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太阳能工业热利用的潜力很大,近期就可收到较明显的经济效果,应当引起人们的重视。据估算,美国工业用热耗能约占美国全部能源消耗量的43%。如果在工业中充分利用由太阳能集热器提供的200℃左右的热量,那么就可节省全部工业用热所需常规燃料的20%。  相似文献   

●美国太阳能研究所计划于1991年9月变成美国国家实验所,这将进一步提高该所的威望。美国太阳能研究所的新名称是“国家可再生能源实验所”(National Renewable Energy Laboratory或NREL)。●路兹工业公司继续和它的主要债权人谈判,但在  相似文献   

美国能源部官员莫尔斯在今年3月7日至9日召开的太阳能工业协会爱尔林顿年会上,对太阳能热技术的发展、作了一个综述。他说,家用热水器工业在设备性能方面,比11年前极端不利的开始阶段,已经有了非常大的进步。现在产品的实际性能已经非常可靠。根据太阳能评价和鉴定公司(SRCC)的测定,1987和1988年家用热水器的不合格率仅为千分之六和千分之七,而1976和1980年则为250‰,1982年为30‰。早期热水器存在的控制器问题已经解决。设计手册和安装指导书很快就要出版。另外,住宅建造者全国协会正在制订被动太阳能建筑指导书,以帮助人们把广大的住宅重新设计为被动太阳能住宅。  相似文献   

欣欣向荣的北京天普太阳能工业有限公司阳光让普天下的人民同享太阳的恩惠,这是北京天普太阳能工业有限公司全体职工的心愿,也是天普公司办企业的宗旨。北京天普太阳能工业有限公司是一个专业生产全玻璃真空集热管和太阳能热水器的中日合资企业,自1993年成立以来,...  相似文献   

正1 基本信息产品名称:工业中温太阳能蒸汽机组规格型号:JH-ZQ JH-RS产品名称:工业中温太阳能热水机组产品类型:新能源和可再生能源利用类生产企业:极航节能科技(上海)有限公司2 企业介绍极航节能科技(上海)有限公司成立于2014年11月18日,是一家专注太阳能光热工业应用开发——中温太阳能清洁供热机组设备(工业中温太阳能蒸汽机组、工业中温太阳能热水机组、智能控制设备)的研发、设计、制造于一体的高新技术企业。公司生产基地占地6 000 m~2,研发人员4名,其中本科1名、大专3名,外聘专家3名,生产工人5名。公司拥有发明专利1项、实用新型2项、软著9项。  相似文献   

美国最近发明了一种新型熔盐太阳能发电方法。它是将熔镉盐沿墙壁分级排列,使太阳光线直接照射熔焐盐,从而将太阳能转化为电能。这种太阳能发电方法操作简单,能量转化效率高;没有热量从管中损失,操作温度极限值也较大。这种方法所使用的吸热材料是碳酸盐类物质。据乔治州工业技术研究所的太阳能研究中心介绍,这  相似文献   

李新秋  徐光 《新能源》1998,20(11):24-33
综述了太阳能热发电及工业供热技术的现状,发展方向和我国的研究现状。  相似文献   

太阳能热发电及工业供热技术(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李新秋  徐光 《新能源》1998,20(12):1-6,11
综述了太阳能热发电及工业供热技术的现状,发展方向和我国的研究现状。  相似文献   

太阳能中温工业热利用王德录目前,国内外推广应用的热水器,绝大多数只能提供60—70℃供生活用的热水,使太阳能热利用范围受到限制。据估算,我国工业用热耗能约占全国能源消耗量的40—50%,如果在工业中充分利用由太阳能提供的200℃左右的中温热能,那么就...  相似文献   

海山  栾春娟 《太阳能》2012,(23):6-13
比较分析了美国、德国、日本等国家的太阳能光伏产业法律政策。笔者认为,中国太阳能光伏产业发展政策,应借鉴美国、德国、日本和其他国家的先进经验。建立系统的太阳能光伏产业发展政策体系,制定相应的经济激励政策,建立市场强制保障制度,同时完善太阳能光伏产业发展的配套措施。这将对中国太阳能光伏产业发展政策的制定具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

An assessment of the potential for solar energy applications within U.K. industry has been made, using a disaggregated breakdown of energy consumption in the eight industrial sectors by fuel and end-use, and taking account of solar collector performance under U.K. climatic conditions. Solar contributions of 35 per cent of process boiler heat up to a temperature of 80°C and 10 per cent in the 80–120°C range are considered feasible, along with 35 per cent of non-industrial water heating. After employing energy conservation techniques currently more cost-effective than solar systems, an additional 3.5 per cent of U.K. primary energy expended in manufacturing industry (excluding iron and steel production) could be contributed by solar. This represents 1 per cent of the U.K. national primary energy demand. Improvements in collector efficiency, less costly interseasonal energy storage systems, and the changing pattern of U.K. industry could increase this percentage considerably.  相似文献   

Nuclear power and solar photovoltaic energy conversion often compete for policy support that governs economic viability. This paper compares current subsidization of the nuclear industry with providing equivalent support to manufacturing photovoltaic modules. Current U.S. indirect nuclear insurance subsidies are reviewed and the power, energy and financial outcomes of this indirect subsidy are compared to equivalent amounts for indirect subsidies (loan guarantees) for photovoltaic manufacturing using a model that holds economic values constant for clarity. The preliminary analysis indicates that if only this one relatively ignored indirect subsidy for nuclear power was diverted to photovoltaic manufacturing, it would result in more installed power and more energy produced by mid-century. By 2110 cumulative electricity output of solar would provide an additional 48,600 TWh over nuclear worth $5.3 trillion. The results clearly show that not only does the indirect insurance liability subsidy play a significant factor for nuclear industry, but also how the transfer of such an indirect subsidy from the nuclear to photovoltaic industry would result in more energy over the life cycle of the technologies.  相似文献   

There is little available information on sector-specific sales and employment impacts of a large-scale solar space and water heating industry. This study identifies those sectors of the economy which would be most affected by increased solar utilization and estimates the magnitude of the changes. The basic methodology involves augmenting an existing Input/Output table to include sectors reflecting solar technology. Data required to augment the matrix were obtained from questionnaires returned by existing firms involved in collector manufacture or solar space and water heating system sales. The augmented I/O matrix is inverted to generate a direct and indirect requirements matrix. The elements of this matrix estimate the changes in total sector output resulting from changes in final demand of other sectors. Estimates of final demand for solar heating systems by 1985 and projections of annual energy savings associated with solar installations to that time were obtained from existing studies. Using the computed direct and indirect requirements matrix and the assumed changes in the composition of final demand, estimates of changes in sales and employment were made for 131 sectors of the U.S. economy. It was determined that the sectors most affected by solar development will be those involved in electricity generation and the mining, refining, and fabrication of metals, especially copper. The proportionate changes in industry sales and employment are not expected to be very great. Only copper rolling and drawing is changed by as much as two percent. This finding suggests that the U.S. economy can accomodate an expanded use of solar heating without undue stress.  相似文献   

There will be a vigorous U.S. Photovoltaic (PV) program in 2000, despite the current turmoil and debate over the size and legitimate role of nearly every aspect of the Federal government. There are two fundamental reasons why there will still be an active Federal role in PV development in the 21st century. First, as the program and technology have progressed, the environmental and job creation potential of the PV industry are increasingly recognized as important to the nation's future. Second, Federal investment in research and development is necessary to counteract the private sector's tendency to under-invest in research and development.What will change is the emphasis and role of the Federal PV program, because the PV industry is changing. The U.S. government is no longer the principal customer of the PV industry, and research and development is more of an equal partnership between government and industry compared to 1974, when the terrestrial PV research program began. Today, industry revenues and markets are continuing to grow, while Federal R&D investments will remain relatively stable or contract between then and now. From 1994 to 1995 PV sales increased over 21 percent, from 70 MW to 84 MW, and are expected to continue along this trend. In contrast, from FY95 to FY96, the U.S. PV research budget dropped by roughly 31%. In spite of changes in the relative size of government and industry resources, the PV Program's strategic focus on technology validation, market conditioning, and joint ventures will continue into the year 2000 and beyond, but the relative share of resources and leadership in key areas will continue to shift toward industry.  相似文献   

Although coal remains the largest source of electricity in the U.S., a combination of factors is driving a decrease in profitability and employment in the coal-sector. Meanwhile, the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry is growing rapidly in the U.S. and generating many jobs that represent employment opportunities for laid off coal workers. In order to determine the viability of a smooth transition from coal to PV-related employment, this paper provides an analysis of the cost to retrain current coal workers for solar photovoltaic industry employment in the U.S. The current coal industry positions are determined, the skill sets are evaluated and the salaries are tabulated. For each type of coal position, the closest equivalent PV position is determined and then the re-training time and investment are quantified. These values are applied on a state-by-state basis for coal producing states employing the bulk of coal workers as a function of time using a reverse seniority retirement program for the current American fleet of coal-powered plants. The results show that a relatively minor investment in retraining would allow the vast majority of coal workers to switch to PV-related positions even in the event of the elimination of the coal industry.  相似文献   

This paper explores the current activities of the U.S. Photovoltaic (PV) Program to advance the technological development and commercialization of PV technologies. The U.S. PV Program assists industry to develop photovoltaic technology that will both provide competitive electricity generation and become an important contributor to the national and global energy mix. Under the Program's leadership, great strides have been made in PV technology in recent years—in materials, manufacturing processes and products. Important technological and economic challenges remain, however, and the PV Program is addressing these through a multifaceted technology development strategy, comprised of strategic research and development, technology development, and systems engineering and applications.  相似文献   

Like many other sub-tropical deserts in the world, the southwestern U.S. has high rates of solar insolation. However, meaningful development there, especially in solar-rich Arizona, has been slow. This article addresses why this is so by concentrating on one critical contributor to success—workforce development. To identify shortcomings and needed changes, we used a survey of the significant solar firms operating in Arizona to ask three questions: Does a gap exist between existing and desired levels of solar engineering education and training? What skills should new graduates possess when entering the solar energy workforce? What course of study is considered important in the education of solar energy employees? We found that a stronger solar economy in Arizona will not depend, at least initially, on advanced graduate training in engineering, but on a broad-based Bachelor's level degree program that complements engineering studies with a strong emphasis on verbal and written communication, as well as business and teaming abilities. Non-technical skills and project management are at least as valuable as solar training. Given the high public awareness of Arizona's solar resource, a stronger solar future there should help stimulate similar progress elsewhere, both in the U.S. and abroad.  相似文献   

This work investigates the feasibility of renewable energy housing development in the U.S. using wind power and solar thermal systems to attain zero net energy consumption. The over all objective was to determine how the wind power and solar thermal system designs and economics differ with various climates, wind and solar resources, energy prices, and state incentives, such as net-metering. Five U.S. cities, one in each of the five climate zones, were selected for this study based on their potential for wind power. A zero net energy housing design tool was developed in order to analyze and compare various system designs. The energy performance and economics of the designs were compared for various sizes of housing development, for seven turbine models, and selected heating systems. The results suggest that while there are some economical options for wind powered zero net energy housing developments, they are generally more expensive (except in the warmest climate zone) than housing with natural gas heating. In all of the cases, the economies of scale for large-scale wind turbines gave more of an economic advantage than net-metering programs gave small- and medium-scale wind turbines.  相似文献   

This paper examines the regional, technical, and economic performance of residential rooftop solar water heating (SWH) technology in the U.S. It focuses on the application of SWH to consumers in the U.S. currently using electricity for water heating, which currently uses over 120 billion kWh per year. The variation in electrical energy savings due to water heating use, inlet water temperature and solar resource is estimated and applied to determine the regional “break-even” cost of SWH where the life-cycle cost of SWH is equal the life-cycle energy savings. For a typical residential consumer, a SWH system will reduce water heating energy demand by 50–85%, or a savings of 1600–2600 kWh per year. For the largest 1000 electric utilities serving residential customers in the United States as of 2008, this corresponds to an annual electric bill savings range of about $100 to over $300, reflecting the large range in residential electricity prices. This range in electricity prices, along with a variety of incentives programs corresponds to a break-even cost of SWH in the United States varying by more than a factor of five (from less than $2250/system to over $10,000/system excluding Hawaii and Alaska), despite a much smaller variation in the amount of energy saved by the systems (a factor of approximately one and a half). We also consider the relationships between collector area and technical performance, SWH price and solar fraction (percent of daily energy requirements supplied by the SWH system) and examine the key drivers behind break-even costs.  相似文献   

V. C. Sharma 《Energy》1980,5(12):1257-1259
Solar energy will play a key role in direct energy conversion. The conversion efficiencies of a variety of silicon and GaAs solar cells are described. A cost comparison of silicon and GaAs hybrid solar systems shows current average costs of 4.4 ¢ and 6.75 ¢ per kWh in the U.S.A. and 11 ¢ per kWh in Nigeria.

A brief account of current developments and future prospects is given for integrated tandem solar cells (ITSC) and for electrochemical solar cells.  相似文献   

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