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目前,市场上的木地板种类繁多,大体分为实木地板块、竹材地板、三层实木复合地板、多层实木复合地板、胶合木地板、强化木质复合地板等。消费者选购木地板,应了解各种木地板的结构和性能特点,以及选择木地板时应注意的问题。实木地板块实木地板块又分为平接地板块、榫接地板块、镶嵌地板块和竖木  相似文献   

周亚 《砖瓦世界》2002,(9):30-31
目前市场上主要的地板品种有三大类:实木地板、实木复合地板和强化木地板(也叫复合木地板、金刚板)。由于目前少数厂家和经销商在生产和销售中,存在着不同程度上的偷工减料、以次充好等现象,所以三大地板品种也存在着不同的问题。实木复合地板:厚度不对称表面层太薄实木复合地板分为三层实木复合地板和多层实木复合地板两种,由于它是由不同树种的板材交错层压而成,因此克服了实木地板单向同性的缺点,干缩湿胀率小,具有较好的尺寸稳定性,可以做成相对大的规格,并保留了实木地板的自然木纹和舒适的脚感。实木复合地板的加工工艺要求很高,如有…  相似文献   

使用复合地板装饰居室,已成为居家装饰的一种新兴时尚,但在挑选不同质量的品牌地板时,会让您觉得眼花缭乱,那么又怎么根据自身情况来选择,质量和价格都满意的复合地板呢? 区别地板种类 许多消费者对实木复合地板和强化复合地板这两种类别还分不清楚,以为复合地板就是强化复合地板。其实这两类复合地板有着各自不同的特点,因而在使用和维护方面的要求不同。实木复合地板其直接原材料为木材,保留了天然实木地板的优点,纹  相似文献   

仿实木地板主要指强化复合地板,它介于实木地板与复合地板之间,不仅具有实木地板厚实(目前市场上销售的以12mm厚的产品居多)的特性,而且表层上均匀压制了一层耐磨剂,  相似文献   

近年来,中国木地板市场呈现出强化木地板、实木地板和实木复合地板“三足鼎立”的发展态势,然而这3种木地板产品各有优势和不足:  相似文献   

2012年2月17~19日,上海市青浦区质监局对安信伟光(上海)木材有限公司成品仓库内待销售的木地板进行了执法抽样,包括21种实木复合地板和3种实木地板,并送国家建筑材料及装饰装修材料质量监督检验中心进行检验。经检验,3种实木地板的各项指标全部合格;21种实木复合地板的甲醛释放量均符合标准规定,但有1种地  相似文献   

李宏刚 《上海住宅》2005,(5):109-109
近10年来.上海的地板行业发展较快,形成了从生产到销售、铺设、售后服务的一整套产业体系。据统计,上海目前拥有地板生产企业200多家。2004年,上海市实木地板产量逾2000万平方米.实木复合地板逾300万平方米,强化木地板逾2200万平方米.产值逾60亿。其中,精品实木地板占实木地板市场份额70%以上.精品实木复合地板占复合地板市场份额80%以上.成为全国最大的精品地板生产基地之一。  相似文献   

实木复合地板因兼具实木地板的质感及强化地板的稳定性,近年来越来越受到消费者的青睐,并成为实木地板的最佳替代产品。近期,一款超耐磨、耐刮擦的实木复合地板由“北美枫情”成功研发。  相似文献   

董乔 《建材与装饰》2006,(10):24-25
众所周知,实木复合地板主要以三层和多层为主,而三层实木复合地板起源于欧洲,多层实木复合地板起源于亚洲。进人20世纪90年代以后,实木复合地板进入了快速发展时期,尤其从2003年开始,实木复合地板以超过50%以上的速度快速增长,到2005年,实木复合地板年销量超过5000万平方米,成为我国木地板产业的主导产品之一,与实木地板、强化木地板共同撑起了木地板市场的广阔天地,形成了三足鼎立的局面。  相似文献   

实木复合地板因兼具实木地板的质感及强化地板的稳定性,近年来越来越受到消费者的青睐,并成为实木地板的最佳替代产品。近期,一款超耐磨、耐刮擦的实木复合地板由北美枫情成功研发,即将全面上市。  相似文献   

为了深刻理解木桁架搁栅楼盖振动性能与居住者感受之间的关系,对木桁架搁栅楼盖振动性能进行了试验研究和主观评价。研究发现木桁架搁栅楼盖的基本自振频率、静态挠度和振动加速度等指标与居住者的感受有密切关系;通过在木桁架搁栅楼盖中增加横撑和板条撑等加强附件能显著改善了其振动性能;建议木楼盖减振设计体系中将静态挠度和基本自振频率作为设计指标,而评价体系中除静态挠度和基本自振频率外增加峰值加速度这一评价指标。  相似文献   

木结构楼盖是木结构居住建筑中最为常见的结构系统,又是唯一一个与居住者不时有身体接触的系统。在居住环境中,居住者自身或别人的活动经常会造成楼盖振动,给居住者带来不适。如何减少令人烦恼的楼盖振动,是一个非常复杂的问题。以实木锯材搁栅楼盖为研究对象,选取1 kN静态挠度和基本自振频率为振动性能评价参数,结合评价者对试验木结构楼盖的主观感受,研究了我国实木搁栅木结构楼盖振动控制设计方法。结果表明,当实木锯材搁栅楼盖基本自振频率与其中心处1 kN静态挠度的0.44次方之比大于20时,可评定该楼盖为可接受楼盖。  相似文献   

在建筑内部的装修装饰中,人造木质板材的应用极其广泛,为了研究人造木质板材的燃烧性能,文章以密度板、刨花板、细木工板和胶合板四种常见板材为研究对象,采用锥形量热仪和傅里叶红外烟气分析仪等仪器从点燃时间(TTI)、热释放速率(HRR)、火灾性能指数(FPI)、有毒气体四个方面对人造木质板材的燃烧性能进行分析,研究结果表明:点燃时间由短到长依次为细木工板、胶合板、密度板、刨花板;四种人造木质板材均出现两个热释放速率峰值,而且两个峰值之间存在一个稳定的燃烧阶段,变化情况与点燃时间基本相符;胶合板最先发生轰燃,其次是细木工板、密度板、刨花板,FPI逐渐增大,轰燃威胁逐渐减弱;燃烧过程中有毒气体CO和NO含量的变化曲线都存在两个峰值,同一种类板材燃烧初期NO产量更多,燃烧中期CO、NO产量较少,燃烧后期,产生大量的CO更多;总体而言,细木工板和胶合板的火灾危险性接近最低,其次是密度板、刨花板。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to reduce energy consumption, especially heating, in buildings. Improvements in the thermal conductivity of wood flooring, which was considered to decrease heating between floors and the indoor areas, were investigated. Wood flooring components such as solid-wood, high-density fiberboard (HDF), adhesives and polyethylene generally exhibit low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity and transfer performance of 21 replicates of wood flooring materials generally used in Korea were measured. The thermal conductivity was measured by using the guarded hot plate method. The thermal conductivities differed according to the structure of the floorings. Laminate wood flooring exhibited the highest thermal conductivity because of its high density and thin layers compared to the other floorings. The thermal transfer performance differed according to the installation method. The floating installation method exhibited a lower thermal transfer speed than the adhesion installation method because of its air layers and polyethylene form.  相似文献   

国外建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能评价方法与测试标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍美国、德国、英国、日本关于外墙外保温系统的防火性能试验方法以及材料燃烧性能分级的相关情况。可排水的薄抹灰式外墙外保温系统和干挂式外墙外保温系统已经发展为主要的体系。保温层临近部位总有一定的空气间隙,为防止烟囱效应,应至少每隔两层采用防火隔离带。各国都是将材料的燃烧性能检测与系统的大尺度燃烧测试相结合综合判定建筑外保温系统的防火性能。  相似文献   

弹性地板因其质轻、安装简单、性能稳定等优点被广泛应用于室内外装修。临界热辐射通量是表征铺地材料在外部热辐射条件下火焰蔓延能力高低的检测项目。本文对PVC地板、LVT地板、WPC地板、SPC地板、橡胶地板和亚麻地板的临界热辐射通量检测结果进行比较。结果表明,PVC同透地板、LVT地板、WPC地板、SPC地板的临界热辐射通量值基本可达8.0kW/m2以上,燃烧性能等级达到B1(B-s1)级,PVC复合地板、橡胶地板及亚麻地板的燃烧性能稍差,燃烧性能等级一般在B1(C-s1)级。  相似文献   

Influence of residential wood combustion on local air quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of wood combustion to local air quality was estimated by measuring different air pollutants and conducting chemical mass balance modelling. PM10, PM2.5, PAHs and VOC concentrations in ambient air were measured in a typical Finnish residential area. Measurements were conducted in January-March 2006. For some compounds, wood combustion was clearly the main local source at this site. The effect of wood combustion was more clearly seen for organic compounds than for fine particle mass. For fine particles, background concentrations dominated. However, very high, short-lived concentration peaks were detected, when the wind direction and other weather conditions were favourable. For organic compounds, the effect of wood combustion was seen in diurnal and in two-week average concentrations. PAH-concentrations were often several times higher at the residential area than in the background. Benzene concentrations showed similar diurnal pattern as the use of wood and benzene/toluene ratios indicated that wood combustion is the most important source. A chemical mass balance model was used for studying the effect of wood combustion on the measured concentrations of VOCs. Model results showed that the main local sources for VOCs at Kurkim?ki are wood combustion and traffic. Wood combustion was clearly the most important source for many compounds (e.g., benzene).  相似文献   

Wood–concrete composite beams are a layered system, which essentially utilize a concrete layer in compression and a wood layer in tension. This layered system offers a way to construct or rehabilitate wood floors in historic timber structures while increasing the floors’ stiffness and load carrying capacity. This research paper investigates past problems with poor consolidation of the concrete, transverse shrinkage cracks in the concrete, swelling of the wood, moisture loss from the concrete, and the resulting reduced composite efficiency. The research presented herein describes how these problems can be mitigated and thereby increase the composite efficiency of the wood–concrete composite system. By painting the specimens with a water proofing paint, the swelling of the wood can be reduced, which helps to maintain a tight interface between the wood and concrete. To improve consolidation, a self-leveling concrete was designed with a 28-day compressive strength of 34.5 MPa and a slump of 279.4 mm. Nylon fibers and Type I steel fibers were used as admixtures to the fresh concrete to determine their effect on the composite efficiency and the reduction of shrinkage cracks. Twelve full size specimens were constructed and tested to failure. It was found that the most common mode of failure was combined bending and tension at mid span in the wood. An average composite efficiency of 83.4% was reached in the full size test specimens when placed in four point bending.  相似文献   

为研究古建筑木构件材料在火灾下的燃烧特性,使用锥型量热仪对古木材试样的点燃时间、临界辐射强度、热释放速率、燃烧气体中CO2体积分数等燃烧特性进行试验研究。试验发现3种不同厚度试样的临界辐射强度分别为8.81,9.40,10.55 kW/m2。试样厚度增加会使古木材点燃时间延长,临界辐射强度增大,材料的热释放速率所形成的双峰值曲线的峰值降低。燃烧气体中CO2体积分数曲线与热释放速率所绘制出的曲线的形态一致,同一厚度的试样在不同辐射强度下其燃烧特性呈现出显著区别。与新木材相关燃烧特性参数对比,劣化后的古木材临界热辐射强度降低、点燃时间减小,5 min内平均热释放速率较高。研究表明,古建筑木构件材料燃烧特性有显著变化,可为古建筑火灾研究提供参考。  相似文献   

One of the most commonly used elements in ephemeral architecture is a particleboard panel. These types of wood products are produced from wood wastes and they are used in temporary constructions such as trade fairs. Once the event is over, they are usually disposed into landfills. This paper intends to assess the environmental effects related to the use of these wood wastes in the end-of-life stage. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of two scenarios was performed, considering the recycling of wood waste for particleboard manufacture and energy generation from non-renewable resources (Scenario 1) versus the production of energy from the combustion of wood waste and particleboard manufacture with conventional wooden resources (Scenario 2). A sensitive analysis was carried out taking into account the influence of the percentage of recycled material and the emissions data from wood combustion. According to Ecoindicator 99 methodology, Damage to Human Health and Ecosystem Quality are more significant in Scenario 2 whereas Scenario 1 presents the largest contribution to Damage to Resources. Between the two proposed alternatives, the recycling of wood waste for particleboard manufacture seems to be more favorable under an environmental perspective.  相似文献   

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