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BACKGROUND: Dry‐cured ham quality from three different Iberian × Duroc genotypes was studied: GEN1, Iberian × Duroc1; GEN2, Duroc1 × Iberian; GEN3, Duroc2 × Iberian. GEN1 and GEN2 are reciprocal crosses, while the difference between GEN2 and GEN3 is the Duroc sire line. The line Duroc1 (DU1) was selected for the manufacture of dry‐cured meat products, whereas the line Duroc2 (DU2) was selected for meat production with low carcass fat. RESULTS: Dry‐cured hams from all genotypes had similar chemical composition. However, intramuscular fat of dry‐cured hams from GEN3 was more unsaturated than that from GEN2, while GEN1 was intermediate. Lipid oxidation, measured as 2‐thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances (TBARS) and hexanal content, was similar between genotypes. The colour of hams was affected by genotype; hams from GEN2 showed higher lightness (CIE L*), while those from GEN3 had a less intense colour (lower a* and C*). Texture measured instrumentally did not differ between genotypes; however, in the sensory analysis, panellists considered hams from GEN3 more fibrous, while those from GEN2 were considered juicier. Hams from GEN3 were also perceived as saltier and more acid. CONCLUSION: Genotype affected the quality of Iberian hams, with those from GEN3 being of lower quality, and this genotype was considered less suitable for the manufacture of Iberian dry‐cured ham. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Effects of the cultivation period of sweet potato on the sensory quality of imo‐shochu,a Japanese traditional spirit 下载免费PDF全文
Kayu Okutsu Yumiko Yoshizaki Mai Kojima Kazuya Yoshitake Hisanori Tamaki Takamine Kazunori 《Journal of the Institute of Brewing》2016,122(1):168-174
Imo‐shochu is a Japanese traditional spirit made from sweet potatoes. Characteristic volatile compounds in imo‐shochu are mainly derived from the sweet potato and its flavour significantly depends on the quality and cultivar of sweet potato used. Thus, the effects of the cultivation period of sweet potatoes on sensory characteristics and composition of volatile compounds of imo‐shochu were investigated. Sweet potatoes (cv. Koganesengan) used in this study were harvested at 120, 150 or 180 days after planting, and each sample was used to prepare imo‐shochu. The imo‐shochu samples were evaluated by eight panellists in a blind study, who ranked them on the basis of various odour and taste attributes. Rank sums were calculated and data were analysed using the Friedman test. The compositions of the volatile compounds in the imo‐shochu samples were analysed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Sensory evaluations showed that a longer cultivation period of the sweet potatoes enhanced the floral aroma and characteristic taste of imo‐shochu. In addition, imo‐shochu prepared with the sample cultivated for 150 days was evaluated to have a sweeter taste than that prepared with the other samples. The GC‐MS analysis showed that imo‐shochu prepared with the sample cultivated for 180 days contained a lower concentration of monoterpene alcohols, but higher concentrations of β‐damascenone, rose oxide, and fatty acid esters than the imo‐shochu prepared with the sample cultivated for 120 days. These differences in the composition of the volatile compounds affected the sensory qualities of the imo‐shochu. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling 相似文献
Chen MZ Trinnaman L Bardsley K St Hilaire CJ Da Costa NC 《Journal of food science》2011,76(7):C1032-C1038
North American peppermint oils are widely regarded as some of the most superior peppermint oils commercially available. Amongst them is Yakima double-cut peppermint oil (Mentha piperita L.). It has an aroma described as strong, refreshing, minty, slightly creamy, and very herbaceous with some of the most desirable flavor notes among peppermint oils. The peppermint is grown in the Yakima Valley of Washington State, USA. As one of the most northerly grown peppermints with longer days, it is unique as there are 2 harvests of the mint leaves in one season. For this study, samples of fresh and dried (hay) leaves were collected from both harvests; 1st cut, July and 2nd cut, September. Steam-distilled oils were produced from each harvest and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to give detailed profiles. The aroma and taste sensory attributes of each oil were evaluated. In addition, menthyl formate has previously been reported only once in the literature, but not as definitively as required by current flavor-regulatory bodies for use as a natural flavoring ingredient. It was conclusively reported in these peppermint oils. 相似文献
Genotype × environment interaction on tocochromanol and plastochromanol‐8 content in seeds of doubled haploids obtained from F1 hybrid black × yellow seeds of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) 下载免费PDF全文
Aleksander Siger Michał Michalak Justyna Lembicz Małgorzata Nogala‐Kałucka Teresa Cegielska‐Taras Laurencja Szała 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2018,98(9):3263-3270
Laura A Ojeda‐Real Philippe Lobit Raúl Cárdenas‐Navarro Oscar Grageda‐Cabrera Rodolfo Farías‐Rodríguez Eduardo Valencia‐Cantero Lourdes Macías‐Rodríguez 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2009,89(6):935-939
BACKGROUND: Nitrogen is an indispensable element for fruit metabolism and low or excessive N levels can affect the accumulation of the most important components that contribute to the flavour and aroma of the fruit. Among them, sugars, acids and volatile compounds can be considered quality markers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization on these quality markers of the fruit at two harvest dates. RESULTS: Strawberry plants were grown in a hydroponic system and N was applied as Ca(NO3)2 at concentrations of 0.3, 3 and 6 mmol L?1 in the nutrient solution. Total soluble solids, soluble carbohydrates, amino acids and organic acids and volatile compounds of the fruit were analyzed. The fruits produced at 3 and 6 mmol L?1 N had higher contents of esters, soluble carbohydrates and amino acids. The hexanal content increased with the 6 mmol L?1 dose. The effect of fertilization was more marked at the second harvest date. CONCLUSION: The availability of N in strawberry plants affected the accumulation of quality markers. The fruits expected to have the best flavour and aroma, with both high levels of soluble carbohydrate and esters and low levels of hexanal, were obtained with 3 mmol L?1 nitrate in the solution. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Volatile aroma and sensory analysis of black raspberry wines fermented by different yeast strains 下载免费PDF全文
Robus coreanus Miquel is a small berry fruit used for Korean black raspberry (KBR) wine‐making. Twelve different yeast strains were investigated by laboratory‐scale fermentation to develop a wine with a high flavour quality. Volatile aroma compounds from the wines were analysed using headspace–solid phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and sensory evaluation was performed to evaluate the flavour characteristics. The volatile aroma compounds that mostly contributed to the flavour of KBR wines were those related to fruity (esters) and floral (terpenes) aromas. Fifteen out of the 67 identified volatile compounds showed higher odour activity values than other compounds in the wines, and these compounds were considered as important contributors to the final aromas of the wine. Additionally, the KBR wine fermented by the M1 yeast strain had the highest sensory preference because of higher fruity and floral aroma characters compared with other wines. In addition to the M1 strain, the other yeast strains that produced favourable sensory characteristics included Enoferm CSM, Uvaferm VRB, Lalvin ICV GRE, Lalvin ICV Opale and LevureSeche Active. Of these strains, the M1 strain produced a particularly excellent black raspberry wine, and thus could be applied for further large‐scale production of black raspberry wines. It is also expected that this work will expedite research on the production of high‐quality black raspberry wines with beneficial physicochemical properties, functionality and good sensory characteristics. Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling 相似文献
采集全国28家企业的60份普通挂面样品,测定其理化特性、烹调特性、感官质量,分析挂面产品质量现状,比较不同小麦产区间挂面质量的差异,研究质量要素间的关系。结果表明,挂面理化特性变异较大,感官质量整体较好,色泽和食味的差异是挂面感官差异的主要方面。与南方冬麦区相比,北方冬麦区的挂面含水率较低,色泽偏黄,煮后面条的黏性、食味及总分较高。在一定范围内(色泽b*值≤18.06、烹调吸水率≤197.2%、煮面10 min后鲜重≤27.4 g),熟面条的色泽、硬度和黏性评分分别随着挂面b*、吸水率和煮面10 min后鲜重的提高而改善,但超过该范围会对面条评分产生负向作用。挂面灰分含量和烹调吸水率对色泽评分有显著影响,可以用来预测面条色泽。色泽L*均匀性、煮面10 min后鲜重和灰分含量分别与面条硬度、弹性和光滑性评分呈负相关关系,影响显著。理化和烹调特性中的色泽a*值对面条感官总分影响最显著。 相似文献
Italian and Spanish commercial tomato sauces for pasta dressing: study of sensory and head‐space profiles by Flash Profiling and solid‐phase microextraction‐gas chomatography‐mass spectrometry 下载免费PDF全文
Alessandra Bendini Anna Vallverdú‐Queralt Enrico Valli Rosa Palagano Rosa Maria Lamuela‐Raventos Tullia Gallina Toschi 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2017,97(10):3261-3267
Effects of preharvest ultraviolet‐C irradiation on fruit phytochemical profiles and antioxidant capacity in three strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars 下载免费PDF全文
Zhichun Xie Marie Thérèse Charles Jinshuan Fan Denis Charlebois Shahrokh Khanizadeh Daniel Rolland Dominique Roussel Martine Deschênes Claudine Dubé 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2015,95(14):2996-3002
A mechanistic modelling approach to understand 1‐MCP inhibition of ethylene action and quality changes during ripening of apples 下载免费PDF全文
Sunny George Gwanpua Bert E Verlinden Maarten LATM Hertog Bart M Nicolai Annemie H Geeraerd 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2017,97(11):3802-3813
The volatile components of industrially produced spirits from three unifloral honeys of campanilla morada (Ipomoea crassicaulis [Benth.] B.L. Robinson), citrus (Citrus spp. L.) and romerillo de costa (Viguiera dentata [Cav.] Spreng.) were studied by combined sensory and instrumental techniques. GC and GC‐MS analyses of the isolated extracts led to the detection of 205 volatile compounds, 150 of them were positively identified. In general, the most abundant classes were saturated alcohols, ethyl esters of saturated fatty acids and terpenes in all samples. Relative aroma intensity of individual volatile components was evaluated by aroma extract dilution analysis of solvent extracts, by gas chromatography‐olfactometry and by odour activity values. Results indicated that 11 compounds: ethanol, ethyl esters of isopentanoic, hexanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids, 2‐phenylethyl acetate, (E)‐β‐damascenone, hotrienol, decanal, methyl anthranilate and ethyl (E)‐cinnamate were the most potent odorants in the honey spirits. 相似文献