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CRM综述   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
在讨论CRM产生与发燕尾服的基础上,研究了CRM的内涵和管理思想,分析了CRM的主要功能,辨析了CRM与SCM和ERP的关系,最后,讨论了CRM的发展趋势。  相似文献   

CRM就是指对客户关系的管理,CRM已经成为了企业关注的重点,CRM也是数据挖掘技术十分重要的组成部分。本文主要是通过介绍数据挖掘技术的功能的分类,概述了CRM的含义与数据挖掘技术在CRM中运用,对数据挖掘在CRM中实施的过程进行探究。  相似文献   

曾炼 《程序员》2002,(9):42-44
CRM现在已成了国内管理软件中最时髦的词语,但很多公司只是简单理解了CRM,他们把自己的软件,不论是MIS,还是ERP,只要和客户相关、都可以冠上CRM系统的名称。但实质上,这是一个误区,CRM并非如此简单。那么,究竟什么才是真正的CRM,它是如何发展的?它的核心技术是什么? 我刊请来曾在美国亲身参与CRM系统开发的曾炼先生开辟专栏。本专栏的首个系列文章《CRM全解》。综述了CRM的历史、现状以及未来走向。该系列共分四部分,分别为《CRM历史回顾》、《CRM理念和实际运用》、《CRM在中国环境的应用与实施》以及《CRM现状及发展方向》。  相似文献   

企业后台系统管理离不开ERP,前台客户关系维护离不开CRM。ERP与CRM的开发与应用是企业信息系统中的核心内容,也是企业信息化进程中的关键阶段。但据不完全统计,我国目前只有2.9%的企业实施了ERP,4%左右的企业实施了CRM,ERP与CRM市场潜力巨大。因此,无数厂商纷至沓来,ERP、CRM市场谁将掘到第一桶金? 为此,本刊编辑部特约了21位CEO、CTO,结合自身的ERP、CRM产品与用户,纵论ERP、CRM市场的“掘金之道”。  相似文献   

年终了,人人都可能要做的事情,就是总结与计划。带着一种复杂的心情,看看难以用一句话表达的2003年中国CRM市场,不知从何说起。苦思冥想,文章标题还是采用了“在奋进中期待成熟——CRM发展回顾与展望”。 之所以说“在奋进中期待成熟”,主要基于四点:第一、2002年底的时候,曾经对CRM抱有很高的期望;2003年底到了,CRM市场的发展不尽人意。第二、纵观2003年的发展,依然存在着一些“亮点”,例如一些制造行业的企业也开始关注CRM,中低端企业CRM实施的规模在扩大等等。第三、对CRM未来抱有很高期望的CRM厂商、CRM咨询师、CRM研究者以及CRM用户,依然在自己的战线上不停的奋斗着,他们都在“奋进中期待成熟”。第四、CRM产业链韵雏形已经形成,从CRM研究者、CRM产品研  相似文献   

目前的CRM体系结构把数据仓库作为整个体系的核心,但在实际应用中CRM体系中的不同部分需要不同的响应速度,要求短期的信息更新与长期的交易历史数据相结合,因此如何将数据仓库与其它模块有机的联系起来成了一个急需解决的问题.针对这种情况提出一种基于数据仓库的CRM体系结构,以提高整个CRM系统的效率为目标,对于基于数据仓库的CRM体系结构中不同的用户而言,都可以用统一的观点来进行CRM上的分析操作,同时也就可以更好的支持CRM安全性管理.  相似文献   

数据挖掘在CRM中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文介绍了数据挖掘技术与CRM,在此基础上提出了数据挖掘在CRM中的一些应用,最后对数据挖掘的发展方向及其在CRM中的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

如今,CRM似乎成了过街老鼠,不仅各个媒体争相挤破CRM的泡沫,连企业用户的热情也渐渐磨灭。但上海上汽大众汽车销售有限公司(以下简称上汽大众销售公司)CRM项目正式启动1年后的今天,其CRM系统的部署依然按部就班地进行着,并已经进入了第三阶段。■CRM是第一个共识“目前我们的CRM已经运行了一段时间,还是比较成功的。”在上汽大众销售公司新装修的办公室,该公司组织与信息技术部侯培民经理介绍,“我们的CRM系统主要有三大  相似文献   

针对现在CRM系统智能化、自动化程度不够高的现状,将智能Agent技术引入CRM系统,并给出了这种CRM系统的工作模型。企业实践表明将智能Agent技术与CRM系统结合能够更充分利用企业的人力资源和计算机数据资源,提高企业对市场的把握能力,加速企业的资金与物流周期。  相似文献   

CRM在中国并不是新鲜事物,通过数年的发展,CRM已从最初的概念炒作阶段发展到了今天的实际应用阶段,CRM产品也从最初只具有部分功能模块,发展到整体解决方案,再发展到现在的与ERP实现集成应用,可以说CRM在技术上已逐渐走向成熟。目前的CRM产品种类齐全,涵盖高、中、低各个市场,国内外CRM软件供应商也不遗余力地推广CRM在中国的应用。但就整体而言,中国CRM市场还远未成熟,其原因主要就在于企业仍然难以全面接受CRM。  相似文献   

基于Web服务的客户关系管理系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在客户关系管理(CRM)系统中引入Web服务的概念,提出一个基于Web服务的客户关系管理系统的框架,有效解决传统CRM系统异构兼容性不足、服务器负担重等问题,以一个实例阐述基于Web服务的客户关系管理系统的运作方式。总结基于Web服务的客户关系管理系统相对于传统CRM系统的特点。  相似文献   

The CRM System, which maximizes business profits by pursuing a continuous relationship with customers, is based on an analytical CRM that sets up a marketing strategy by analyzing customer information. However, thanks to the technological development of the Internet and mobile phones, customer contact is being carried out through a variety of channels. Yet currently, the needs of customers are not being addressed in a timely manner due to a weak system that cannot immediately deal with customer requests and because of which customer information is not administered in a systematic manner.Therefore, rather than focusing on off-line-focused analytical CRM, it is necessary to concentrate on real time CRM that reflects the aspects of the operative or collaborative CRM. This study also develops an Event CRM solution that can bring satisfaction to customers when they want it by systematizing the contact points of customers, which constitute various institutions and channels.The CRM model that this study presents is the support of Event CRM services for all business types against the backdrop of a wireless/wire environment, and the support of small and medium sized companies, which are burdened by information management costs, to meet the demand for CRM.In order to present the wireless/wire integration CRM Gateway Model, the study focuses on insurance CRM services.When a customer event arises through various channels such as the Internet, SFA or CTI, the event data are transferred through a standardized form. Based on these data, the campaign and service is then extracted and analyzed with the Event CRM Gateway Engine. A match is immediately made between the saved rules and the campaign and services that best fit the customer. Finally, the information is provided to the customer via a mobile phone or website.  相似文献   

The traditional customer relationship management (CRM) studies are mainly focused on CRM in a specific point of time. The static CRM and derived knowledge of customer behavior could help marketers to redirect marketing resources for profit gain at the given point in time. However, as time goes on, the static knowledge becomes obsolete. Therefore, application of CRM to an online retailer should be done dynamically in time. Though the concept of buying-behavior-based CRM was advanced several decades ago, virtually little application of the dynamic CRM has been reported to date.

In this paper, we propose a dynamic CRM model utilizing data mining and a monitoring agent system to extract longitudinal knowledge from the customer data and to analyze customer behavior patterns over time for the retailer. Furthermore, we show that longitudinal CRM could be usefully applied to solve several managerial problems, which any retailer may face.  相似文献   

针对客户关系管理CRM系统在网络化、集成化等方面的需求,提出了一种五层B/S架构的、集成协同模式的CRM体系结构,对客户数据分析处理流程进行了设计,并提出了不改变原有应用系统底层架构的CRM集成协同模式,最后根据上述体系结构和相关技术为国内某一物流企业开发了物流客户关系管理系统,结果表明该系统在不改变原有应用系统底层架构的基础上实现了与相关应用系统的网络化集成,不仅可以有效地管理物流客户,而且对物流业务管理与决策支持都有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. A CRM strategy involves the entire enterprise and is employed on an ongoing basis. Despite the fact that CRM projects incur huge expenditures, a large percentage fails to achieve the stated objectives. Failure in CRM initiatives could be avoided if a firm's CRM strategies are intelligently linked with its employees, customers, channels, and IT infrastructure. In this paper, we focus on those linkages, particularly on the linkages between an organization's CRM strategies and its IT infrastructure. Even though the relationships between IT and business strategies have been extensively explored in the IT alignment literature, prior research has not addressed how a firm's CRM strategies are aligned with its IT infrastructure. In this paper, we investigate the issues relating to CRM-IT alignment based on an in-depth case study of a large, well-known Internet travel agency.  相似文献   

面向客户的CRM体系结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
客户关系管理系统()是提高企业核心竞争力的有力武器,但现有产品存在一定的缺陷。文章提出一种以业务过程分类为基础的,并采用事件驱动的、基于扩展ECA规则的方法实现的CRM系统体系结构。该体系结构能够有效地解决目前CRM产品中存在的一些问题,为改善现有CRM产品的性能和开发新产品提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

基于中小企业的客户关系管理是一个研究热点,分析开源架构Tustena的系统模型和核心功能模块,研究整个系统的核心工作流,并针对原系统设计一个面向中小型企业的客户关系管理通用原型L-CRM.  相似文献   

校园信息系统中CRM与数据挖掘的结合和应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CRM是近些年兴起的一种面向客户的生产管理模式,它的实施要以计算机技术作为保障与基础。数据挖掘是一种面向决策的智能技术,它与CRM的结合将给管理理念带来一种新的视角和冲击。该文将对在校园信息系统中CRM理念与数据挖掘技术的结合进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

分析型CRM的软件体系结构   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
随着客户关系管理概念的普及推广,各厂家的CRM产品及人们对CRM的讨论层出不穷,由于这些讨论大多集中在CRM的功能、效益及发展前景等方面,因而对CRM本身的软件体系结构却未能形成统一的标准。该文针对CRM系统中重要的支撑部分-分析型CRM,依据层次化体系结构和中间件的思想,提出一种分析型CRM的分层软件体系结构。  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an innovative technology that seeks to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability by acquiring, developing, and maintaining effective customer relationships and interactions with stakeholders. Numerous researches on CRM have made significant progress in several areas such as telecommunications, banking, and manufacturing, but research specific to the healthcare environment is very limited. This systematic review aims to categorise, summarise, synthesise, and appraise the research on CRM in the healthcare environment, considering the absence of coherent and comprehensive scholarship of disparate data on CRM. Various databases were used to conduct a comprehensive search of studies that examine CRM in the healthcare environment (including hospitals, clinics, medical centres, and nursing homes). Analysis and evaluation of 19 carefully selected studies revealed three main research categories: (i) social CRM ‘eCRM’; (ii) implementing CRMS; and (iii) adopting CRMS; with positive outcomes for CRM both in terms of patients relationship/communication with hospital, satisfaction, medical treatment/outcomes and empowerment and hospitals medical operation, productivity, cost, performance, efficiency and service quality. This is the first systematic review to comprehensively synthesise and summarise empirical evidence from disparate CRM research data (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) in the healthcare environment. Our results revealed that substantial gaps exist in the knowledge of using CRM in the healthcare environment. Future research should focus on exploring: (i) other potential factors, such as patient characteristics, culture (of both the patient and hospital), knowledge management, trust, security, and privacy for implementing and adopting CRMS and (ii) other CRM categories, such as mobile CRM (mCRM) and data mining CRM.  相似文献   

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