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Abstract: This article represents a broad and occasionally polemical meditation on the nature and significance of creative cities. I seek to situate the concept of creative cities within the context of the so‐called new economy and to trace out the connections of these phenomena to recent shifts in technologies, structures of production, labor markets, and the dynamics of locational agglomeration. I try to show, in particular, how the structures of the new economy unleash historically specific forms of economic and cultural innovation in modern cities. The argument is concerned passim with policy issues and, above all, with the general possibilities and limitations faced by policymakers in any attempt to build creative cities. The effects of globalization are discussed, with special reference to the prospective emergence of a worldwide network of creative cities bound together in relations of competition and cooperation. In the conclusion, I pinpoint some of the darker dimensions—both actual and potential—of creative cities.  相似文献   

This study of St. Louis' Model Cities program argues that the barriers to effective intergovernmental implementation that are stressed in the literature did not prevent HUD from accomplishing its goal of weakening the influence of poverty-area neighborhood organizations in the program. HUD, primarily through its willingness to withhold Model Cities funds until the neighborhood organizations' role was weakened, was able to alter such factors as local political alignments and the disposition of local implementers rather than having these remain impediments to implementation. HUD was willing to push this course of action due to the exclusion of representatives of the poor from the HUD subsystem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper endeavors to create a better understanding of the barriers to employment faced by disadvantaged urban women in the post–welfare reform era. Using data from the Project on Devolution and Urban Change, a unique geographically linked, longitudinal, multicity set of survey data, logistic regression models weighs the relative importance of individual barriers to employment (e.g., poor health, childcare, family responsibilities) and contextual or neighborhood barriers to employment (e.g., poverty rate, joblessness rate) on labor market outcomes. Results reveal that several neighborhood characteristics are predictive of employment outcomes, including automobile access, female‐headedness, vacancy, and disorder. Results suggest a more complex, nuanced interplay between neighborhood‐level variables and individually measured variables in preventing some women from obtaining both modestly paying employment with few allocated hours of work per week, and also better‐paying jobs with more hours of work per week.  相似文献   

黄如宝  钱永峰 《建筑技术》2001,32(6):412-413
《中华人民共和国建筑法》(以下简称《建筑法》)已于1998年3月1日正式实施 ,它满足了建筑活动管理实践的迫切需要 ,是规范建筑市场主体及其行为的法律依据。但是 ,《建筑法》毕竟只是关于建筑活动的一部根本大法 ,加之建筑活动本身的复杂性决定了《建筑法》适用的复杂性 ,《建筑法》不可能对关于建筑活动的所有问题都规定得很严格、很具体 ,因而《建筑法》还存在不少操作性问题和执行中的难点问题 ,需要进行深入研究并加以解决 ,如制定与《建筑法》配套的法规、对某些概念作出明确定义或解释等。本文仅就其中“合理使用寿命”的相关…  相似文献   

This paper uses historical lime-series for the individual slates to determine the extent of state and local vulnerability to major shifts in federal revenue sharing patterns. Our results suggest that the likely impact of federal revenue reduction will neither be uniform across the states nor fall most heavily on those states and localities most generally perceived to be in harms way.  相似文献   

我国历史街区保护与规划的若干问题研究   总被引:107,自引:3,他引:107  
阮仪三  孙萌 《城市规划》2001,25(10):25-32
在回顾我国历史街区保护的发展历程的基础上总结分析其中的经验教训和形成原因 ;同时分析了历史街区保护与整治规划的特点 ,指出历史街区风貌保护与建筑保护更新的几个问题 ;最后结合实例分析提出了我国历史街区的规模范围核定标准  相似文献   

Multi-year forecasting of revenues and expenditures has received increasing attention by urban governments over the past several years as they face greater uncertainty in both the economic and political environments. This article reviews several alternative methods available for such forecasting models focusing upon the major problems faced in econometric revenue and accounting-identity expenditure forecasting. While these issues may seem purely technical in nature and outstide of the domain of administrators and policy-makers, the discussion shows that policy-makers cannot totally ignore these problems since the ultimate results and utility of the forecasts may be affected greatly by the approach taken.  相似文献   

“收缩城市”研究的国际进展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,伴随着新的全球经济环境的出现,"收缩城市"(shrinking cities)现象在世界范围内的发生愈发普遍,对其关注也日益增多。在我国,随着"新常态"时期到来,经济增长速度放缓与结构优化进程不断推进,加上人口增长速度放缓与人口结构老龄化,收缩城市现象的发生也越来越普遍,然而,目前学术界和业界对其关注尚颇为欠缺。为此,本文依托已有文献与研究,系统阐释收缩城市的含义,围绕国际上关于收缩城市的议题,对这一领域的研究进展进行系统评述。在此基础上,对我国未来的收缩城市研究提出建议和展望,呼吁学界加大对收缩城市的研究与关注。  相似文献   

President Ronald Reagan, shortly after taking office in January, 1981, announced a series of budget and tax proposals which were labeled “Reaganomics.” At the center of these proposals was the need to reduce federal spending for domestic programs. The research summarized here explores the anticipated impact these programs would have on cities over 25,000 in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.  相似文献   

这项城市的规划建设需要遵循三大主要原则:-其规划部署必须体现项目所在场址的城市特色:即东北地区的大规模开发,以及西南地区的城市规模开发。-综合考虑对城市空间的合理利用,以及对项目场址的长期开发。  相似文献   

对后张体外预应力技术在结构加固工程中的应用进行了较为全面的分析。探讨了后张预应力加固钢筋混凝土受弯构件的设计计算方法,提出了预应力筋的常用束形布置和节点做法,并结合某工程实例分析了预应力加固框架梁的有关施工方法。后张预应力技术目前在国际上还被用于砖砌体结构的抗震加固。对其原理和效果也进行了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

孔隙水压力测试和分析中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对目前几种常用的孔压计封孔方法存在的问题,提出一种新的孔压计封孔技术,并在广州南沙一真空预压加固软基工程中进行对比试验。实测结果表明,采用传统塌孔方式封孔埋设孔压计难于封堵,上下孔压计容易连通,不同深度的孔压差几乎一致,测试结果误差较大;采用新的封孔装置可有效地防止孔压计上下连通,不同深度的孔压差变化呈现明显的差异性,测试结果较为准确,且施工方便,孔压计定位准确。同时,还分析土体压缩和地下水位的变化对孔隙水压力的影响:土体压缩和地下水位变化越大,对孔隙水压力的影响就越大。土体压缩和地下水位变化对孔隙水压力的影响可达20kPa,因此在研究孔隙水压力消散规律或超静孔隙水压力分布模式时,须扣除因土体压缩和地下水位的变化而引起的孔隙水压力变化值。  相似文献   

吴唯佳  郭湛 《城市规划》2000,24(2):25-27
苏南地区县级城镇正处于从小城镇向小城市的快速转变过程。结合苏南地区小城市发展的外部条件和面临问题的分析 ,以城市规划的过程管理为依据 ,对小城市建筑环境提出了面向设计和面向项目开发的管理方法等建议  相似文献   

Equal employment opportunities and affirmative action plans are mandated by Federal law. The paper examines the implementation of these Federal policies in selected Texas cities through an analysis of existing affirmative action plans and through an assessment of the attitudes of the administrators of these plans. The paper suggests that the successful implementation of these policies can be associated with a number of variables in the policy implementation process.  相似文献   

城市空间特色规划的途径与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市空间特色指的是一座城市的物化环境形式明显区别于其他城市的空间个性特征,其规划任务是通过对城市特色资源的挖掘和提炼,以城市整体的物质空间美学个性作为规划导向,建构良好且独具特色的城市空间格局形态和形体空间环境。本文阐述了城市空间特色的技术框架和研究范围,提出以魅力模型的方法构建城市空间特色的结构;以特色要素比较矩阵的方法,从不同尺度探求城市空间不可复制性的独特价值;以历史地图解析的技术挖掘与追溯隐含在历史文脉中的空间特色根植性;以多因子叠合的方法探寻现状城市空间特色要素;以特色资源分级评价技术精确划分特色要素等级;以管理单元导则的编制引导城市特色空间的建设控制。据此可明确城市空间特色规划的基础分析、特色评价、空间梳理、规划调控和导则编制途径,初步建立城市空间特色规划的工作方法,并可使之进一步拓展和调整,以适应不同城市的需求。  相似文献   

城市旅游的空间单元与空间结构   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
城市旅游是以城市为载体的观光游憩体验活动和商务会展活动,城市旅游的空间范围是建城区和郊区县,城市旅游的空间背景是区域,城市旅游基本空间单元是观光游憩点、游憩中心地、主题街、旅游通道、公园道路等,不同旅游空间单元数量与组合方式不同,旅游发展空间结构也不相同.  相似文献   

综合客运枢纽是融合了交通、经济、城市等多重功能的建筑综合体,是构建综合运输体系的关键环节。本文针对我国综合客运枢纽建设实践中存在的问题,提出其规划设计中应予以关注的六个关键问题和解决思路。  相似文献   

分析了瑞典斯德哥尔摩的卫星城魏林比的经典TOD布局的建设,以及其在欧洲城市背景下取得成功的条件与限制,并对比分析了新加坡的整体TOD规划政策,分析了榜鹅新城TOD规划,阐述了多重交互的公共交通系统对人口密集的特大型城市的作用,以及对中国人口稠密的特大城市的公共交通引导城市发展的启发。  相似文献   

This paper discusses in no technical terms the essential features of current governmental accounting standards and practices. Alleged weaknesses and proposed changes are briefly analyzed and the sources of difficulty in making changes are pointed out. Some major organized efforts to improve governmental accounting are presented. Finally, several concrete suggestions are made as to how public administration educators/researchers and practitioners can participate in attempts to make governmental accounting more responsive to the needs of its diverse potential user groups.  相似文献   

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