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基于电机定子绕组发生匝间短路故障时阻抗参数的变化,根据匝间短路故障程度与定子阻抗参数之间的关系,基于有限元方法,提出了一种电机定子绕组匝间短路故障建模方法,该模型可以用于分析电机匝间短路故障研究。运用有限元分析软件对电机在正常运行和不同程度故障情况下的内部磁场进行了模拟,验证了运用有限元法进行电机内部故障仿真分析的可行性。  相似文献   

翟明  窦正刚 《新能源》2000,22(8):14-16
阐述了双馈风力发电机及其风电系统的工作原理,特性曲线及特点。指出,该系统与普通风力发电系统相比,在风力资源的充分利用方面更具优势,大大拓宽了风速的可利用范围,对提高风电发电能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

双馈风力发电机组是国内使用最为广泛的机组。为了提高机组运行的可靠性,作为重要部件之一的发电机,其可靠性尤为关键。通过分析了一起双馈发电机定子引出线故障处理过程,明确了兆瓦级风力发电机引出线的固定须采用焊接的方式,提高其可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍了双馈异步风力发电机及其变流器的电路原理,以及可运用于风电变流器故障诊断的虚拟示波器技术;并对故障诊断实例进行了分析,结果发现,实勘结果与故障诊断结果相吻合。该故障诊断技术可为处理风电变流器类、风电电气一次设备及线路类故障提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

近日,由北京利德华福公司投资成立的北京清能华福风电技术有限公司与清华大学的合作项目1.5MW双馈异步风力发电机变流器研制成功,并一次性通过了兰州电机厂地面满载试验。本次双方合作共同进入风电市场,正是依托利德华福深厚的研发功底、先进的生产工艺以及在电力行业的成熟应用经验,结合清华大学技术、人才领域优势,通过双方长期不懈的努力获得的卓越成果。  相似文献   

基于DFIG精确暂态数学模型,深入研究了机端三相短路所激起的双馈电机电磁过渡过程产生的机理及定、转子电流中各频率成分之间的依存关系,并详细推导了三相短路电流的解析表达式, 在此基础上,深入分析了定子和转子绕组阻值对短路电流幅值的影响规律,得到抑制短路电流最佳阻值,实际仿真验证了分析结论的有效性。此研究对于深入探索风机crowbar保护的电阻值整定及短路电流抑制措施都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

无刷双馈风力发电机的理论分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了无刷双馈发电机的结构和变速恒频发电原理。从电机稳态模型出发,分析了无刷双馈电机作为变速恒频发电机在各种不同转速范围内各定、转子间的能量传递关系,得出了无刷双馈电机适用于风力发电的结论。  相似文献   

根据变速恒频双馈风力发电机定子磁链定向矢量控制理论,采用双闭环结构SVPWM(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation),通过控制转子侧励磁电流达到控制电机定子侧的无功功率和频率的目的。并通过PSIM软件进行亚同步、超同步运行实验,双闭环控制保证了双馈电机的快速响应,仿真验证了双馈风力发电机控制策略的正确性  相似文献   

阐述了双馈风力发电机实现变速恒频的工作原理,讨论了双馈电机的运行状态,推导了双馈电机功率传输方式与转差率的关系,指出了变速恒频风力发电系统的优点是拓宽了风速的可利用范围,对提高风电场发电能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

分析了一种无位置传感器双馈感应风力发电机矢量控制的实现方法,给出了无位置传感器转子位置信号观测的方法,最后采用DSP芯片构造了无位置传感器双馈风力发电机实验系统,对该位置观测方法进行实验评估,测试了无位置传感器双馈感应发电机的动静态运行性能,实验结果表明,该位置观测方式具有良好的动态控制性能.  相似文献   

任艳芳  岑海堂 《可再生能源》2014,(11):1627-1631
确定风电机组变流器故障类型和位置,是保证风电机组运行的重要前提。文章分析了双馈风力发电系统变流器的组成和运行原理,利用仿真软件PSCAD搭建了仿真模型;采用小波包分析去噪并提取变流器故障特征向量;应用支持向量机方法进行故障分类,实现了双馈式风力发电系统变流器的故障诊断。仿真结果验证了该方法应用于双馈式风力发电系统变流器故障诊断的可行性和准确性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的变速恒频级联式双反馈发电系统.该系统省略了PWM变换器及直流电容.不需要进行频率控制,与常规的双反馈风力发电系统相比,原理简单,控制方便.文章分析了系统变速恒频发电原理.通过对双馈电机的分析建立了该系统稳态运行时的电路模型,并进行了理论分析.在此基础上.利用SIMULINK分别对空载和负载稳态运行进行了仿真.通过对仿真结果分析,给出了该系统发电运行的条件.该系统空载运行时的并网比变速恒频双反馈发电系统空载并网更容易实现.  相似文献   

文章首先对电网不对称故障对双馈风电机组造成的影响进行分析,采用转子侧和网侧变换器的比例积分谐振控制器(PIR)来简化传统低压穿越控制结构;通过引入两个可调参数,从而对前馈量进行调节来得到不对称故障期间双馈电机的多目标优化控制策略;在仔细研究模型的基础上,通过对电网电压不对称故障时双馈风电机组的多目标优化控制的PSCAD模型进行仿真试验,仿真结果表明,该方案对于电网电压不对称故障时的LVRT有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the models of a wind power system, such as the turbine, generator, power electronics converters and controllers, with the aim to control the generation of wind power in order to maximize the generated power with the lowest possible impact in the grid voltage and frequency during normal operation and under the occurrence of faults. The presented work considers a wind power system equipped with the doubly-fed induction generator and a vector-controlled converter connected between the rotor and the grid. The paper presents comparative results between proportional-integral controllers and neural networks based controllers, showing that better dynamic characteristics can be obtained using neural networks based controllers.  相似文献   

Wind generating systems use doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) to achieve high conversion efficiency and to reduce the installation cost. The paper proposes and analyzes a simple DFIG-based wind generation system in which the excitation power is obtained from a photovoltaic (PV) panel and battery. The proposed scheme is suitable for small wind power systems for which a complex field orientation control is not justified. It can be used for stand-alone operation and also grid-tied operation. The rotor of the DFIG is applied with a quasi-sine wave instead of a sine wave. The operation and harmonic characteristics of the scheme are established using analysis, simulation, and experimentation. The details of the control circuit are given along with the experimental waveforms of voltages and currents and frequency spectra. The total harmonic distortion in the output current is found to be around 8%.  相似文献   

A fault detection and isolation (FDI) system for monitoring rotor current sensors in a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for wind turbine applications is presented. The FDI system is designed so that the effect of parameter variations (resistances and inductances) is minimized. The residual generation is based on the generalized observer scheme (GOS) including parameter estimation. A decision system made of a combination of vector CUSUM (Cumulative sum) algorithms is used to process the residual vector and to achieve detection and isolation of incipient (small magnitude) faults. The approach is validated using signals obtained from a simulated vector-controlled DFIG.  相似文献   

无刷双馈发电机没有电刷和滑环,故障率低,在风力发电系统中有良好的应用前景,但其采用直接转矩控制(DTC),在低转速下运行时转矩脉动较大,不利于系统稳定运行。文章提出一种改进的模糊直接转矩控制策略,在控制输入中增加了转矩误差的变化率,从而改进了模糊规则表中低速运行区的控制算法。同时,将离散空间电压矢量调制(DSVM)技术引入到直接转矩控制系统中,增加了可供选择的空间电压矢量。在MATLAB/Simulink中搭建了无刷双馈风力发电系统模型,并在渐变风和随机风两种工况下进行了动态仿真。仿真结果表明,在低风速运行时转矩无明显波动,在两种工况下该系统都能稳定运行,并快速地跟随风速的变化,该控制策提高了系统的稳定性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

文章对大功率双馈风力发电机网侧变流器并网时,电压不平衡问题提出一种有效网侧控制拓扑结构,该结构采用3个单相变流器代替原有的三相变流器,通过补偿电压达到限制故障电流同时稳定直流电压的目的。本方法减小了变流器容量,增强了可控性和适应性,同时还可在电压跌落或波动情况下保持同步到电网。最后在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下,验证了文章所提控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   

Broken rotor bars and eccentricity are common faults in squirrel cage induction motors. These two faults usually occur simultaneously. This paper will deal with this kind of mixed fault. It is well known that the characteristic frequency of broken bars in the stator line current of a squirrel cage induction motor is very near to that of the fundamental component. In the spectrum of the stator line current, the characteristic components related to broken rotor bars are always submerged by the fundamental one, and it is difficult to detect the broken bar fault at an early stage. In our work, instantaneous power of the motor is used as the quantity to be monitored. Theoretical analysis indicates that the spectrum of ac level of the spectrum of the instantaneous power is clear from any component at the fundamental supply frequency, and the fault characteristics can be highlighted, which is effective toward the separation of mixed faults and the quantification of the fault extent. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Majority of the electricity used in the industry is consumed by induction motors. Early detection of abnormal cases that occur at the electrical and mechanical parts of these motors is very important for the safe operation of industrial facilities and the decrease of economic losses. In this presented study, the detection of parallel, angular and mixed misalignment fault in inverter fed induction motors has been carried out via the harmonic analysis of the instantaneous power factor signal. Results obtained from experimental studies carried out under different speed and loads indicated that the detection of misalignment fault can be carried out successfully. The presented method can be used effectively without any additional cost since inverter fed motors have both voltage and current sensors. Also online monitoring of induction motors with the suggested method not only improves the motor's performance and longevity but also its efficiency. The main innovative parts of this study is that instantaneous power factor signal was used at the first time for detection of misalignment faults.  相似文献   

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