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With the rapid social and economic development of the Taihu region, Taihu Lake now faces an increasingly severe eutrophication problem. Pollution from surrounding catchments contributes greatly to the eutrophication of water bodies in the region. Investigation of surface flow and associated mass transport for the Xitiaoxi catchment is of a significant degree of importance as the Xitiaoxi catchment is one of the major catchments within the Taihu region. A SWAT-based distributed hydrological model was established for the Xitiaoxi catchment. The model was calibrated and verified using hydrometeorological data from 1988 to 2001. The results indicate that the modeled daily and annual stream flow match the observed data both in the calibration period and the verification period, with a linear regression coefficient R2 and a coefficient e for modeled daily stream flow greater than 0.8 at Hengtangcun and Fanjiacun gauge stations. The results show that the runoff process in the Xitiaoxi catchment is affected both by rainfall and human activities (e.g., reservoirs and polder areas). Moreover, the human activities weaken flood peaks more noticeably during rainstorms. The Water balance analysis reveals the percentages of precipitation made up by surface flow, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge' and the change of soil storage, all of which are considered useful to the further understanding of the hydrological processes in the Xitiaoxi catchment. This study provides a good base for further studies in mass transport modeling and comparison of modeling results from similar hydrological models.  相似文献   

西苕溪径流变化特性及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以西苕溪横塘村站以上流域为研究对象,基于长期水文气象实测资料,运用多种数值分析方法、累积距平法以及Mann-Kendall非参数检验法,分析了1972—2009年西苕溪径流年内和年际变化特征、变化趋势及其影响因素。结果表明:西苕溪径流年内分配不均匀程度自20世纪80年代初逐渐减弱;相比年降水,径流的年际波动幅度普遍较大,2000年后流域基本处于枯水或偏枯状态;年径流量总体上呈显著的减少趋势,而年降水量减少趋势微弱,且两者相关性逐年代递减;西苕溪径流大幅度减少除降水驱动外,还与流域内水利工程、水土保持以及水资源利用等人类活动因素有关。  相似文献   

Xiandeng Hu 《国际水》2013,38(4):323-328

As industries develop and waste discharge increases in China, the water quality in many rivers becomes a serious issue. Although the Chinese government has taken river pollution control as the top priority in enviornmental management, pollution still occurs in many locations regularly. One of the reasons is that the policy used for pollution control in China is more or less like “cure the problems, but not take radical measures.” An integrated catchment management (ICM) approach has been implemented in Australia as a fundamental measure for resource management and water pollution control since the 1980s. The ICM approach has been proved to be an effective means for pollution control in Australia. Is it possible to use the ICM approach in China? This paper describes an investigation on the possibility by comparing the conditions for implementing ICM programs in Australia and China. It is suggested that the Australian ICM model cannot be directly used in China because of: (1) difficulty of coordinating authorities at different levels, (2) unclear ownership of resources, (3) small farming scales, and (4) poor education of resources users. However, it may be possible to implement the ICM approach in China by: (1) establishing a clear ownership system of resources (land, water, and vegetation), (2) extending the function of existing catchment management committees, (3) establishing strong acts of catchment management, and (4) establishing monitoring and audit systems for resource use andconservation. The detailed implementation procedure for China needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

 长江上游地区土层薄,蓄水容量差,由于雨量集中,容易导致洪、旱灾害交替发生,进行坡面径流调控降低土壤含水量是流域治理的有效手段,坡面径流的快速测评可为径流调控提供数据支持。研究采用野外调查和取样分析的方法,得到长江上游不同土壤类型土层厚度和物理性质;统计分析长江上游不同地区 5 年一遇最大 24 h 降雨量,基于径流形成原理,计算得到长江上游地区径流系数为 0.53 ;不同地区壤中流占总径流量的比例均值为 30% ,研究结果可为坡面径流调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Modeling Urban Stormwater Runoff Processes Using the Santa Barbara Method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the calibration and verification of one methodology for computing runoff hydrographs during frequent (i.e., return period of a few days to a few months) single-events (i.e., durations of 0.83–10.5 h), in four small (i.e., 5.97–23.57 ha) urban watersheds of one single predominant land use (i.e., low density residential, high density residential, highway and commercial).  相似文献   

基于典型次洪泥沙动力学过程的岔巴沟流域水沙关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确把握岔巴沟流域径流泥沙变化趋势并分析其原因,以岔巴沟流域1970—2016年98场洪水输沙过程为研究对象,通过分析不同年代次洪输沙量,阐明了次洪水输沙动力学过程。结果表明:岔巴沟流域近50 a来次洪输沙滞回曲线模式主要表现为顺时针型、逆时针型、8字型、复杂型4种,4种模式中逆时针型所占比例和次洪输沙量最大,顺时针型所占比例最小,但平均洪峰流量和平均输沙峰值最高,复杂型洪水平均持续时间最长。不同年代次洪输沙频率表现为1980—1989年间洪水输沙滞回曲线以逆时针型为主,其次为复杂型洪水,2006年以来逆时针型和复杂型洪水数量大幅减少,8字型洪水数量增多; 出现这种现象可能是由于岔巴沟流域自20世纪70年代以来开展小流域综合治理,各种水土保持措施在1970—1989年间产生较强的作用,但2000年后,由于长期使用后产生淤满和损坏等状况,效力逐渐降低,对岔巴沟流域整体的水沙输移模式产生影响。  相似文献   

Kastoria Lake is located in northwestern Greece. The whole basin of the lake is about 253 km2. For the computation of the surface water volume inflowing into the lake from the main streams of the sub-basins located around Kastoria Lake, a rainfall-runoff sub-model is used. A quasi-three-dimensional simulation model of the Kastoria basin aquifer is also realized, in order to estimate the groundwater contribution to the volumetric budget of the lake and the whole basin as well. For the computation of sediment load inflowing into the lake from the main streams of the sub-basins, the rainfall-runoff sub-model is combinedwith a soil erosion sub-model and a sediment transport sub-model for streams. A GIS was developed in the hydrologic basin with all data needed for parameter identification and model application. The data base was enriched by a series of on site measurements of water discharge made in all main streams for one whole hydrologic year. By means of the resulting mathematical sediment model, those sub-basins, which deliver most sediment load to the lake, are identified. On the basis of this identification, a series of control measures, for the reduction of sediment inflowing into the lake, at certain places of the above mentioned sub-basins is proposed.  相似文献   

利用河北省1956-2000年水文、气象资料,对现状下垫面时间进行了界定,建立了下垫面变化前后降水与地表径流的相关关系,定量评价了人类活动对地表径流量的影响。根据现状下垫面条件下的径流量系列与气候要素(降水量、蒸发量、气温)之间的关系,建立了对数型非线性统计模型,其相关显著,灵敏度较高。根据2030、2050年气候情景数据预测河北省地表径流量的变化:与标准气候值相比,2030年降水量将增加4%~12%,气温升高1.1℃~1.4℃,径流量为106.5~128.9×108m3;2050年降水量将增加4%~14%;气温升高1.7℃~2.2℃,径流量为95.7~123.0×108m3。  相似文献   

With the current rapid economic growth, heavy metal pollution has become one of the key issues in the Taihu Lake. Although heavy metal pollution levels and distributions of the Taihu Lake have previously been described, an effective model to describe the transport process of heavy metals between the water column and sediment bed for this lake is not available. It is known that heavy metals in the water column can be related to the resuspension of sediment in the lake bed. In this study, we set up a coupled model of relating hydrodynamics, sediment and heavy metals based on Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC), and applied it to Taihu Lake, China. For calibration and validation of the model, we employed two series of field sampling data taken all over Taihu Lake during April and July of 2009. The results show that the hydrodynamics simulations of the coupled model agree with the observations reasonably well and the sediment and heavy metal model shows similar variation trends during the simulation. Our results indicate that the model can be used for simulating the sediment and heavy metal transport process in the Taihu Lake and here we provide an effective tool for water quality management at small time scales.  相似文献   

城市地表径流污染负荷计算方法研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
城市地表径流是仅次于农业面污染源的第二大面污染源。研究城市地表径流污染负荷计算方法,为政府部门对城市面源污染的控制管理决策提供科学依据具有重要意义。本文对城市非点源污染负荷的三类计算方法即浓度法、统计法、概念模型等进行了较为全面的介绍和讨论,在此基础上,对城市地表径流负荷计算方法研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Modeling and Management of Urban Stormwater Runoff Quality: A Review   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution from urban runoff has been established as a major cause of receiving water degradation. In an effort to control this problem, new regulations have been passed in the U.S.A. and federal, state, and local agencies are devising urban runoff management programs. This paper reviews recent regulations and studies related to urban stormwater runoff control and planning in the U.S.A.; discusses fundamentals of urban NPS pollution including transport processes and types and sources of pollutants; reviews current hydrologic and water quality mathematical models used in the U.S.A.; presents case studies in both modeling and management; and describes fundamentals of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in urban runoff control. Finally, it summarizes future research needs.  相似文献   

依据岷江上游紫坪铺水文站监测1955—2008年降雨量与年径流量资料为基础数据,用线性倾向法、滑动平均法、Mann-Kendall法进行系列趋势检验,采用小波分析进行序列周期性分析,用ARIMA模型法构建降雨径流预测模型。结果表明:近54 a来,岷江流域都江堰段降雨量与径流量均有下降趋势,其中降雨下降较快,降雨的突变点比径流少且二者存在6~21 a的周期,得到的ARIMA模型预测精度较高,结合序列趋势变化与周期性,可得到该区未来降雨径流更合理的预测。  相似文献   

通过对研究区降雨径流中氮、磷浓度的野外实验和定点监测,研究典型平原河网区的农田降雨径流氮磷流失特征及其输出规律。得出平原河网区内不同土地利用方式对土壤氮、磷流失的影响很大,同时也得出在平原河网地区氮、磷的输出浓度与降雨时间、径流大小密切相关等结论,为进一步相关研究提供资料积累。  相似文献   

The eutrophication of Chaohu Lake in China is mainly attributed to nitrate inflow from non-point sources in the lake catchment. In this study,biological nitrate reduction from groundwater in the Chaohu Lake Catchment was investigated under laboratory conditions in a continuous upflow reactor. Sodium acetate served as the carbon source and electron donor. Results showed that a carbon-to-nitrogen(C/N) molar ratio of 3:1 and hydraulic retention time(HRT) of 8 d could achieve the most rapid nitrate nitrogen(NO_3~--N) depletion(from 100 mg/L to 1 mg/L within120 h). This rate was confirmed when field groundwater was tested in the reactor, in which a NO_3~--N removal rate of 97.71% was achieved(from60.35 mg/L to 1.38 mg/L within 120 h). Different levels of the initial NO_3~--N concentration(30, 50, 70, and 100 mg/L) showed observable influence on the denitrification rates, with an overall average NO_3~--N removal efficiency of 98.25% at 120 h. Nitrite nitrogen(NO_2~--N)accumulated in the initial 12 h, and then kept decreasing, until it reached 0.0254 mg/L at 120 h. Compared with the initial value, there was a slight accumulation of 0.04 mg/L for the ammonia nitrogen(NH4-N) concentration in the effluent, which is, however, less than the limit value.These results can provide a reference for evaluating performance of denitrification in situ.  相似文献   

太湖污染治理涉及很多不确定的科学问题,同时涉及流域社会的所有利益相关者.如何使不同的利益相关者形成恰当的水污染合作治理的集体行动模式,是解决太湖水污染问题的管理基础.本研究从太湖治理的组织模式出发,将太湖水污染治理历程分为单项目治理、蓝藻大规模暴发前项目群治理以及蓝藻大规模暴发后项目群治理三个阶段,并对各个阶段行动者网络关系进行分析.在总结实践经验和理论分析的基础上,重构了近期和未来太湖治理的行动者网络结构,并提出构建新型太湖治理模式的政策建议.  相似文献   

新疆内陆河流域干旱缺水。在全球气候变化影响下,流域水资源不确定性增加。以玛纳斯河流域为研究典型,依据流域内塔西河、玛纳斯河、金沟河以及八音沟河出山口水文站1957-2012年径流量资料,统计分析了56年来玛纳斯河流域各河流年径流量的多年变化规律以及空间变异特征。研究结果表明,玛纳斯河流域内各河流年径流过程大致存在4~5个时间尺度的周期性规律,其中8~10 a和16~20 a左右的周期性变化起作用主导。通过泊松相关分析,基本可以认定,流域4条河流年径流过程存在着正相关性,也即存在着同步变化规律。  相似文献   

坡面产流模式的神经网络模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
坡面产流是土壤本身特性与外界影响因素相互作用的结果,它们之间具有明显的非线性输入输出关系。在分析坡面产流和神经网络模型具有某些相似的基础上,利用径流站观测资料,建立了小流域坡面产流量的三层前向网络模型(BP算法),并显示了具有较好的模拟预测效果。  相似文献   


Synthetic unit hydrographs are frequently used to estimate hydrograph characteristics when observed data are not available. A number of synthetic unit hydrograph approaches are available, but the ones that found widespread use are those based on models of Snyder, Clark, and the U.S. Soil Conservation Services (SCS). The major goal of the study is to develop a synthetic unit hydrograph for Wadi Al Fara'a Catchment, which is un-gauged and considered one of the West Bank's most important catchments. Unfortunately, none of the wadis in the West Bank are gauged and flow records are not available; therefore, it is hoped that this method will be applied successfully for Wadi Al Fara'a catchment and the results can hopefully to be applied to all West Bank catchments, which will facilitate estimation of potential runoff in the whole West Bank.  相似文献   

对黄河源区高寒草甸产流机制进行研究,为河源区生态环境保护、水资源科学规划管理提供基础水文理论认知。基于野外降雨-径流试验,通过回归分析构建考虑坡度和覆被因子的暴雨和中小雨产流计算模式,精度良好,能够反映暴雨和中小雨2种降雨模式下高寒草甸产流的一般特征。试验结果表明,因草甸土-植体系蓄容能力较强,高寒草甸区地表产流主要发生在暴雨模式下,中小雨模式下的地表产流量一般很小。模式应用表明,草甸发生退化后,暴雨和中小雨入渗均有减少,暴雨模式下退化草甸比高覆草甸入渗减少约12%,中小雨模式下减少约3%。  相似文献   

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