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陈于书 《家具》2005,(5):65-68
艺术家具或工作室家具是一种与批量生产的家具完全不同的家具.这些家具体现了美国工作室家具艺术家的手工艺技术和原创设计。这些产品不仅局限于功能,较少利用木材本身美丽的自然纹理,经常采用整体雕刻等手法.极为注重美学表达,通常表现丰富的色彩。这可以说是一种奢侈艺术。当代的这些艺术家主要来自于大学,而不是传统的木工出身,他们更注重的是艺术上的自我表现。  相似文献   

主题方式的设计架构,衍生出这个居住空间与人的亲密互动。根据业主的喜好,台湾设计师江欣宜将适合社交活动的平面构造引入家中,打造出开放式的客厅、餐厅、厨房。三者合一的动线,让到访此家的所有客人,都能够自由享受空间,感受家中不同角落的美好。此外,主题色调以及饰品.画作的选配,让这所住宅在活泼中不失优雅,设计师所提倡的度假感与艺术氛围由此蔓延开来。  相似文献   

对于艺术家而言,其实日常生活都是很典型的SOHO,只是根据各自学习、生活经历的不同,才体现出不同的家居状态。这次我们为大家奉献的是有着十多年德国生活经历的画家之家,从家的空间分割与布置中,依稀也能看出一丝德式气质。  相似文献   

李甜  挪亚家 《缤纷家居》2007,(5):152-153
他是一位有名的律师,受人尊敬,不只源于他办过的无数案件的胜诉,更因为无论是什么样的案件,他都会倾注全部心血。客户无不为他的职业素养和敬业精神所感动,在他们的心目中,他是一个值得信赖并拥有超常理性头脑的法律专家。不过,这往往会忽略他的另一面——艺术而充满柔情。在没有案件缠身的日子里,他最喜欢待在自己亲手设计的家中。他偏爱环保,喜欢天然的大胡桃木的色彩与肌理:同时他要求家具的线条要干净简洁,正如他冷静而理性的思维一样。但是,他却反对刻板的冷峻和单一,他追求变化。正因为如此,他才特别青睐可以随意组合的板式家具,也喜欢将不  相似文献   

罗悦茜 《服装设计师》2010,(10):152-159
一位是装苑奖最年轻的获奖者.在歌剧、歌舞剧的舞台服装设计再到运动服装的设计乃至室内装饰设计等领域颇有建树的时装设计师,一位是在油画、版画、壁画(公共建筑物)以及设计等艺术领域内活跃于国际舞台之上的艺术家。  相似文献   

西溪湿地艺术集合村是当地政府为了引进知名艺术家及其公司,邀请了国内顶级的十多位建筑设计师联手打造而成,这些散落于湿地的几十幢房子显得既张扬而又落寞。虽然工作生活在天堂杭州,但是市区内的办公楼封闭如同罐头,四季在这里模糊,昼夜没有了差别,可里面的人能长久保持新鲜吗?公司作为艺术集合村被引进的知名文化创意企业,工作室改造与装修使得房子与环境,人与自然的交流互动成为可能。设计与营造由于房子已经存在,改造与装修似乎就谈不  相似文献   

王瑾 《食品与生活》2008,(10):29-29
吃素在很大程度上是存在于宗教的,佛家食素的出发点是为了不杀生,古代文人雅士食素多是崇尚朴素清淡的生活方式,而现代饮食男女吃素则更多是从健康以及保护环境的角度考虑。就连刘嘉玲和梁朝伟都办素食婚宴,谁说素食不是时尚健康的代名词呢?  相似文献   

<正>DS 165沙发组合(dE Sede)由HUGO DE RUITER设计的这款沙发组合,具有强大的实用性。可以移动的沙发背能够按照不同人的需求,调整到适合的位置,当家人共同使用时可以互不干扰。  相似文献   

叶永青 迷涂     
张密 《缤纷家居》2008,(7):50-53
"我给自己的回顾展取了个名字叫‘迷涂症’。自上世纪80年代起,我就从一个小角落开始对艺术的热爱和探索,在既是亲历者,也是旁观者的角色中感受着中国艺术发展过程里的变化,有时很虚拟,有时很真切,在过去对前行有些迷茫的时日里,伴随我走过的是涂涂抹抹的绘画,并将我这种迷思、迷惑的过程记录下来。那个出发的角落与今天的艺术繁荣比较起来显得微不足道,甚至有些寒酸,但却有很多有意思的故事打动着我。我不怎么喜欢回头看,只是展览空间的环廊对我来说很像一条路,一条回家的路,给我一个机会从今天走回昨天,回首一路的风景。"——叶永青  相似文献   

2007年10月26—28日,在北京798时态空间内,“李宁”完成了一次将艺术与体育相连的“可能”之举。来自不同国家的7个艺术家及工作室,为中国观众带来一场名为“SAYNOTOLIMITS”的主题艺术展览。“李宁”品牌与世界艺术家对话的同时,也让中国观众与这些世界顶尖艺术家进行了一场近距离接触。来自美国、法国、英国、荷兰、日本,新加坡等多个国家的视觉及装置艺术家。  相似文献   

大豆豆渣的研究开发现状与展望   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用近期有关豆渣研究与应用的文献,综述了豆渣膳食纤维的功能特性、研究开发现状,分析了豆渣研究 与应用过程中存在的问题,进而对豆渣的应用开发前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了土工布的主要类型:织造土工布、非织造土工布、土工网和格栅、土工膜、复合土工布的应用范围及其在国内外发展的现状。  相似文献   

The techniques used in dentistry which enable the monitoring of mastication include gnathosonics, electromyography, cinematography and the use of various electronic, intra-oral, instruments. The forces involved during the masticatory cycle have been estimated using a variety of both extra-and intra-oral devices. The possible implications of this knowledge are discussed in relation to obtaining greater information from instrumental techniques, developing more meaningticl mechanical test methods, improving methodology used in the establishment of texture panels and in acquiring a greater understanding of results obtained from such sensory evaluations.  相似文献   

The subjective measurement of food texture and the objective measurement based on a rheological model are described to clarify the relationship between texture and taste. The authors suggest that the most important sensory property is texture in foods which have relatively low flavor intensity. Additionally, from the fact that the multidimensional evaluation of palatability of foods is strongly influenced by properties requiring physical measurement, they propose the introduction of a new concept, physical taste, for making effective evaluations of food palatability. More quantitative texture studies related to food quality are required as well as research on the traditional four or five basic tastes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the fields of head retention and colloidal stability are reviewed both in respect of advances in fundamental scientific knowledge and changes in the techniques of brewing and bottling. Problems of head retention have received relatively little investigation and, although the importance of the proteins of beer is now well recognized, it is by no means yet possible to control their fate in brewing. The recognition of the outstanding role of the “tannins” of beer as factors causing colloidal instability has led to the development of new beer stabilizing techniques which are of commercial importance.  相似文献   

Fish sauce, due to its characteristic flavor and taste, is a popular condiment for cooking and dipping. Biochemically, fish sauce is salt-soluble protein in the form of amino acids and peptides. It is developed microbiologically with halophilic bacteria, which are principally responsible for flavor and aroma. This review article covers the manufacturing methods of fish sauce, factors affecting the quality of fish sauce, nutritional values of fish sauce, microorganisms involved with fermentation, and flavor. In addition, rapid fermentation to reduce time and new parameters to estimate the quality of fish sauce are reviewed. Along with a new approach for estimating the quality of fish sauce, the quantitative analysis of degradation compounds from ATP and other specific protein compounds in fish sauce are discussed.  相似文献   

淀粉的凝沉是限制淀粉应用的关键因素.在分析淀粉凝沉机理的基础上,重点综述国、内外采用物理方法抑制淀粉凝沉的研究和成果,如控制水分、温度、添加小分子糖类、亲水胶体以及脂类等方法.  相似文献   

Fish sauce, due to its characteristic flavor and taste, is a popular condiment for cooking and dipping. Biochemically, fish sauce is salt-soluble protein in the form of amino acids and peptides. It is developed microbiologically with halophilic bacteria, which are principally responsible for flavor and aroma. This review article covers the manufacturing methods of fish sauce, factors affecting the quality of fish sauce, nutritional values of fish sauce, microorganisms involved with fermentation, and flavor. In addition, rapid fermentation to reduce time and new parameters to estimate the quality of fish sauce are reviewed. Along with a new approach for estimating the quality of fish sauce, the quantitative analysis of degradation compounds from ATP and other specific protein compounds in fish sauce are discussed.  相似文献   

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a food safety preventive program designed to assure consumers of a safe food supply. Preventive measures adopted for this concept are intended to reduce the need for microbial testing after processing. HACCP plans are designed with the incorporation of good manufacturing practices as a guide to develop sanitation standard operating procedures. Seven principles are followed. The use of preshipment review ensures that the plan has been executed. HACCP plan assessment is needed to determine if a safe product is manufactured consistently. It includes review of the HACCP manual and on-site verification that the HACCP plan is implemented properly. HACCP plan assessment helps to determine if the manufacturer has implemented a sound HACCP system, with appropriate knowledge and support programs to maintain the HACCP plan.  相似文献   

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