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教育要发展,学校要生存,教育经费不足,一直是困扰学校发展的一大难题。高等学校依靠自己的力量,兴办校办产业,尤其是发展科技产业,补充教育经费不足,是学校求生存,教育求发展的一条重要出路。专科学校规模小,人员编制少,科技力量弱,知名度不高,发展校办产业,特别是发展科技产业,必然要受到主客观因素的严重影响和制约。在市场经济条件下,面临这严峻的现实,专科学校如何抓住机遇,发展校办产业,  相似文献   

分析了影响吉林省钢铁工业发展的主要因素,提出了以稳定,调整,提高,发展作为“九五”发展的指导思想,文中论述了今后发展的原则,战略目标,战略重点和战略措施。  相似文献   

2007年是我国实施“十一五”规划和构建和谐社会的重要一年。钢铁工业要以科学发展观统领全局,转变发展观念,转变增长方式,创新发展模式,提高发展质量,落实《钢铁产业发展政策》,加快结构调整,联合重组,淘汰落后,切实转入科学发展的轨道上来。  相似文献   

多年来,特殊钢厂坚持把科技进步作为加快企业发展的动力,积极发挥科技进步对于生产经营和改革发展的驱动作用,把现代科技渗透、扩散、融合到企业发展要素中,抢占先机,争取主动,不断优化科技发展环境,着力构筑科技创新平台,带动工艺结构、产品结构、产品质量和发展战略的优化升级,赢得了发展的主动权。  相似文献   

当前,我国现代化建设正处在一个关键的时期,抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定,是我们目前工作的大政方针。在工作中,我们应该认真贯彻这个方针,处理好改革、发展和稳定的关系,努力做到在稳定中推进改革与发展,以改革和发展来保证学校的长期稳定。  相似文献   

我国的发展已站在一个新的历史起点上。新世纪新阶段,我们面临的发展机遇前所未有,特别是我国进入改革发展的关键时期,工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化加快推进,这种空前的发展,给我国发展带来强大动力和巨大活力。  相似文献   

钢铁产业是国民经济的重要基础产业,是实现工业化的支撑产业,是技术、资金、资源、能源密集型产业,钢铁产业的发展需要综合平衡各种外部条件。我国是一个发展中大国,在经济发展的相当长时期内钢铁需求较大,产量已多年居世界第一,但钢铁产业的技术水平和物耗与国际先进水平相比还有差距,今后发展重点是技术升级和结构调整。为提高钢铁工业整体技术水平,推进结构调整,改善产业布局,发展循环经济,降低物耗能耗,重视环境保护,提高企业综合竞争力,实现产业升级,把钢铁产业发展成在数量、质量、品种上基本满足国民经济和社会发展需求,具有国际竞争力的产业,依据有关法律法规和钢铁行业面临的国内外形势,制定钢铁产业发展政策,以指导钢铁产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展是三大战略之一,是贯彻落实新发展理念的生动代表,对于理解和把握新发展理念有着极大帮助。京津冀协同发展、雄安新区建设需要坚持新发展理念,不断攻坚克难,成为推动全国高质量发展的引擎。  相似文献   

最近一个时期以来,关于我国钢铁工业发展总是争论很多,诸如我国到底需要多少钢材,钢产量是否已经达到饱和,钢铁工业结构调整问题等等。因为这些问题涉及到钢铁工业发展的一些重大原则问题,经我们认真研究,提出以下不成熟的看法,供广大读者参考。1 关于钢铁工业结构调整问题近年来,钢铁工业认真贯彻了国民经济结构调整的方针,在国内外激烈的市场竞争中,始终把结构调整作为推动钢铁工业发展的基本思路,坚持把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,坚持在发展中进行结构调整,在结构调整中保持快速发展。因此,无论是在品种结构调整方…  相似文献   

近年来,安阳钢铁集团公司(以下简称安钢)坚持以科学发展观为指导.抓发展机遇、创新发展理念,在加快转变发展方式上下工夫,加速结构调整,推进企业转型,着力打造具有国际竞争力的现代化钢铁企业,在新的发展中实现了场地、资金双节约,工艺装备、产品结构双优化,规模、效益双增长,循环经济、绿色发展双提升,  相似文献   

在“碳达峰”、“碳中和”的目标背景下,绿色低碳、清洁高效成为资源开采的新要求,也对科学开采这一复杂系统问题的研究提出了新的方向。阐述了矿产资源开采理念的发展演化,综述了近年来国内外在科学开采方面的研究现状,构建了安全、高效、绿色、低碳、经济、科学管理“六位一体”的科学开采体系,丰富了科学开采的内涵和框架。从复杂科学问题的判断标准、科学开采体系的特征两方面进行推断,得出科学开采属于复杂问题,承载科学开采复杂问题的系统是复杂系统。以复杂科学的思路研究科学开采的复杂性,构建科学开采复杂系统模型,从顶层设计、中层连接和底层基础3个层次思考了实现科学开采的新途径,为实现矿产资源的科学开采提供了新的发展方向。  相似文献   

Recognizing the pervasive importance of materials science and engineering (MSE) to practically every facet of man’s life, this lecture takes a broad view of the origin and technical trends and achievements in MSE, briefly reviewing its history and relationship to society over many millennia, to the present day, with specific examples. Major emphasis, however, is placed on modern MSE as related to current national issues, using as illustrations of the latter natural resources, industry and the economy, research and development, education, and technology transfer. The discussion of these areas leads to consideration of the role of the Federal Government and the importance of and need for a coherent national policy to deal with critical issues, many of which are listed herein. Some important steps by the Government fostering high level coordination as well as cooperation among government, industry, and academe are cited. Having thus illustrated the pervasive and vital impact of MSE on society, and its current esteemed recognition and position of influence, the lecture concludes that in this period of global change — social, economic, and technological — there is a challenge to MSE to respond beneficially to societal needs more than ever before. The opportunity and mechanisms now exist. Greater participation in the public and political arenas, with mutual education, is indicated. NATHAN E. PROMISEL received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, did his doctorate work at Yale University, and received an Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree at Michigan Technological University. He became Assistant Lab Director at International Silver Company, leaving in 1940, and Chief Materials Scientist and Engineer (aeronautics and weapons) and Materials Research Coordinator for the Department of the Navy, leaving in 1966. He is presently an International Consultant. Dr. Promisel has been a long-time member of the National Materials Advisory Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering, and from 1966 to 1974 was its Executive Director. He was also a Member of the Office of Technology Assessment (Congress) Materials Advisory Committee, as well as Chairman or Member of numerous other Government and public technical groups. These included being Chairman of the U.S. Group for the Science Exchange Program with the U.S.S.R., for materials and electrometallurgy, and serving as Chairman of the NATO Aerospace Research Group (Materials and Structures). Dr. Promisel is a member of the National Academy of Engineering; Past President, Fellow, and Honorary Member, American Society for Metals; Past President and Founding Member of the Federation of Materials Societies; Honorary Member of AIME, ASTM, and SAE (Materials Division); Fellow of British Institute of Metals and SAMPE. He has presented distinguished lectures to The Electrochemical Society and ASTM. Dr. Promisel has received numerous awards and is the holder of two patents. He has written 65 technical papers and has been the author, contributor, or editor of eight books.  相似文献   

综述了近年来电解液的热稳定性影响因素、热失控过程及产物成分、单体及电池组燃爆安全性、灭火措施的研究进展.指出电解液的热稳定性受锂盐和有机溶剂的共同影响,当电池内部温度达到120℃左右时放热反应开始出现,在热量持续积累的情况下热失控将自发进行,同时产生氢气和烷烃类具有燃烧爆炸危险的气体产物.与二氧化碳和干粉类灭火剂相比,七氟丙烷和水的灭火效果较好.最后对锂离子电池的应用前景做了展望,提出了不同滥用条件下的热失控过程、热失控产物生成机理,指出开发新型电解液和寻求高效灭火介质是今后研究的方向.   相似文献   

讨论了空间机械臂在轨插、拔孔操作的阻抗控制问题。为此,结合系统动量守恒关系,空间机械臂替换部件末端输出插、拔孔主动力与孔内所受摩擦阻力作用关系,以及第二类拉格朗日方程,推导得到了载体位置、姿态均不受控制情况下,空间机械臂在轨插、拔孔操作过程系统动力学方程。同时,根据相关操作控制系统设计需要,利用系统位置几何关系分析、建立了空间机械臂替换部件末端相对基联坐标系的相对运动雅可比关系。之后,由空间机械臂替换部件末端位姿与末端输出插、拔孔主动力之间的动态关系并结合阻抗控制原理,建立了二阶线性阻抗模型。在上述工作基础上,针对空间机械臂在轨插、拔孔操作过程同时存在运动学与动力学不确定性的情况,设计了空间机械臂替换部件末端力/位姿跟踪指数型阻抗控制策略;并通过李雅普诺夫理论,证明了控制系统的稳定性。提到的控制策略具有结构简单、收敛速度快、稳定性好的特点。系统数值仿真,验证了上述控制策略的有效性。   相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify issues related to the quality of health care in the United States, including its measurement, assessment, and improvement, requiring action by health care professionals or other constituencies in the public or private sectors. PARTICIPANTS: The National Roundtable on Health Care Quality, convened by the Institute of Medicine, a component of the National Academy of Sciences, comprised 20 representatives of the private and public sectors, practicing medicine and nursing, representing academia, business, consumer advocacy, and the health media, and including the heads of federal health programs. The roundtable met 6 times between February 1996 and January 1998. It explored ongoing, rapid changes in health care and the implications of these changes for the quality of health and health care in the United States. EVIDENCE: Roundtable members held discussions with a wide variety of experts, convened conferences, commissioned papers, and drew on their individual professional experience. CONSENSUS PROCESS: At the end of its deliberations, roundtable members reached consensus on the conclusions described in this article by a series of discussions at committee meetings and reviews of successive draft documents, the first of which was created by the listed authors and the Institute of Medicine project director. The drafts were revised following these discussions, and the final document was approved according to the formal report review procedures of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of health care can be precisely defined and measured with a degree of scientific accuracy comparable with that of most measures used in clinical medicine. Serious and widespread quality problems exist throughout American medicine. These problems, which may be classified as underuse, overuse, or misuse, occur in small and large communities alike, in all parts of the country, and with approximately equal frequency in managed care and fee-for-service systems of care. Very large numbers of Americans are harmed as a direct result. Quality of care is the problem, not managed care. Current efforts to improve will not succeed unless we undertake a major, systematic effort to overhaul how we deliver health care services, educate and train clinicians, and assess and improve quality.  相似文献   

This work offers an overview of the state of the art and future state of environmental health in our country from a viewpoint of the impact of the commercial opening established in the Free Trade Agreement among Mexico, the USA, and Canada. In the first section of this work, we analyze the expected economic changes resulting from the implementation of the FTA and foretells the way in which those changes will influence the present environmental and epidemiologic profiles of this country in the medium and long term. The main changes predicted by the analysis are, in the epidemiologic context, the acceleration of the transference of occupational, consumption, environmental and population risks, characteristic of industrialized countries, to the country's polarized epidemiologic profile; and, in the environmental context, a transition consisting of a broadening and composition of the spectrum of pollutants, including and important lagging of bacteriologic control. The second section offers an analysis of the predicted response capacity facing the new environmental risk dynamics in the country, encompassing regulation, normativeness and enforcement of environmental and consumer protection, as well as obstacles found in health services to the implementation of surveillance, detection and treatment of health damages caused by environmental factors. The analysis of the organized social response to these problems discloses a relative flexibility of the normativeness and enforcement functions in comparison with our northern neighbors, a paramount factor for the possible transference of environmental risks, as well as the informational and research deficiency about environmental issues, basic elements for sustaining environmental health in the country, aiming at speeding up the development and transference of technologies for prevention, detection and management of environmental risks in the country, drawing upon the systematization of our experience and that of our neighbors. This speeding process ought to match, in the medium term, the velocity of risk transference produced by the commercial opening. In this way, the commercial integration of North America will become a favorable context for the development of the environmental health infrastructure of the country.  相似文献   

重毒性铅污染土壤清洁高效修复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在介绍了铅元素污染背景、现状与危害的基础上,对土壤中铅的来源、赋存形式及其提取方法进行了详细介绍。结合土壤修复技术研究现状,对三大修复方法如物理、化学及生物修复法进行了系统综述,并从效率、适用性、经济性等方面评估了3种修复方法的优势与劣势,发现化学修复最适合重毒性铅污染治理。随之对化学淋洗法和固定化/稳定法作了详细介绍,探讨并评价了不同种类淋洗剂和固化剂的修复机制、修复效果、适用性和应用前景等。最后对未来重毒性铅污染土壤清洁高效修复提出了展望,修复方法应尽量减少对土壤的破坏;对高铅污染土壤来说联合修复技术的发展是土壤修复富有潜力的发展方向;应当尽可能地确定铅污染土壤修复机制,实现定向修复;同时应加强多功能复合材料的研发。   相似文献   

The gene families encoding the immunoglobulin variable regions of heavy (VH) and light (VL) chains in vertebrates are composed of many genes. However, the gene number and the extent of diversity among VH and VL gene copies vary with species. To examine the causes of this variation and the evolutionary forces for these multigene families, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of VH and VL genes from the species of amniotes. The results of our analysis showed that for each species, VH and VL genes have the same pattern of clustering in the trees, and, according to this clustering pattern, the species can be divided into two groups. In the first group of species (humans and mice), VH and VL genes were extensively intermingled with genes from other organisms; in the second group of species (chickens, rabbits, cattle, sheep, swine, and horses), the genes tended to form clusters within the same group of organisms. These results suggest that the VH and VL multigene families have evolved in the same fashion: they have undergone coordinated contraction and expansion of gene repertoires such that each group of organisms is characterized by a certain level of diversity of VH and VL genes. The extent of diversity among copies of VH and VL genes in each species is related to the mechanism of generation of antibody variety. In humans and mice, DNA rearrangement of immunoglobulin variable, diversity, and joining-segment genes is a main source of antibody diversity, whereas in chickens, rabbits, cattle, sheep, swine, and horses, somatic hypermutation and somatic gene conversion play important roles. The evolutionary pattern of VH and VL multigene families is consistent with the birth-and-death model of evolution, yet different levels of diversifying selection seem to operate in the VH and VL genes of these two groups of species.  相似文献   

We studied the absorbing peripheral lymphatic vessel with the light microscope, the transmission electron microscope, the scanning electron microscope, and three-dimensional models of the diaphragm of several rodents and insectivores under normal and experimental conditions (lymphatic stasis and dehydration). To clarify the delicate and complex mechanism that permits drainage of the abdominal cavity contents into the lymphatic circulatory system, we introduced Polystyrene latex spherules, China ink, and Trypan blue into the abdominal cavities. After anatomical comparisons of the superficial and deep networks of absorbing peripheral lymphatic vessels at the tendinous and muscular portions of the diaphragm and after classification of lymphatic vessels into absorbing and conducting functions, we examined the stomata, which, owing to morphologic and topographic findings, we defined as stable structures. Furthermore, we observed that the stomata and submesothelial connective channel are fundamental elements that facilitate the flow of the corpuscular and liquid contents of the peritoneal cavity to the submesothelial absorbing lymphatic vessel wall. Also, we underlined that the genesis of the connective channel depends on the secondary cytoplasm extensions of two distinct adjacent endothelial cells, which, to facilitate the flow of the absorbed abdominal contents, completely coat this channel. Additionally, our observations illustrate that the secondary cytoplasm extensions do not engage in continuous relationships with the basal lamina of the mesothelium and with the margins of the stoma, and, hence, the hypothesis of "lymphatic stomata" as an expression of the anchoring of the borders of the open interendothelial junctions to the orifice margins of the stoma cannot be confirmed. Moreover, we describe the presence and formation of intraendothelial channels in the lymphatic endothelial wall. We affirm that this morphological entity is a dynamic unit, because its numerical density varies according to different physiological and experimental conditions to degrees of hydrostatic and colloidal osmotic pressure and, perhaps, also to the particular characteristics of the substances that the connective channel liberates into the endothelial wall of the lymphatic vessel. In conclusion, we affirm that the absorbing peripheral lymphatic vessels of the diaphragm, by way of intraendothelial channel formations, membrane diffusion, and the vesicular path of the endothelial cells, constitute the fundamental draining elements for the corpuscular and liquid contents of the abdominal cavity.  相似文献   

推进矿山绿色开采是一项长期而复杂的系统工程,而绿色开采技术的应用面临着投资周期长和成本高等问题,鉴于此,开展绿色开采技术优先级评价,有助于指导矿山决策部门的工作,实现绿色开采有序化,降低投资成本。在构建三山岛金矿绿色开采技术体系的基础上,提出了一种灰色关联分析优化模型,并利用该模型对绿色开采技术进行评价分析。首先,构建了层次化绿色开采技术评价指标体系,系统地反映了各因素对绿色开采技术的影响;然后,利用AHP法和熵值法组合赋权,弥补了主观赋权法和客观赋权法的不足,使赋权趋于合理化;最后,分别应用3种赋权方法的优化模型和传统等权法模型对三山岛金矿绿色开采技术的绿色度进行量化分析,并对比分析了4种模型的关联度计算结果,最终得出三山岛金矿绿色开采技术推进的优先级。  相似文献   

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