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In contrast with major theories of attitudes and behavior, the authors propose that individuals are not equally motivated to pursue their self-interests. The authors show that differences in other orientation affect the extent to which actions and attitudes reflect self-interested calculation (instrumental rationality) and the extent to which beliefs represent their external environment (epistemic rationality). These differences have consequences for processes underlying a wide range of attitudes and behavior typically assumed to be rationally self-interested. Thus, the authors' model exposes a common explanation for diverse organizational phenomena. It also clarifies inconsistencies surrounding the validity of certain attitudinal and motivational models, the relationship between job attitudes and actions, cross-cultural differences in attitudes and behavior, escalation of commitment, and the relationship between chief executive officer characteristics and organizational performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A developing body of research suggests that there are few sex differences in the rate and severity of problem behavior in early childhood, but clear sex differences emerge at about 4 years of age. The authors explore 2 hypotheses to further the understanding of emerging sex differences in problem behavior across the first 5 years of life. The first posits that the change in girls' problem behavior from infancy to school entry represents a channeling of early problem behavior into predominantly internalizing problems as a result of socialization. The second hypothesis is that the change in girls' early problem behavior during the preschool period results from the more rapid biological, cognitive, and social–emotional development of girls relative to boys. The authors review research on the influence of parents, teachers, and peers on girls' behavior from infancy to preschool regarding the first hypothesis, whereas they review studies of sex differences in developmental processes to test the second. They find moderate support for both hypotheses and present a comprehensive theory of girls' developmental psychopathology that integrates social and developmental influences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 studies, the authors found that leader charisma was positively associated with followers' positive affect and negatively associated with followers' negative affect. The authors hypothesized that leaders' positive affect, positive expression, and aroused behavior will mediate these relationships. The results of their lab study suggest that leaders' positive expression and aroused behavior mediated these relationships. A field study showed that firefighters under the command of a charismatic officer were happier than those under the command of a non-charismatic officer and that these relationships were mediated by the leader's positive affect and a tendency to express positivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Learned helplessness in humans: A review and attribution-theory model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. E. Seligman's (1973, 1974, 1975) theory of learned helplessness (LH) and the current status of the research literature are reviewed, with a focus on 5 issues of the LH phenomenon: nature, etiology, generalization, individual differences, and alleviation. Seligman's theory is seen as inadequate to account for present data in several areas, notably etiology and generalization. A revised model of LH in humans is presented that suggests that the individual's attributions of noncontingent failure experiences predict the degree and parameters of LH. (85 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this contribution, the authors situate the development of Bowlby’s attachment theory against the background of the social, cultural, and scientific developments in interbellum Britain. It is shown that fairly early in his life Bowlby adopted one fundamental idea—that an infant primarily needs a warm and loving mother, and that separations from the mother are potentially damaging—and never substantially changed that basic notion in later years. Bowlby’s first and foremost goal—and his lifelong undertaking—was to convince certain others (e.g., orthodox psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, clinicians, and medical doctors) of the importance of this idea by theorizing and gathering empirical evidence. Bowlby’s view of mother love deprivation as the main source of maladjusted behavior was at variance with the views of many practitioners and theorists, but it was by no means fully novel and original. The authors show that Bowlby took inspiration from various persons and groups in British society with whom he shared basically similar views. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A situational performance test was developed for evaluating potential Air Force officer effectiveness during the officer training program. For the 480 members of an AF Candidate School graduating class reliability of scoring (examiner-observer agreements on a behavior check list) was .75. Correlations between the total test score and Officer Candidate School evaluation measures were in the range .21—.25. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies involving nonlinear discrimination problems suggest that stimuli in human associative learning are represented configurally with nairow generalization, such that presentation of stimuli that are even slightly dissimilar to stored configurations weakly activate these configurations. The authors note that another well-known set of findings in human associative learning, cue-interaction phenomena, suggest relatively broad generalization. Three experiments show that current models of human associative learning, which try to model both nonlinear discrimination and cue interaction as the result of 1 process, fail because they cannot simultaneously account for narrow and broad generalization. Results suggest that human associative learning involves (a) an exemplar-based process with configural stimulus representation and narrow generalization and (b) an adaptive learning process characterized by broad generalization and cue interaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many social interactions require the synchronization—be it automatically or intentionally—of one's own behavior with that of others. Using a dyadic drumming paradigm, the authors delineate lifespan differences in interpersonal action synchronization (IAS). Younger children, older children, younger adults, and older adults in same- and mixed-age dyads were instructed to drum in synchrony with their interaction partner at a constant, self-chosen tempo. Adult-only dyads showed the highest and children-only the lowest levels of IAS accuracy. It is important to note that children improved reliably in IAS accuracy when paired with older partners. The observed age-related differences in IAS accuracy remained reliable after statistically controlling for individual differences in the ability to synchronize to a metronome and for between-dyad differences in tempo. The authors conclude that IAS improves from middle childhood to adulthood and that adult interaction partners may facilitate its development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Criticizes recent attributional analyses of learned helplessness in humans because they are vague in specifying antecedent conditions for various attributions, fail to explain paradoxical facilitation effects, and neglect individual differences. As an alternative, the social learning theory (SLT) of J. B. Rotter et al (see PA, Vol 50:6852) is applied to the learned helplessness paradigm, leading to analyses of (a) expectancy change processes occurring during helplessness training and (b) the generalization of those changes to other situations. Studies bearing on a variety of individual and situational differences that are predicted to affect the development of helplessness are reviewed. Research and treatment strategies following from the SLT analysis are described. (87 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors present a theory of how relational inference and generalization can be accomplished within a cognitive architecture that is psychologically and neurally realistic. Their proposal is a form of symbolic connectionism: a connectionist system based on distributed representations of concept meanings, using temporal synchrony to bind fillers and roles into relational structures. The authors present a specific instantiation of their theory in the form of a computer simulation model, Learning and Inference with Schemas and Analogies (LISA). By using a kind of self-supervised learning, LISA can make specific inferences and form new relational generalizations and can hence acquire new schemas by induction from examples. The authors demonstrate the sufficiency of the model by using it to simulate a body of empirical phenomena concerning analogical inference and relational generalization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Men and women are believed to differ in how influential and easily influenced they are: Men are thought to be more influential, and women more easily influenced. In natural settings, men and women tend to differ in these ways, but these differences stem largely from formal status inequalities by which men are more likely than women to have high-status roles. Status is important because of the legitimate authority vested in high-status roles. Within appropriate limits, people of higher status are believed to have the right to make demands of those of lower status, and people of lower status are expected to comply with these demands. Yet, small, stereotypic sex differences in leadership and social influence generally have been found in laboratory experiments and other small-group settings where men and women have equal formal status. These small sex differences may occur because experience with hierarchical social structures in which men have higher status creates expectancies about male and female behavior, and these expectancies affect social interaction in ways that foster behavior that confirms the expectancies. Sex differences that occur in the laboratory as well as natural settings may stem from social structural factors—namely, from the existing distributions of women and men into social roles. (77 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Normative data on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) for police officer applicants can be useful to psychologists involved in law enforcement selection. The relation of the MMPI-2 to an established police officer screening tool—the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI)—helps practitioners evaluate the validity of the MMPI-2. The MMPI-2 and IPI were administered to 467 police officer applicants. MMPI-2 profiles were defensive, with elevations on L and K, low scores on Scales 2 and 0, and extreme Scale 5 scores. Correlations with the IPI were moderate for MMPI-2 clinical scales but substantial for two validity scales. MMPI-2 K correction influenced correlations considerably, a finding with implications for interpretation of MMPI-2 data on police officer applicants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The developmental theory of Jean Piaget has been criticized on the grounds that it is conceptually limited, empirically false, or philosophically and epistemologically untenable. This study attempts to rebut these criticisms by showing that most of them (a) derive from widespread misinterpretations of the work of Piaget; (b) fail to appreciate the 2 central issues of his thinking—how new forms of thinking emerge during ontogenesis and how they become psychologically necessary; (c) incorrectly assume that many controversies concerning his theory can be settled empirically or methodologically before they are clarified conceptually; (d) ignore various modifications of Piagetian theory, particularly those advanced after 1970; and (e) forget the dialectical, constructivist, and developmental nature of Piaget's unique approach to human development. Although the authors do not claim there is a "true" Piaget to be discovered, or that the problems with his theory vanish when it is better understood, they do claim that important aspects of Piaget's work have not been assimilated by developmental psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objectives: The current study tested opposing predictions stemming from the failure and acting out theories of depression–delinquency covariation. Method: Participants included a nationwide longitudinal sample of adolescents (N = 3,604) ages 12 to 17. Competing models were tested with cohort-sequential latent growth curve modeling to determine whether depressive symptoms at age 12 (baseline) predicted concurrent and age-related changes in delinquent behavior, whether the opposite pattern was apparent (delinquency predicting depression), and whether initial levels of depression predict changes in delinquency significantly better than vice versa. Results: Early depressive symptoms predicted age-related changes in delinquent behavior significantly better than early delinquency predicted changes in depressive symptoms. In addition, the impact of gender on age-related changes in delinquent symptoms was mediated by gender differences in depressive symptom changes, indicating that depressive symptoms are a particularly salient risk factor for delinquent behavior in girls. Conclusion: Early depressive symptoms represent a significant risk factor for later delinquent behavior—especially for girls—and appear to be a better predictor of later delinquency than early delinquency is of later depression. These findings provide support for the acting out theory and contradict failure theory predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the field of reinforced-concrete (RC) structures, the use of fiber reinforced plastic rebars (FRP rebars) as an alternative to the steel reinforcements appears very promising, especially if such structures are exposed to corrosive environments. However, a better understanding of the mechanical behavior of FRP reinforcements—in particular bond behavior—is needed in order to use them for practical purposes. For this reason, in the last few years a number of tests on several types of FRP rebars has been conducted in order to evaluate the interaction phenomena between FRP rebars and the concrete matrix and to evidence behavioral differences with respect to the deformed steel rods. In this paper a state-of-the-art report on the bond of FRP bars to concrete is presented. Numerous tests are analyzed to better understand bond mechanisms and the influence of type of fiber, outer surface (shape and type of matrix), and other significant parameters (i.e., confining pressure, bar diameter, compressive concrete strength) on bond performances. Furthermore, some analytical models of bond-slip behavior are examined to assess their adequacy to reproduce the experimental bond behavior. In particular, the investigation focuses on the reliability of the well-known model by Malvar (the first one dedicated to FRP reinforcements) as well as on the model by Eligehausen, Popov, and Bertero, developed for steel reinforcements but successfully applied to FRP ones. In addition, the effectiveness of two analytical formulations proposed by the authors, the first one representing the ascending branch of the bond-slip curve and the second the entire curve, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, 25 and 42 adult working males participated in a visual-motor task modeled on a video game. The game was designed to measure strategy, risk taking, errors committed, and overall task performance. Predictions of complexity theory for task performance were supported. In Exp II, Ss were divided into 4 subgroups on the basis of Type A (coronary prone) or Type B (noncoronary prone) behavior and on the basis of uni- vs multidimensional responding, as measured by an interview using the stems of the Sentence Completion Test. Type A behavior did not contribute to differences in visual-motor performance. More multidimensional Ss exceeded their unidimensional counterparts, especially in the application of strategy. The extension of complexity theory approaches to simpler tasks is discussed. It is noted that the frequently voiced assumptions of Type A individuals—that their behavior style tends to lead to higher performance levels—is not supported. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evolving ethical, legal, and financial demands require a plan before treatment begins. The authors argue that individual differences research requires the inclusion of personality trait assessment for the construction and implementation of any treatment plan that would lay claim to scientific status. A primer of personality individual differences for treatment planning is presented, including an introduction to constructive realism and major research findings from trait psychology and behavior genetics bearing on treatment planning. The authors present 4 important gains for treatment planning that can be realized from the science of individual differences in personality: (a) knowing where to focus change efforts, (b) realistic expectations, (c) matching treatment to personality, and (d) development of the self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate (1) the effects of the nature of contingent vs. noncontingent social reinforcement upon the level of abstraction in schizophrenics as measured on a proverbs task, (2) the generalization of this behavior to another verbal conceptual task administered under neutral conditions, and (3) the predictive and construct validity of the Ullmann-Giovannoni Process-Reactive Self-Report Scale. 64 male schizophrenics were assigned to 4 treatment groups: contingent positive, noncontingent positive, contingent negative, and control. The results indicated that only the contingent positive Ss significantly increased their level of performance on the proverbs task and showed generalization. The other 3 groups showed no significant differences. Validity evidence for the Process-Reactive Scale and marital status was obtained. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews evidence that self-control may consume a limited resource. Exerting self-control may consume self-control strength, reducing the amount of strength available for subsequent self-control efforts. Coping with stress, regulating negative affect, and resisting temptations require self-control, and after such self-control efforts, subsequent attempts at self-control are more likely to fail. Continuous self-control efforts, such as vigilance, also degrade over time. These decrements in self-control are probably not due to negative moods or learned helplessness produced by the initial self-control attempt. These decrements appear to be specific to behaviors that involve self-control; behaviors that do not require self-control neither consume nor require self-control strength. The authors conclude that the executive component of the self—in particular, inhibition—relies on a limited, consumable resource. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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