物。结果表明,30min内五种邻苯二甲酸酯得到了较好的分离。以峰面积定量。在质量浓度为4~50mg/L的范围内,邻苯二甲酸酯的标准曲线具有良好的线性相关性。相关系数均大于0.999。相对标准偏差在0.98%-6.16%。运用该法对塑料工业废水中邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯的含量进行测定.加标试验回收率在104.8%-108.9%之间。  相似文献   

Recent literature data on polymeric membrane materials, particularly polyheteroarylenes, are analysed. Their gas separation characteristics in terms of ‘property-chemical-nature-structure’ correlations and thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the fabrication of asymmetric-structure membranes are presented. Fabrication techniques and morphology of membranes from polyamideimides are described.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of the degree of unsaturation of triacylglycerols on cholesterol oxidation, mixtures of purified sardine oil triacylglycerols (iodine value, IV=182.6) and cholesterol; of partially hydrogenated sardine oil triacylglycerols (IV=174.5) and cholesterol; and of fully hydrogenated sardine oil triacylglycerols (IV=92.0) and cholesterol were incubated at 25°C in the dark. The oxidative stability of the samples decreased with increasing degree of unsaturation of the triacylglycerols in the sample mixtures; the induction period for peroxide values (PV) of the sardine oil triacylglycerols and cholesterol was shorter than that of the partially hydrogenated sardine oil triacylglycerols and cholesterol. Certain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the constituent fatty acids of sardine oil triacylglycerols started to decrease after a shorter induction period compared with that of the partially hydrogenated triacylglycerols. The prominent cholesterol oxides accumulated in the samples were 7β-hydroxycholesterol, 7-ketocholesterol, β-epoxide and cholestane triol. The tendency for accumulation of cholesterol oxides in the time course coincided with the changes in PV as well as the decrease in PUFAs. Cholesterol was oxidized in conjunction with autoxidation of coexisting fish oil triacylglycerols. Although lowering the degree of unsaturation of fish oil triacylglycerols was effective in prolonging the induction period of cholesterol oxidation, the rate of cholesterol oxidation in the cholesterol oxides' formation phase after the induction period was not affected by the difference in the proportion of highly unsaturated fatty acids in the natural and partially hydrogenated triacylglycerols of fish oils.  相似文献   

Chromatography of stearyl oleate and cholesteryl oleate on thin layer plates coated with magnesium hydroxide-celite, 1:1, or magnesia-celite, 1:1, showed that magnesium hydroxide had better resolving power for the separation of these wax ester and steryl ester model compounds than did magnesia, an adsorbent which has been used previously for this separation. By means of high pressure liquid chromatography on magnesium hydroxide, wax esters and steryl esters from the skin surface lipids of human, rat and monkey were separated completely and without hydrolysis.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatographic separation of a series of mono-, di- and trihydroxylated 5β-cholanic acids which differ only in position and configuration of hydroxyl groups at positions C-3, C-7 and/or C-12, is reported. The C-24 free acids were derivatized to four different classes of UV-sensitive esters, i.e.,p-bromophenacyl (BP),m-methoxyphenacyl (MP), 4-nitrophthalimidemethyl (NPM) and 9-anthrylmethyl (AM) esters, and chromatographed on two, variants of C18 reversed-phase columns (Nova-Pak C18 and Zorbax ODS) with methanol-water systems as mobile phase. Separation efficiency and elution order of some isomeric pairs were influenced by both the structure of the C-24 ester groups and the nature of the columns used. Excellent chromatographic properties were found for those derivatives, particularly for the NPM esters.  相似文献   

Saturated, monoenoic and dienoic wax esters, C26−C40, have been synthesized from even-numbered fatty alcohols and acids. In homologous series of saturated esters, the increments of melting points follow a regular trend except for those esters which have an acid moiety two carbon atoms shorter than the alcohol moiety. These wax esters have melting points higher than interpolation would predict. Monoenoic wax esters with the double bond in the alcohol chain have melting points about 10 C higher than their isomers with the double bond in the acid chain.  相似文献   

Wax esters, isolated fromTetrahymena pyriformis, have been found to contain 45% branched chain alcohols and 76% branched chain fatty acids. No esters of tetrahymanol or of sterols were found.  相似文献   

Mixtures of resin acids from tall oil distillation products and from naturally occurring rosins (colophony) were separated on WCOT glass capillary columns coated with SE 30, FFAP, DEGS and BDS, and the resin acids were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In contrast to previous investigations, the identified diterpene acids are characterized by Kovats index values. These retention values are correlated with the different polarity of the stationary phase. The advantages of columns coated with FFAP for the separation of crude and distilled tall oil and fatty acid samples are discussed. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Erich Ziegler at his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) of ethylene oxide adducts of fatty alcohols is carried out after conversion of the alcohols to aetate esters. This conversion permits detection of higher mol wt compounds. Separate peaks for adducts with up to 13 units of ethylene oxide are obtained for a product derived from dodecyl alcohol. The procedure is used to follow the course of a molecular distillation of an adduct prepared from hexadecyl alcohol and an example is also shown for an adduct derived from a mixture of dodecyl and tetradecyl alcohols. Presented at the AOCS Meeting in Minneapolis, 1963.  相似文献   

A method is described for the chromatographic separation of long-chain fatty nitriles and long-chain acid amides on a cyanopropyl silicone column. We found that better separations were obtained for these compounds using a cyano column than with any column previously reported. Formerly Armak Company.  相似文献   

The accurate analysis of complex fats and oils often requires combining data from multiple GC separations, fractionation by LC prior to GC analysis, and identifying fatty acids or confirming their identities by mass spectrometry and synthetic reference materials. Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography markedly increases the number of resolved fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in a single separation experiment by combining the separations of two capillary columns. The addition of a capillary reducer in front of the second capillary column provides unique separation patterns and structural information for fatty acids based on simple elution rules.  相似文献   

Column chromatography on silver ion-saturated Amberlyst XN 1010 cation exchange resin gave very good separation of a mixture of methyl 12-hydroxy-cis-andtrans-9-octadecenoates and of methylthreo-12, 13-dihydroxy-cis- andtrans-9-octadecenoates. Comparison of the retention volumes of nonhydroxy, monohydroxy, and dihydroxy saturated and monoenoic methyl esters and of dienoic methyl esters shows that the hydroxy group interacts with the column packing to slow passage of the compound through the column, although the effect of a hydroxy group is less than that of atrans double bond. The effects of the hydroxy groups are additive; the ratio of retention volumes of dihydroxy ester to monohydroxy ester is slightly larger that that of monohydroxy ester to nonhydroxy ester. The retention volume of a cis monoenoic ester is equal to that of a hydroxytrans monoenoic ester and that of a hydroxycis monoenoic ester is equal to that of a dihydroxytrans monoenoic ester.  相似文献   

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