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The impact of water availability on the yield and on the chemical composition in the skins of cv Tempranillo grapes at different phases of berry growth was studied over a 2 year period by determining changes in berry weight, °Brix, titratable acidity, pH and different phenolic compounds. The evolution of phenolic compounds during berry growth followed similar patterns to those reported by previous investigators. Over the 2 year study, concentrations of total phenols and total tannins in the skins were always higher for the non-irrigated than for the irrigated vines, though the differences were not significant on some sampling dates. Total anthocyanin concentrations in 1992 were significantly higher in the non-irrigated than in the irrigated grapes, except at véraison and harvest. In contrast, in 1993, concentrations were higher in the non-irrigated grapes on the first three sampling dates and in the irrigated grapes on the last three sampling dates, but with significant differences only on day 136 after budbreak. In the first year, anthocyanin concentrations for the non-irrigated grapes were higher than for the irrigated grapes, except at harvest, though the differences at harvest were not significant. However, in the second year, concentrations in the berries from the irrigated vines were significantly higher on most sampling dates. In both years, concentrations of the five anthocyanins at harvest were higher for the irrigated treatment, the treatment that produced higher berry weights and crop yields. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present article reports the anthocyanin content in the berry skin and wine of the Italian red grape cultivar Aglianico (clone VCR11 grafted onto 1103 Paulsen), one of the most ancient vines and famous for its deep‐red colour. Anthocyanins were extracted from frozen berry skin in an acidified methanol solution. The extraction mixtures, monitored for 120 h, were analysed by high‐performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The extraction from berry skin of delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin appeared to be a time‐independent process, whereas the concentration of peonidin increased linearly with time. Peonidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside was transferred from skin more slowly than petunidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside and malvidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside. The anthocyanin composition of the resulting wine showed that the total anthocyanin content was about one‐tenth of the corresponding berry skin content. The ratio acetyl/coumaroyl anthocyanins in the wine was sharply higher than the value in berry skin (0.85 and 0.10, respectively), indicating an enrichment of acetyl derivatives in the wine. CONCLUSION: Levels of single anthocyanins in wine were not always correlated with those detected in grapes, as they were affected by winemaking. The high values of some anthocyanins in Aglianico wine could ameliorate its quality, increasing the chromatic properties, aging stability and product acceptance. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen (N) supply on biomass distribution as well as N effects on NO3"assimilation, were examined in two-year-old graftlings of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on five rootstocks. Whole-plant biomass in all graftlings more than doubled with increased N supply in solution from 0.25 to 8 mM. Whole plant biomass was also affected by rootstock genotype, but to a lesser extent than by N supply. Biomass allocation to roots declined with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, but the magnitude of that response varied with rootstock genotype. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves increased with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, whereas root NRA increased only up to 1 mM N supply, dropping markedly with additional N. NRA in leaves was one to two orders of magnitude higher than NRA in roots - a difference that increased steadily with increased N supply. By implication, grapevine leaves have a much higher capacity for NO3-- reduction than do grapevine roots, and any contribution by roots to whole-vine NO3-- assimilation declines even further as NO3-- availability increases.  相似文献   

Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) possess health-promoting effects attributed to their supply of a wide variety of bioactive phenolics. Juice and skin fractions of 4 varieties of table grapes: Red Globe, Crimson Seedless, Autumn Royal, and Ribier were prepared to determine and compare their total phenolics content, antioxidant capacity (DPPH, FRAP, and ORAC), anthocyanins, and specific phenolics (caffeic acid, gallic acid, resveratrol, and catechin) content, since a series of positive health benefits are expected from the intake of any of these fractions. Higher amounts of total phenolics and antioxidant capacity were observed in the skin fractions (P < 0.05). Blue grapes (Autumn Royal and Ribier) exhibited higher phenolics content and antioxidant capacity (P < 0.05) than red grapes. The most abundant phenolic compound observed was catechin (P < 0.05). Significant correlations between the antioxidant capacity and total phenolics were observed in grape juice and skin fractions. Autumn Royal juice provides a very high amount of phenolics, anthocyanins, and exhibits the highest antioxidant capacity, offering the best health promoting properties compared with the other grape varieties studied. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Grapes possess health-promoting effects attributed to their supply of a wide variety of bioactive phenolics. Grape juice made with blue grapes (Autumn Royal, Ribier) exhibit higher phenolics content and antioxidant capacity than juice elaborated with red grapes (Red Globe, Crimson Seedless). The skin is a good source of phenolics and has a high antioxidant capacity. Specific health-promoting phenolics are more abundant in blue grapes, mainly in their skin fraction, which should not be discarded.  相似文献   

以大兴安岭地区野生笃斯越橘成果为原料,通过清除DPPH·能力、清除OH·能力、清除ABTS+·能力以及FRAP法测定总还原能力,对笃斯越桔粗提物在不同条件下的抗氧活性进行分析,实验结果表明,笃斯越橘花色苷提取物在pH1时表现出较好的抗氧化能力,其后随pH升高,各指标抗氧化活性有明显下降,但在清除DPPH·能力中,pH5时抗氧化活性出现明显升高,大于8后无法判断;在清除OH·能力中,pH5、10处出现峰值;清除ABTS+·能力中,pH8、10处有明显升高;在FRAP法测定总还原能力中,pH7、9处有明显峰值出现。笃斯越橘花色苷粗提物随温度的升高,抗氧化活性均有一定的下降,但在FRAP法测总还原能力中,当pH大于7后,随pH的升高,经过100℃水浴后的粗提物抗氧化活性逐渐升高,高于60℃及80℃。   相似文献   

Timing of winter pruning (early July versus mid‐August) and the application of hydrogen cyanamide were used to manipulate the time of budburst in a population of spur‐pruned, 13‐year‐old Vitis vinifera L. Cabernet Sauvignon vines grown in central Victoria. Delaying pruning by six weeks delayed budburst by an average of four days. This extended the duration of budburst for the entire population, thus, exposing bursting shoots to a greater range of temperature conditions. Flowers per inflorescence and bunches per shoot were estimated by destructively sampling 300 inflorescences prior to anthesis from shoots of known bursting date. Pruning time did not significantly affect flowers per inflorescence. However, across the entire population of inflorescences sampled, flowers per inflorescence was weakly correlated with daily maximum air temperature on the day of budburst, daily mean soil temperature on the day of budburst and date of budburst (P < 0.001, Adjusted R2= 3.6%, 3.7%, 4.5% respectively). Inflorescences had fewer flowers on later‐bursting shoots and also as temperatures on the day of budburst increased. More of the variance in flowers per inflorescence was accounted for by the number of inflorescences on the shoot (P < 0.001, Adj. R2= 17.4%) and the position of the inflorescence relative to other inflorescences on the same shoot, i.e. lower of two, upper of two or sole (P < 0.001, Adj. R2= 26.1%). Average flowers per inflorescence declined in the order lower of two > upper of two > sole. The best regression model included the position of the inflorescence relative to other inflorescences on the shoot and the date of budburst (P < 0.001), but this still accounted for only 29.2% of the total variance in flowers per inflorescence. Mean flowers per inflorescence was significantly (P < 0.05) and substantially (97% for back‐transformed means) higher for inflorescences on two‐inflorescence shoots than for inflorescences on single inflorescence shoots. This suggests that conditions during the previous spring that favour the initiation of uncommitted inflorescence primordia (i.e. high temperature and adequate light) also precondition inflorescences to higher flower numbers.  相似文献   

This work reports the adsorption of anthocyanins by the cell walls of different strains of Saccharomyces during the production of red wine from Vitis vinifera L. cv Graciano grapes. The anthocyanin derivative contents of the yeast cell walls were substantially different to those of their corresponding wines. Cinnamoyl derivatives (6-p-coumaroyl and 6-caffeoyl) were strongly adsorbed while vitisins (adducts of pyruvic acid and acetaldehyde) were weakly adsorbed. The mean total anthocyanin concentration of the wines was 507.64 mg L?1 with the following distribution: 3-glucosides (3G), 82.2%; vitisins, 0.97%; 6-acetyl derivatives, 7.44%; 6-caffeoyl derivatives, 1.81%; and 6-p-coumaroyl derivatives, 7.54%. A mean of 18.57 mg of anthocyanins were adsorbed by the lees corresponding to 1 L of wine; this quantity was distributed: 3G, 52.60%; vitisins, 0.15%; 6-acetyl derivatives, 4.06%; 6-caffeoyl derivatives, 6.61%; and 6-p-coumaroyl derivatives, 36.58%. Large differences were seen between the different yeast strains examined with respect to the quantities of anthocyanins adsorbed. The mean adsorption percentage was 3.67%, but this varied between 1.60% (strain 3VA) and 5.85% (strain 9CV). The adsorption percentage of 6-p-coumaroyl derivates for strain 3VA (7.61%) was fourfold less than that of 9CV (28.37%). Strains 2EV and 3VA showed no vitisin adsorption.  相似文献   

Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) are a major fruit crop in the world. Grapes seem to confer health benefits due to their antioxidant activity. We have evaluated the antioxidant potential of 11 grapes varieties from India and nearby Asian countries. The assays employed involve different levels of antioxidant action like ferric reducing antioxidant power, radical scavenging by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, ferrylmyoglobin/2,2'-azobis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. The total phenolic and flavonoids contents were also estimated. Our study indicates that cv. Mango is the most potent followed by Sharad Seedless. Ethanolic extracts were found to be more effective than aqueous extracts. Cv. Sharad Seedless, Mango, and Manikchaman also had high ORAC values. Their HPLC analysis showed the presence of various antioxidant polyphenols. In conclusion our studies identified some varieties of grapes with high antioxidant activities and showed that their high antioxidant potential may be due to their phenolic and flavonoid contents.  相似文献   

不同灌溉量对设施红地球葡萄生理特性及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实行节水灌溉和提高红地球葡萄的质量和产量,在高寒干旱地区设施栽培条件下各生长期设置了不同灌溉量试验.结果表明,与传统漫灌方式(对照)相比,果实成熟时各处理中的叶片生理指标和果实品质表现不同,其中处理4的叶绿素含量、单粒重、穗重和可溶性固形物含量相对最高,与对照相比分别增长了20.63%、16.61%、16.62%~,48.92%;脯氨酸、丙二醛含量、SOD、POD、CAT活性相对最低,与对照相比降低了42.11%、36.09%、21.11%、49.76%和39.44%.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Partial rootzone drying (PRD) is an irrigation system that permits better control of vegetative growth without reducing fruit yield. However, little is known about how grapevine reproductive development is regulated when irrigated under PRD. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the relationship between abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PAs) in leaves and berries during ripening, and how hormonal balance is affected under different irrigation regimes.
Methods and Results: The study was carried out using container-grown Superior Seedless grapevines with a split-root system and grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Three irrigation treatments were imposed: control (well watered), and two forms of deficit irrigation – PRD and sustained deficit irrigation (SDI). PRD plants have higher yield and berry size than SDI vines. At the onset of veraison, PRD berries have higher ABA, free PAs and free to bound PA ratio than other treatments.
Conclusions: Although the restriction of vegetative growth in PRD might be partly a response to the volume of water applied and therefore similar to a SDI response, our results suggest that specific hormonal factors may explain the effects on reproductive growth and yield.
Significance of the Study: The study demonstrates that changes induced in berry ABA during PRD conditions could be counterbalanced by changes in PA metabolism so that berry size and yield are maintained.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hydroponic culture was used to investigate the effect of NaCl concentrations on the growth, nutrient uptake, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Salvia officinalis L. leaves. The antioxidant capacity of the methanolic extract of S. officinalis was evaluated by using 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging test and β‐carotene‐linoleic acid bleaching assay. Physiological and biochemical parameters of S. officinalis were assessed after 4 weeks of salt treatment with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mmol L?1 NaCl. RESULTS: Plant growth exhibited a reduction of 61% at 100 mmol L?1 NaCl. Assessment of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ and water contents of shoots and roots showed that S. officinalis is able to regulate Na+ concentration by active compartmentation in vacuoles. Salvia officinalis phenolics were increased in response to salinity at the threshold of 75 mmol L?1 NaCl. This herb was also found to be able to achieve important DPPH? quenching activity and to inhibit the β‐carotene‐linoleic acid bleaching notably enhanced by salt treatment. It is interesting to highlight the correlation between the phenolic and antioxidant activity, suggesting the involvement of these compounds in this activity. CONCLUSION: Salvia officinalis treated with 75 mmol L?1 NaCl constitutes a potential source for production of secondary metabolites useful in several applications. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为充分开发利用越橘属植物资源,确定适宜采收期,分别采收绿白期、粉熟期、亮蓝期、后熟期的越橘栽培品种"北春",对四个不同成熟期的果实进行花色苷含量及体外抗氧化活性研究,并对越橘果实中糖酸含量与花色苷含量进行了相关性分析。结果表明,随着果实的成熟,花色苷含量逐渐增加,且在亮蓝期达到最高150.54mg/100g;果实的花色苷含量与糖酸比呈正相关;4个不同成熟期的"北春"果实花色苷均有良好的抗氧化活性,且花色苷的抗氧化活性与其含量呈正相关,亮蓝期"北春"越橘的还原能力、抗脂质过氧化能力、清除羟自由基能力、清除超氧阴离子自由基能力和清除DPPH自由基能力均最高,且其抗脂质过氧化能力、清除羟自由基的能力均高于抗坏血酸。  相似文献   

Fruit bud initiation in Sultana is more sensitive to climatic factors than fruit bud initiation in other cultivars. This paper considers historical findings regarding the influence of light and temperature on fruit bud initiation and fruitfulness in view of modern Sultana vineyard management practices.
Past results were reviewed and confirmed by experiments in which variability in vine size and structure was introduced by grafting and modifications of trellis design. Ramsey-grafted vines were consistently less fruitful than own-rooted Sultana, possibly because of a more shaded canopy interior due to greater vegetative growth of vines grafted to Ramsey rootstock. Carbohydrate reserves of node and internode tissue in late winter between node 2 and 18 followed a similar trend along the cane as fruitfulness in the following spring.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the total phenolic extracts and antioxidant activity and anthocyanins of varieties of the investigated plants. These plants include oregano, thyme, terebinth, and pomegranate. The optimum extraction conditions including temperature and solvent of the extraction process itself were investigated. Total phenolic and anthocyanin extracts were examined according to Folin-Ciocalteu assay and Rabino and Mancinelli method, respectively. The effect of different extracting solvents and temperatures on extracts of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins were studied. Plant samples were evaluated for their antioxidant chemical activity by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazl assay, to determine their potential as a source of natural antioxidant. Results showed that all tested plants exhibited appreciable amounts of phenolic compounds. The methanolic extract (60 °C) of sour pomegranate peel contained the highest phenolic extract (4952.4 mg/100 g of dry weight). Terebinth green seed had the lowest phenolic extract (599.4 mg/100 g of dry weight). Anthocyanins ranged between 3.5 (terebinth red seed) and 0.2 mg/100 g of dry material (thyme). Significant effect of different extracting solvents and temperatures on total phenolics and anthocyanin extracts were found. The methanol and 60 °C of extraction conditions found to be the best for extracting phenolic compounds. The distilled water and 60 °C extraction conditions found to be the best for extracting anthocyanin.  相似文献   

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