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This paper describes a solver programming method, called contractor programming, that copes with two issues related to constraint processing over the reals. First, continuous constraints involve an inevitable step of solver design. Existing softwares provide an insufficient answer by restricting users to choose among a list of fixed strategies. Our first contribution is to give more freedom in solver design by introducing programming concepts where only configuration parameters were previously available. Programming consists in applying operators (intersection, composition, etc.) on algorithms called contractors that are somehow similar to propagators.Second, many problems with real variables cannot be cast as the search for vectors simultaneously satisfying the set of constraints, but a large variety of different outputs may be demanded from a set of constraints (e.g., a paving with boxes inside and outside of the solution set). These outputs can actually be viewed as the result of different contractors working concurrently on the same search space, with a bisection procedure intervening in case of deadlock. Such algorithms (which are not strictly speaking solvers) will be made easy to build thanks to a new branch & prune system, called paver.Thus, this paper gives a way to deal harmoniously with a larger set of problems while giving a fine control on the solving mechanisms. The contractor formalism and the paver system are the two contributions. The approach is motivated and justified through different cases of study. An implementation of this framework named Quimper is also presented.  相似文献   

Constraint programming (CP) has been used with great success to tackle a wide variety of constraint satisfaction problems which are computationally intractable in general. Global constraints are one of the important factors behind the success of CP. In this paper, we study a new global constraint, the multiset ordering constraint, which is shown to be useful in symmetry breaking and searching for leximin optimal solutions in CP. We propose efficient and effective filtering algorithms for propagating this global constraint. We show that the algorithms maintain generalised arc-consistency and we discuss possible extensions. We also consider alternative propagation methods based on existing constraints in CP toolkits. Our experimental results on a number of benchmark problems demonstrate that propagating the multiset ordering constraint via a dedicated algorithm can be very beneficial.  相似文献   

This paper describes our experience with a simple modeling and programming approach for increasing the amount of constraint propagation in the constraint solving process. The idea, although similar to redundant constraints, is based on the concept of redundant modeling. We introduce the notions of CSP model and model redundancy, and show how mutually redundant models can be combined and connected using channeling constraints. The combined model contains the mutually redundant models as sub-models. Channeling constraints allow the sub-models to cooperate during constraint solving by propagating constraints freely amongst the sub-models. This extra level of pruning and propagation activities becomes the source of execution speedup. real-life nurse rostering system. We perform two case studies to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. The first case study is based on the simple and well-known n-queens problem, while the second case study applies our method in the design and construction of a real-life nurse rostering system. Experimental results provide empirical evidence in line with our prediction.  相似文献   

Although the problem of data server placement in parallel and distributed systems has been studied extensively, most of the existing work assumes there is no competition between servers. Hence, their goal is to minimize read, update and storage cost. In this paper, we study the server placement problem in which a new server has to compete with existing servers for user requests. Therefore, in addition to minimizing cost, we also need to maximize the benefit of building a new server.Our major results include three parts. First, for tree-structured systems, we propose an O(|V|3k) time dynamic programming algorithm to find the optimal placement of k extra servers that maximizes the benefit in a tree with |V| nodes. We also propose an O(|V|3) time dynamic programming algorithm to find the optimal placement of extra servers that maximizes the benefit, without any constraint on the number of extra servers. Second, for general connected graphs, we prove that the server placement problems are NP-complete, and present three greedy heuristic algorithms, called Greedy Add, Greedy Remove and Greedy Add-Remove, to solve them. Third, we show that if the number of requests a server can handle (i.e., server capacity) is bounded, the server placement problem is NP-complete even for tree networks. We then derive a variation of the same set of greedy heuristic algorithms, with consideration of server capacity constraint, to solve the problem.Our experiment results demonstrate that the greedy algorithms achieve good results, when compared with the upper bounds found by a linear programming algorithm. Greedy Add performs best in the unconstrained model, yielding a benefit within 12% difference from the theoretical upper bound in average. For the constrained model, Greedy Remove performs best for smaller network sizes, while Greedy Add-Remove performs best for larger network sizes. On average, the heuristic algorithms yield a benefit within 13% difference from the theoretical upper bound in the constrained model.  相似文献   

Constraint programming is a popular paradigm to deal with combinatorial problems in artificial intelligence. Backtracking algorithms, applied to constraint networks, are commonly used but suffer from thrashing, i.e. the fact of repeatedly exploring similar subtrees during search. An extensive literature has been devoted to prevent thrashing, often classified into look-ahead (constraint propagation and search heuristics) and look-back (intelligent backtracking and learning) approaches. In this paper, we present an original look-ahead approach that allows to guide backtrack search toward sources of conflicts and, as a side effect, to obtain a behavior similar to a backjumping technique. The principle is the following: after each conflict, the last assigned variable is selected in priority, so long as the constraint network cannot be made consistent. This allows us to find, following the current partial instantiation from the leaf to the root of the search tree, the culprit decision that prevents the last variable from being assigned. This way of reasoning can easily be grafted to many variations of backtracking algorithms and represents an original mechanism to reduce thrashing. Moreover, we show that this approach can be generalized so as to collect a (small) set of incompatible variables that are together responsible for the last conflict. Experiments over a wide range of benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in both constraint satisfaction and automated artificial intelligence planning.  相似文献   

Y. C. Law  J. H. M. Lee 《Constraints》2006,11(2-3):221-267
Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) sometimes contain both variable symmetries and value symmetries, causing adverse effects on CSP solvers based on tree search. As a remedy, symmetry breaking constraints are commonly used. While variable symmetry breaking constraints can be expressed easily and propagated efficiently using lexicographic ordering, value symmetry breaking constraints are often difficult to formulate. In this paper, we propose two methods of using symmetry breaking constraints to tackle value symmetries. First, we show theoretically when value symmetries in one CSP correspond to variable symmetries in another CSP of the same problem. We also show when variable symmetry breaking constraints in the two CSPs, combined using channeling constraints, are consistent. Such results allow us to tackle value symmetries efficiently using additional CSP variables and channeling constraints. Second, we introduce value precedence, a notion which can be used to break a common class of value symmetries, namely symmetries of indistinguishable values. While value precedence can be expressed using inefficient if-then constraints in existing CSP solvers, we propose efficient propagation algorithms for implementing global value precedence constraints. We also characterize several theoretical properties of the value precedence constraints. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the feasibility and efficiency of the two proposals.  相似文献   

Constraint propagation is one of the techniques central to the success of constraint programming. To reduce search, fast algorithms associated with each constraint prune the domains of variables. With global (or non-binary) constraints, the cost of such propagation may be much greater than the quadratic cost for binary constraints. We therefore study the computational complexity of reasoning with global constraints. We first characterise a number of important questions related to constraint propagation. We show that such questions are intractable in general, and identify dependencies between the tractability and intractability of the different questions. We then demonstrate how the tools of computational complexity can be used in the design and analysis of specific global constraints. In particular, we illustrate how computational complexity can be used to determine when a lesser level of local consistency should be enforced, when constraints can be safely generalized, when decomposing constraints will reduce the amount of pruning, and when combining constraints is tractable.  相似文献   

We review the many different definitions of symmetry for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) that have appeared in the literature, and show that a symmetry can be defined in two fundamentally different ways: as an operation preserving the solutions of a CSP instance, or else as an operation preserving the constraints. We refer to these as solution symmetries and constraint symmetries. We define a constraint symmetry more precisely as an automorphism of a hypergraph associated with a CSP instance, the microstructure complement. We show that the solution symmetries of a CSP instance can also be obtained as the automorphisms of a related hypergraph, the k-ary nogood hypergraph and give examples to show that some instances have many more solution symmetries than constraint symmetries. Finally, we discuss the practical implications of these different notions of symmetry.  相似文献   

In this paper we continue previous studies on the computational efficiency of spiking neural P systems, under the assumption that some pre-computed resources of exponential size are given in advance. Specifically, we give a deterministic solution for each of two well known PSPACE-complete problems: QSAT and Q3SAT. In the case of QSAT, the answer to any instance of the problem is computed in a time which is linear with respect to both the number n of Boolean variables and the number m of clauses that compose the instance. As for Q3SAT, the answer is computed in a time which is at most cubic in the number n of Boolean variables.  相似文献   

Nesting problems are particularly hard combinatorial problems. They involve the positioning of a set of small arbitrarily-shaped pieces on a large stretch of material, without overlapping them. The problem constraints are bidimensional in nature and have to be imposed on each pair of pieces. This all-to-all pattern results in a quadratic number of constraints. Constraint programming has been proven applicable to this category of problems, particularly in what concerns exploring them to optimality. But it is not easy to get effective propagation of the bidimensional constraints represented via finite-domain variables. It is also not easy to achieve incrementality in the search for an improved solution: an available bound on the solution is not effective until very late in the positioning process. In the sequel of work on positioning non-convex polygonal pieces using a CLP model, this work is aimed at improving the expressiveness of constraints for this kind of problems and the effectiveness of their resolution using global constraints. A global constraint “outside” for the non-overlapping constraints at the core of nesting problems has been developed using the constraint programming interface provided by Sicstus Prolog. The global constraint has been applied together with a specialized backtracking mechanism to the resolution of instances of the problem where optimization by Integer Programming techniques is not considered viable. The use of a global constraint for nesting problems is also regarded as a first step in the direction of integrating Integer Programming techniques within a Constraint Programming model.  相似文献   

This paper concerns project scheduling under resource constraints. Traditionally, the objective is to find a unique solution that minimizes the project makespan, while respecting the precedence constraints and the resource constraints. This work focuses on developing a model and a decision support framework for industrial application of the cumulative global constraint. For a given project scheduling, the proposed approach allows the generation of different optimal solutions relative to the alternate availability of outsourcing and resources. The objective is to provide a decision-maker an assistance to construct, choose, and define the appropriate scheduling program taking into account the possible capacity resources. The industrial problem under consideration is modeled as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). It is implemented under the constraint programming language CHIP V5. The provided solutions determine values for the various variables associated to the tasks realized on each resource, as well as the curves with the profile of the total consumption of resources on time.  相似文献   

This paper presents our investigations on a hybrid constraint programming based column generation (CP–CG) approach to nurse rostering problems. We present a complete model to formulate all the complex real-world constraints in several benchmark nurse rostering problems. The hybrid CP–CG approach is featured with not only the effective relaxation and optimality reasoning of linear programming but also the powerful expressiveness of constraint programming in modeling the complex logical constraints in nurse rostering problems. In solving the CP pricing subproblem, we propose two strategies to generate promising columns which contribute to the efficiency of the CG procedure. A Depth Bounded Discrepancy Search is employed to obtain diverse columns. A cost threshold is adaptively tightened based on the information collected during the search to generate columns of good quality. Computational experiments on a set of benchmark nurse rostering problems demonstrate a faster convergence by the two strategies and justify the effectiveness and efficiency of the hybrid CP–CG approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report experiments we did with the constraint languageToupie. Toupie is a finite-domain µ-calculus interpreter. In additionto classical functionalities of a finite-domain constraint solver, itprovides a full universal quantification, and relations(predicates/constraints) can be defined as least or greatest fixpoints ofequations. This expressiveness is coupled with a practical efficiency thatcomes from the management of relations via decision diagrams. We advocatethe use of this paradigm to model and solve efficiently difficult constraintproblems such as the computation of properties of finite-state machines andthe implementation of abstract interpretation algorithms for logic languages.  相似文献   

If we have two representations of a problem as constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) models, it has been shown that combining the models using channeling constraints can increase constraint propagation in tree search CSP solvers. Handcrafting two CSP models for a problem, however, is often time-consuming. In this paper, we propose model induction, a process which generates a second CSP model from an existing model using channeling constraints, and study its theoretical properties. The generated induced model is in a different viewpoint, i.e., set of variables. It is mutually redundant to and can be combined with the input model, so that the combined model contains more redundant information, which is useful to increase constraint propagation. We also propose two methods of combining CSP models, namely model intersection and model channeling. The two methods allow combining two mutually redundant models in the same and different viewpoints respectively. We exploit the applications of model induction, intersection, and channeling and identify three new classes of combined models, which contain different amounts of redundant information. We construct combined models of permutation CSPs and show in extensive benchmark results that the combined models are more robust and efficient to solve than the single models.  相似文献   

We investigate the complexity of the satisfiability problem of constraints over finite totally ordered domains. In our context, a clausal constraint is a disjunction of inequalities of the form xd and xd. We classify the complexity of constraints based on clausal patterns. A pattern abstracts away from variables and contains only information about the domain elements and the type of inequalities occurring in a constraint. Every finite set of patterns gives rise to a (clausal) constraint satisfaction problem in which all constraints in instances must have an allowed pattern. We prove that every such problem is either polynomially decidable or NP-complete, and give a polynomial-time algorithm for recognizing the tractable cases. Some of these tractable cases are new and have not been previously identified in the literature.  相似文献   

To model combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty and probability, we introduce scenario based stochastic constraint programming. Stochastic constraint programs contain both decision variables, which we can set, and stochastic variables, which follow a discrete probability distribution. We provide a semantics for stochastic constraint programs based on scenario trees. Using this semantics, we can compile stochastic constraint programs down into conventional (non-stochastic) constraint programs. This allows us to exploit the full power of existing constraint solvers. We have implemented this framework for decision making under uncertainty in stochastic OPL, a language which is based on the OPL constraint modelling language [Van Hentenryck et al., 1999]. To illustrate the potential of this framework, we model a wide range of problems in areas as diverse as portfolio diversification, agricultural planning and production/inventory management.  相似文献   

Combining constraints using logical connectives such as disjunction is ubiquitous in constraint programming, because it adds considerable expressive power to a constraint language. We explore the solver architecture needed to propagate such combinations of constraints efficiently. In particular we describe two new features named satisfying sets and constraint trees. We also make use of movable triggers (Gent et al., 2006) [1], and with these three complementary features we are able to make considerable efficiency gains.A key reason for the success of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solvers is their ability to propagate Or constraints efficiently, making use of movable triggers. We successfully generalise this approach to an Or of an arbitrary set of constraints, maintaining the crucial property that at most two constraints are active at any time, and no computation at all is done on the others. We also give an And propagator within our framework, which may be embedded within the Or. Using this approach, we demonstrate speedups of over 10,000 times in some cases, compared to traditional constraint programming approaches. We also prove that the Or algorithm enforces generalised arc consistency (GAC) when all its child constraints have a GAC propagator, and no variables are shared between children. By extending the Or propagator, we present a propagator for AtLeastK, which expresses that at least k of its child constraints are satisfied in any solution.Some logical expressions (e.g. exclusive-or) cannot be compactly expressed using And, Or and AtLeastK. Therefore we investigate reification of constraints. We present a fast generic algorithm for reification using satisfying sets and movable triggers.  相似文献   

Backjump-based backtracking for constraint satisfaction problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of backtracking algorithms for solving finite-domain constraint satisfaction problems can be improved substantially by look-back and look-ahead methods. Look-back techniques extract information by analyzing failing search paths that are terminated by dead-ends. Look-ahead techniques use constraint propagation algorithms to avoid such dead-ends altogether. This paper describes a number of look-back variants including backjumping and constraint recording which recognize and avoid some unnecessary explorations of the search space. The last portion of the paper gives an overview of look-ahead methods such as forward checking and dynamic variable ordering, and discusses their combination with backjumping.  相似文献   

We discuss how constraint programming can improve the performance of a column generation solution process for the NP-hard Tail Assignment problem in aircraft scheduling. Combining a constraint model of a relaxed Tail Assignment problem with column generation, we achieve substantially improved performance. A generalized preprocessing technique based on constraint propagation is presented that can dramatically reduce the size of the flight network. We also present a heuristic preprocessing method based on the costs of connections, and show how constraint propagation can be used to improve fixing heuristics. Proof of concept is provided using real world Tail Assignment instances.  相似文献   

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