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Microbial biomass produced from malt whiskey distillery spent wash, composed of a mixture of the filamentous fungus Geotrichum candidum and the yeasts Hansenula anomala and Candida krusei, had crude protein contents of 48 and 52 g 100 g?1 and ‘true protein’ contents of 38 and 42 g 100 g?1 when grown in batch and continuous culture respectively. Analyses of amino acid composition showed that the essential amino acid content was between 45 and 49 g 16 g?1 N and the essential amino acid index between 0.66 and 0.70. The sulphur-containing amino acids were limiting, being between 49 and 59% deficient compared with the requirements of the growing rat. In rat feeding trials the biomass had a biological value of 0.53, a net protein utilisation value of 0.40 and a digestibility of 0.75 based on its crude protein content. Supplementation of the biomass with methionine and admixture in a ratio of 1:9 with distillers spent grains raised the NPU values to 0.49 and 0.55 respectively. Comparison of the composition and nutritional quality with that of distillers' dark grains demonstrated that the biomass was of a higher quality, and when either supplemented with methionine or mixed with distillers' spent grains was comparable with soya-bean meal.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces fragilis (NRRL y 1109) was grown on a medium composed of Cheddar cheese whey ultrafiltration permeate, supplemented with inorganic nitrogen. The biomass had a crude protein content of 49.5% and an ash content of 7.6%. The “true protein” content, based on a N fractionation procedure was 37.2% and the total nucleic acid content was 5.7%. Qualitatively, the amino acid composition of S. fragilis was similar to that reported for other whey-yeasts. The quantity of individual essential amino acids was greater in the permeate grown S. fragilis. The sulphur containing amino acids, methionine and cyst(e)ine were present at a combined level of 3.2 g/16g N, compared with 2.2g/16 g N in a commercial whey-yeast product. The chemical score (CS) and essential amino acid index (EAAI) were 58.2 and 76.0 respectively. Rats fed on a diet containing S. fragilis biomass as the sole source of dietary protein showed a net weight increase. NPUcarcass for S. fragilis protein was 67.0±3.9 compared with a value of 75.3±3.0 for a casein control. Supplementation of S. fragilis biomass with DL-methionine(2 g/16 g N) raised the NPUcarcass value to 84.4 ± 2.8.  相似文献   

对红棕油营养成份包括胡萝卜素、角鲨烯、生育酚、生育三烯酚以及植物甾醇进行测定,结果表明:红棕油含有胡萝卜素481.29 mg/kg,角鲨烯162.89 mg/kg,生育酚183.21 mg/kg,生育三烯酚的总含量为587.83 mg/kg,植物甾醇总含量达到2161.04 mg/kg。由此可见红棕油营养丰富,具有很高的营养价值。  相似文献   

油棕是世界四大木本油料之一,从其果实中获得的棕榈油年产量已超过大豆油,成为世界第一大油脂。近年来,热风、微波、连续式等杀酵技术,溶剂浸提、超临界萃取、水酶法等油脂提取技术,物理法、化学法及分子蒸馏法油脂精炼技术,以及干法、溶剂法、表面活性剂法等油脂分提技术的突破与应用大大促进了棕榈油加工业的发展。阐述了油棕鲜果杀酵、油脂提取、精炼、分提等工序,对棕榈油加工技术的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

棕榈油和棕榈仁油的地位和现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国是一个油脂资源非常贫乏的国家 ,每年都要从国外进口大量的油脂以满足人民生活及工业需要。据统计 ,1997年中国进口的大豆油是 2 0 0万吨 ,棕榈油 16 2万吨 ,棕榈仁油 1 5万吨 ,其中棕榈油的消费量已位居第 4(见表 2 )。预计 ,至 2 0 0 5年 ,世界棕榈油的消费量将超过大豆油 (见表 1)。作为具有巨大市场潜力和价值的油脂资源 ,国外就棕榈油和棕榈仁油的生产、物理和化学性质及其应用等方面的研究已日趋深入[1] ,但在我国有关棕榈油和棕榈仁油的研究和介绍资料极少。为此 ,希望通过本文的介绍 ,能加深对棕榈油和棕榈仁油的了解 ,并能引起…  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1987,26(2):119-124
In view of the edible oil shortage in India, nutritional and toxicological evaluations of unconventional oils of high potential are needed to assess them for safe edibility. Seed of Azadaracta indica, popularly known as neem, has 45% oil and is a minor oil seed of considerable potential. Neem oil is usually bitter and non-edible. A new process has been developed recently to produce a colourless, odourless and non-bitter oil. Chemical and nutritional evaluation of this oil is therefore undertaken.The oil has 50% oleic and 15% linoleic acid and no unusual fatty acids. The physico-chemical parameters are within the range of other edible oils. Nutritional studies, carried out for 14 weeks in weanling rats, feeding at the 10% level of the oil in 20% protein diet adequate in all nutrients, showed good growth performance and food intake comparable with groundnut oil. Cholesterol and triglycerides in serum and liver were comparable in both the neem oil and groundnut oil groups. Absorption of neem oil is comparable with groundnut oil in rats fed these diets. Retentions of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus are also comparable in both groups.Nutritional studies indicate that debitterized neem oil has a chemical and nutritional quality comparable to other edible oils.  相似文献   

为了对中包装的大豆油棕榈油煎炸专用调和油配方的开发和煎炸稳定性相关理化指标的选择提供参考,分别以一级大豆油、分提18℃棕榈油(一次精炼)及同批次的二次精炼18℃棕榈油为煎炸油,模拟薯条在180℃下高温煎炸32 h,对3种油品在煎炸过程中的酸值、过氧化值、p-茴香胺值、脂肪酸组成、极性组分含量、生育酚含量等理化指标进行了检测,并对18℃棕榈油中的风险因子,如PAH4、苯并(a)芘、3-氯丙醇酯(3-MCPDE)、反式脂肪酸含量进行了分析。结果表明:3种油品的酸值、过氧化值在煎炸过程中变化不明显,而p-茴香胺值、脂肪酸组成、极性组分含量在煎炸过程中变化比较明显;3种油品的生育酚氧化速度总体偏差不大;分提18℃棕榈油、二次精炼18℃棕榈油中的苯并(a)芘、反式脂肪酸含量均随煎炸时间延长呈缓慢升高的趋势;二次精炼18℃棕榈油的3-MCPDE在未煎炸时远高于分提18℃棕榈油的,3-MCPDE在煎炸初期降解剧烈,最终达到平衡;分提18℃棕榈油与二次精炼18℃棕榈油在煎炸稳定性方面没有明显区别,二次精炼不仅损失了部分有益的微量营养成分(如生育酚),还伴生出新的风险因子,如增加了3-MCPDE、反式脂...  相似文献   

以灰色小麦、乌麦526和晋麦21为对照,对甘肃省武威北部地区古老珍稀小麦品种红秃头小麦营养成分进行了系统比较和评价。结果表明,红秃头小麦脂肪含量为1.62%,富含各种脂肪酸;粗纤维含量为2.8%,碳水化合物含量为71.21%,蛋白质含量为14.82%,18种氨基酸总量达到14.618%,8种必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的34.91%;灰分含量为1.82%。与晋麦21相比,蛋白质含量增加9.78%,脂肪含量增加8%,灰分含量增加7.06%,维生素A、C、B1、B2和维生素E含量增加14.06%,32.68%,13.34%,4.2%和7.25%;与灰色小麦相比,除维生素B1、B2和维生素E以外,其他成分含量均低于灰色小麦;与乌麦526相比,脂肪、灰分、维生素和蛋白质含量均低于乌麦526;比较了钙、钾、硒、锰、铁、锌、磷、镁、碘、钼、铜11种矿质元素,其中Fe含量为49.76 mg/kg,Mn含量为24.29 mg/kg,Se含量高达0.26 mg/kg;铁和硒在含量上明显高于乌麦567和晋麦21,分别增加70.41%、127.21%和30%、176%;与灰色小麦相比,除了锌含量以外,其他10种元素含量均低于灰色小麦。因此,红秃头小麦作为高蛋白、富硒和高赖氨酸的新型食品加工原料,有较大的开发价值和市场前景。   相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate some properties of experimental binderless particleboards produced from various processing parameters. Three different temperatures (160, 180, 200 °C), two different hot pressing times (15, 20 min) and two different pressures (5, 10 MPa) were applied in manufacturing the binderless particleboard. Three replications of each of the 12 different types of boards with a target density of 0.60 g cm?3 were produced. The thickness swelling, dimensional changes associated with changes in relative humidity, bending strength, internal bonding strength, and soil burial decay test were evaluated. Increase of temperature, duration of hot pressing and pressure increased the properties of specimens. Thickness swelling nearly met the requirement of European Standard for use in humid condition. Some of the specimens showed promising mechanical properties and met the requirement of European Standard.  相似文献   

The problems of global warming and the unstable price of petroleum oils have led to a race to develop environmentally friendly biofuels, such as palm oil or ethanol derived from corn and sugar cane. Biofuels are a potential replacement for fossil fuel, since they are renewable and environmentally friendly. This paper evaluates the combustion performance and emission characteristics of Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO)/diesel blends B5, B10, B15, B20, and B25 by volume, using an industrial oil burner with and without secondary air. Wall temperature profiles along the combustion chamber axis were measured using a series of thermocouples fitted axially on the combustion chamber wall, and emissions released were measured using a gas analyzer. The results show that RBDPO blend B25 produced the maximum emission reduction of 56.9% of CO, 74.7% of NOx, 68.5% of SO(2), and 77.5% of UHC compared to petroleum diesel, while air staging (secondary air) in most cases reduces the emissions further. However, increasing concentrations of RBDPO in the blends also reduced the energy released from the combustion. The maximum wall temperature reduction was 62.7% for B25 at the exit of the combustion chamber.  相似文献   

米曲霉的应用研究进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
介绍了米曲霉的生物学特性,并综述了它在调味品、饲料、生产曲酸、消除乳糖不耐症、酿酒等方面的应用,提出了其发展前景。  相似文献   

米曲霉蛋白酶动力学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在不同底物浓度、温度和pH下米曲霉蛋白酶水解酪蛋白产生酪氨酸的动力学特性。在反应时间为10min时,最佳反应温度为50℃,最佳反应pH为9。实验表明米曲霉蛋白酶水解酪蛋白生成酪氨酸的反应符合米氏方程,根据实验数据回归得到温度为40℃时的速度方程为r=0.243CS/0.0282+CS,反应速度与氢离子浓度的关系为r=lgCH++3.14013/0.19759+0.05484(lgCH++3.14013)+(lgCH++3.14013)2。该蛋白酶在50℃下的失活规律符合双指数模型,相对酶活力与时间的关系为a=0.82531e(-0.02169t)+0.17469e(-0.41914t)。在4~50℃的范围内,蛋白酶水解反应的活化能Ea为30.67kJ。还研究了不同化学组分对蛋白酶活力的影响,发现10mmol/L的H3BO3和Mg2+对该蛋白酶有一定的激活作用,而EDTA、SDS、Zn2+、Mn2+和Sn2+对蛋白酶有明显的抑制作用,10mmol/L的H2O2对该蛋白酶的抑制作用不明显。  相似文献   

米曲霉双菌株组合制曲改善酶系组成与发酵效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对9株米曲霉的双菌株组合制曲试验,以中性蛋白酶和淀粉酶、纤维素酶、木聚糖酶为指标,得到组合为C1B1,C2B2,C2B3的组合菌株,较单菌株制曲缩短了制曲时间,其制曲中性蛋白酶和其他各种酶的活力都较组合的单菌株及As3.042制曲酶活性高。并通过进一步的发酵酱油试验,考察了组合菌种与As3.042制曲发酵酱油的质量。组合菌种发酵所得酱油的全氮、氨基态氮、还原糖、谷氨酸的含量较As3.042最高分别提高了0.372 g/100 mL,0.433 g/100 mL,0.67 g/100 mL,0.183g/100 mL,相对提高分别为52.2%,94.1%,49.6%,50.8%。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the potential of gamma radiations in the extension of the shelf-life of oil palm fruit and oil palm fruit mesocarp. In the course of the experiment, it was observed that even though palm fruits in their harvested form, went bad within 3 days post-harvest, their shelf-life can be extended to at least 2 months through preparation of dry oil palm fruit mesocarp. Furthermore, despite the fact that gamma radiation cannot be used to prolong the shelf-life of oil palm fruit proper, it can be used to drastically reduce the mould load in the dry palm fruit mesocarps, thereby further enhancing their keeping quality and consumer acceptance. Chemical and organoleptic analyses of fat extracted from irradiated, dry oil palm fruit mesocarp show that there is practically no radiation effect. The significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the possible acceptance of radiation-preservation of oil palm fruit mesocarp commercially.  相似文献   

L-苹果酸是一种重要的C_4化合物,广泛应用于食品、化工和医药行业。本文中以米曲霉为出发菌株,研究氮源种类、CaCO_3质量浓度、搅拌转速和通气量等关键营养条件和环境条件对Aspergillus oryzae形态和产L-苹果酸的影响。最优发酵条件为:胰蛋白胨为氮源、CaCO_3质量浓度为80 g/L、搅拌转速为600 r/min、通气量为2 vvm。进一步分析菌体形态与L-苹果酸产量的关系,得出当单位体积发酵液菌球总体积(V值)为76.4 mm3/mL时,L-苹果酸产量最高达109.9 g/L。  相似文献   

椰子油、棕榈仁油制取工艺探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈善勋 《中国油脂》2007,32(12):16-17
探讨了椰子干和棕榈仁加工工艺。由于这种高含油油料自身特点,不能套用我国常用的油脂制取工艺,有些虽属小道理,但影响全局,影响安全、稳定、低耗运行。所述内容对开拓国外油脂工程市场有一定帮助。  相似文献   

对碘值60棕榈油与大豆油调和而成调和油在0℃、10℃、20℃三种温度条件下进行冷冻性能研究。在0℃情况下,即使棕榈油含量仅10%,也会很快混浊和结冻;在10℃情况下,含20%棕榈油的棕榈油大豆油调和油可保持15天以上澄清透明;在20℃情况下,含40%棕榈油的棕榈油大豆油调和油可保持25天以上而澄清透明。  相似文献   

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