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近年来,由于蔗糖价格的不断上涨,以及人们饮食观念的改变(追求低热量的食品),甜味剂替代蔗糖的趋势日益显著。甜味剂是赋予食品甜味的一类十分重要的食品添加剂,由于它甜度高,且热量低.市场前景非常广阔。目前世界上允许使用的单体甜味剂约有20多种。主要有甜蜜素、三氯蔗糖、K糖(安赛蜜)、阿斯巴甜、阿力甜、纽甜、糖精、甘草甜素、甜菊苷、罗汉果甜苷和索马甜等。  相似文献   

功能性甜味剂是指不仅能满足人们对甜味的需求,而且具有独特生理功能的一类甜味刺。乳精醇就是一种重要的功能性甜味剂。乳糖醇是由乳精加红还原得到的一种双精醇,产品呈结晶粉末状,一般以无结晶水,含一个结晶水和含二个结晶水三种形式存在。1.乳范醇的理化性质1.1甜度和风味乳糖醇具有清爽、蔗糖样甜味口感而无回味,甜度是蔗糖的40%。在应用于食品中,经常同一些高强度甜味剂如天冬酸苯丙氨酸甲酯(Aspartam)或乙酸磺腹酸钾(Acesucfaln-K)等混合使用,甜味D感非常接近蔗糖,并且能保持食品特有的风味及特性。豆.2粘度和溶解…  相似文献   

三氯蔗糖是一种白色粉末,易溶于水、甲醇和乙醇,并且在水中溶解时不容易产生起泡现象,易于稀释。三氯蔗糖属于非营养型强力甜味剂,其甜度为蔗糖的600倍,且甜味纯正(具有近似于砂糖的醇和口感及浓郁的甜味),几乎不被人体吸收,不会引起血糖变化,适宜作低热量食品的甜味剂;同时,三氯蔗糖对牙齿无腐蚀性,且具有安全性高、稳定性好(耐酸碱、耐高温、货架期长)等特点。  相似文献   

长期以来,食糖作为食品甜味剂,不论是国内,还是国外年消费量都很大。但这种食品添加剂,会导致人类某些疾病发生,不利于人类健康。因此开发低热量,高甜度及非营养型的甜味剂,对满足食品发展和调整饮食结构尤为重要,且适宜国际食品发展潮流。而三氯蔗糖和阿斯巴甜便是这类理想的高效甜味剂。1、三氯蔗糖:呈白色粉状,极易溶于水和乙醇。其甜度为蔗糖的600倍,且甜味纯正。属非营养型强力甜味剂,不易为人体吸收,是甜味剂发展潮流产品。目前三氯蔗糖已广泛应用于饮料、乳制品、蜜饯、糕点、冰淇淋等食品加工中。这种新型的营养甜…  相似文献   

甜味剂是指能赋于食品甜味的一种调味剂,而功能性甜味剂是指具有特殊生理功能或特殊用途的食品甜味剂,也可理解为可代替或者配合蔗糖应用在功能性食品中的甜味。它包含两层含义:一是最基本的,对健康无不良影响的,它解决了多吃蔗糖无益于身体健康  相似文献   

赋于食品甜味的调味剂被称为甜味剂.而具有特殊功能或特殊用途的食品甜味剂则被称为功能性甜味剂。功能性甜味剂不但可以解决人们由于蔗糖摄入过多而导致的健康问题,而且对肠胃还可起到了有益的调节和促进作用。作为功能性甜味剂的一种,L-阿拉伯糖能够调节人体对糖分的吸收、提高人体的糖耐量.是一种既健康又具有较高使用价值的绿色生物功能糖。  相似文献   

随着全球经济的快速增长,人们生活水平及健康意识的提升,越来越多的消费者开始注重食品安全和食品健康。与此同时,低糖、低热量、无糖及无热量等有益健康的食品成为市场主流发展趋势。顺应市场需求,无糖替代产品不断推陈出新,新一代健康、安全的高倍甜味剂应运而生,食品制造行业进入另外一个发展阶段。1三氯蔗糖三氯蔗糖,又叫蔗糖素(Sucralose),是继阿斯巴甜、安赛蜜(AK糖)之后开发的新一代高倍甜味剂。三氯蔗糖是以蔗糖为原料经氯代而制得,甜度约为蔗糖的600倍,甜味纯正,与蔗糖非常近似。三氯蔗糖稳定性极佳,对光、热、pH均很稳  相似文献   

正甜味大概是人类长久进化历程中最为迷人的味觉体验。虽然现在的人们逐渐认识到长期食用过量糖分产生的危害,但是人们对甜味的本能追逐,让人们对美味的甜食欲罢不能。于是,甜味剂应运而生,这里所指的甜味剂是指除了蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖、麦芽糖等糖类外能够赋予食品甜味的食品添加剂。  相似文献   

饮料和食品中的甜味剂及其最新发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饮料和食品中的甜味剂及其最新发展趋势赵晋府,陈少勇,王进华天津轻工业学院甜味剂是食品和饮料生产中的基本原料之一,80年代以来,发达国家的消费者健康意识不断增强,关心饮食质量和减肥使低热量的饮料深受消费者青睐。甜味剂开始走向多样化、功能化、强力化。甜味...  相似文献   

甜叶菊甙的提取方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜叶菊式是甜叶菊(steviarebaudianaBertoni)叶片中含有的甜味物质。甜叶菊是近年从国外引进的一种糖源植物,原产于南美巴西、巴拉圭等地,其叶片中含有的甜叶菊式具有高甜度(为蔗糖的300倍)、低热量以为蔗糖的1/300)的特性,并有一定的药理作用,因而日益引起人们的关注和重视。作为食品的甜味剂、防腐剂广泛应用于食品工业,用来制作高甜度、低热量、低盐、防龋齿食品.又由于其对糖尿病、肥胖症、心脏病、高血压有明显的药理作用和辅助疗效,所以也广泛应用于医药工业,发展前景广阔,被誉为最有发展前途的新糖源。从甜叶菊叶中…  相似文献   

<正> 进入21世纪,食品将朝着口味清淡化、低热量、低胆固醇、高纤维、高蛋白质等方向发展,而甜味剂,特别是高质量高强甜味剂,对食品工业的发展发挥着重要的促进作用。一般来说,高强甜味剂的理想化要求是具备使用安全性;良好的甜味特性,没有不良的口感与后味;适当的溶解度与稳定性;价格便宜,在等同甜度下的价格低于蔗糖等。阿斯巴甜是一种接近于理想要求的高强甜味剂,在食品工业中发挥着其他甜味剂无法替代的作用,有着广阔的市场潜力。  相似文献   

开发安全,低成本,高甜度,性质稳定的甜味剂是食品工业的发展方向。文中从甜味机理出发,以3-羟基-4-甲氧基苯丙醛与阿斯巴甜为原料,通过钯碳催化,合成了N-[3-(3-羟基-4-甲氧基苯基)丙基]-阿斯巴甜。其中,由于疏水基团引入,甜度显著提高,约是蔗糖的23000倍,且合成工艺简单,产率高,为国内高倍甜味剂大型工业化提供了广阔前景。另外,文中还着重论述了重要中间体3-羟基-4-甲氧基苯丙醛制备,得率为49.8%,为开发新产品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Camel milk, similar to cow milk, contains all of the essential nutrients as well as potentially health-beneficial compounds with anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, and antioxidant properties. Camel milk has been used for the treatment of allergies to cow milk, diabetes, and autism. Camel milk helps decrease cholesterol levels in blood and improves metabolism. One of the most desirable food tastes is sweetness. However, the excessive ingestion of sugar negatively affects human health. Monk fruit sweetener is a natural, 0-calorie sweetener with many health-beneficial functions. Monk fruit sweetener helps decrease symptoms of asthma and diabetes, prevents oxidation and cancer, protects the liver, regulates immune function, and lowers glucose levels. Monk fruit sweetener is 100 to 250 times sweeter than sucrose. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of different concentrations of monk fruit sweetener on the physicochemical properties and microbiological counts of drinking yogurt made from camel milk. Camel milk drinking yogurt was produced with 0, 0.42, 1.27, and 2.54 g/L of monk fruit sweetener and stored for 42 d. The physicochemical characteristics and microbiological counts of yogurts were measured at d 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42. For the physicochemical characteristics, pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, and color [lightness-darkness (L*), red-green axis (a*), yellow-blue axis (b*), chroma (C*), and hue angle (h*)] values were evaluated. The counts of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, coliforms, and yeast and mold were determined. Three replications were conducted. The sweetener addition significantly influenced pH, viscosity, and color (a*, b*, C*, and h*) values. Control samples had significantly higher pH values, lower viscosity, lower b* and C* values, and higher h* values than the samples with 1.27 and 2.54 g/L of monk fruit sweetener. Growth of S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, and probiotic culture L. acidophilus was not affected by the incorporation of monk fruit sweetener. Monk fruit sweetener can be added in camel milk yogurts as a health-beneficial 0-calorie sweetener.  相似文献   

对银耳冰淇淋的组成进行了研究探索, 同时探讨了甜味剂与稳定剂的用量对银耳冰淇淋性能的影响。并根据产品的感官指标和理化性能确定了比较理想的银耳冰淇淋配方。  相似文献   

Neotame--一种新型甜味剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neotame(NTM)为一种新型的、非营养型、高甜度甜味剂以及风味增强剂,因其特性优良,所以应用前景广阔,对其特性、生产方法以及在食品生产中的应用潜力进行了综述。  相似文献   

新型天然低热甜味剂——非洲竹芋甜素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了 非洲竹 芋甜素的 结构、理 化性质、制取方法和安全 性, 并对它 在食品 中的应用 和发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Sensory Characteristics of Sucralose and other High Intensity Sweeteners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sensory characteristics of the high potency sweetener sucralose were studied relative to sucrose, aspartame, saccharin, and acesulfame-K in a simple aqueous system. Trained panelists provided sweetness intensity estimates for each sweetener at six concentration steps using magnitude estimation. Taste profiles were obtained using category scaling procedures. Results indicated that (a) sucralose, aspartame, and sucrose had similar taste properties, (b) the psychophysical sweetness function of sucralose was similar to the other sweeteners studied, and (c) sweetness potencies of all sweeteners were concentration dependent with sucralose having the highest potency values ranging from 400–700 times the sweetness of sucrose on a weight basis.  相似文献   

College age panelists, 129 in number, evaluated an artificially cherry flavored soft drink which varied in color level, sweetener level and sweetener type, for overall liking, sweetness, color, flavor, tartness, and aftertaste intensity. Three two-factor, second order central composite designs were developed which contained either sucrose, aspartame, or aspartame acesulfame-K in a 60:40 ratio as the sweetener. Each design yielded nine drinks which had five color levels and five orthogonal sweetener levels centered around a commercial sample. Mean panel reponses for each sensory characteristic were subjected to regression modeling, producing a regression equation and a three dimensional prediction surface. Response patterns were then compared both within, and between sweetener types. Sensory responses were sensitive to manipulations of the two independent variables, color and sweetener. Increasing levels of sweetener increased sensory ratings for overall liking, sweetness, flavor and aftertaste, and decreased ratings for tartness. These effects were similar across sweetener types. Non significant effects of color were seen only on flavor, tartness, and aftertaste intensity, and were not found for all sweeteners.  相似文献   

Among the structural isomers of sucrose, turanose has been considered as one of good candidates as novel sweetener due to its mild taste, low calorie, and anti-cariogenicity. Here, various physicochemical properties of turanose, such as solubility, temperature and pH stabilities, viscosity, non-enzymatic browning reaction, and dynamic vapor sorption, were investigated by comparing them to those of other commercial sugars. Turanose did not significantly hydrolyze through the simulated digestion tract overall but in the artificial small intestinal environment specifically, turanose degraded by only 18% when sucrose was hydrolyzed by 36% after 4 h. In addition, physicochemical properties of turanose confirmed that it had a potential to replace sucrose due to similar or better product qualities as a food ingredient than other types of sugars with similar chemical structure. Thus, our study suggests that turanose can be applied as a functional sweetener or bulking agent in food processing.  相似文献   

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