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Conducted a prospective examination of the effects of naturally occurring partner support on smoking cessation maintenance with 125 newly abstinent female smokers (mean age 41.8 yrs). 123 of the Ss were married, and 2 were living with a partner. Six days after smoking cessation, Ss supplied demographic and smoking habit data and ratings of a variety of their own and their partners' attributes and behaviors. Factor analysis of partner ratings revealed a dominant factor, Partner Facilitation, which accounted for 74% of the common variance, encompassed both quitting-related and general interactions, and loaded on the following behaviors: problem solving, rewarding quitting, understanding, listening, and facilitating the enactment of coping and nonsmoking skills. Results indicate that when the Partner Facilitation factor was entered into a stepwise discriminant analysis with 19 other variables, it emerged as the primary predictor of smoking cessation maintenance, accounting for 32% of the variance in outcome at 6–8 wks and accurately identifying more than 80% of both successful and unsuccessful outcomes. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors evaluated an expanded measure of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for smoking cessation in a population-based sample of 897 pregnant smokers (500 current smokers and 397 recent quitters). The measure assessed motivation related to pregnancy and parenthood in addition to general intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions. Current smokers at baseline who quit smoking by 28 weeks of pregnancy (n?=?102) had significantly higher baseline levels of pregnancy-related motivation than continuing smokers. Extrinsic and pregnancy motivation dropped between baseline and 28 weeks of pregnancy among continuing smokers. Higher levels of intrinsic relative to extrinsic motivation at baseline were associated with sustained abstinence during the first 2 months postpartum. Results suggest that both general and pregnancy-specific motivation are important for smoking cessation and relapse prevention during pregnancy. Interventions to enhance the salience of health benefits over and above those related to pregnancy and other intrinsic benefits of a greater sense of self-control could protect against postpartum relapse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

One month after their quit date, 221 Ss completed a shortened Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ [R. Mermelstein et al; see PA, Vol 70:6477]) in which they reported the frequency of 10 positive and 10 negative behaviors performed by a spouse or romantic partner in response to their quitting attempt. A subset, using the same instrument, reported expectations of support prior to quitting. The ratio of received positive/negative behaviors was a consistently better predictor of abstinence than were the frequencies of either positive or negative behavior alone, with higher ratios associated with abstinence. In addition, partners were less interactive than expected but performed more positive behaviors than expected. The overall pattern of results suggests that the context of a relationship mediates the impact of specific supportive or nonsupportive behaviors. Psychometrics for the 20-item PIQ are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the role of social support in smoking cessation and maintenance in 2 longitudinal, prospective studies with 64 Ss each (mean ages 38.4 yrs and 38.8 yrs). Three kinds of support factors were assessed: support from a partner directly related to quitting, perceptions of the availability of general (i.e., nonsmoking) support resources, and the presence of smokers in Ss' social networks. Ss were smokers in cessation programs. Corroborated smoking status was obtained through 12 mo posttreatment. There was evidence for all 3 support factors, but they operated at different points in the process of cessation and maintenance. High levels of partner support and of the perceived availability of general support were associated with cessation and with short-term (to 3 mo posttreatment) maintenance of abstinence. The presence of smokers in Ss' social networks was a hindrance to maintenance and significantly differentiated between relapsers and long-term (12-mo) abstainers. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from 363 male smokeless tobacco users and their romantic partners were analyzed to discern the role of support in cessation. Women reported playing a part in enrollment (71%), and more than half examined program materials or discussed cessation activities with the chewers. Women's reports of delivered support correlated substantially with men's experience of received support. Men's received positive support predicted abstinence at 6-month follow-up (odds ratio=1.29, confidence interval=1.03-1.61) and more than 24 hr of abstinence for those still using tobacco at 6 months (odds ratio=1.75, confidence interval=1.30-2.36) and moderated the effect of baseline depression and addiction on abstinence. Women played a major role through all stages of cessation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objectives: (1) To replicate previous research finding that abstinence-specific social support during the active phase of quitting predicts short- and long-term smoking cessation treatment outcome. (2) To describe time-related changes in abstinence-specific support, including how support provided during middle and later phases of the quitting process is associated with treatment outcome. Design: Combined data from three randomized clinical trials of smoking cessation treatment (N = 739) were analyzed using logistic regression and analysis of variance. Main Outcome Measures: Measures included the Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ; Cohen & Lichtenstein, 1990), a measure of smoking-related social support, and smoking status according to 7-day point-prevalence abstinence. Results: Longitudinal analyses found that positive support peaked at week 12, decreasing thereafter. Positive support provided after week 12 did not differentiate between those who never quit smoking, those who quit and relapsed, and those who maintained abstinence. In contrast, negative support was monotonic and was useful at follow-up points for distinguishing between outcome groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that positive and negative support are both important factors in the early phase of quitting, but it is the continued minimization of negative support that best predicts maintenance of nonsmoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceived stress and depressive symptoms were examined as correlates and predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy in a sample of 819 pregnant smokers (454 baseline smokers and 365 baseline quitters). Women who quit early in pregnancy had lower levels of stress and depressive symptoms than baseline smokers. Adjusting for level of addiction and other demographic factors related to stress and depressive symptoms eliminated the significant association between depressive symptoms and smoking cessation. Lower levels of stress and depressive symptoms were not predictive of cessation in later pregnancy. Prenatal healthcare providers should continue to assess level of addiction and provide targeted intensive cessation interventions. Interventions that reduce stress and depression may also be of benefit to women who are continuing smokers in early pregnancy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Support interventions have not changed smoking cessation rates significantly. The pregnancy-postpartum continuum presents a unique opportunity to examine patterns of support. Expectant couples (N = 477) were surveyed twice during pregnancy and 3 times postpartum. Partners reported positive and negative smoking-specific support; women reported the helpfulness of partner support. Linear trends suggest that women viewed support as more helpful during pregnancy than during postpartum. Partners' provision of positive support across the continuum depended on their smoking; provision of negative support depended on women's smoking. Partners who smoked provided lower levels of both positive and negative support, especially postpartum. Women who smoked throughout the pregnancy perceived their partner's negative support as helpful. Implications are that partners who smoke may need help staying engaged in the support process. Partners may provide negative support in response to women's smoking cues. Women who are struggling with cessation may not view negative support as negative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-help interventions for smoking cessation are an important bridge between the clinical and public health approaches to smoking cessation. The current literature on self-help interventions is encouraging but incomplete. Although their quit rates are lower than those of more intensive programs, self-help interventions could have a large public health impact because of their potential for widespread distribution. Studies comparing self-help to more intensive treatment suggest that long-term cessation rates for self-help programs are potentially as high as rates for face-to-face interventions, with lower quit rates for self-help programs that are likely due to differences in program adherence. Tailored materials and personalized adjuncts (e.g., written feedback or telephone counseling) that promote program adherence may increase cessation rates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An intrinsic–extrinsic model of motivation for smoking cessation was evaluated with 2 samples (ns?=?1,217 and 151) of smokers who requested self-help materials for smoking cessation. Exploratory and confirmatory principal components analysis on a 36-item Reasons for Quitting (RFQ) scale supported the intrinsic–extrinsic motivation distinction. A 4-factor model, with 2 intrinsic dimensions (concerns about health and desire for self-control) and 2 extrinsic dimensions (immediate reinforcement and social influence), was defined by 20 of the 36 RFQ items. The 20-item measure demonstrated moderate to high levels of internal consistency and convergent and discriminant validity. Logistic regression analyses indicated that smokers with higher levels of intrinsic relative to extrinsic motivation were more likely to achieve abstinence from smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smokers (N?=?224) were randomized to 1 of 3 groups: (a) transdermal system (TNS) + placebo; (b) TNS + paroxetine (20 mg); (c) TNS + paroxetine (40 mg). Assignment to treatment was double-blind. Nicotine patch (TNS) treatment was provided for 8 weeks; paroxetine or placebo was provided for 9 weeks. Abstinence rates at Weeks 4, 10, and 26 were as follows: (a) TNS + placebo: 45%, 36%, and 25%; (b) TNS + paroxetine (20 mg): 48%, 33%, and 21 %; (c) TNS + paroxetine (40 mg): 57%, 39%, and 27%. The differences were not statistically significant. The combined treatment was more effective in reducing both craving and depression symptoms associated with smoking cessation. A subgroup analysis comparing compliant participants was also conducted. Abstinence rates at Weeks 4, 10, and 26 were as follows: (a) TNS + placebo: 46%, 35%, and 24%; (b) TNS + paroxetine (20 mg): 64%, 43%, and 33%; (c) TNS + paroxetine (40 mg): 74%, 51%, and 38%. The differences between paroxetine groups and placebo at Week 4 were statistically significant. Although paroxetine may add value to the current standard of care in excess of potential risk, more conclusive evidence is needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Most smoking cessation studies have used long-term abstinence as their primary outcome measure. Recent research has suggested that long-term abstinence may be an insensitive index of important smoking cessation mechanisms. The goal of the current study was to examine the effects of 5 smoking cessation pharmacotherapies using Shiffman et al.'s (2006) approach of examining the effect of smoking cessation medications on 3 process markers of cessation or smoking cessation milestones: initial abstinence, lapse, and the lapse–relapse transition. Method: The current study (N = 1,504; 58.2% female and 41.8% male; 83.9% Caucasian, 13.6% African American, 2.5% other races) examined the effect of 5 smoking cessation pharmacotherapy treatments versus placebo (bupropion, nicotine lozenge, nicotine patch, bupropion + lozenge, patch + lozenge) on Shiffman et al.'s smoking cessation milestones over 8 weeks following a quit attempt. Results: Results show that all 5 medication conditions decreased rates of failure to achieve initial abstinence and most (with the exception of the nicotine lozenge) decreased lapse risk; however, only the nicotine patch and bupropion + lozenge conditions affected the lapse–relapse transition. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that medications are effective at aiding initial abstinence and decreasing lapse risk but that they generally do not decrease relapse risk following a lapse. The analysis of cessation milestones sheds light on important impediments to long-term smoking abstinence, suggests potential mechanisms of action of smoking cessation pharmacotherapies, and identifies targets for future treatment development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Physicians used either an autonomy-supportive or a controlling interpersonal style to counsel smokers based on National Cancer Institute guidelines. Physician autonomy support was rated from audiotapes, and patients' perceived competence and autonomous motivation for quitting were self-reported on questionnaires. Validated point prevalences for 6, 12, and 30 months and for continuous cessation were examined. The intervention did not have a direct effect on quit rates; however, structural equation modeling supported the self-determination process model of smoking cessation. The model indicated that the autonomy-supportive intervention was rated as more autonomy supportive, that rated autonomy support predicted autonomous motivation, and that autonomous motivation predicted cessation at all points in time. Perceived competence contributed independent variance to cessation only at 6 months. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smoking cessation strategies should be geared to the target group's level of motivation to quit, and degree of tobacco addiction. Motivational interventions (e.g. media campaigns) aim to encourage more people to try to stop smoking. Treatment interventions (e.g. nicotine replacement) aim to increase the chances of a quit attempt being successful. In populations which have already been saturated by motivational interventions, the overall effect of adding further motivational interventions may be rather small, and possibly non-existent in heavy smokers. As a population's smoking prevalence declines, so the balance of interventions should shift from motivational to treatment approaches. Nicotine replacement is an effective smoking cessation aid and should form the basis for treating moderate to heavy smokers. There may be a case for the development of more specialist clinics to treat motivated but addicted smokers and train health professionals how to apply effective smoking cessation methods as part of their routine work.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to examine several different methods and cutpoints for determining smoking status in pregnant and recently postpartum women. Self-reported smoking status, urine cotinine levels determined by gas chromatography (GC) and by enzyme immunoassay testing (EMIT), and breath carbon monoxide (CO) levels were assessed at 28 weeks antepartum and 12 and 24 weeks postpartum in 131 women enrolled in studies on smoking cessation and relapse prevention. Classifications based on urine-cotinine GC testing served as the standard in most analyses. Overall agreement between self-reported smoking status and classification based on urine-cotinine GC testing was excellent (≥95%) at several cutpoints (50, 25, and 12.5 ng/ml) but highest at 25 ng/ml. Classifications based on EMIT urine cotinine levels were in nearly perfect (≥98%) agreement with those made by GC when the cutpoint for the former was set at approximately 80 ng/ml (79-87 ng/ml). Classifications based on breath CO were in relatively poor agreement (≤87%) with GC classifications at all cutpoints examined but best at 4 ppm. Overall, these results provide detailed information on several commonly used methods for classifying smoking in pregnant and recently postpartum women that should be practically useful to researchers and clinicians involved in efforts to eliminate smoking in this population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This report reviews the evidence that informs the role of health and mental health care providers in addressing youth smoking cessation. Design: Qualitative literature review. Results: Physicians do not consistently screen adolescents for tobacco use and fail to provide recommended cessation advice. Challenges to addressing smoking cessation include the need for procedures to ensure confidentiality and the existence of competing demands to provide other services. Few published studies have specifically addressed the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Interventions that require return visits or follow-up phone contacts are technically difficult to implement in this population. Successful interventions may require resources not available in nonresearch settings. Most studies have used brief clinical intervention as a control condition, making it impossible to evaluate its effectiveness. Conclusion: There is little evidence that supports current clinical smoking cessation guidelines for adolescents. More research is needed to develop inexpensive, efficient clinical interventions that can provide youths access to smoking cessation help. Future challenges include reorganizing clinical systems to offer greater counseling by support staff or in electronic formats and to provide effective booster messages and follow-up care in a population that is difficult to track. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Exposure to monoterpenes (alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and delta 3-carene) in joinery shops was studied in Sweden during the processing of Scot's pine, and the acute respiratory effects among the employees were evaluated. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 38 workers was carried out in 4 joinery shops. The investigation included personal air sampling of monoterpenes, biological monitoring of metabolites of alpha-pinene in the workers' urine, interviews following a standardized questionnaire, and dynamic spirometry. RESULTS: The personal exposure to monoterpenes in the joinery shops was 10-214 mg/m3. The correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.69) between exposure to alpha-pinene and verbenols (metabolites from alpha-pinene) in urine was relatively good. No acute effects on forced vital capacity or forced expiratory volume during 1 s were detected. The workers had significantly reduced preshift lung function values when compared with the values of a local reference group, even when smokers and ex-smokers were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: Personal exposure to the monoterpenes alpha-pinene, and delta 3-carene in joinery shops may exceed the present Swedish occupational exposure limit of 150 mg/m3 during the winter season when workroom air is commonly recirculated. The determination of metabolites of alpha-pinene (verbenols) in urine can be used as an index of exposure to fumes released during wood-treating processes. The results from the lung function tests indicate chronic rather than acute reactions in the airways. The fact that there were no major changes in lung function over a workshift indicates chronic reaction in the airways.  相似文献   

Studied the relationships between job stress, social support, personality, and cigarette smoking quit rate by multivariate analyses of responses of 200 male administrators, engineers, and scientists (mean age = 40 yrs) to a battery of tests, including the Jenkins Activity Scale. Results indicate that quitters had the lowest levels of quantitative work load, responsibility, and social support, and that they scored low on Type A personality characteristics (i.e., they were not hard driving, persistent, competitive, overloaded with work, or involved in the work). While quitters tended to be administrators rather than engineers or scientists, these occupational differences in quit rates were accounted for by occupational differences in Type A personality, work load, social support, and responsibility. A Social Support * Job Stress interaction showed that decreases in stress were associated with decreases in the quit rate only for persons with low social support. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The commodity model of social support and features of Nondirective Support may clarify varied results of support interventions for smoking cessation. A commodity model views social support as attractive in and of itself and as an alternative to high-risk choices such as smoking. If such support is easily accessible, a would-be quitter is less likely to choose to smoke. Consistent with the commodity model, social support interventions tend to be effective as long as support remains available, but they lose their effects when support is terminated. From a second approach, Nondirective Support entails accepting recipients' goals, co-operating without taking control, and validating recipients' feelings. In contrast, Directive Support entails taking control and telling recipients what to do and feel. Review of support interventions indicates the value of the continued availability of support suggested by the commodity model and of Nondirective Support's flexibility and responsiveness to the person.  相似文献   

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