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Scanning (electrical) impedance imaging (SII) is a novel high-resolution imaging modality that has the potential of imaging the electrical properties of thin biological tissues. In this paper, we apply the reciprocity principle to the modeling of the SII system and develop a fast nonlinear inverse method for image reconstruction. The method is fast because it uses convolution to eliminate the requirement of a numerical solver for the 3-D electrostatic field in the SII system. Numerical results show that our approach can accurately reveal the exact conductivity distribution from the measured current map for different 2-D simulation phantoms. Experiments were also performed using our SII system for a piece of butterfly wing and breast cancer cells. Two-dimensional current images were measured and corresponding quantitative conductivity images were restored using our approach. The reconstructed images are quantitative and reveal details not present in the measured images.  相似文献   

A new image reconstruction algorithm, termed as delay-multiply-and-sum (DMAS), for breast cancer detection using an ultra-wideband confocal microwave imaging technique is proposed. In DMAS algorithm, the backscattered signals received from numerical breast phantoms simulated using the finite-difference time-domain method are time shifted, multiplied in pair, and the products are summed to form a synthetic focal point. The effectiveness of the DMAS algorithm is shown by applying it to backscattered signals received from a variety of numerical breast phantoms. The reconstructed images illustrate improvement in identification of embedded malignant tumors over the delay-and-sum algorithm. Successful detection and localization of tumors as small as 2 mm in diameter are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A system capable of recording the Fourier hologram of a reflecting target at various microwave frequencies is described. The assembly consists of a swept frequencyX-band interferometer circuit that illuminates a given target and a detector that scans a large square receiving area. The system is supervised by a microprocessor which controls the scanning operation, data acquisition, and storage of the resulting holograms. Image reconstruction is accomplished by discrete Fourier inversion of the data, and the output format uses computer graphics. The system's performance is evaluated by the analysis of various metallic objects. The lateral resolution is determined by the operating wavelength, linear dimensions of the recording area, and the range of the target, and for the conditions of the experiment is approximately one wavelength. Adequate depth resolution is obtained by combining multifrequency holograms measured in a range from 8 to 12 GHz, thereby achieving a depth resolution of 4 cm. Some potential applications are demonstrated. These include the measurement of target shape and displacement using convolution and subtraction techniques.  相似文献   

Data compression through a unitary transform is utilized in tomographic microwave diversity image reconstruction in order to reduce the dimensionality and to extract the features in the data space. The unitary compression is derived by minimizing the mean-square error (MSE) and the unitary transform is made of eigenvectors of the data's covariance, regarded as a Karhunen-Loeve transform. Tomographic microwave frequency-swept imaging was developed using a unique target-derived reference technique to access the three dimensional Fourier space of the scatterer and an image reconstruction algorithm based on the projection slice theorem. It is shown that centimeter resolution of a complex object can be preserved even when half of the data set is compressed and that the reconstructed image remains identifiable by a human observer even when 2/3 of the data set is compressed  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for reconstructing a scene of three-dimensional structures from an image sequence. Three-dimensional reconstruction using an image sequence, called the spatiotemporal image method, is robust against image noises. But in this method, camera motion is limited to only one direction translation. Our algorithm makes allowances for camera rotation in spatiotemporal image analysis. With this technique, the whole spatiotemporal image is transformed to spherical projection and three-dimensional structures are determined robustly using the Hough transformation. We call the technique Homocentric Spherical Spatiotemporal Image (HSSI) analysis. With HSSI, it is possible to distinguish objects with a rotating camera from a longer baseline and to measure them with much greater accuracy than previously possible. This algorithm is demonstrated through simulations and experiments with real images from a translating and rotating camera, and the three-dimensional structures in a static scene are reconstructed.  相似文献   

Most current efforts in near-infrared optical tomography are effectively limited to two-dimensional reconstructions due to the computationally intensive nature of full three-dimensional (3-D) data inversion. Previously, we described a new computationally efficient and statistically powerful inversion method APPRIZE (automatic progressive parameter-reducing inverse zonation and estimation). The APPRIZE method computes minimum-variance estimates of parameter values (here, spatially variant absorption due to a fluorescent contrast agent) and covariance, while simultaneously estimating the number of parameters needed as well as the size, shape, and location of the spatial regions that correspond to those parameters. Estimates of measurement and model error are explicitly incorporated into the procedure and implicitly regularize the inversion in a physically based manner. The optimal estimation of parameters is bounds-constrained, precluding infeasible values. In this paper, the APPRIZE method for optical imaging is extended for application to arbitrarily large 3-D domains through the use of domain decomposition. The effect of subdomain size on the performance of the method is examined by assessing the sensitivity for identifying 112 randomly located single-voxel heterogeneities in 58 3-D domains. Also investigated are the effects of unmodeled heterogeneity in background optical properties. The method is tested on simulated frequency-domain photon migration measurements at 100 MHz in order to recover absorption maps owing to fluorescent contrast agent. This study provides a new approach for computationally tractable 3-D optical tomography.  相似文献   

The recovery of a three-dimensional (3-D) model from a sequence of two-dimensional (2-D) images is very useful in medical image analysis. Image sequences obtained from the relative motion between the object and the camera or the scanner contain more 3-D information than a single image. Methods to visualize the computed tomograms can be divided into two approaches: the surface rendering approach and the volume rendering approach. In this paper, a new surface rendering method using optical flow is proposed. Optical flow is the apparent motion in the image plane produced by the projection of real 3-D motion onto the 2-D image. The 3-D motion of an object can be recovered from the optical-flow field using additional constraints. By extracting the surface information from 3-D motion, it is possible to obtain an accurate 3-D model of the object. Both synthetic and real image sequences have been used to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method. The experimental results suggest that the proposed method is suitable for the reconstruction of 3-D models from ultrasound medical images as well as other computed tomograms  相似文献   

针对基于自标定的三维人物图像动态重构方法不能准确获取人物运动形态的三维位置,重构结果存在较高的偏差的问题,提出基于多媒体技术的三维人物图像动态重构方法,采用单目图像重构算法完成人体三维姿态重构。对多媒体技术中单摄像机拍摄的单目人体运动图像进行重构时,首先基于人体树状模型,采用基于部件检测器的二维肢体检测算法完成人体二维肢体检测;再采用基于关节点图像坐标的三维姿态重构算法,依据人体二维姿态检测结果,通过预测关节点反投影误差的退火粒子滤波算法完成人体三维姿态的跟踪,实现三维人体图像动态重构。实验结果说明,所提方法可准确实现三维人物图像动态重构,具有较高的重构精度和效率。  相似文献   

Conventional X-ray tomosynthesis with film can provide a sagittal slice image with a single scan. This technique has the advantage of enabling reconstruction of a sagittal slice which is difficult to obtain from the X-ray CT system. However, only an image on the focal plane is obtained by a single scan. Furthermore, the image is degraded by superimpositions of the structures outside of the focal plane. A new three-dimensional image reconstruction method is proposed. This method utilizes a three-dimensional convolution process with an inverse filter function which is derived analytically by the point spread function of the projection and backprojection geometry. A digital tomosynthesis system has also been constructed for the purpose of evaluating the proposed method. This system was used in phantom experiments and clinical evaluations, and it was confirmed that the proposed method was able to reconstruct a better three-dimensional image with less artifacts from outside of the focused slice.  相似文献   

视频监控中运动图像序列三维重建一直是三维重建研究的重点,其重建效果会对运动图像的清晰度产生影响。但当前三维重建方法都是通过获取二维视频监控中的运动图像序列,通过基于Java Applet与Java Application编程,采用体绘制法完成视频监控中二维运动图像序列的三维重建,该方法无法保证重建后的图像质量,导致图像清晰度不高。为此,提出基于图像特征点提取与匹配的视频监控中运动图像序列三维重建方法。首先,对视频监控中运动图像序列特征点进行检测,并对特征点一定邻域内图像的纹理、结构以及其他特征进行统计,通过对运动图像序列特征点的特征比较,完成运动图像序列特征点提取与匹配;然后,对视频监控中运动图像序列的结构和运动初始化,并进行视频监控相机的自标定,实现对视频监控中运动图像序列的三维重建。实验结果表明,所提方法能够有效提高三维重建后视频监控中运动图像序列的清晰度,减少三维重建流程,提高运动图像序列重建效率,具有良好的使用价值。  相似文献   

针对其他标定方法在三维图像重建中的缺点,提出自标定算法。首先建立摄像机标定模型,通过透视投影在成像平面上生成对应像点的齐次坐标;接着自标定数学模型利用单应性矩阵,使一张图像与另一张图像上存在对应点;最后在三维重建中为了判断像素点是否落在摄像机定位模块坐标内,采用投影面约束方程。实验仿真从6个角度前、后、左、右、上、下获取空间曲面信息,具有较高的重建精度。  相似文献   

This paper presents problems related to thermal radiation of human bodies in microwave range with respect to diagnosis of breast carcinoma. A mathematical model of thermal radiation transfer through tissues is introduced and methods of measurement of temperature, depth and size of a heat source, by means of multifrequency microwave thermograph are described. Theoretical considerations are supplemented by presentation of experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose three-dimensional (3-D) holographic sensing, and computational/optical 3-D integral imaging reconstruction. We demonstrate experimentally that through the integral imaging technique, it is possible to reconstruct a full 3-D scene which has been obtained by digital holograms. Three-dimensional color objects can also be displayed optically in 3-D without convergence-accommodation conflict using a microlens array, and a two-dimensional (2-D) display panel illuminated by incoherent light. The proposed approach takes advantages of high resolution holographic sensing and robust 3-D integral imaging visualization.  相似文献   

Many imaging experiments involve acquiring a time series of images. To improve imaging speed, several "data-sharing" methods have been proposed, which collect one (or a few) high-resolution reference(s) and a sequence of reduced data sets. In image reconstruction, two methods, known as "Keyhole" and reduced-encoding imaging by generalized-series reconstruction (RIGR), have been used. Keyhole fills in the unmeasured high-frequency data simply with those from the reference data set(s), whereas RIGR recovers the unmeasured data using a generalized series (GS) model, of which the basis functions are constructed based on the reference image(s). This correspondence presents a fast algorithm (and two extensions) for GS-based image reconstruction. The proposed algorithms have the same computational complexity as the Keyhole algorithm, but are more capable of capturing high-resolution dynamic signal changes.  相似文献   

应用泛函分析和变分法,改进拉格朗日(Lagrange)乘子算法为一种三维时域微波断层成像方法,用于检测早期乳腺癌。该方法首先以最小二乘准则构造目标函数,将反演问题表示为约束最小化问题;接着应用罚函数法转化为无约束最小化问题;然后基于变分计算导出闭式的拉格朗日函数关于相对介电常数和电导率的Fréchet导数;最后借助梯度算法和时域有限差分(FDTD)法迭代求解。为了对抗噪声污染和逆问题的病态特性,采用了一阶的吉洪诺夫(Tikhonov)正则化方法。利用FDTD和PRP共轭梯度(CG)法,对三维半球乳房模型进行了仿真计算,仿真结果显示了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The goal of this work is to develop a microwave-based imaging system for hyperthermia treatment monitoring and assessment. Toward this end, a 4-transmit channel and 4-receive channel hardware device and concomitant image reconstruction algorithm have been realized. The hardware is designed to measure electric fields (i.e., amplitude and phase) at various locations in a phantom tank with and without the presence of various heterogeneities using standard heterodyning principles. Particular attention has been paid to designing a receiver with better than 115 dB of linear dynamic range which is necessary for imaging biological tissue which often has very high conductivity, especially for tissues with high water content. A calibration procedure has been developed to compensate for signal loss due to 3-dimensional radiation in the measured data, since the reconstruction process is only 2-dimensional at the present time. Results are shown which demonstrate the stability and accuracy of the measurement system, the extent to which the forward computational model agrees with the measured field distribution when the electrical properties are known, and image reconstructions of electrically unknown targets of varying diameter. In the latter case, images of both the reactive and resistive component of the electrical property distribution have been recoverable. Quantitative information on object location, size, and electrical properties results when the target is approximately one-half wavelength in size. Images of smaller objects lack the same level of quantitative information, but remain qualitatively correct  相似文献   

Computer tomography (CT) techniques are the most widely applicable noninvasive methods for obtaining two- and three-dimensional insights into biological objects. They comprise CT for medical applications, as well as electron tomography used for investigating macromolecular and cellular specimens. Recent advances in the recording schemes improve the speed and resolution frontiers and provide new insights into structural organizations of different objects. However, many data sets suffer from a poor signal-to-noise ratio, which severely hinders the application of methods for automated data analysis, such as feature extraction, segmentation, and visualization. We propose the multidimensional implementation of two powerful signal reconstruction techniques, namely invariant wavelet filtering and nonlinear anisotropic diffusion. We establish quantitative measures to assess the signal reconstruction performance on synthetic data and biomedical images. The appropriate multidimensional implementations of wavelet and diffusion techniques allow for a superior performance over conventional noise-reduction methods. We derive the conditions for the choice between wavelet and diffusion techniques with respect to an optimal signal reconstruction performance. Results of applying the proposed methods in two very different imaging domains-molecular biology and clinical research-are provided.  相似文献   

A new large-scale three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technology based on integral imaging with color-position characteristics is presented. The color of the object point is similar to those of corresponding points. The corresponding point coordinates form arithmetic progressions because integral imaging captures information with a senior array which has similar pitches on x and y directions. This regular relationship is used to determine the corresponding point parameters for reconstructing 3D information from divided elemental images separated by color, which contain several corresponding points. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated through an optical indoor experiment. A large-scale application of the proposed method is illustrated by the experiment with a corner of our school as its object.  相似文献   

Using three-dimensional rotational X-ray angiography (3DRA), three-dimensional (3-D) information of the vasculature can be obtained prior to endovascular interventions. However, during interventions, the radiologist has to rely on fluoroscopy images to manipulate the guide wire. In order to take full advantage of the 3-D information from 3DRA data during endovascular interventions, a method is presented that yields an integrated display of the position of the guide wire and vasculature in 3-D. The method relies on an automated method that tracks the guide wire simultaneously in biplane fluoroscopy images. Based on the calibrated geometry of the C-arm, the 3-D guide-wire position is determined and visualized in the 3-D coordinate system of the vasculature. The method is evaluated in an intracranial anthropomorphic vascular phantom. The influence of the angle between projections, distortion correction of the projection images, and accuracy of geometry knowledge on the accuracy of 3-D guide-wire reconstruction from biplane images is determined. If the calibrated geometry information is used and the images are corrected for distortion, a mean distance to the reference standard of 0.42 mm and a tip distance of 0.65 mm is found, which means that accurate guide-wire reconstruction from biplane images can be performed.  相似文献   

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