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结合柳江红花枢纽至石龙三江口Ⅱ级航道工程航道整治水下炸礁钻孔爆破实例,探讨施工中的关键技术、参数控制方法等问题。实践表明,该工程的水下炸礁钻孔爆破作业能够顺利落实到位,在安全、质量、效率等方面的表现均较好,水下炸礁爆破效果达到预期要求。  相似文献   

近年来,内河航道的船流密度非常大,对航道进行疏浚如采用干地法施工,不仅会使局部河段断流停航,还会导致施工成本和工期的大幅增加。本文提出了一套适用于我国东部沿海和长三角地区平原河道水下钻孔爆破的施工工艺,填补了国内水利水下钻孔爆破部分施工工艺的空白。  相似文献   

结合航道整治工程的施工特点,介绍了广西郁江老口枢纽临时航道整治工程水下炸礁的施工技术、施工参数计算及施工作业安全措施。  相似文献   

水下爆破地震效应的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据长江科学院在长江及珠江口附近浅海上进行的水下爆破试验实测振动资料,对水下工程爆破地面振动及水中建筑物振动的基本规律作了分析和总结,同时阐述了水击波及二次脉动引起振动的主要特性。  相似文献   

整体施工排架应用于近岸工程的后退式分区分块爆破及开挖方案,采用长臂反铲先行挖除爆区表层松渣及块石,岸上搭设整体排架后整体吊装至爆破区域,为轻型潜孔钻机水上钻孔及装药提供作业平台。文中论述了整体排架的适用条件、施工荷载及间排距设计、特殊结构设计及施工程序等,成功应用于赞比亚卡里巴北岸水电站扩机工程尾水围堰拆除,可供大型套管钻进设备及水上施工船舶无法进入的近岸工程开挖爆破施工参考。  相似文献   

张家元 《水力发电》1995,(11):11-12
羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站进水口水下爆破张家元(中国人民武装警察部队水电第三总队.成都,610036)羊湖电站进水口位于羊湖北岸距浪卡子县扎马龙村1.5km的山嘴上。进水口海拔4000多m,高寒缺氧,多年平均气压59080Pa,年平均缺氧量47.1%,多年...  相似文献   

花溪水库扩建工程泄洪隧洞水下岩塞爆破设计与施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贵阳市花溪水库扩建加高工程实施中,由于汛期连续降雨的原因,导致泄洪隧洞进口工作面淹没在水下深达9m,被迫停止施工。为尽快恢复进口的施工,决定采取泄洪隧洞水下岩塞爆破措施以利迅速降低库水位。通过周密的设计与精心施工,水下岩塞爆破得以顺利实施,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

阐述了U形砼板衬砌渠道作为一种节水灌溉技术,因其造价低、施工方便、结构合理、进度快、防渗效果好、使用寿命长、水流条件好、外表美观等优点,近年来得到广泛应用.并说明了以往渠道防渗多采用预制形式,根据近年来的工程实践,山区因其条件特殊,采用U形砼板衬砌渠道宜用现浇.  相似文献   

The underwater thermal glider utilizes ocean thermal energy to change its buoyancy, which enables it to ascend and descend. A Phase Change Material (PCM) as the working fluid inside the thermal engine tubes is sensitive to the surrounding seawater temperature, whose effects are different with the various displacements and gliding angles of the glider. In this paper, the effects of the displacement and the gliding angle on the performance of the thermal engine were studied numerically and experimentally. On this basis, the ways to eliminate the negative effect of a thermocline on the performance of the thermal engine were obtained. The results show that the displacement and gliding angle affect the transition time of the PCM. There exist the threshold values of the displacement and gliding angle for the normal work of thermal engine. There are two means of eliminating the negative effect of a thermocline on the performance of the thermal engine and improving glider performance: one is to increase the displacement, and the other is to decrease the absolute value of the gliding angle. There is also another better way to improve glider performance.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION In recent years, the solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations become more important as an integral component in the understanding, simulation, and design analysis of highly complex three-dimensional flow phenomena about complex configurations. An efficient and accurate flow solver is the key to developing a useful engineering tool for flow analysis. Over last several decades, many methods have been developed to solve the incompressible RANS equations. Among tho…  相似文献   

对渗渠工程设计的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了渗渠的适用条件,渗渠位置的选择,渗渠的布置及渗渠有关的设计、计算、施工等方面的问题。采用渗渠收集河床的潜流水给工业和城市生活供水,是一种充分利用水资源、降低水费成本的有效途径。  相似文献   

指出第二轮水电站大坝安全定期检查水下检查的依据和目的,介绍检查设备、检查成果的提供,可作为该轮水下检查的参照。并且,回顾了若干水下检查设备历年实际使用情况。  相似文献   

Solitary wave fission over an underwater step is numerically investigated. The numerical model is based on the enhanced Boussinesq equations, which appropriately represent both the nonlinearity and dispersivity of surface water waves. The finite difference method defined on the staggered grid in space with an implicit scheme for time stepping is employed for the numerical solution of the governing equations. It is demonstrated that Boussinesq type equations, though they are vertically integrated, can describe the details of the solitary wave fission process with very good accuracy. Numerical results of the reflected and transmitting wave heights, the number of solitons emitted from the transmitting wave and their amplitudes all agree very well with the analytical solution derived from KdV equation by virtue of a linear long wave approximation in the vicinity of the underwater step.  相似文献   

简要介绍了浙江省汤浦水库输水隧洞工程洞挖爆破的设计、施工及实施效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study of the high-speed gas jet of a rocket nozzle underwater was carried out using commercially available CFD software FLUENT with it‘s user-definedfunction. The volume of fluid technique based on finite volume method was adopted to solve the time dependent multiphase flow including a compressible phase, and the PISO algorithm was included. The computed results show that this problem was calculated successfully. The gas bubble behind the nozzle, and the wave structure existing in highly compressed gas in water were captured accurately.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONSyntheticApertureRadar (SAR)isanewre motesensingdetectionapproachtoenvironmentandresource .Itpossessesgoodrangeandazimuthreso lution ,thusproucingimagessimilartovisiblelightphotos.Comparedwithsuchremotesensingimagingtechniqueasoptics ,infrar…  相似文献   

The underwater acoustic field influenced by a selected ocean internal wave was computed using the Parabolic Equation (PE) method and split-step difference algorithm in this paper. Acoustic field is formed by sound source with different frequency covering the range of radiation noise of ships and submarines. Owing to the adoption of complex variables,sparse matrix, Gaussian source and analysis on the grid size.numerical results are achieved smoothly. The results show that internal wave‘s influence on underwater sound can‘t be neglected, especially for higher sound frequency. So it‘s necessary to take internal wave into account in identifying radiation noise of ships and submarines, namely for sound intensity, transmission loss and spectra shape.  相似文献   

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