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Laplante  P.A. 《IT Professional》2005,7(1):62-64
Potemkin village is "something that appears elaborate and impressive but in actual fact lacks substance". The software analogies for the Potemkin village are ripe for exploration. Software antipatterns address problem-solution pairs in which the typical solution is more harmful than the problem it solves. In essence, an antipattern presents an identifiable problem, the accompanying harmful effects of the typical solution, and a more appropriate solution called a refactoring. In this sense, the software version of a Potemkin village is an antipattern: Problem: deliver software with an impressive interface quickly. Solution: employ a ready-made architecture that provides an impressive interface quickly; spend as little time as possible on the back-end processing. Refactoring: do it right the first time. The author doesn't want to make the case too strongly that the building of Potemkin villages is a deliberate strategy of fraud that companies perpetrate. Is a weak piece of software covered by an elaborate GUI a deliberate fraud or simply poor design? You must assume the latter in the absence of proof. When faced with a Potemkin village or an emperor's new clothes situation, you must expose it immediately. Doing so is not easy when a high-quality GUI masks the shortcomings. You can, however, detect the situation through design reviews, and code inspections, reviews, or walkthroughs. Therefore, managers who oversee software projects (and customers who buy software) should require these reviews. Testing can sometimes uncover the situation, but it might be too late at this point. Test-driven design, on the other hand, can help avoid a Potemkin village.  相似文献   

校园网网络安全与管理   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文针对目前威胁校园网网络安全的各种因素,根据网络安全与管理理论,结合作者从事网络安全与管理工作的实践,提出了校园网网络安全与管理策略。  相似文献   

Recent air traffic control regulations mandate the installation of computer-based flight management systems in airliners across Europe. Integrating and certifying add-on cockpit systems is a long and costly process, which in its current form cannot meaningfully address ergonomics aspects. Two levels of problems occur: add-on systems carry many "classic" HCI failures, which could easily be addressed with modified certification requirements. Further, adding new technology changes practice, creates new skill and knowledge demands and produces new forms of error, which are more difficult to assess in advance. However, one innovative certification approach for add-on cockpit systems, based on the use of a representative population of user pilots, was found to be promising. This method minimizes the subjective bias of individual pilots in addition to defining pass/fail criteria in an operational environment.  相似文献   

Reisman  S. 《IT Professional》2004,6(4):8-9
Some interesting differences between the folks who become college and university vice presidents and the CIO equivalents who run IT infrastructures at universities. It is probably worth noting that higher-education institutions, especially public ones, have greatly different goals than private-sector organizations: Simply stated, private companies are in business to make money, and public education institutions are in business to spend it. Clearly, the skill sets required to accomplish these goals are different. Performance-based promotions are more common in industry. In successful companies, middle- and upper-level managers are mostly competent and competitive survivors who have proven themselves through quantifiable successes. This is so unlike higher education, where promotions often take place on the basis of meeting government quotas, being someone's good friend, being collegial, or just applying persistently for administrative positions somewhere, anywhere, until hired. Expecting a professor to become an effective administrator is like expecting an orange to become an apple. Higher education teaches people who become professors to be individual contributors. Graduate work and dissertations are a personal endeavor. Promotion within the ranks results exclusively from individual effort. Even teaching is an individual effort; as long as no student complains, instructors can do whatever they like in the classroom. So what exactly qualifies an ex-professor to take on personnel and budgetary responsibility in large, complex organizations? Unfortunately, the answer is nothing. In our 21st century IT-dependent world, failures in the IT department are highly visible to everyone, with very real consequences to the entire user community. It's no surprise that the only real insight of university administrators has been to hire CIOs who have real-world experience; someone has to.  相似文献   

Computer-mediated communication has become a popular platform for identity construction and experimentation as well as social interaction for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). The creation of user-generated videos has allowed content creators to share experiences on LGBT topics. With bullying becoming more common amongst LGBT youth, it is important to obtain a greater understanding of this phenomenon. In our study, we report on the analysis of 151 YouTube videos which were identified as having LGBT- and bullying-related content. The analysis reveals how content creators openly disclose personal information about themselves and their experiences in a non-anonymous rhetoric with an unknown public. These disclosures could indicate a desire to seek friendship, support and provide empathy.  相似文献   

吕苗苗 《软件》2011,32(7):30-32,39
安全是Web应用程序的核心。许多Web应用程序的安全是基于IIs的。然而,IIs安全机制比较简单,Asp.net}】入了更多的安全措施。把Asp.net和IIS的安全结合起来,就能更好的解决Web应用程序的安全性。本文介绍了Asp.net的安全机制,并在此基础上提出了一种安全解决方案。  相似文献   

Along with spam, and the continuing threats from malware, the problem of phishing has risen to become one of the most significant Internet abuse issues of recent times. For those not acquainted with the term, phishing refers to a technique used by scammers to fool unsuspecting users into divulging sensitive personal information (e.g. bank account or credit card details) in response to a request that masquerades as coming from a legitimate and trusted source. A common implementation of the approach begins with a bogus email message, which then leads the user to a similarly bogus website, specially constructed by the scammer to collect the desired information while mimicking the appearance of a legitimate site. The technique provides an effective mechanism for fraudsters, which includes the involvement of organised crime.1  相似文献   

随着校园网络规模的不断扩大,加大了管理与维护的难度。本文从资源子网和通信子网两个方面分析常见故障产生的原因和故障的排除办法,注重日常维护经验的积累,不断总结,尽可能减少因网络问题对广大师生的教学、科研活动造成影响,确保校园网络正常运行。  相似文献   

北京网康科技自主研制的互联网控制网关设备正是用于管理和控制使用互联网时可能带来的安全隐患。网康互联网控制网关提供了具有前瞻性的技术和方法,可以帮助企业管理自己的互联网,将已知的业务风险维持在可控的水平,并且能够以一种一致的、条理清晰的方式来组织有限的网络资源,更好地管理风险和保护效率。在部署了网康互联网控制网关之后,企业将认识到对网络安全风险管理的好处。网康互联网控制网关包含用户(识别)管理、互联网活动管理与控制、活动监控、记录和统计报表、系统维护五大功能模块。通过五大功能模块,企业可以根据自身对互联网…  相似文献   

本文介绍在DOS操作系统下网络通讯实现方法.主要基于DOS实模式的TCP/IP库Dsock,利用Borland C /Turboc 编写开发程序.硬件部分采用基于PCI04兼容Dsock库的Reahek 8139/8019AS系列网卡.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2005,42(2):361-371
A study was conducted into the effect of bullying at work, focusing on the use of e-mail, in a large Multi-National Corporation. A considerable level of bullying was identified in both e-mail and other communication media, leading to negative outcomes, regardless of the media utilized. Bullying was associated with anxiety and intent to leave the organization, and negatively associated with job satisfaction and performance. These results manifest the negative psychological impact of bullying and expand current understanding of the drawbacks associated with the misuse and abuse of IT in an organizational context.  相似文献   

嵌入式无线局域网设备的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以S3C2410X为微处理器设计了一款嵌入式无线局域网设备,移植了Linux操作系统、TCP/IP协议栈以及相关驱动程序,编写了应用程序,实现了数据采集和无线传输功能。  相似文献   

一种以TTCAN技术为基础、结合动态优先级的CAN总线调度算法,阐述了这种算法较传统CAN总线协议的改进之处,并将该调度算法应用在基于CAN总线的汽车电子控制网络系统中,有效改善了系统实时性及网络质量。  相似文献   

A multilayer neural net (NN) controller for a general serial-link robot arm is developed. The structure of the NN controller is derived using a filtered error approach. It is argued that standard backpropagation tuning, when used for real-time closed-loop control, can yield unbounded NN weights if: (1) the net can not exactly reconstruct a certain required control function, (2) there are bounded unknown disturbances in the robot dynamics, or (3) the robot arm has more than one link (i.e. nonlinear case). On-line weight tuning algorithms including correction terms to backpropagation, plus an added robustifying signal, guarantee tracking as well as bounded weights. The correction terms involve a second-orderforward-propagated wave in the backprop network.  相似文献   

利用最新的ASP.NET框架技术和ADO.NET数据库技术开发电子商务网站是当前IT界的一个重要系统开发方式。本文介绍的就是通过采用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server技术实现一个网上售书系统的设计与开发过程。该系统操作简单、界面友好、具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

FGD(烟气脱硫)装置是大型火力燃煤发电厂脱除锅炉排放烟气中SO2的主要设备。本文结合石灰石-石膏湿法工艺过程的要求,对在2×1000MW火电机组FGD装置中采用的SIEMENS PLC以及Profibus DP/PA现场总线脱硫控制系统的网络配置、Profibus现场总线网络结构、Profibus DP/PA总线的基本参数进行了分析和介绍。基于经济适用、降低造价的目的,建议适当增加总线所带的现场设备的数量。  相似文献   

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